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Patch 1.3 Changes (Combat)

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Hey everyone,


Just wondering how everyone feels about the changes thus far all in one thread. I am working on getting to the PTS, but work has be heavily distracted (for lack of a better word). I saw something in the notes that stuck out to me, and it appears to be a major change for Combat specced Sentinels. (At least it would be for me, not assuming to know anyone else's rotation here)


Precision Slash: This ability now costs 1 Focus and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.


Just from reading it, at first glance, it seems pretty amazing that it only costs 1 focus and it's now considered an "instant" (which it still sports its regular cooldown of 15 seconds), but I think this all depends on how much the armor penetration has been reduced. Personally, I am unsure if this is a buff/nerf/rework for the ability (as I haven't tested it yet). That being said, I never had a problem with how Precision Strike worked before this TBD Change. I think for those of us PVPers here, this is the number one thing we should concentrate on as Combat-Specs.


I know, for me, this will change my playstyle significantly, because with the reduction in its duration it's impossible to squeeze in that last Blade Rush ability along with Master Strike and Blade Storm. So, again just at first glance, it appears like we will have to revamp our rotation to include executing this twice before resolving the entire rotation. Which, is an awful turn out for our initial DPS as combat specs, because this really stretches out the length of our rotation and takes away from a Blade Rush/Masterstrike/Blade Storm tick or ability at full Armor Penetration.


(Be advised, I'm sort or typing this as I think.)


Edit: after rethinking this, if Precision Slash is uneffected by the GCD, are we losing any time at all here for the rotation? At first glance I assumed yes, but now that I'm rethinking I think our rotation stays generally the same as Precision Slash would be instant and uneffected by the GCD (as it says, derp to me). After rethinking it, I think this appears like a nerf more than anything else simply because the effectiveness of it is being reduced, and just making it an instant does not mean we're getting an additional Blade Rush or another ability in the rotation because the duration has been reduced by 1.5 seconds. That being said, I think the justification here is that we'll have 2 extra focus to spend at the end of our initial rotation. If this is how it is going to work, I think Blade Rush needs a minimal damage boost because we won't be able to achieve 100% armor penetration with the one we execute during the rotation. This is assuming that Bioware does not want this to read and play as an overall nerf. As it stands, I'm nearly positive it is a nerf.


- Ill

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Holy crap, there is somebody else out there who plays combat spec! :p


I guess I won't know for sure until I try it out, but I would read anything that reduces the duration of precision strike as a nerf. We'll have to see how it plays out. That said, it doesn't seem like an epic nerf or anything that I'm really worried about. If this change balances things a bit better so be it.

Edited by mlbrogueone
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After taking a month to play each tree, i prefer combat. However, i do think people really under estimated the focus tree for a long time.


The Watchmen tree was nice...despite all the micro management I felt like it was the noob tree, still had better damge then combat in cases. But when it comes to healer ownage, it was Combat all the way lol

Edited by ReithKanaka
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This isn't a Combat vs. Watchmen thread. I have my own reasons for Combat Spec preference. I'm not sure that this doesn't "seem major" just reading it. If it reduces the Armor Penetration to below 80%, it's a huge nerf. In my opinion Precision Slash is our single best move.
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Penetration wasn't reduced. Duration of buff it provided was reduced to provide same bonus as before - 3 GCD after using Precision Slash. Only real differences:

- a little smaller uptime overall - CD is still 15 sec so if you want to keep your rotation mostly unchanged you have to squeze one more strike here.

- smaller cost

- much better usability in pvp

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At first glance this looks like a positive change. The overall number of abilities you can get in remains the same. The armor penetration also remains the same, only the amount of damage the ability itself hits the target for was slightly reduced.


This means if you time it correctly (Which Combat has always been about timing) You will be able to get in your full Master Strike followed by Blade Storm within the duration of a Precision Slash. Another benefit is that it will be much easier to ensure Combat Trance is up for Blade Storm at the end of this combination since it will overall take 1.5 seconds less after removing the GCD for Precision.


Additionally, one of my other combinations is hitting Precision and then 3x Blade Rush's in Zen, then a Blade Storm. Again, if timed correctly, they will all hit.


On the topic of Zen Blade Rush spam, there have been some changes to the fluency of abilities on the PTS. Those of you who have played Combat extensively may have noticed that Zen Blade Rush GCD Reduction only seems to affect 'every other' Blade Rush. This appears to be fixed on PTS and now behaves more fluently:


[15:40:28.086] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:28.870] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1202 energy {836045448940874}) <1202>
[15:40:28.871] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (0 -miss {836045448945502}) <1>

[15:40:29.090] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:29.883] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2593* energy {836045448940874}) <2593>
[15:40:29.883] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (280 energy {836045448940874}) <280>

[15:40:30.073] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:30.859] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1124 energy {836045448940874}) <1124>
[15:40:30.860] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (507* energy {836045448940874}) <507>

[15:40:31.093] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:31.878] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1227 energy {836045448940874}) <1227>
[15:40:31.878] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (268 energy {836045448940874}) <268>

[15:40:32.196] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:32.204] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [Ataru Form {1261706772742144}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (867* energy {836045448940874}) <867>
[15:40:32.205] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [Ataru Form {1261706772742144}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (461 energy {836045448940874}) <461>


Additionally, it appears they have changed Master Strike's last tick to be more closer to the end of the channel. Some of us that got used to timing our next ability after MS right after we impact the target may have noticed that it was usually .3 (give or take) seconds before the channel actually ended.. and you could safely interrupt it early to hit your next attack. It feels like the timing as slightly changed and the last tick will actually only take effect if the ability is fully channeled out.


Overall the change to Precision will be especially beneficial for PvP because it gets us into our damage sooner, giving the enemy less time to react (as opposed to 3 GCD's of Force Leap, Zealous, Precision, then we actually start hitting hard abilities). The reduction to it's cost is great too.. you could take Zealous out of that line up and just use the 3 focus from Leap for a full Precision + MS + Blade Storm destruction.

Edited by Rogean
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After rethinking it, I think this appears like a nerf more than anything else simply because the effectiveness of it is being reduced


Uh, this is definitely not a nerf. Precision Slash's effectiveness is not changed. We're able to do more in less time overall now, which is a complement to our burst rotations.


I welcome the change.

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The only thing I dont like about the change is I actually took advantage of Precision Slash's GCD. I would usually use it, and then fire off Riposte during the GCD (since it ignores the cooldown) so that I didnt lose the 1.5 seconds. So I actually lost optimal DPS (and precision slash base damage was reduced), but it only costs 1 focus now which is nice.
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The only thing I dont like about the change is I actually took advantage of Precision Slash's GCD. I would usually use it, and then fire off Riposte during the GCD (since it ignores the cooldown) so that I didnt lose the 1.5 seconds. So I actually lost optimal DPS (and precision slash base damage was reduced), but it only costs 1 focus now which is nice.


How exactly does the changes prevent you from doing what you did before? You can still riposte immedietely after precision slash...

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Uh, this is definitely not a nerf. Precision Slash's effectiveness is not changed. We're able to do more in less time overall now, which is a complement to our burst rotations.


I welcome the change.


Yeah, I retracted my statement three posts later after someone cleared my head and I read it correctly. Thanks for your imput though.

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This should be a HUGE buff for combat sents. Currently, the way precision slash functioned is what made Combat such a garbage tree. Any intelligent player would see precision and KB, root, CC the ataru sent. This change should make the spec less easy to break.
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Penetration wasn't reduced. Duration of buff it provided was reduced to provide same bonus as before - 3 GCD after using Precision Slash. Only real differences:

- a little smaller uptime overall - CD is still 15 sec so if you want to keep your rotation mostly unchanged you have to squeze one more strike here.

- smaller cost

- much better usability in pvp


Or more if in Zen and Blade Rush spamming

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At first glance this looks like a positive change. The overall number of abilities you can get in remains the same. The armor penetration also remains the same, only the amount of damage the ability itself hits the target for was slightly reduced.


This means if you time it correctly (Which Combat has always been about timing) You will be able to get in your full Master Strike followed by Blade Storm within the duration of a Precision Slash. Another benefit is that it will be much easier to ensure Combat Trance is up for Blade Storm at the end of this combination since it will overall take 1.5 seconds less after removing the GCD for Precision.


Additionally, one of my other combinations is hitting Precision and then 3x Blade Rush's in Zen, then a Blade Storm. Again, if timed correctly, they will all hit.


On the topic of Zen Blade Rush spam, there have been some changes to the fluency of abilities on the PTS. Those of you who have played Combat extensively may have noticed that Zen Blade Rush GCD Reduction only seems to affect 'every other' Blade Rush. This appears to be fixed on PTS and now behaves more fluently:


[15:40:28.086] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:28.870] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1202 energy {836045448940874}) <1202>
[15:40:28.871] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (0 -miss {836045448945502}) <1>

[15:40:29.090] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:29.883] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2593* energy {836045448940874}) <2593>
[15:40:29.883] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (280 energy {836045448940874}) <280>

[15:40:30.073] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:30.859] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1124 energy {836045448940874}) <1124>
[15:40:30.860] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (507* energy {836045448940874}) <507>

[15:40:31.093] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:31.878] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1227 energy {836045448940874}) <1227>
[15:40:31.878] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (268 energy {836045448940874}) <268>

[15:40:32.196] [@Sentean] [@Sentean] [blade Rush {1261711067709440}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()
[15:40:32.204] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [Ataru Form {1261706772742144}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (867* energy {836045448940874}) <867>
[15:40:32.205] [@Sentean] [Combat Training Target MK-5 {2816257300627456}:125000009341] [Ataru Form {1261706772742144}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (461 energy {836045448940874}) <461>


Additionally, it appears they have changed Master Strike's last tick to be more closer to the end of the channel. Some of us that got used to timing our next ability after MS right after we impact the target may have noticed that it was usually .3 (give or take) seconds before the channel actually ended.. and you could safely interrupt it early to hit your next attack. It feels like the timing as slightly changed and the last tick will actually only take effect if the ability is fully channeled out.


Overall the change to Precision will be especially beneficial for PvP because it gets us into our damage sooner, giving the enemy less time to react (as opposed to 3 GCD's of Force Leap, Zealous, Precision, then we actually start hitting hard abilities). The reduction to it's cost is great too.. you could take Zealous out of that line up and just use the 3 focus from Leap for a full Precision + MS + Blade Storm destruction.


Thanks for the numbers dude!! Haven't been able to get on PTS and seeing this info really makes my day. You totally covered everything I would have looked into myself. /Thanks

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Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I was reading it wrong. Then this appears to be a buff. (No idea why I was reading it all twisted up like that.) Thanks, again.


Yes. Before it took up the GCD, so you only had 4.5 seconds to begin with (3 GCD's/attacks, so either master strike + blade storm or blade rush/blade storm and 2/3 of the master strikes hits). Now that it is off the GCD, getting stunned will suck *slightly* less - you're almost guaranteed to hit the bladerush or 2 ticks of the master strike before they can get the stun off if you are fast enough.


It'll also mildly increase DPS & burst, because you're removing one weak damage GCD out of your rotation that would otherwise be bringing your DPS down slightly (precision hits for less damage than your basic attack if I recall).

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by 'reduced damage' of Precision Slash I am pretty sure it means the damage the ability does itself (its not just a buff, it also does damage upon use as a damage ability) not the actual armor penetration amount.


& thankyou to who posted the blash rush spam screenie, i'm glad it has been finally addressed as it should have been a long time ago!

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