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I bet Sent/Mara where pooping bricks the last 24 hours lol.


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My only issue with Mara is not a Mara issue rather a general issue with any kind of immunity mechanic -I consider 99% mitigation also as such. I hate immunity in PvP unless it is conditional immunity such as Juggernaut CC immunity for 4 sec which I think is a cool mechanic.


Having said that Marauder is only immune to damage but Assassins are immune to not only damage but also CC with Force Shroud.


99% damage mitigation for health cost is cool in concept if it was based on un buffed max health not current health. Once the Mara drops to the last 20% or 15% it does not matter if the health cost is 50%, 1% or even 90%! The mechanic is the same, stim and pop your 100% crit using 30 Fury and heal up.


At least you can CC the Mara but you can't say the same for the Assassin.

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If every Maurader/Sentinel out there was an awesome player my tune might be diffrent, but most that i've come across prior to my servers wz que dying were ****. They're fine as is, if they're **** you can laugh at them. If they play well, they destroy you, it's not a faceroll class. So I have no problem with them being rewarded with using their class with skill.


What? So between two equally geared and skilled players, the mara deserves to win more?

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Im not an expert on this like you nerfshouters, but a jedi sentinel is no excuse to not play other classes well! I have a vangard, in his first WZ (at lvl 10) i did 93 k damage...how overpowered is that? But i dont complain, cause i know if i play my sentinel well i can do good damage neverthelsess. I can also tell you that my sentinel has stil not exceeded my scoundrels highest damage score in a WZ, despite having the double amount of expertise! So what it all comes down to is to learn the class. Edited by Grisher
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Force Camo was already nerfed for Annihilation spec'd Marauders in 1.2 when it was reduced from 100% damage reduction to 50%. Now we can get pulled out of Camo by any AE that manages to hit us. In addition, it's on a 45 second CD and only lasts 4 seconds (6 seconds if you put points into it).


FORTY-FIVE seconds, in case you missed that in the tooltip.


That's not what I consider a short CD in fights that are typically over in under 30 seconds, and your assertion that roots are useless because the CD is too short is not just misleading, but almost a complete fabrication. I get snared/rooted ALL THE TIME when Camo is still on CD, so contrary to what you'd have the uninformed believe, roots/snares are far from useless against Marauders.


You are 100% completely wrong, or, you don't use Force Camo correctly if you feel it's not overpowered. If you are using Force Camo in the middle of AOE's, you are doing it way wrong (You should always let yourself be reduced in hit point and use Guarded By the Force. If you don't have GBTF up, you should be using Saber Ward to mitigate that damage while your leaving the AOE area, and if you're focus fired when your out of it, THEN you Force Camo, and go get your heal buff, which is always close by in WZ's) or you force leap back onto someone who is capturing an objective just for the interupt with the Force Sweep for anyone else nearby whom is also capturing/planting. At that point you die, but the rest of your team should be there to pick up your slack. How is this possible?


Because of Force Camo.


Also, I'd like to point out the fact that TTK was INCREASED thus far in patch 1.3, which makes it completely feasible with a good healer, your Mara/Sent could maintain its lifespan for 2-3 minutes (Maybe it's just me, but when I play I don't die for 2-3 minutes already in combat which allows me to use Force Camo 2-3 times in the fight, if I die at all.) Maybe I'm different, but I don't allow myself to get focus fired. It's too easy to Force Camo, break LOS, and grab a heal buff.


If you are getting Snared and Rooted "ALL THE TIME", as you put it, again... you are using Force Camo completely wrong. Perhaps I should have said... I am never EFFECTIVELY rooted or snared in the midst of a fight (let alone one on one). I didn't say this with the intention that I pop camo anytime I'm rooted or snared, its on a case by case basis... But it goes without saying if I need to get out of a focus fire that is certainly going to kill me and is putting too much pressure on my healer, Force Camo takes care of that. I was just pointing out that against a Sniper/Jugg/Sorc/whatever Force Camo is just another distance closer that completely AVOIDS being targetted while breaking all movement debuffs.


Force Camo is the BEST ability in the game by far, and the more you argue for it, the more you support my claim. You can protect your precious overpowered ability until your blue in the face, but that does not mean I'm wrong. I play the class too, and it's simply too damn good. When its used, the opposing players are left with NO option because they can't even target you. That is TOO GOOD for a class that has all the other tools the Sent/Mara does. Guarded By The Force isn't 1/10th the ability of Force Camo because you can be stunned for the duration and waste it. Force Camo, I can be stunned, but I'm still not being targetted, which serves my only purpose for using it.


You are using it wrong. Period.

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Im not an expert on this like you nerfshouters, but a jedi sentinel is no excuse to not play other classes well! I have a vangard, in his first WZ (at lvl 10) i did 93 k damage...how overpowered is that? But i dont complain, cause i know if i play my sentinel well i can do good damage neverthelsess. I can also tell you that my sentinel has stil not exceeded my scoundrels highest damage score in a WZ, despite having the double amount of expertise! So what it all comes down to is to learn the class.


I have a low lev Mara, did 265k in a voidstar at lev 11. How overpowered is that? At lev 21 I still do 200k regularly.

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I really didn't think they were OP.. but now.. The only change they needed was to be immune to healing while FC or UR were active.


With the meta change in 1.3 any class that can do as much damage as Sents/Maras and stay alive as long as they can will give their team a distinct advantage.


Yea yea I know. The class is so very hard to play. :rolleyes:

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You are 100% completely wrong, or, you don't use Force Camo correctly if you feel it's not overpowered. If you are using Force Camo in the middle of AOE's, you are doing it way wrong (You should always let yourself be reduced in hit point and use Guarded By the Force. If you don't have GBTF up, you should be using Saber Ward to mitigate that damage while your leaving the AOE area, and if you're focus fired when your out of it, THEN you Force Camo, and go get your heal buff, which is always close by in WZ's) or you force leap back onto someone who is capturing an objective just for the interupt with the Force Sweep for anyone else nearby whom is also capturing/planting. At that point you die, but the rest of your team should be there to pick up your slack. How is this possible?


Because of Force Camo.


Also, I'd like to point out the fact that TTK was INCREASED thus far in patch 1.3, which makes it completely feasible with a good healer, your Mara/Sent could maintain its lifespan for 2-3 minutes (Maybe it's just me, but when I play I don't die for 2-3 minutes already in combat which allows me to use Force Camo 2-3 times in the fight, if I die at all.) Maybe I'm different, but I don't allow myself to get focus fired. It's too easy to Force Camo, break LOS, and grab a heal buff.


If you are getting Snared and Rooted "ALL THE TIME", as you put it, again... you are using Force Camo completely wrong. Perhaps I should have said... I am never EFFECTIVELY rooted or snared in the midst of a fight (let alone one on one). I didn't say this with the intention that I pop camo anytime I'm rooted or snared, its on a case by case basis... But it goes without saying if I need to get out of a focus fire that is certainly going to kill me and is putting too much pressure on my healer, Force Camo takes care of that. I was just pointing out that against a Sniper/Jugg/Sorc/whatever Force Camo is just another distance closer that completely AVOIDS being targetted while breaking all movement debuffs.


Force Camo is the BEST ability in the game by far, and the more you argue for it, the more you support my claim. You can protect your precious overpowered ability until your blue in the face, but that does not mean I'm wrong. I play the class too, and it's simply too damn good. When its used, the opposing players are left with NO option because they can't even target you. That is TOO GOOD for a class that has all the other tools the Sent/Mara does. Guarded By The Force isn't 1/10th the ability of Force Camo because you can be stunned for the duration and waste it. Force Camo, I can be stunned, but I'm still not being targetted, which serves my only purpose for using it.


You are using it wrong. Period.


I'm not debating that Force Camo is a good ability, but it's very subjective to say it's the best ability in the game. I'd trade it for Assassin stealth without a second thought. But trying to lend credibility to your claim by implying that I have a L2P issue isn't going to make it true, at least not for anyone with a modicum of intelligence. You have no idea who I am or how well I play my class, and to assume I'm not using Force Camo correctly as some basis for proving your point only undermines your entire argument. And then to go on to say that the more anyone argues with you the more we prove your point is essentially some stubborn childish equivalent of saying "I don't care what you say, I'm right, you're wrong, so there!" Were you stomping your feet when you posted that?


The only thing you had right in that rant of yours is that you can argue (that the ability is or isn't OP) until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't mean you're wrong. You're right about that, but it goes both ways. It doesn't mean you're right either, despite how obsessed you seem to be about it. What I can say with absolute certainty is that if it is indeed OP, BW will nerf it. They haven't yet, which seems to indicate that the data they are looking at doesn't support your claim.

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Playing as a sent (and against LOTS of maras), the one thing that sticks out for me as an annoyance is the "awe" ability. I don't know the mirror ability for maras, but by the time you cram 4 or 5 maras in a match coordinating this ability it's frustrating. Other than that on my commando I just knock them back, slow them, kite and keep your health above 30% = dead mara. The problem I see most people having is that they get jumped by a mara and just stand there like a deer in headlights trying to out-dps them. There are entire guides dedicated to fighting maras/sents, read them, they'll help. Also try to realize that if ANY class has a healer they're going to be harder to kill. When you knock the guy's health down to 25% and the next thing you know it's back to 100%, it's time to go harrass the healer, not complain about class X being OP.
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I have a low lev Mara, did 265k in a voidstar at lev 11. How overpowered is that? At lev 21 I still do 200k regularly.


I've done 400k with a lvl 11 merc and over 300 with a sniper at 14, whats your point?

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Personally I wasn't worried at all, QQing because you die is really childish! My Sentinal does do considerable damage, but good players get away all the time. Then they come back with a gang and stun me to death. LOL! Get some friends and quit QQing!


So your solution to class imbalance is bring "a gang" of players and use stuns to take down one player? yea that sounds balanced :rolleyes:

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I don't find marauder/sentinel that bad, really. Pyrotech Powertech and Tank Assassin with DPS gear is much more powerful.


Geer, dot sent/mara annihilation/watchman dots are insanely op, much more than pt. The thing is, people don't notice them, because they look at damage and see that someone's highest hit was 3500 and think nothing of it. They are pvp's dirty little secret; a white collar op tree.

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class balance guys play dice to choose which class they'll mess up with next. let's hope /roll for next update brings some light over PvP FOTM classes


or my other guess.... they messed with Sorcs on 1.2, they lost 400.000 subs and hardly any sorc is seen in WZs now, as opposed to 3/4 on every WZ before that patch. So, they're afraid to loose the other 400.000 FOTM players when they actually balance classes

Edited by wolfmith
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Personally I wasn't worried at all, QQing because you die is really childish! My Sentinal does do considerable damage, but good players get away all the time. Then they come back with a gang and stun me to death. LOL! Get some friends and quit QQing!


So by your own words it takes a gang of people to kill a sent/Mara. In regards to sent/maras beeping OP in PvP I rest my case.

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Think about the ttk adjustment in 1.3. You will last longer against marauders making their shield not as big as a game changer(a five second invulnerability to damage is a big deal in ten to 15 second fights), in a thirty second fight its not that big of a deal.


Somehow, I don't think removing relics and adrenals will double the TTK.

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