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Nerfs not "smart"


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The healing generated by Combat Technique/Dark Charge has been reduced by approximately 50%.

- Do you really think we are spamming trash while tanking ? WRONG!

The healing generated by Harnessed Shadows/Harnessed Darkness has been reduced to 8% in total (down from 12% in total).

- not big deal.

The armor provided by Combat Technique/Dark Charge has been reduced to +115% (down from 150%)

- Increasing the shield absorb rating not easy! You can nerf our armor after shield fix!

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It is another sad example of nerfing a class because people crying of its PVP performance, but the nerf will destroy its PVE game....


When I tank SOA, with current armor ratings (full columi + some Rakata), SOA hits me per zap 2200 damage, you know that SOA damage is not shieldable/absorbable....


So with one change SOA will hit me %35 more damage 2900 damage per shot, now I know a Juggernaut with same gear mitigate SOA damage to 1800 per shot....so with %35 less armor and %4 harnassed darkness + %50 dark charge less self healing how the hell I should keep up with a Juggernaut tank....why the hell anybody wants me in his raid team, if I am getting %45 percent more damage from a boss then another tank...


Same stuff against puzzle boss in Karagga's palace, a Juggernaut tank can tank him like a minute with whole stack of armor debuffs but I am melting against it in 30s now how the hell I should tank it with %45 less performance....


BW has such a lack of backbone as a company, if Sin Tank is overpowered in PVP with DPS gear then prevent him/her to wear DPS gear but don't fuuuuuck the PVE class....

Edited by floriwie
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The changes as are listed right now are stupid and so obviously a knee jerk reaction to PVP QQ. Good game BW/EA on going back on your word that PVP would not dictate policy in this game.


That said, I am still going reserve judgement since the patch just hit PTS and is subject to change. Also, the Bodyguard Merc nerfs in last big patch looked ridiculous on paper but ended up not being quite as bad. Time will tell, but if BW/EA is going to insist on these kind of responses to self-absorbed kids who need to WTFPWN everyone in pvp to validate their lives, then unfortunately my business will be taken elsewhere.

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When I tank SOA, with current armor ratings (full columi + some Rakata), SOA hits me per zap 2200 damage, you know that SOA damage is not shieldable/absorbable....


So with one change SOA will hit me %35 more damage 2900 damage per shot, ..


It's not your max armour reduced by 35%, it is a 35% lower increase on base armour.

It's a 15% increase in damage, still harsh considering the healing nerf.

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So the op class is complaining about being brought down think about this.


The tank spec was ridiculus people used it's aoes and did thousands of damage. Per use this is fair they did not fix sage/sorc healing which is a really bad issue

Edited by Sulvan
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So the op class is complaining about being brought down think about this.


The tank spec was ridiculus people used it's aoes and did thousands of damage. Per use this is fair they did not fix sage/sorc healing which is a really bad issue


"thousands of damage?"


Anyways you cannot judge numbers from AOE but single target damage which when you min/maxed your gear was a tad over the top. As for lol sage/sorc I still see them put up killer numbers and are more than viable for PvP and PvE.

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So the op class is complaining about being brought down think about this.


The tank spec was ridiculus people used it's aoes and did thousands of damage. Per use this is fair they did not fix sage/sorc healing which is a really bad issue



your talking about pvp tankassin in dps gear, the changes are set to hit pve assasin tanks who by far were the worst of the pve tanks in the first place by a massive amount.


resub and reroll or /quit are the choices presented to us.......

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The changes as are listed right now are stupid and so obviously a knee jerk reaction to PVP QQ. Good game BW/EA on going back on your word that PVP would not dictate policy in this game.


That said, I am still going reserve judgement since the patch just hit PTS and is subject to change. Also, the Bodyguard Merc nerfs in last big patch looked ridiculous on paper but ended up not being quite as bad. Time will tell, but if BW/EA is going to insist on these kind of responses to self-absorbed kids who need to WTFPWN everyone in pvp to validate their lives, then unfortunately my business will be taken elsewhere.


The nerfs for 1.2 were subject to change on the PTS, as well. Nothing changed, despite all the player feedback.


I wish just for once, they would try buffing the so called 'underperforming' classes to create better balance instead of reflexively breaking out the nerf bat in response to pvp QQ.

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Hilarious, now the real challenge will be to see if you can still "pwnface" after this class gets balanced.


Its not a nerf if it was broken!


What is it thats broken skill wise..??

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It is another sad example of nerfing a class because people crying of its PVP performance, but the nerf will destroy its PVE game....


When I tank SOA, with current armor ratings (full columi + some Rakata), SOA hits me per zap 2200 damage, you know that SOA damage is not shieldable/absorbable....


So with one change SOA will hit me %35 more damage 2900 damage per shot, now I know a Juggernaut with same gear mitigate SOA damage to 1800 per shot....so with %35 less armor and %4 harnassed darkness + %50 dark charge less self healing how the hell I should keep up with a Juggernaut tank....why the hell anybody wants me in his raid team, if I am getting %45 percent more damage from a boss then another tank...


Same stuff against puzzle boss in Karagga's palace, a Juggernaut tank can tank him like a minute with whole stack of armor debuffs but I am melting against it in 30s now how the hell I should tank it with %45 less performance....


BW has such a lack of backbone as a company, if Sin Tank is overpowered in PVP with DPS gear then prevent him/her to wear DPS gear but don't fuuuuuck the PVE class....



Couldnt have said it better

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Here I thought the issue was "tanks" in dps gear doing dps-like damage while beeing tanky... Well ofc it is, I am just playing this stupid to match how BW "solves" it with the least amount of thinking and code while not caring what else they break as usual. SOA fixes anyone?

So later we will get fixed for beeing inferior in pve mitigation compared to other tanks by giving us shorter cd on Force Speed?


Seriously BW get a grip for crying out loud. You are making fools of yourself here. Adress the issues that need to be adresses and that is not assassin pve tanking mitigation.

Edited by Dhariq
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It's not your max armour reduced by 35%, it is a 35% lower increase on base armour.

It's a 15% increase in damage, still harsh considering the healing nerf.


When you really calculate it, It actually comes down to about 3-4% less damage reduction. So it's a lot less dire than people are making out.

Edited by Rhaphael
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Same stuff against puzzle boss in Karagga's palace, a Juggernaut tank can tank him like a minute with whole stack of armor debuffs but I am melting against it in 30s now how the hell I should tank it with %45 less performance....


BW has such a lack of backbone as a company, if Sin Tank is overpowered in PVP with DPS gear then prevent him/her to wear DPS gear but don't fuuuuuck the PVE class....



Our Assassin-tanks are so far the only tanks capable of tanking G4-B3 solo on Nightmare.

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