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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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"...we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service."


First let me say that I am not complaining, I personally don't care if they open 1 server per week for transfers. I am a bit confused about something though. If they are trying to balance the population (as stated in their quote above) then why does it seem like they are moving small population servers to bigger ones? Clearly there's no balance in that. Should we expect this to be the trend when the next batch of servers is listed?


Personally I was hoping for a couple of us small servers to get merged... oh well :(


That was more what I was expecting, not hoping. It makes the most sense. Why make more populated servers stuffed as it is? Merge the groups that are smaller together to make something better. *shrugs*

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A decent amount ARE kids.



Before server transfers were happening, I bit the bullet and started new characters on a more populated server and I have never complained since. If you don't like something, then help yourself out. Yes, BioWare should do something to fix the situation (ie their server transfers), but neither are you doing anything productive by just sitting around complaining/whining and waiting for something to happen.


By the way, server transfers are not a simple click and drag operation over in Austin. It takes so much more than that to transfer one character over. That's why it's taken so long to get transfers happening and also why they aren't doing it for all servers.

Seriously, you guys want your cake and you want to eat it, too. There's only so much that can be done with an MMO in its initial 6 months. Jeez. Even WoW had issues like this at launch. It was just lucky that it didn't have an already established mega-game to compare and compete with.


It's not a manual transfer anymore. It's automated. But, like they said, there are millions of characters to be transferred, and it needs to be gradual simply because of server loads.


As for the actual transfer, reports are coming in that it's very fast and smooth, like this one from Twitter:


Zan ‏@ZanReigns

@asros @AlanShotFirst @swtor @Joveth Server transfers instant & flawless. even had crew skill pending that transferred & was waiting #SWTOR

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No list of destination servers... guess they wanted to avoid the outcry that all those origin servers to transfer to the heavily loaded ones. (There is a closed thread complaining about Fatman being a destination)


That Fatman is a destination doesnt mean that BW is prefering the heavy servers but it only means that the first origin servers are really really really dead.



So, where are the Cheers and the "Jubel" of those that migrated to the heavy servers months ago and now find their old chars transferred over, too?

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Empty server doesnt mean it gonna be destination... most of servers are empty, they give free transfers to us to make game more lively place for us and create a community for who already play this game. If they wanted to fill empty servers they would just merge servers, Bioware want to take these active players who still play on dead servers and put them togather :D think about it with who they gonna fill your empty destination server? most of servers already empty except few famous servers...


Is there a particular dev comment saying that the least populated servers will become destination servers? I could see where they might servers with the fewest characters on their roles for better name access and save one server's worth of transfers by picking one that exists already but, from what I have read of offcial comments, I am not even clear they will be using existing servers as destination ones. I have seen many posters making the assumption that if their server is among the worst, they will be stuck where they are but, their really is little to base that on.

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In early access I raced for my legacy and character names securing the ones I wanted by day 2/3 of it. Now if either are taken I have to change them!? I have 2 that will definitely change in that case, "Cristal" and "Kitty". Thanks for ruining my legacy (one of BWs biggest selling points "build your own epic tale").
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DOES ANYONE KNOW THE TIME TABLE FOR THE NEXT SERIES OF TRANSFERS? Man...stop all the whining, just do you unsub thing and stop posting already. Lots of us love the game...lots of us can wait for good things to come...don't QQ...pew pew.
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DOES ANYONE KNOW THE TIME TABLE FOR THE NEXT SERIES OF TRANSFERS? Man...stop all the whining, just do you unsub thing and stop posting already. Lots of us love the game...lots of us can wait for good things to come...don't QQ...pew pew.


Yes! Exactly! The one thing this game needs is more people to unsub! It's already way to over populated!

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DOES ANYONE KNOW THE TIME TABLE FOR THE NEXT SERIES OF TRANSFERS? Man...stop all the whining, just do you unsub thing and stop posting already. Lots of us love the game...lots of us can wait for good things to come...don't QQ...pew pew.




Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update
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Yes! Exactly! The one thing this game needs is more people to unsub! It's already way to over populated!


thats the irony bro...they won't...they just want to complain and have us respond..and if they do isn't it better than having their 'cancer' spread through the game??

Edited by Annikus
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thats the irony bro...they won't...they just want to complain nad have us respond..and if they do isn't it better than having their 'cancer' spread through the game??


While resulting in causing others who don't post who are on the fence to unsub.


To every pointing finger, there are three more of your own fingers pointed right back at the pointer. ;)

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thats the irony bro...they won't...they just want to complain and have us respond..and if they do isn't it better than having their 'cancer' spread through the game??


I'm not sure. A paying customer should have the ability to complain about the service if he/she is not happy about it.

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While resulting in causing others who don't post who are on the fence to unsub.


To every pointing finger, there are three more of your own fingers pointed right back at the pointer. ;)


I agree..my bad...just tired of people constantly complaining and not being patient...its the instant gratification generation....please forgive MY impatience.

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OK, I liked the idea of server transfers up to the point where you are making it difficult for guilds, especially guild leaders, to move. Why do I have to demote myself in order to transfer servers when a good chunk of my guild are most likely moving with me? THen the demotion process keeps happening until there is only one poor soul left in the guild who can't go anywhere or do anything because he/she can't disband the guild and can't transfer with the rest of the guild. It doesn't make sense.


I think the next major patch, Patch 1.4, should really re-vamp the guild system. First of all, it should be a lot easier for a guild master to disband a guild if they so desire. Second, there should some way to contact everybody in the guild in-game, such as an in-game newsletter. Third, there should be a day where entire guilds can transfer servers if need be without having to disband and then re-assemble. I think if these changes were implemented into the guild system, it would make thins a lot easier.

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Then here is my say...please commincate with your customers...my server; Lord Pravan, is not the highest pop by any means, but its not uultra dead either...so does our guild fall apart while we wait to see what's going to happen and nothing may happen for our server? I wish they would release a list of servers that will eventually be opened to transfer and give a time table for those...the more we know the less we complain.


(Force Persuade) Bioware - you want to commincate with your customers

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