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Galactic Market Interface


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It's simply TERRIBLE! It's confusing, inconvinient and I dont know more words!

If I try to find a simple item to compare prices I have to guess which category it is and look them all, instead of simply type the name of the item and check it. Also too few items per page.

Please do something

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  • 3 weeks later...
The whole economy sucks. People sell just about everything for less than the default price. I have tons of Silk, nobody will buy at default price. I attempt the sell crafted cybertech gear & boe drops at default, and nobody buys them. Well, maybe 1 out of 10 will sell.
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here are my issues


1. Searching requires you to know item type and subtype


When the game started, i was trying to make some Artifice items that required Fire Nodes. I didn't know what a Fire Node was, so I couldn't search for it. I had to go to torhead.com and learn that it was an item from the Treasure Hunting Crew Skill.


2. You can't search for or filter search results by slot


I'm looking for new leg Armor. Unfortunately I have to wade through two dozen pages of every other slot too since I can't specify what slot I'm looking for.


3. Name filter requires contiguous filter term


If I search for Item Modifications -> Hilts and I want to find "Resolve Hilt 15", I have to type "Resolve Hilt 15" in the filter box. I can't type "Resolve 15".


4. You can only list one item at a time


If I want to sell 10 Resolve Hilt 15's, I have to create 10 individual auctions. The system does not allow me to create 10 at once with the same parameters. Nor does it even remember the price I just set for the same item when I go to list the next.


5. When selling an item, clearing the price field auto-inserts a "1"


If you place an item on the Sell page to begin the listing process, then click in the price field and delete the auto-populated price, the system puts a "1" in the price field. So if I want to list my item for 2999, I have to remember to get rid of that "1". (Note that clicking in the price field, hitting CTRL-A then "delete" results in a blank price field with no "1" as expected.)

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I have tons of Silk, nobody will buy at default price.


I think the biggest problem with Silk is it's mislabeled on the GTN. You get it with Underworld Trading, but it's listed under Diplomacy. Buh? Since you can't just outright search for it, you have to know it's under Diplo and not UT.


And with regards to the GTN? Yes. It's awful. It's horrible. It's terrible. It's bugged to bits. I can think of nothing about it that's any good at all.

Edited by Shaz
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Read the response from BW again, they are aware of it...but it doesn't sound like they are in a hurry to fix.



Boggles the mind, how they thought it was workable.


(Along with no guild bank...sigh)


There was a search and more features to the GTN in beta. It brought the Fleets to a crawl with lag. So they removed it until they could figure it out.

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The lack of server forums and the terribly optimized GTN is preventing any sense of community from forming. I'm in a guild with 400 members and for all intents and purposes they are the only people on my server with me. It's these little details that are going to cause people to quit the game after their initial trial.


1) Remove the 50 item limit. I'd rather a few people abuse the GTN than have nothing I can use on it. I've seen two might augments in 27 levels. It's annoying to always have to burn commendations on item mods.


2) Remove the default 1 stuff. It adds to the tedium of listing multiple items.


3) Shift-click an item to put the name into a working search field.


4) A logical set of filters. It's not even remotely convenient to sift through 15 pages of cunning and strength medium armor of every armor slot.

Edited by derrate
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The interface is functional..but you can't search by name without putting in a ton of parameters which makes it ridiculously hard to find out if anyone else is selling the same item as you and do a price match or competition when the item is over priced (some people price too low but tehre are many that price too high).


They really need to let you shift click the item into a search box without all sorts of parameters.

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It's simply TERRIBLE! It's confusing, inconvinient and I dont know more words!

If I try to find a simple item to compare prices I have to guess which category it is and look them all, instead of simply type the name of the item and check it. Also too few items per page.

Please do something

People are still leveling and working getting to 50.


When the populations settle towards the 50 level and people start making more alts, we'll see more free rolling credits in the economy and sales will pickup.

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There have been a million post on this issue and BW has said they are working on improving the interface.


This is a tremendous relief. I hope they are making it a high priority. It is one of the few issues in the game that is not bug-related that really detracts from the game's awesomeness.

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When I started testing in July, the GTN interface was mostly decent, not the cleanest interface nor most logical naming for filter categories, but decent- but didn't have a search feature at all. It was also on all planets (you know, it was a "Galactic" trade network, just as the name indicates). Prior to that time, there was a search feature, but I was told that it brought the servers to their knees so they had removed it to fix it.


In the Thanksgiving build, really the final new testing build (it was just patched from there), they made the changes to what we have now; no item slot filter, search after 2 filters, and only on fleet and capitol (and not even those are connected, if I'm not mistaken).


Simply put, I believe BW just does not know how to handle traffic and strain on their systems.


-Very small population caps on the servers

-Excessively small population caps on zones before sharding begins

-Limited GTN access locations

-Limited search capabilities

-50 item limit on GTN

-Website and forum have a "waiting room" (seriously, a queue for a website)

-Search removed from forums


These are all things for reducing strain on the systems, which isn't a bad thing in itself. But none of these should be needed, nor have ever been needed on any game or site I've seen, and all of these are detrimental to the customer experience.

Edited by Vodalus
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