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Where every MMORPG has gone before, raising the level cap

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Every mmorpg before swtor has raised the level the cap, so why shouldn't swtor? Because it is counterproductive to creating high end raids. immediately when the new expansion arrives no one will be raiding in EV, karagga, or EC. People will use the raids as bragging rights to try to 2-3 man the bosses.


As a bioware employee, all the time spent creating EV, EC, and Karagga will immediately be reduced to no value.


As a player, it means all the time you spent collecting gear becomes worthless. While leveling you get to look at gear and think hmm is this lvl 55 green piece better than my rakata gear. All the time you spent progressing through raids now becomes just a pointless time sink with no value.


All of the flashpoints will now be meaningless as well. No one will be running them at all. You think its bad now, wait till after the level cap raise.


It will also create new pvp caps and problems with the expertise and armoring. Armoring in PVP will need to be rebalanced <again>.


What ultimately will happen to all the old flashpoints and raids will have to be remade where the bosses will be given new abilities and refreshed so that people will start to run them again. This has happened in Everquest and WoW. Now its SWTOR's turn to make the same mistake. Increasing the level cap is completely counterproductive to the high end game.


What swtor <NEEDS> is a high end raiding expansion. That would be worth paying for. Add 10+ high end raids and have raid levels. Create nightmare flashpoints and then have a 2-3 new tiers of flashpoints. Increasing the level cap is going to be a big a fail imo and will probably cause many people to leave.

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Because eventually you get to the point where you have a lot of people that have already done all of the current endgame content they care to do and wish for higher goals to shoot for. Besides the point that this isn't happening with 1.3. It's what is coming down the pipe that could be 6 more months before it goes live.


Like you said it happens in every game and you should really expect it by now that there is no endgame set of gear that will permanantly be the best and that hard content you sludge through with become easier.

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It would be cool if they made the gear respond to the level. Rakata gives 1.5(x) primary stat.... Columni gives 1.35(x) primary stat, so on and so forth. That way you could after 50 use it to level and it would not be a waist, the stats would just adjust for the level. If they did this for people who already have the gear it would help ease the frustration people have. Tier 4 gear would have to be a greater increase but you would only be able to get it on Tier 4 Ops. It might work, who is to say. Edited by Soljacen
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It would be cool if they made the gear respond to the level. Rakata gives 1.5(x) primary stat.... Columni gives 1.35(x) primary stat, so on and so forth. That way you could after 50 use it to level and it would not be a waist, the stats would just adjust for the level. If they did this for people who already have the gear it would help ease the frustration people have. Tier 4 gear would have to be a greater increase but you would only be able to get it on Tier 4 Ops. It might work, who is to say.


Who knows right?


I haven't found any quote or anything on Bioware's stances to raising level cap so they could do something different with it.

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Every mmorpg before swtor has raised the level the cap, so why shouldn't swtor? Because it is counterproductive to creating high end raids. immediately when the new expansion arrives no one will be raiding in EV, karagga, or EC. People will use the raids as bragging rights to try to 2-3 man the bosses.


As a bioware employee, all the time spent creating EV, EC, and Karagga will immediately be reduced to no value.


Not necessarily, its certainly possible to scale the existing content to the new level cap by introducing a new mode and new itemisation tables.

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If the cap stayed the same what do you propose for character advancement? Don't think titles and cosmetic outfits will keep many interested.


Level caps are not the only way to expand characters and advance them.


Dark Age of Camelot had the realm rank system and the master level systems. Their level remained 50 for the entire length of the game.


SWTOR has proven they COULD do this type of advancement without messing with the iconic level of 50. (50 is iconic. anything else becomes a random number... and then having a "high level" becomes meaningless.... there's always a chance that you won't have a high level anymore.... and be FORCED to "level" more to stay competitive...)


City of Heroes added the Incarnate system and exapnds on abilities all the time via means other than raising the level cap.



These games maintain the integrity of their current content while adding new content all the time. Meanwhile games like WOW bleed subscribers and intimidate new ones from joining the game by increasing the level cap to ridiculous levels. (Not to mention WoW's current subscriber numbers are padded by the - very smart business speaking - move of offering Diablo 3 for free to people who paid for a year of WOW ahead of time for a "discounted" amount...)



There is simply no need to raise the level cap. Just announcing it has already made me not want to stay playing the game.

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They want to hit the reset button.


They are going to do there best to balance the populations and get all server with good playable population levels. Then hit reset with a new levels and skills which people will come back to try and hopefully stay.

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One of the devs stated in the Darthhater interview that 50 would remain endgame, so in this case it seems the only thing the extra levels will grant are a few more skill points and maybe some more stats.


I'm not sure how it's going to work but I'll be relieved if they manage to pull it off without trivialising all the current level 50 content.

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One of the devs stated in the Darthhater interview that 50 would remain endgame, so in this case it seems the only thing the extra levels will grant are a few more skill points and maybe some more stats.


I'm not sure how it's going to work but I'll be relieved if they manage to pull it off without trivialising all the current level 50 content.


So in theory - everything over 50 is going to be "cosmetic" ???


That's bass ackwards.

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So in theory - everything over 50 is going to be "cosmetic" ???


That's bass ackwards.


And here lies the problem, if they make it trivialise all the level 50 content then people will complain that there is nothing to do. If they don't then people will complain that it doesn't add much progression.


Personally I'm happy if it's just cosmetic, I prefer having new things to do but don't really care for adding a larger power gap.

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As a player, it means all the time you spent collecting gear becomes worthless. While leveling you get to look at gear and think hmm is this lvl 55 green piece better than my rakata gear. All the time you spent progressing through raids now becomes just a pointless time sink with no value.


I'm not saying I advocate increasing the level cap, but I will disagree on this point.


It seems as though Tionese/Columi/Rakata/Campaign gear is equivalent to L51/56/58/61 gear respectively. So I would guess that whilst your level 55 green might be better than tionese, it shouldn't be as good as any of the rest, and a L55 purple should be around about Columi level.


So with an increase of only 5 levels, I wouldn't worry too much about gear becoming immediately obsolete as the current top end raid gear would still be effectively at a higher level than the level cap would be raised to.

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Just look at current item levels on Purple gear. From the top of my head.. current tier 2 gear has.. 56, 58? So.. what if they raise the level cap to say: 55.. well then easilly attainable will be level 55 green and blue gear/mods. Harder to attain will be level 55 purples and Op/PVP gear will probably be around 57/58?


Really.. adding levels does not have to trivialize current endgame, as long as you make sure the stat jumps aren't so huge.


Everyone complaining about this probably came from WoW, where level cap increases created such a large amount of new stats on gear that their item levels have inflated to hideous numbers after a few expansions.

As long as TOR stays true on their item levels and accepts that single player content will not mean new gear if you are decked out in purples while going through them, then all will be fine. As the next step in endgame will have as big a gear jump as a next tier of gear will have.


Really, no reason to shout the sky is falling yet.. this can be done a lot better than some 'better' games of the past have done it badly.


--- edit -- seems i cross posted the same point as the poster above me :p

Edited by Devlonir
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Everyone complaining about this probably came from WoW


Oh gee look Biodrone answering manual:


1) But when warcraft launched 7 years ago it also didnt support this what you want.

2) But WoW added it later, give this game some time.

3) You must come from WoW, thats why you complain and have standards.

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