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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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What happens if BB has some unlocks that AA does not have (such as different races at 50, class story completions and companion completions...or perhaps I managed to get a higher social rank on a character on B than I did on A)? Do they get completely overwritten by AA, or do those unlocks merge with the unlocks from AA, and I end up with a legacy that has the unlocks of AA and BB, the level of AA and the name of BB? (I hope that makes sense and isn't too confusing)


They said the highest-ranked legacy stays. So I imagine that whatever unlocks you have for your highest-ranked legacy, you keep. And you lose the unlocks of the legacy that get's eliminated. But I could be wrong.

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If by 'wherever you want to go' you mean the only other server someone has toons on. ;)


Again, the purpose of this consolidation is to fix population issues, not to shuttle you wherever you want to go. If you want choice, wait for that to come later on. If you want more people to play with, that you'll have available next week.


TLDR: more people=free and next week, all your toons together=not free and later

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I don't understand why the dead servers need to move to already-existing bigger servers. Just merge them - it's the simplest solution. Oh wait you probably don't know how to code that either, right?
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Anyone know if you have to move every character or just a few? I mean if you decide to move and you only want to move a few cause your guild decides they don't want too; can you leave one?


I am sorry to say Darthrag, We have not seen eney thing to do with what you siad so you will just what to wait till we here something thank you.

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Again, the purpose of this consolidation is to fix population issues, not to shuttle you wherever you want to go. If you want choice, wait for that to come later on. If you want more people to play with, that you'll have available next week.


TLDR: more people=free and next week, all your toons together=not free and later


Why bother making players happy for free now when you can charge them for it later?

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process. We don't want to promise a destination in case it may change.


Quote taken from here


You were saying?


Try again. Joveth has already clarified this statement (multiple times if I'm not mistaken).


Each server will have one destination server. So, for example, everyone on Kath Hound has the option to move to Ebon Hawk. Then, depending on how those transfers affect the numbers, they may offer the option to people on Sanctum of the Exalted to transfer to Ebon Hawk. If you're on Kath Hound, you're going to Ebon Hawk. They aren't going to switch that. You're on Kath Hound, you go to Ebon Hawk. Period.


When he talks about altering the destination/origin server, he's talking about for upcoming servers that haven't transferred, NOT servers that already had that option. So they aren't releasing the names of servers, because if they say "Ok, if you're on Kath Hound or Sanctum of the Exalted, you're going to Ebon Hawk" and then they hit their target numbers from all the people from Kath Hound, then they would have to switch the destination server for Sanctum of the Exalted after they already announced where they were (initially) going to go. And then the forums would be filled with people screaming "BUT YOU SAID I WAS GOING TO EBON HAWK!"

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I don't understand why the dead servers need to move to already-existing bigger servers. Just merge them - it's the simplest solution. Oh wait you probably don't know how to code that either, right?


Think of it more as an "optional merge" because that's in essence what it is. It's a server merge, but they're not forcing people to do it if they don't want to.

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Without reading every page(sorry)...


My suggestion is to change everyones name now to (Current name # (Server initials))...Joe(DT)...


then change all legacy items and name to account wide...



.then when a merge or transfer happens...just merge the data to the new server...


yes there will be multiple toons with the JOE name..but they will be distinguished by the Server initial..just like there are multiple joes in the real world , just with different last names...


And any newly created toon will get the server initial auto added to the end of the name...


just seems like the merge or transfer would be seemless...but im sure im missing something...



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Because that would add a bunch of development time to the mix and they want to get this rolled out sooner. You make it seem like it's SOOOOOOOOOO hard to just reform a guild on the server you end up when all it takes is "/w Egalatae Hey, ginvite me please, I just transferred over." It's gotta be the easiest thing in the world for you to do. Sorry that it takes a minimal effort by you, but if sending a whisper to your guild leader for a re-guildinvite is the hardest thing about this whole process, you'll live. You do know how to send a whisper to another player, right? If not, you can probably use vent, mumble or even your guild forums.


You're the dog that just wont drop the bone aren't you?


All you have done through this thread is troll any posts that show any form of opposition to BW's proposals.

Healthy debate and constructive arguements require points from all sides of the fence


Firstly, you're assuming i get to keep my name, and my legacy name also.

Secondly, you're assuming i get to do this as a manual thing at the same time as the rest of my guild.

I have a family. I dont have all frigging day of any given day of the week to sit around waiting for my turn to move. A mass guild move would leave me free of the worry and p*ssing around required to co-ordinate a guild move.


I point out a lack of effort on BW/EA's side, and you jump.

Fanboi much?


If it makes any difference, i absolutely love playing this game, i just think its being controlled by a bunch of ameteurs, who seem to skrimp on absolutely everything they can.

In this case, its accommodating what most guilds want.


Just because you dont agree, doesn't make me wrong, and you right. Deal with it

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Why bother making players happy for free now when you can charge them for it later?


Partly, yes, of course. Partly because it would potentially defeat the purpose of a controlled population density change. Don't like it? Too bad. Deal with it or unsubscribe.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Think of it more as an "optional merge" because that's in essence what it is. It's a server merge, but they're not forcing people to do it if they don't want to.


Can you tell me more about what you mean about a server merge is thank you mate.:)

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Try again. Joveth has already clarified this statement (multiple times if I'm not mistaken).


Each server will have one destination server. So, for example, everyone on Kath Hound has the option to move to Ebon Hawk. Then, depending on how those transfers affect the numbers, they may offer the option to people on Sanctum of the Exalted to transfer to Ebon Hawk. If you're on Kath Hound, you're going to Ebon Hawk. They aren't going to switch that. You're on Kath Hound, you go to Ebon Hawk. Period.


When he talks about altering the destination/origin server, he's talking about for upcoming servers that haven't transferred, NOT servers that already had that option. So they aren't releasing the names of servers, because if they say "Ok, if you're on Kath Hound or Sanctum of the Exalted, you're going to Ebon Hawk" and then they hit their target numbers from all the people from Kath Hound, then they would have to switch the destination server for Sanctum of the Exalted after they already announced where they were (initially) going to go. And then the forums would be filled with people screaming "BUT YOU SAID I WAS GOING TO EBON HAWK!"



Just start copy and pasting this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4557046#post4557046

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sry not going to read though 54 pages of dirent questions but is there a list of witch suvers are going ware ? and if not why not it should go live in 6 days people have to be ready and know whats going on ?


and if there is 1 please may i have link to it :)

even if its direct transfer we have 2-3 guild banks and will need to sort out whos taking what and if they have space so pre warning if we are being forced to move would be realy helpfull !!!!

Edited by kanare
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sry not going to read though 54 pages of dirent questions but is there a list of witch suvers are going ware ? and if not why not it should go live in 6 days people have to be ready and know whats going on ?


and if there is 1 please may i have link to it :)


Not yet this link will go live tuesday with listings


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Try again. Joveth has already clarified this statement (multiple times if I'm not mistaken).


Each server will have one destination server. So, for example, everyone on Kath Hound has the option to move to Ebon Hawk. Then, depending on how those transfers affect the numbers, they may offer the option to people on Sanctum of the Exalted to transfer to Ebon Hawk. If you're on Kath Hound, you're going to Ebon Hawk. They aren't going to switch that. You're on Kath Hound, you go to Ebon Hawk. Period.


When he talks about altering the destination/origin server, he's talking about for upcoming servers that haven't transferred, NOT servers that already had that option. So they aren't releasing the names of servers, because if they say "Ok, if you're on Kath Hound or Sanctum of the Exalted, you're going to Ebon Hawk" and then they hit their target numbers from all the people from Kath Hound, then they would have to switch the destination server for Sanctum of the Exalted after they already announced where they were (initially) going to go. And then the forums would be filled with people screaming "BUT YOU SAID I WAS GOING TO EBON HAWK!"


You really have way too much faith that BW knows what they are doing with this. They have one person saying that everyone will be happy and you wont get put on seperate servers, but on the community news still say that it could happen. If their message was consistant, maybe I would have some of that faith as well.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Bioware stop treating your most loyal customers like dirt...just because we did not unsub the second our server died and decided to reroll, we get screwed now and can't have our original chars on the server we rolled another 50? Really??


Yes, people who will unsub for this reason are few compared to the ones who will resub to move their chars. But losing 1 loyal customer and gaining 3 oportunistic ones, will never pay off in the long run.

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so it aparantly goes live on tuesday ? or just the list ?


As far as has been stated, the link will go live with a few listings. the actual transfers themselves have only been stated to start next week. Not any particular day.

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