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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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It is an old artifact of times when in other games you used to only be able to play one faction per server. Some people have just settled into this a default way of doing things. Another factor is that in hardcore RP-PvP "spying" is cut down on by having only one faction per server. With access to all factions on a server, spying is used to gain an advantage ( learn tactics, who are the key players, etc ) for adjusting tactics of the other side. This was used extensively in MxO. I was in a guild that specialized in infultration and selling of information about the 3 factions and guilds in that game we all had our mains and are "spy alts" (Yes I am THAT Urael from MxO :p ). Something to think about. :cool:


LOL, yea in WoW when we wanted to go for the "For the Horde" or "For the Alliance" achievements, we'd log on our lowbie alts to check what was going on before going in. On one occasion, my horde guild was getting ready to hit Darnassus so I put my Draenai Shamy in position and kept reporting over vent. We were having a good laugh over the Alliance trade chat that I was observing. They hit Tyrande then one of my guildies dropped a fire elemental totem near by shamy. Despite having done nothing to flag, the elemental one shot my shammy. I yelled over vent "You killed my shamy! Fine! See if I ever help you guys again!" We all had a good laugh over it though of course.

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SWTOR's team solution to every problem and crap play in game!!!! "Dear players we are proud to announce once again that we are adding content for you to have or play. Since we have no reason for you to play at level 50 and have no ideas to go off of to perhaps make this game better we are pleased to announce another reason for uploading your rear trunk with another Alt. We believe you have no time or lives and know that most of you would probably prefer to stay on one character or even one fraction but we hate you so go level your alt already because lets face it you can't do anything else at 50?"
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It is an old artifact of times when in other games you used to only be able to play one faction per server. Some people have just settled into this a default way of doing things. Another factor is that in hardcore RP-PvP "spying" is cut down on by having only one faction per server. With access to all factions on a server, spying is used to gain an advantage ( learn tactics, who are the key players, etc ) for adjusting tactics of the other side. This was used extensively in MxO. I was in a guild that specialized in infultration and selling of information about the 3 factions and guilds in that game we all had our mains and our "spy alts" (Yes I am THAT Urael from MxO :p ). Something to think about. :cool:


Oooh, now I get it. That makes sense, then.


Continue your strange ways, my friends. :rak_03:

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the obvious solution to this is to make legacy cross faction by the time the new stuff hits. nobody wants to play both factions on the same server.


Yeah, nobody... with the exception of me, everybody I know personally that plays, about 60% of the people I talk to online that play, and a significant number of the people in this very thread.


Your not liking something doesn't mean that nobody likes it. Get over yourself.

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So...someone that has a bunch Imp 50s on one server and a bunch of Rep 50s on another server doesn't qualify, but someone with 1 of each on the same server does? Makes sense :rolleyes:


It has nothing to do with "qualifiying". It has to do with the fact that some of the parts for HK-51 are only accessable by ONE faction OR the other. You mail the parts to ONE character to ASSEMBLE.


By your statement above you obviously didn't read the thread. I linked the original sources in this thread and I will leave it for you to find.

Edited by Urael
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It has nothing to do with "qualifiying". It has to do with the fact that some of the parts for HK-51 are only accessable by ONE faction OR the other. You mail the parts to ONE character to ASSEMBLE.


By your statement above you obviously didn't read the thread. I linked the original sources in this thread and I will leave it for you to find.


Or...maybe the design is effin stupid when it requires mortal enemies to mail parts to each other.

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Or...maybe the design is effin stupid when it requires mortal enemies to mail parts to each other.


Maybe, just maybe they will actually have a story behind the reason for doing this...so far the storylines in this game have been pretty good if you read the ones you did.

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Maybe, just maybe they will actually have a story behind the reason for doing this...so far the storylines in this game have been pretty good if you read the ones you did.


I honestly wonder why they bothered making a 2 faction game with PvP when you're going to require your Sith to mail something to your Jedi so he can assemble a kick *** companion...just another fail concept like Huttball. I can't imagine Darth Vader mailing Luke something to help him build a new lightsaber.

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I honestly wonder why they bothered making a 2 faction game with PvP when you're going to require your Sith to mail something to your Jedi so he can assemble a kick *** companion...just another fail concept like Huttball. I can't imagine Darth Vader mailing Luke something to help him build a new lightsaber.


Actually since Vader 'Knew" Luke was his son at some point, he might have actually "secretly" gave him things in the hopes of enticing him to the Dark Side. See easily justfied with in "Legacy" and "Story". :eek:


The Horror!!!!! :p



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Yeah, nobody... with the exception of me, everybody I know personally that plays, about 60% of the people I talk to online that play, and a significant number of the people in this very thread.


Your not liking something doesn't mean that nobody likes it. Get over yourself.


Yeah, and I would like to play toons on other servers besides one. Its nice that you like to play all your characters on the same server, I don't.

Edited by crunchbarry
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Yeah, and I would like to play toons on other servers besides one.


Nothing about how HK-51 is being implemented prevents this.


You can "play toons" on as many "other servers" that currently allow for the creation of "toons".



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Nothing about how HK-51 is being implemented prevents this.


You can "play toons" on as many "other servers" that currently allow for the creation of "toons".




The point is the legacy is not connected and hence no HK51. Why would people argue AGAINST features that could potentially be implemented that would serve only to make this game better and have (almost) no negative consequences? You guys like playing opposing factions on the same server, good for you. Many others like playing on more than one server, especially when they are playing opposing factions.


The absolute worst thing that could happen if you wanted to play on different servers is that you would have to change your legacy name... and that wouldn't even apply to people that only wanted to play on a single server. So this request is of absolutely no consequence to you. Its pretty sad i have to wall of text to explain this to you.


Whats wrong with you people?

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The point is the legacy is not connected and hence no HK51. Why would people argue AGAINST features that could potentially be implemented that would serve only to make this game better and have (almost) no negative consequences? You guys like playing opposing factions on the same server, good for you. Many others like playing on more than one server, especially when they are playing opposing factions.


The absolute worst thing that could happen if you wanted to play on different servers is that you would have to change your legacy name... and that wouldn't even apply to people that only wanted to play on a single server. So this request is of absolutely no consequence to you. Its pretty sad i have to wall of text to explain this to you.


Whats wrong with you people?


You are a niche. A minority. Understand that. And don't be so defensive if you want to have a civil discussion with these people. I've been following, and I see where you're coming from, but you're going about making your point in the wrong way.

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The point is the legacy is not connected and hence no HK51 (and that is the point cpt obvious, must be on the same server). Why would people argue AGAINST features that could potentially be implemented that would serve only to make this game better and have (almost) no negative consequences? (thats what I am trying to figure out with your stance?) You guys like playing opposing factions on the same server, good for you. Many others like playing on more than one server, especially when they are playing opposing factions. (again, your point? If you want the perk, you need to have toons on the same server...easy concept to grasp).


The absolute worst thing that could happen if you wanted to play on different servers is that you would have to change your legacy name... and that wouldn't even apply to people that only wanted to play on a single server. So this request is of absolutely no consequence to you. Its pretty sad i have to wall of text to explain this to you. (If your characters are on different servers, and have different legacy names, and are not connected via legacy, it will not tie into the concept they currently have of USING YOUR LEGACY for this quest).


Whats wrong with you people? (I am trying to figure out why you cannot simply grasp this is a legacy based quest perk and NEEDs to be done on the same server...that is their concept, and it make sense)


I am sure everyone has one spot they can spare on each server....if not, then you REALLY love this game and should not be complaining anyway since you can do this on another server where you have room to do so.

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You are a niche. A minority. Understand that. And don't be so defensive if you want to have a civil discussion with these people. I've been following, and I see where you're coming from, but you're going about making your point in the wrong way.


You're right, but the cross server legacy will be implemented eventually anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

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The point is the legacy is not connected and hence no HK51. Why would people argue AGAINST features that could potentially be implemented that would serve only to make this game better and have (almost) no negative consequences? You guys like playing opposing factions on the same server, good for you. Many others like playing on more than one server, especially when they are playing opposing factions.


The absolute worst thing that could happen if you wanted to play on different servers is that you would have to change your legacy name... and that wouldn't even apply to people that only wanted to play on a single server. So this request is of absolutely no consequence to you. Its pretty sad i have to wall of text to explain this to you.


Whats wrong with you people?


I only answered what was writen. I can not "read the mind" of a poster. If you wish to covey your thoughts then TYPE WHAT YOU ARE THINKING and do NOT require me to read your mind. My comments stand as a rebuttle to what was "written" on these forums.


You can still play on other servers.


Further. Your response is incoherant and lacks examples. Complete your thoughts in stating HOW you FEEL this is not implemented and has no connection. You have given no examples once again FORCING someone to read your mind. Good effort. Poor execution.


P.S. I know what you mean but I am not going to respond untill you actually WRITE it.

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I only answered what was writen. I can not "read the mind" of a poster. If you wish to covey your thoughts then TYPE WHAT YOU ARE THINKING and do NOT require me to read your mind. My comments stand as a rebuttle to what was "written" on these forums.


You can still play on other servers.


Further. Your response is incoherant and lacks examples. Complete your thoughts in stating HOW you FEEL this is not implemented and has no connection. You have given no examples once again FORCING someone to read your mind. Good effort. Poor execution.


P.S. I know what you mean but I am not going to respond untill you actually WRITE it.


My thoughts are.. playing a new character on the opposing faction just for a companion would be an absolute waste of time, at least, for me, as i have no interest in playing characters of opposing factions on the same server. And it will certainly be nice when they implement cross server legacy and I can get all my perks 'n stuff. No rush, bioWare. Also, legacy would likely cause myself to stay confined to a single server for the most part. I feel claustrophobic. All these new legacy unlocks only serve to further this tyranny. I also feel like an angry troll.

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More character slots needed.


Alot of people affected by transfers would like to participate in this companion as well, and before legacy and cross faction legacy mail we had to use 2 servers - one republic, one imperial. I have several lvl 50 characters on origin servers who as of now have no space to transfer into my one destination server...


Please plan ahead. The lack of planning and impact on players from poor transfer and naming procedures was shameful, please do not compound the issue by not adding more character slots and then introducing a cross faction companion and basically encouraging alts and playing the stories, yet not have enough character slots to actually accomplish having one of each character...


This has the potential to be a very cool unlock, or a disastrous complaining point- lets work on making it the former.

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More character slots needed.


Alot of people affected by transfers would like to participate in this companion as well, and before legacy and cross faction legacy mail we had to use 2 servers - one republic, one imperial. I have several lvl 50 characters on origin servers who as of now have no space to transfer into my one destination server...


Please plan ahead. The lack of planning and impact on players from poor transfer and naming procedures was shameful, please do not compound the issue by not adding more character slots and then introducing a cross faction companion and basically encouraging alts and playing the stories, yet not have enough character slots to actually accomplish having one of each character...


This has the potential to be a very cool unlock, or a disastrous complaining point- lets work on making it the former.


More slots? You already get 8, which is enough for 1 of each class on both factions...

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More slots? You already get 8, which is enough for 1 of each class on both factions...


Not if you're playing the same class that have different roles, which you could be having 2 characters per class on each side. i.e.:


Jedi Counselor: Tank/Dps/Heals

Trooper : Tank/Dps/Heals

Sith Inquisitor: Tank/Dps/Heals

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