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Is sith emperor human or sith?


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[emperor's physical appearance spoiler below]




From the official SWTOR novel 'Revan' by Drew Karpyshin, one of SWTOR writers.




“Rise, Lord Scourge,” the Emperor told him, “and speak your piece.”

Scourge stood up to address the Sith looming above him. The Emperor had thrown back his

hood to reveal his face; his eyes were as black as the Void itself.

Staring into the hollow darkness of the Emperor’s gaze, Scourge’s mind flashed back to

Nathema, and he shivered at the memory.

He tried to speak, but the words stuck in his throat. His mouth was suddenly so dry he felt as

if he might choke. He swallowed hard and coughed, finally bringing up enough saliva to talk.





“I would stake my life on them, my lord Emperor.”

“You already have.”

Scourge felt a shiver trace its way down his spine, and he knew that far more than his life was

at risk. The Emperor was no longer a member of the Sith species; his power and immortality

had transformed him into a being unique in the galaxy. When he spoke of life and death, it had

far deeper meaning than the mere physical existence of the lesser beings that served him.







I thought he was supposed to be a sith. The emperor's father was a sith lord, and it is likely that his foster father and mother were sith as well since the emperor was born with immense force sensitivity yet his foster father didn't suspect that the emperor is not his child until much later.


Plus the emperor is a leader of 'true sith' if he is a human it doesn't sound plausible at all...




Then why is he a human with red eyes in the game?


He looks so dumb and uncharismatic.


In the novel the emperor speaks with multiple voices of those sith lords he consumed 1000 years ago. I had expected something similar but he sounds a mono-toned ordinary villain in the game which disappointed me very much.


Anyways, what's the canon race of the emperor? Is he a sith or human?

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Eh I stand by the belief that what Scourge, Revan, and the Exile met in the novel was not the Emperor but instead was the Emperor's Voice. In which case what they met doesn't really give much info about what race the Emperor's original race was.



As for what the JK meets, that is definatly the Voice of the Emperor and not the Emperor.



Read my Primer on the Emperor, link in my sig, if you want to see some more on the topic and my reasoning for myy position. Warning, it is long and in depth.

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Well this whole Emperor thing is plain ridiculous and it just went way beyond my acceptance/tolerance level, which is not too high considering I am conservative fan.


It is even more ridiculous than Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion from KOTOR2.

Edited by Path-x
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Eh I stand by the belief that what Scourge, Revan, and the Exile met in the novel was not the Emperor but instead was the Emperor's Voice. In which case what they met doesn't really give much info about what race the Emperor's original race was.



As for what the JK meets, that is definatly the Voice of the Emperor and not the Emperor.



Read my Primer on the Emperor, link in my sig, if you want to see some more on the topic and my reasoning for myy position. Warning, it is long and in depth.


Most of what you wrote in your primer i can see, but the HUGE problem with your explanation for me involves

Scourge "never meeting the emporers true body and Revan and the Excile fighting the voice". It just simplly doesn't add up. The way the "emporer" they fought is described in the "Revan" book simply leaves little doubt that it is the emporers true body, from the description of his race to the talking in multiple voices, etc. I believe it was explicitly implied that was the true emporer. Now, i can totally see who the JK fought in Chapter 3 not being the emporers true body, but the vioce, that part makes sense, as the scene did not match Scourges vision from the book, and that also fits with the argument that Scourge would have felt the emporers presence in the Voice too. Not to mention that guy was such an easy fight..... Anyways, i like your primer explanation in most ways, but like i said, the part about it not being the true emporer they fought in the book is just too much, doesn't make sense. I mean Scourges vision doesn't even come true in the jk storyline, maybe he just wanted the Emporer dead so bad he said "eh, close enough" with what happened, even if it wasn't what happened in his vision.



Anyways, that must have taken a while, very well done, i like it, but you just contradict your own logic streams in order to shoot down seperate opposing ones, which i know in something like that is just about unavoidable. It does seem like the devs got sloppy with confilcting cannon between 2 different story lines (jk and sw), but that is hardly a new occurence in the star wars universe, conflicting cannon sources pop up all over the place in the EU. Maybe future expansions will help bring the stories back in tune...

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Most of what you wrote in your primer i can see, but the HUGE problem with your explanation for me involves

Scourge "never meeting the emporers true body and Revan and the Excile fighting the voice". It just simplly doesn't add up. The way the "emporer" they fought is described in the "Revan" book simply leaves little doubt that it is the emporers true body, from the description of his race to the talking in multiple voices, etc. I believe it was explicitly implied that was the true emporer. Now, i can totally see who the JK fought in Chapter 3 not being the emporers true body, but the vioce, that part makes sense, as the scene did not match Scourges vision from the book, and that also fits with the argument that Scourge would have felt the emporers presence in the Voice too. Not to mention that guy was such an easy fight..... Anyways, i like your primer explanation in most ways, but like i said, the part about it not being the true emporer they fought in the book is just too much, doesn't make sense. I mean Scourges vision doesn't even come true in the jk storyline, maybe he just wanted the Emporer dead so bad he said "eh, close enough" with what happened, even if it wasn't what happened in his vision.



Anyways, that must have taken a while, very well done, i like it, but you just contradict your own logic streams in order to shoot down seperate opposing ones, which i know in something like that is just about unavoidable. It does seem like the devs got sloppy with confilcting cannon between 2 different story lines (jk and sw), but that is hardly a new occurence in the star wars universe, conflicting cannon sources pop up all over the place in the EU. Maybe future expansions will help bring the stories back in tune...


Somethings just don't add up though.

If Scourge and later Revan and the Exile were actually in the Emperor's true presence wouldn't they have experienced the same effects that Servant Two displays? Revan and the Exile to a lesser extent because their exposure was limited, but Scourge ,as the Wrath, should be a drooling ,babbling idiot by now or at least speaking in circles like Servant Two does.


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The Emperor that Revan and Scourge met was the TRUE EMPEROR.

The one that the Jedi Knight meets at the end of Act II and Act III is the Emperor's Voice, specifically the replacement for the one that the Sith Warrior kills on Voss.

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The Emperor that Revan and Scourge met was the TRUE EMPEROR.

The one that the Jedi Knight meets at the end of Act II and Act III is the Emperor's Voice, specifically the replacement for the one that the Sith Warrior kills on Voss.


Proof for the first part of your statement?

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Proof for the first part of your statement?



Black eyes for one. Darth Nihriis tells Scourge that the emperor was born with eyes black as the void.


And the emperor had same unchanging appearances over 300 years as Revan does not mark any differences.





I'm not supporting that theory that the game's emperor is merely the voice; looks more like a plothole to me....




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[emperor's physical appearance spoiler below]




From the official SWTOR novel 'Revan' by Drew Karpyshin, one of SWTOR writers.




“Rise, Lord Scourge,” the Emperor told him, “and speak your piece.”

Scourge stood up to address the Sith looming above him. The Emperor had thrown back his

hood to reveal his face; his eyes were as black as the Void itself.

Staring into the hollow darkness of the Emperor’s gaze, Scourge’s mind flashed back to

Nathema, and he shivered at the memory.

He tried to speak, but the words stuck in his throat. His mouth was suddenly so dry he felt as

if he might choke. He swallowed hard and coughed, finally bringing up enough saliva to talk.





“I would stake my life on them, my lord Emperor.”

“You already have.”

Scourge felt a shiver trace its way down his spine, and he knew that far more than his life was

at risk. The Emperor was no longer a member of the Sith species; his power and immortality

had transformed him into a being unique in the galaxy. When he spoke of life and death, it had

far deeper meaning than the mere physical existence of the lesser beings that served him.







I thought he was supposed to be a sith. The emperor's father was a sith lord, and it is likely that his foster father and mother were sith as well since the emperor was born with immense force sensitivity yet his foster father didn't suspect that the emperor is not his child until much later.


Plus the emperor is a leader of 'true sith' if he is a human it doesn't sound plausible at all...




Then why is he a human with red eyes in the game?


He looks so dumb and uncharismatic.


In the novel the emperor speaks with multiple voices of those sith lords he consumed 1000 years ago. I had expected something similar but he sounds a mono-toned ordinary villain in the game which disappointed me very much.


Anyways, what's the canon race of the emperor? Is he a sith or human?


You realize not even scourge has actually seen the emperor right? he could be some mega entity that has no race/species. Who knows?

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Black eyes for one. Darth Nihriis tells Scourge that the emperor was born with eyes black as the void.


And the emperor had same unchanging appearances over 300 years as Revan does not mark any differences.





I'm not supporting that theory that the game's emperor is merely the voice; looks more like a plothole to me....




That's not proof, as The Emperor could have been using a decoy body for a very long time(many RL dictators employ body doubles in case of assassination attempts)and projecting that it was in fact his true body and the details about his eyes,power at birth etc could all be legend and propaganda or all attributed to his decoy body. Proof would be the devs saying so or something to that effect.


The only reason I asked for proof was because you worded your post as fact when the truth is none of us knows, it's all supposition based on our perception of the evidence. We won't know until a dev confirms or we see something concrete in the game.

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As far as we know...




The emperor started off as a member of the Sith species, that's fact.


But... Now? It's hard to tell what he is. His 'primary' body, as hinted at, seems to be humanoid in the very least... But the fact that

The voice is a Voss, and the voice changes upon the body's death

makes it hard to discern what the emperor's 'official' species is now.


In fact... If you can exist in multiple bodies at once... How do you discern what species you are? For all we know, the emperor might have a fragmented soul that allows him to jump from body to body while being several people at once... We've seen the power to jump from body to body with Darth Sidious after he 'died' during the battle of Endor, so the possibility isn't out of the question.

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Here's some facts:

1. The Emperor's biological father was Lord Dramath, a member of the Sith species (a "pureblood").

2. Since Tenebrae (his birth name) was able to pass for his non-biological father's son, he was almost assuredly the same species. The reason his non-biological father figured out he was not Tenebrae's biological father was because of Tenebrae's (later Lord Vitiate) incredible strength in the dark side - he and his wife were not force-sensitive.


So Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate was a member of the Sith species, with BLACK eyes. The real question is this - did he keep his original body? In "Revan" the Emperor still has black eyes, so it seems likely that he is still in his original body.


The Voss Voice of the Emperor had the same eyes as a Voss, whereas the Voice in the JK Act III had the same eyes as a Dark Side user. It seems logical that this Voice was a Sith Lord (maybe even a Darth) that the Emperor claimed as his new Voice after the death of the Voss Voice.


Given everything we've seen so far it seems VERY likely that the Sith Emperor in the JK's act II (the one with the black brainlike mask) was the TRUE Emperor. Remember we didn't actually get to fight that one.


Another thing: I don't think that the SW and JK plots contradict each other - I just had a very interesting conversation/companion mission with Kira. Here's a link to a copy someone uploaded -



As you can see from the video link, they ALWAYS intended for the Sith Emperor to survive the JK's Act III.

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Here's some facts:

1. The Emperor's biological father was Lord Dramath, a member of the Sith species (a "pureblood").

2. Since Tenebrae (his birth name) was able to pass for his non-biological father's son, he was almost assuredly the same species. The reason his non-biological father figured out he was not Tenebrae's biological father was because of Tenebrae's (later Lord Vitiate) incredible strength in the dark side - he and his wife were not force-sensitive.


So Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate was a member of the Sith species, with BLACK eyes. The real question is this - did he keep his original body? In "Revan" the Emperor still has black eyes, so it seems likely that he is still in his original body.


The Voss Voice of the Emperor had the same eyes as a Voss, whereas the Voice in the JK Act III had the same eyes as a Dark Side user. It seems logical that this Voice was a Sith Lord (maybe even a Darth) that the Emperor claimed as his new Voice after the death of the Voss Voice.


Given everything we've seen so far it seems VERY likely that the Sith Emperor in the JK's act II (the one with the black brainlike mask) was the TRUE Emperor. Remember we didn't actually get to fight that one.


Another thing: I don't think that the SW and JK plots contradict each other - I just had a very interesting conversation/companion mission with Kira. Here's a link to a copy someone uploaded -



As you can see from the video link, they ALWAYS intended for the Sith Emperor to survive the JK's Act III.



the emperor could be mixed of a half sith and half human too.


If his mother was human, his step father wouldn't have noticed the difference anyway..



BUT i believe he is pureblood sith as described in the notvel.

Edited by Highsis
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We have seen Celestials? I thought we only heard about them? Consider me intrigued, what story did the appear in?


Just what we've heard about them tells us that they were far more powerful than anything we've seen, apart from perhaps Abeloth.

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Here's some facts:

1. The Emperor's biological father was Lord Dramath, a member of the Sith species (a "pureblood").

2. Since Tenebrae (his birth name) was able to pass for his non-biological father's son, he was almost assuredly the same species. The reason his non-biological father figured out he was not Tenebrae's biological father was because of Tenebrae's (later Lord Vitiate) incredible strength in the dark side - he and his wife were not force-sensitive.


So Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate was a member of the Sith species, with BLACK eyes. The real question is this - did he keep his original body? In "Revan" the Emperor still has black eyes, so it seems likely that he is still in his original body.


The Voss Voice of the Emperor had the same eyes as a Voss, whereas the Voice in the JK Act III had the same eyes as a Dark Side user. It seems logical that this Voice was a Sith Lord (maybe even a Darth) that the Emperor claimed as his new Voice after the death of the Voss Voice.


Given everything we've seen so far it seems VERY likely that the Sith Emperor in the JK's act II (the one with the black brainlike mask) was the TRUE Emperor. Remember we didn't actually get to fight that one.


Another thing: I don't think that the SW and JK plots contradict each other - I just had a very interesting conversation/companion mission with Kira. Here's a link to a copy someone uploaded -



As you can see from the video link, they ALWAYS intended for the Sith Emperor to survive the JK's Act III.


Right,right, I get all the facts about his lineage. What I was getting at is we don't know if the body he used around Scourge was his original or just another vessel. It could have appeared to been his true form,but wasn't. That's all I'm saying is we have no concrete proof one way or another.


The Sith Emperor in Act II of the JK story,hmm,could be that was his true form wearing the mask(the SW storyline implies that The Emperor has been out of the known galaxy for years though) or they could have given the Voice a mask to prevent any spoilers if someone decided to roll a SW. Remember the Voice at that time was a Voss, so BW could have just tossed that in there to keep people from whining about spoilers. Either way seems legit.

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