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Wait... don't almost all Cathar hate the Mandalorians/Empire?


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Don't you uhm, help that Cathar Prince bloke on Belsavis who pledges his support to the Empire or something?


Yeah what about this? Was going to point this out too.

I think its fine that Cathar are imperial, dont know why its a big deal to some people. Just because the majority of a race are one faction, doesn't mean there aren't defectors, sympathizers ect. Our characters in this game are special snowflakes to begin with, might as well make them extra special by having them be a bounty hunter Cathar. :p

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Dear Interwebs,


Calm down, the race you love will be playable soon(ish)! Right now it's the Cathar fans who get a little added joy. Their added joy does not mean the end of your world. You might want to hope there are a LOT of Cathar fans so Bioware says "Hey, they really love new races" ... yes I know this is obvious, but remember, we're dealing with a company, they are crazy. As a group they're crazy, the individuals are fine, great, decent, probably okay... ish. Most of the time.


On the subject of "lore" I'm going to say to you the same thing I wish I could've said to my 13 year old self: Repeat to yourself, it's just a TV Show (Book, Game, Movie) and I should really just relax, to paraphrase MST3k. It's a work of fiction. When you have a game studio you can do what you want to do.


Beyond that... on the subject of Cathar who go to the Empire, well let's see how well humans get along, shall we? You and I can't even agree in this relatively small community. Now imagine an entire race, of aliens, who are also individuals like we are. If a single country, state, county, city can't agree on something then why would every single member of an alien race be on the exact same page? There are actually Americans who want to work with terrorists you know, there were people who defected to the Sovet Union, there were people who allied with Nazi Germany, there were Colonials who worked with the British. My point is there's no basis for your idea of "No Cathar would work with the Empire"


Admittedly I plan on a Cathar Commando, I'm waiting on this... and I really want to start leveling my Commando now damnit, so when is it coming Bioware? WHEN!?!?! Then again I also want a Mon Calamari Jedi, a Bothan something or other, Ithorian, Trandoshan, and on... and on... and on...


Anyhoo, ranting aside: Relax, there'll be more races. There are people who want Cathar. Don't be so uptight and you'll be a much happier person... raging everytime you see something that doesn't agree with your definition of canon is only going to make you miserable.



Disclaimer: Soon-ish is a point in time that can't be identified but is presumed to exist at some point for someone somewhere

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Let's not forget that just about all non-human/non-pureblood individuals in the empire are descended from slaves from worlds or merchant fleets captured by the empire at various points in the empires history, so it wouldn't be too unreasonable to assume that there would be some Cathar among them.



You encounter a female Cathar bounty hunter who has taken part in the Mandalorian "Great Hunt" during the BH storyline.


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Was it true Exar Kun this is copy and paste from wiki

Exar Kun was a rash and talented youth; qualities that resulted in considerable arrogance, a dangerous trait for a

Jedi. During his training, he frequently dueled with and defeated his fellow Padawans, Sylvar and Crado.


Crado was a Cathar male from the planet Cathar, and a Jedi apprentice of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. He studied the Force, along with his fellow Cathar and life-mate, Sylvar, as well as the Human Exar Kun, on the world of Dantooine. After years of rivalry, Crado chose to follow his fellow student when Kun became Dark Lord of the Sith and promised to renew the Jedi Order by combining its teachings with his own Sith knowledge.

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Cathar for Sith Inquisitor or Bounty Hunter would probably work fine.


Course in saying all this you have to remember that the Bioware team working on SWTOR aren't the same people who worked on KOTOR and as such, have shown they don't give two flying #&^%'s about canon lore. We also know Lucas Arts will change lore for the highest bidder, so meh.

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  • 8 months later...

Thought I would give my two cents.


The Cathar home world was destroyed by the Mandalorians sometime ago. As a result, the Cathar have no homeworld, and are scattered throughout the galaxy because of it. In a Lore sense, It would make more sense for a Cathar to be a Sith inquisitor, if on the imperial side, as aliens are looked down upon, and the inquisitor was raised as a slave, until they saw that he/she was force sensitive. Going back to what I said about being scattered throughout the galaxy, you could of been a Cathar that was unfortunate to be brought up in a family in bondage. How did you come to be slaves? Well, long time ago, a Cathar in your family, just like you, was also force sensitive, and rose to become a powerful Sith Lord, giving your Cathar family a name, though because of certain things taking place, your family fell from Grace.


As for the rest of the imperial classes, none of them fit the Cathar setting wise. Now, intelligence do take aliens, as they find them useful in their plans. However, the only aliens that would have any pull in the Empire, would be the Zabrak and , due to Zabraks natural affinity to the dark side, and aggressive nature. While the Chiss, are the only actual allies of the Empire, and are known throughout for the skill as spies.

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the only logical class for cathar in the empire would be bounty hunter... because cathar are "a lesser race" to become a sith or even an imperial agent... and bounty hunters are "neutral", work for the higher price.

and think about buying miraluka for the empire...

their colony was totally decimated by a sith lord, so why would have miraluka in the empire after this? not all cathar, miraluka, zabrak, twi'lek, human are "good", many choose to join the empire because of their strenght.

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the only logical class for cathar in the empire would be bounty hunter... because cathar are "a lesser race" to become a sith .




Sith inq storyline... any alien who is strong enough in the force had a chance to become an acolyte on Korriban and rise to become a Sith. We even meet a Gran acolyte. How Cathar can be as much a lesser race?


Or imp agent,? Inteligence recruits many different alliens(even Duros) and has no problem with that.


IMO the oncly class that doesn't fit is the Sith Warrior but that is due to the story line. A Cathar can hadly be of a great Sith bloodline.

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Sith inq storyline... any alien who is strong enough in the force had a chance to become an acolyte on Korriban and rise to become a Sith. We even meet a Gran acolyte. How Cathar can be as much a lesser race?


Or imp agent,? Inteligence recruits many different alliens(even Duros) and has no problem with that.


IMO the oncly class that doesn't fit is the Sith Warrior but that is due to the story line. A Cathar can hadly be of a great Sith bloodline.




Using my legacy I found a way to make it work for my little family-tree. Spoilers for JK-story.




Lord Scourge said that he would take the children from the JK and raise them in the empire. In my legacy my Sith Warrior and Scoundrel are the JK's kids. The force-sensitive one was taken by Scourge to be raised in a foster family in the Empire and the scoundrel was left back in the republic. Which is also the reason why she didn't join the military. She is staying low in order not be noticed and give her mothers enemies an easy target.


So this way my Sith Warrior comes from a great bloodline with strong connection to the force, my JK. She just happen to have ancestry on the rep-side rather than the Imp-side. If it's your first Cathar-toon. Perhaps your character was stolen from a force-sensitive Jedi and trained to become Sith by someone who saw his/her potential. If there's a will there's a way, be creative :)



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Sith inq storyline... any alien who is strong enough in the force had a chance to become an acolyte on Korriban and rise to become a Sith. We even meet a Gran acolyte. How Cathar can be as much a lesser race?


Or imp agent,? Inteligence recruits many different alliens(even Duros) and has no problem with that.


IMO the oncly class that doesn't fit is the Sith Warrior but that is due to the story line. A Cathar can hadly be of a great Sith bloodline.


sorry, i never played other classes, just sith warrior in the empire... and see basically pureblood or humans as sith...

and i was saying based on the usual racism from the empire.

for imperial agent i would say the only alien treated with "respect" are chiss

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Lore went out the window when they got rid of all color restrictions on lightsabers, allowed pureblood Sith to be Jedi and permitted non-force users to use force powers like force choke. The game started shifting towards appeasing the masses regardless of lore awhile ago.


Except there are pureblood Jedi... see "Dawn of the Jedi".

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for imperial agent i would say the only alien treated with "respect" are chiss


Wrong since if an alien is cabapble then he is respected. You meet a Duros in Imperial Inteligence and he does a quite good job. If you are any alien(even Chiss) you get from time to time the usuall "alien scum" but most of the time they admire your skills.

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There is no basis in lore for restricting color crystals based on morality. Lightsiders can use red just as well as darksiders can, and darksiders can use blue just as well as lightsiders can. The restriction was what went against the lore. Thankfully, they fixed that.


Any core other than white makes no sense to me, though. Except if there was a Black/White saber only to cater to Force Unleashed fans, but not even that. Now there's Black/Red, Pink/Purple and just so many color combinations I'm disgusted to see. But, well, that doesn't make a person an ******e. That one has the right to like that color crystal if she does, so by all means, use it.


I don't like it.


Wrong since if an alien is cabapble then he is respected. You meet a Duros in Imperial Inteligence and he does a quite good job. If you are any alien(even Chiss) you get from time to time the usuall "alien scum" but most of the time they admire your skills.


Correct. The Sith Empire respect power more than they respect their own prejudice.

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