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Opinions on the new Project animation?


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Doesnt Nadia have a version of it? I think its called force eruption or wild energy... I'll have to pay closer attention, dont use her that much.


Well she has both Wild Energy and Force Eruption, I can't remember which one is which, but one of them launches and knockbacks enemies, which is fun to watch her use :D, and extremely annoying at the same time. :(

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Yeah, because, believe it or not, there are MORE THAN TWO classes in the game. Its not just about cons and inqs...instant abilitites have to behave similarly across the classes...again that is why BW changed project, halfarsed, it had a server delay. And its not just about flight time...its also about conjuring time. Just try to be honest for one second and admit that the animation TAKES TIME and NEEDS TIME and this should have been on a skill with an ACTIVATION TIMER if used at all.


Yes, Project does take time (or did take time) no one is denying that. My point was that if Shock had had a similiar effect no one would have complained about project in the first place, except for you because you dislike the animation so much. And no, just because the skill doesn't hit instantly it doesn't mean it needs an activation time. Does Force Wave have an activation timer?


I have a sin and a sorc, and I VASTLY prefer them, animation wise...But I am a jedi fan not a sith fan. And I have no desire to see jedi sux in this game with craptastic combat animations. I have multiple accounts and plan on playing every class sooner or later. Nothing is more ridiculous or boring than rocks, junk and pebbles. NOTHING.


Sounds like a personal problem, then. I would consider myself more of a sith-fan than a jedi-fan but I chose the jedi consular because I thought they had cooler animations, largely due to project. Does that mean I should go into the inquisitor forum and whine about their animations?

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If your facts are based purely on what happens in the movies then your argument is very weak. The movies may have been the genesis for the IP but it has expanded well beyond the scope of the films across many books, video games, and the odd lunch box.


You have to ask yourself if George Lucas intended to classify the sith as junk tossers by making Vader toss some junk at Luke, or if he simply did it because it was good cinema. Not everything you see in a movie is a statement about the capabilities of a person or society, perhaps on an individual level, but not as a whole.


So your "facts" are still based on interpretation, and interpretation is still a matter of opinion. Need I educate you on the difference?



Furthermore you have failed completely to convince me that Jedi should not have an ability like Project, or that it is too far removed from the IP. You can repeat the same information over and over and over and my assessment will still be that it fits just fine, and it was a better ability before the timing was changed.


You did make a good point about the damage delay, but that wasn't lost on me to begin with. I agree that it would have been a little awkward. But I'd have been happy to overlook it.


What about making the project insta damage against Players and their companions, and leaving the delay in for non-player enemies?


Actually, its not about interpretation. Really it is basic math. And apparently you are the one in need of an "education". The movies are the ultimate canon, not just the genesis. How many Sith do we see in the movies? 4. How many throw junk (or something) at a target? ALL OF THEM. The SIMPLE point is that Sith use junk throwing MORE than any other ranged attack. It is MORE Sith than lightning or choke, or anything else. Jedi use choke, Jedi use lightning, and yes Jedi throw things. In the EU you can find anything, but at the end of the day, when you want to pick a base skillset to IDENTIFY the jedi class with, you dont go with something that Sith use more than lightning, more than anything else, and that Jedi almost NEVER used in 12 hours of ultimate canon screen time. Kotor 1 didnt do it. Kotor 2 didnt do it. No other game has done it, afaik, and Junk tossing, when included, has been labelled a DARKSIDE SKILL, like in the jedi knight series, which actually did a better job with the skill FIFTEEN YEARS AGO because you selected and threw objects IN the environment.


As far as project. Even if you are going to throw junk, it can be done better. The magic conjuring out of the ground, ignorant of the actual environment, is bad. In fact, each client rolls on the table separately. So when you think you are throwing a rock, your opponent sees something different, like droid scrap. Its just terrible.


Now, all of the above ARE COLD HARD FACTS. They are the basis for my dislike of junk tossing as the signature skill of jedi, used every combat rotation, used all the time, impacted by multiple talents. Please point out where my FACTS are wrong. My argument is stronger than anyone else's in here of late. I understand some people like it. Some people got used to it. Some people wouldnt care if it threw pink elephants as long as they thought it let them burst cheat the GCD timer. But you need to realize that many people hate the junk, pebbles, and rocks, that have come to represent and signify jedi in this game, and they have SOLID reasons, yes, REASONS, for it.

Edited by Dyvim
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Yes, Project does take time (or did take time) no one is denying that. My point was that if Shock had had a similiar effect no one would have complained about project in the first place, except for you because you dislike the animation so much. And no, just because the skill doesn't hit instantly it doesn't mean it needs an activation time. Does Force Wave have an activation timer?




Sounds like a personal problem, then. I would consider myself more of a sith-fan than a jedi-fan but I chose the jedi consular because I thought they had cooler animations, largely due to project. Does that mean I should go into the inquisitor forum and whine about their animations?


Again, your assertion that a delayed shock would have caused no complaints is WILDLY inaccurate. Delay is bad. people dont like pushing a button and have nothing happen. People complained about project's delay...people that had never played a sin or sorc. And, like I said, it is pretty obvious that there are more than two classes in the game. People play other classes and see that most instacast abilities that are single target dont have the kind of delay project had, which was CONFIRMED by the devs when they told us about the server side delay of project.


I am also not the only one, not by a long shot, that hates the rocks, junk and pebbles. They have been complained about by legions of players as far back into beta as I had access. In addition, there are already "dealyed" or "charging" animations on both sides...they are called lightning strike and disturbance. There is NO compelling reason to keep project and its delay, other than some people like it, in spite of the fact that in 12 movies not one jedi throws a rock at someone, and anakin is the only "jedi" that initiates throwing junk at someone, period. Luke used choke as much. Yet Sith used it all the time, all of them. So its not like it is some "must have" jedi move to be included into the game. In fact, it is THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

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It may be inaccurate that there would be no complaints, but would be accurate that it would have been much less complaints.

Most of complaints were about mirror balance, not balance with other classes.

It would be like our bump, there are complaints, but not so much because Inquisitors have the same issue, and so some people are thinking it was done in purpose and don't complain.

If Shock and Project would both have a delay since release, the most of people would think it was designed like that and would manage to use it differently, much like as a bursting way.

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Putting my opinion in here.


The new animation is awful. I remember when I first played a consular and used project for the first time. It felt Mighty! You use the force and shove a huge chunk of debris or rock at your opponent. It felt awesome, it looked awesome and it sounded awesome. Despite the disadvantage of having a flight time, unlike shock, project is the reason I prefer Jedi Consulars over Sith Inquisitors.


This new animation, however, is worse than shock, which is an incredibly lame animation in comparison to the old project. I can't believe what a new player must think when they use it. They'll hear something but I doubt they'll see it. I bet a lot of new players won't even know that there is an animation other than what's displayed during the impact, that's how fast the objects now fly.


I want the old animation of project back. It was the most satisfying ability in the game (especailly coupled with the Upheaval proc). To me, it was the very icon of the jedi consular class, and no doubt bioware thought so as well since project became consular's legacy ability. This new animation is a disgrace.


There, I've said my piece!


This is how I feel!


My main is a Consular, and this was one of the truly "powerful" feeling attacks that they had. It's now gone, weaker-feeling even than the Inquisitor's Shock.


They should have extended the animation time for Shock, making the Inquisitor build energy before zapping the target. I have an Assassin, and the shock feels terribly weak. Well, most of the Lightning abilities feel weak.


Unfortunately, they punished us Jedi and took away our power.

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I really wouldn't look to the movies as a way to find a workable solution to this problem re: projection. I mean, the movies themselves are a jumbled, incoherent mess with no logical consistency within each individual movie, or between separate movies.


The fact remains projection was broken. Now it's broken again with this so-called "fix" to animation.

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The time line to this game is prior to the movies. The sith and jedi though they may be mirror classes will have different abilities.


To say a certain ability doesn't exist because it didn''t exist in the movie is incorrect. We only saw a very few jedi in the movies, mainly ones like Obi-Wan, Luke, etc. The ability that the consular has is very possible as they tend to delve into the force more deeply than say a guardian.


The time line for this period is 3653BBY with the Treaty of Corsuant and the time line for the Phantom Menance was approximetly 33BY.


Arguing about whether this ability is a jedi ability or not we have no idea as to what abilities existed prior to the movies. There are some things that will be brought out in this game due to the time line that was not prevelant in the movies.



(Sorry for getting off topic everyone)

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The time line to this game is prior to the movies. The sith and jedi though they may be mirror classes will have different abilities.


To say a certain ability doesn't exist because it didn''t exist in the movie is incorrect. We only saw a very few jedi in the movies, mainly ones like Obi-Wan, Luke, etc. The ability that the consular has is very possible as they tend to delve into the force more deeply than say a guardian.


The time line for this period is 3653BBY with the Treaty of Corsuant and the time line for the Phantom Menance was approximetly 33BY.


Arguing about whether this ability is a jedi ability or not we have no idea as to what abilities existed prior to the movies. There are some things that will be brought out in this game due to the time line that was not prevelant in the movies.



(Sorry for getting off topic everyone)


Luckily, we have two games even further back than this one...little ole games called kotor 1 and kotor 2. They seemed to sync pretty well with the movies, even though they were 4000 years or so in the past. There were alot of skills in those games, and they fell well in line with the lore of the movies...but its been a while since I played them, repeatedly. Perhaps you could point out the jedi skills that involved rocks, junk and pebbles in them? No?


So actually I would say we have GREAT ideas as to the abilities that existed before the movies, from this VERY kotor franchise.

Edited by Dyvim
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Luckily, we have two games even further back than this one...little ole games called kotor 1 and kotor 2. They seemed to sync pretty well with the movies, even though they were 4000 years or so in the past. There were alot of skills in those games, and they fell well in line with the lore of the movies...but its been a while since I played them, repeatedly. Perhaps you could point out the jedi skills that involved rocks, junk and pebbles in them? No?


So actually I would say we have GREAT ideas as to the abilities that existed before the movies, from this VERY kotor franchise.


So from reading your posts if someone disagrees with you decide to be disrepectful and rude. Your views are only your opinions and as such your opinion only is important to you. Everyone else has an opinion as well and just becasue they disagree with your assessment gives you no right to be rude and in some cases hateful.


I have read all your posts and not once in any of your posts are you respectful. You seem to think your opinion is the only one that matters but it isn't.


Do not forget the movies are fiction and as such not real.


And furthermore regarding the Game Kotor even then the jedi abilities were limited as there were not that many jedi running around in the game. So to say an ability doesn't exist you can't since we only saw a few jedi in the game. Who are you to say they can't have those abilities. You are not the creater of the game nor the owner of the license.


You may not like certain abilities and that is your right but unless you are the one that holds the licensing and making the game you don't have the right to say an ability doesn't exist.

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So from reading your posts if someone disagrees with you decide to be disrepectful and rude. Your views are only your opinions and as such your opinion only is important to you. Everyone else has an opinion as well and just becasue they disagree with your assessment gives you no right to be rude and in some cases hateful.


I have read all your posts and not once in any of your posts are you respectful. You seem to think your opinion is the only one that matters but it isn't.


Do not forget the movies are fiction and as such not real.


And furthermore regarding the Game Kotor even then the jedi abilities were limited as there were not that many jedi running around in the game. So to say an ability doesn't exist you can't since we only saw a few jedi in the game. Who are you to say they can't have those abilities. You are not the creater of the game nor the owner of the license.


You may not like certain abilities and that is your right but unless you are the one that holds the licensing and making the game you don't have the right to say an ability doesn't exist.


Wow. So...we have someone say that we have no idea what jedi skills would be like thousands of years before the movies. I point out that there were TWO official games with a ton of lightside and darkside skills in them..and there were no ROCKS, PEBBLES,OR JUNK anywhere....


All my "views" are rooted in SOLID FACTS...please point out where, EXACTLY, you think I am wrong, and I will be glad to have an honest debate.


So am I disrespectful in pointing out facts that destroy stupid arguments where people should know better? Im sorry if people havent heard of kotor 1 or 2...but tbh, they should have, or they shouldnt opine like they know what they are talking about...


Rethink your position. I am tired of people missing basics.

Edited by Dyvim
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Luckily, we have two games even further back than this one...little ole games called kotor 1 and kotor 2. They seemed to sync pretty well with the movies, even though they were 4000 years or so in the past. There were alot of skills in those games, and they fell well in line with the lore of the movies...but its been a while since I played them, repeatedly. Perhaps you could point out the jedi skills that involved rocks, junk and pebbles in them? No?


So actually I would say we have GREAT ideas as to the abilities that existed before the movies, from this VERY kotor franchise.


And acutally what you are describing is a form of telekinesis and that ability is mentioined in the Jedi Path when it talks about the Jedi Consular.


Defintion : Telekinesis, in the Star Wars universe, is the ability to manipulate and move objects using the Force. And this ability was used in some fashion in the movies, i.e. when Vader throws objects at Luke to distract him, Obi-Wan used it to pull Qui-Gon's saber to him. In addition Yoda used this in Attack of the Clones when he stopped a rock from crushing Obi-Wan and Anakin and threw it away from them. Yoda also used this when raising the X-wing from the swamp when Luke failed to do so.


A simple basic telekinetic ability using the Force involves stretching out one's feelings through the Force to mentally seize a object in question, exerting one's will on it so that it performs as they wish. The Force power functioned on the theory that the Force reacts to a Force-user's strength of will, allowing a user to apply the Force with their mind to some other space or object (which can be a rock, droid, etc.).

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Wow. So...we have someone say that we have no idea what jedi skills would be like thousands of years before the movies. I point out that there were TWO official games with a ton of lightside and darkside skills in them..and there were no ROCKS, PEBBLES,OR JUNK anywhere....


All my "views" are rooted in SOLID FACTS...please point out where, EXACTLY, you think I am wrong, and I will be glad to have an honest debate.


So am I disrespectful in pointing out facts that destroy stupid arguments where people should know better? Im sorry if people havent heard of kotor 1 or 2...but tbh, they should have, or they shouldnt opine like they know what they are talking about...


Rethink your position. I am tired of people missing basics.


The reason why there's no project in Knights of the old Republic could be as simple as graphic limitation. Besides, there are already dozens of abilities in knights of the old republic and most of them are in this game.


Force Jump = Force Leap and Force Charge in this game.

Force Valor = Jedi Consular's Buff.

Force Armor = Jedi Sages bubble.

Burst of Speed = Consular and Inquisitors Force Speed.

Affect Mind = Consular and Inquisitors Mind Trick

Force Push = Jedi Guardians and Juggernauts got this.

Force Whirlwind = Inquisitors got this.

Force Wave = Consulars got this.

Force Breach = Jedi Shadows got this.

Throw Lightsaber = Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors got this.

Force Camouflague = Jedi Sentinels and Sith Marauders got this.

Force Stun = Jedi Consulars got this.

Force Stasis = Jedi Knights got this.

Force Choke = Sith Warriors got this.

Force Slow = Consulars and Inquisitors got this.

Force Shock = Inquistors got this.

Force Lightning = Inquisitors got this.

Force Storm = Sith Sorcerers got this.

Death Field = Sith Inquisitors got this.

Force Affliction = Sith Sorcerers got this.

Disable Droid = Jedi Knights and Sith Marauders got this.


ALL those abilities are from Knights of the old republic 1. Know how many that were left out? Force Resistance/Force Immunity and Energy Resistance/Improved Energy Resistance, which could both fall under Jedi Shadows Resilience and Sith Assassins Force Shroud. There are no abilities by the name of "Cure" or "Heal", like the healing force powers were called in KoToR, but we do have a lot of healing abilities so I think that covers that. There doesn't seem to be any ability inspired by fear/horror/insanity. Should consulars get those, perhaps?


Knights of the Old Republic 2 added some force powers to the game, but to be frank they were mostly just buffs, and stronger versions of old abilities. Force Potency is one ability, however, that made it into this game. Consulars got it. Force Scream is another, Sith Warriors got that. So, looking to Knights of the Old Republic, what ability could you possibly give to consulars that hasn't already been given to any other class?




So stop trying to look to KoToR to backup your arguments because everything in KoToR has been spoken for. Project did its job of displaying the telekinetic aspect of the force great, and as do telekinetic throw. If you don't like those animations, then that's your problem. If you like the inquisitor animations so much better then go play an inquisitor and stop crying in the consular forums. As I've said before, I rolled a consular because I thought the inquisitors had lame animations. It's just lightning, lightning, lightning. Gets old very fast. Consulars animations are more varied and looks better. Not just the animation of the abilities themselves, but the character animations too. The way a consular channels tetekinetic throw looks much cooler than when a sith inquisitor channels force lightning.

Edited by Majspuffen
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I have read alot of the post and come to this:


Why not every jedi can throw rock, plain simple.


If you follow the path of training of Jedi or Sith, in the end they would do everything the same in therm of porwers.


But if you read the books after the return of jedi, you learn that each padawan has an affinity to the force and each can do different things depends on the level of there affinity.


But if you want, we can ask Bioware to put throw rock or anything to everyone, nah let's say to Bioware to create 1 class of jedi or sith and they have all force powers, that way we will have no more complains, oh wait maybe on animation.. but you know.... alot of people can do better than Bioware....


So i vote for 1 jedi class and 1 sith class with all powers. oh yeah.

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The old animation looked so much better, but it was broken. I saw it.


So instead of BioWare doing their jobs as developers and finding out what's wrong they decide it's easier just to change the animation.


Typical EA. Treating the symptoms instead of curing the illness.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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If I'd have never seen the original animation, I might think that the current one is fine. But that's not the case. This might sound ridiculous, but I really can't play my consular anymore because of this.

I can only ask Bioware to please revisit this topic and try to make the consulars signature ability good looking again!

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The reason why there's no project in Knights of the old Republic could be as simple as graphic limitation. Besides, there are already dozens of abilities in knights of the old republic and most of them are in this game. ...


So stop trying to look to KoToR to backup your arguments because everything in KoToR has been spoken for. Project did its job of displaying the telekinetic aspect of the force great, and as do telekinetic throw. If you don't like those animations, then that's your problem. If you like the inquisitor animations so much better then go play an inquisitor and stop crying in the consular forums. As I've said before, I rolled a consular because I thought the inquisitors had lame animations. It's just lightning, lightning, lightning. Gets old very fast. Consulars animations are more varied and looks better. Not just the animation of the abilities themselves, but the character animations too. The way a consular channels tetekinetic throw looks much cooler than when a sith inquisitor channels force lightning.


Graphics limitations...rofl...good one. Maybe you've heard of a little series of games called the jedi knight series, FIFTEEN YEARS OLD, that managed to "overcome" the graphic limitations...rofl...of junk throwing, and do a better job of it. Please, try not to be overly silly.


If you think they are lame, then by your logic, that is your problem. Or you could make some constructive posts with suggestions on how to break up the lightning monotony that you dislike. Kind of like people have done here in the consular forums, thread after thread, with suggestions on how to divorce jedi from junk.


Consulars are just junk, rocks and pebbles. Your assertion that they look "cooler" is completely subjective. My assertion that jedi are NOT junk throwers and arent identified by junk throwing is COMPLETELY rooted in fact. But if you want to be subjective, junk throwing starts out boring and gets worse. The only thing more boring than magically conjured rock, junk, and pebbles is more rocks, junk, and pebbles.


But your post pretty much missed the entire point. The point was that ScarletBlaze opined that jedi and sith abilities might look different thousands of years before the movies, and we had no way of knowing. She was attempting to make an excuse as to why jedi would be rabid junk throwers in this game when we see Sith as the junk throwers in the movies. I pointed out that we knew exactly what they looked like based on kotor 1 and 2. And as your listing re-iterates, there was no junk, rocks, or pebbles for jedi, pretty much just like in the movies. Which was MY point. This game DEPARTS from the movies and the kotors in making jedi junk throwers. Thanks for making it again. Also, you might want to consider that there are a number of companion force abilities...like force burst, or force tremor, that would be great project replacements.

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Seems like people are getting telekinesis...which includes everything form force choke, to force throw, to saber throw, to simply moving objects, with force throw or "debris" throwing as this game labels it. Throwing debris at people is a very specific application of telekinesis. It is vastly different than Yoda lifting an Xwing, or any other type of basic levitation - those are not combat skills. In games I have seen it, debris throwing as an attack has been a darkside power. I don't think I have ever seen it labeled a lightside power - - and it definitely wasn't in the kotor's. Jedi ranged skills in those games were based off of force push, and some variations of it, afaik.


I wish they would have done that in this game. I cannot stand the project and throw animations. Faster is better, but they still are kind of like jokes.

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Graphics limitations...rofl...good one. Maybe you've heard of a little series of games called the jedi knight series, FIFTEEN YEARS OLD, that managed to "overcome" the graphic limitations...rofl...of junk throwing, and do a better job of it. Please, try not to be overly silly.


Two entirely different engines. Is there even a lift in Kotor? Any item or object other than doors that moves? Droids do not count, they are the same as NPCs. There's like 2 animations for force powers in that game, one where the character raises the hand towards the sky and once where he pushes the hand towards the enemy. The Knights of the Old Republic engine probably couldn't have handled something like project. It wasn't built for it. If kotor was created today with a more complex engine, who knows what kind of force powers we'd seen?


If you think they are lame, then by your logic, that is your problem. Or you could make some constructive posts with suggestions on how to break up the lightning monotony that you dislike. Kind of like people have done here in the consular forums, thread after thread, with suggestions on how to divorce jedi from junk.


Consulars are just junk, rocks and pebbles. Your assertion that they look "cooler" is completely subjective. My assertion that jedi are NOT junk throwers and arent identified by junk throwing is COMPLETELY rooted in fact. But if you want to be subjective, junk throwing starts out boring and gets worse. The only thing more boring than magically conjured rock, junk, and pebbles is more rocks, junk, and pebbles.


It's your opinion, not a fact. Here is a fact though; There is only TWO abilities associated with "Junk-throwing". Then we have a large variation of force powers that are supposed to reflect the kinetic aspect of the force, I imagine. None of them does it as well as project and telekinetic throw.


This is apparently an era where jedi thought it was okay to hurl giant rocks in your enemies faces. It is the signature move of the jedi consular, it's selling point I would say. And apparently bioware thinks so too, why else would Project become Consular's legacy ability?


But continue listing your "facts", I'm actually amused by the zealotry of your posts. Continue on with your crusade! Maybe someone will hear you if you spam enough.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Dyvim;4808547] Consulars are just junk, rocks and pebbles. Your assertion that they look "cooler" is completely subjective. My assertion that jedi are NOT junk throwers and arent identified by junk throwing is COMPLETELY rooted in fact. But if you want to be subjective, junk throwing starts out boring and gets worse. The only thing more boring than magically conjured rock, junk, and pebbles is more rocks, junk, and pebbles.


Incorrect. I have a level 50 Shadow and I can promise you that she has more abiities than just the project "throwing rocks, pebbles, etc." She has other abilities such as Double Strike, Saber Strike, Force Lift, Force Wave, Whiring Blow, Force Pull, Spinning Strike etc.


She has has Kinetic Ward and Battle Readiness and there are other abilities that I haven't mentioned.


There is more to a Consular than just what you have labeled them not to mention their mind abilities.

Edited by casi
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Two entirely different engines. Is there even a lift in Kotor? Any item or object other than doors that moves? Droids do not count, they are the same as NPCs. There's like 2 animations for force powers in that game, one where the character raises the hand towards the sky and once where he pushes the hand towards the enemy. The Knights of the Old Republic engine probably couldn't have handled something like project. It wasn't built for it. If kotor was created today with a more complex engine, who knows what kind of force powers we'd seen?


You have no idea. Fact is a much older game handled it fine. One you forget about, or are ignorant about, so instead of just saying "yeah, I was wrong", you engage in more wild, baseless speculation where you are also wrong. Kotor used the Odyssey engine. It had a number of moveable objects, like speeders, etc. It was a 3D engine. Do you really think objects couldnt move in a 3D engine??? Oh, and here is an idea, IT HAD SABERTHROW. Oops, looks like you forgot something else and have been proven to be wildly wrong again. And called on it. Look who is amusing now. lol. But Im sure you also forgot the end game in kotor 2 where Darth Traya (kreia) used her dancing lightsaber skill to attack you with multiple lightsabers, telekinetically...lol. Ooops. More moveable objects. Epic fail.


Odyssey was a 3D engine that was about 5 years newer than the Sith engine, the primitive 3D engine used in Jedi Knight....which also had saberthrows, and junk throwing...lol, but easy on the facts, they cause you problems.


It's your opinion, not a fact. Here is a fact though; There is only TWO abilities associated with "Junk-throwing". Then we have a large variation of force powers that are supposed to reflect the kinetic aspect of the force, I imagine. None of them does it as well as project and telekinetic throw.


Yes, and those two abilities are THE SIGNATURE, IDENTIFYING abilities of the class that are impacted by double digit talents. They are central to the class. And they make the class a joke.


This is apparently an era where jedi thought it was okay to hurl giant rocks in your enemies faces. It is the signature move of the jedi consular, it's selling point I would say. And apparently bioware thinks so too, why else would Project become Consular's legacy ability?


BW has shown they are clueless about a great number of things, and this is just another example. What BW thinks is that they could save money and time by having mirrors, which means jedi do EXACTLY what sith do, just with a different skin. That is where the problem starts. It continued when they settled on junk throwing as the reskinned theme of the class. It has been downhill from there.


But continue listing your "facts", I'm actually amused by the zealotry of your posts. Continue on with your crusade! Maybe someone will hear you if you spam enough.


At least one of us is providing facts. Its not zealotry, its called being a star wars fan that has actually watched a movie, remembers them, and can figure out the difference between jedi and sith. Try to up your game.

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Incorrect. I have a level 50 Shadow and I can promise you that she has more abiities than just the project "throwing rocks, pebbles, etc." She has other abilities such as Double Strike, Saber Strike, Force Lift, Force Wave, Whiring Blow, Force Pull, Spinning Strike etc.


She has has Kinetic Ward and Battle Readiness and there are other abilities that I haven't mentioned.


There is more to a Consular than just what you have labeled them not to mention their mind abilities.


Yeah, I have a 50 sage and a 50 Shadow. Sure they have other abilities, each class has a number of them. What identifies the class though? What are the signature moves? With Inqs, its lightning. With cons its junk. Period. That is the point. I think you can figure that out. So, actually, CORRECT.

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