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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Am i mistaken are are you saying that the server transfer ratio is one to one where no other origin server will transfer to the destination sever or another origin server?


no what they are saying is server A,B and C only have 1 destination server, but it may be the same for all...how do you people not get this stuff?

Edited by tloops
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I for one don't want a list posted in advance, because then I feel players will need to create level 1 characters on the destination server in order to save names. That would not be good.


HOWEVER, I sincerely hope that destination servers are the same REGION as origin servers. I don't know why, but A LOT of players on Mandalore the Indomitable (West coast PVP) re-rolled on The Fatman (East Coast PVP). I for one have NO DESIRE to move my character(s) to a server other than in my region (West Coast for me).


I have a feeling they will stick to regions. I know when my original server, Darth Bandon, began to die, a number of us re-rolled on Lord Adraas and I'm hoping Lord Adraas (a fairly decent pop server) will be a destination server for all the east coast non pvpers. Will have to wait for the list to see :)

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So why not just merge servers, then they could control faction and population balance without giving us the "Illusion" of choice that actually doesn't exists




But it sounds like it's not really the announced "superserver" move that was announced some time ago, so maybe they want to use both opportunities to see things break in exciting ways ;) (Plus, they already have the transfer stuff in place from the APAC spin-off...) (edit, not that anyone will read it at this point:) Having players transfer their own characters also means they can perform name changes exactly when required, and it keeps dead wood off the destination servers, so the number of possible conflicts is vastly reduced.


I'm looking forward to the intricacies involved in transferring guilds and associated assets (*cough* guild bank). In WAR, we managed to end up with 3 clones of the original guild on different servers after several transfers and merges.


For now, I'm happy that there's a real chance to see other people again, and then shove my lightsaber through their faces. Oh wait, I'm light side. Anyway, the 1.3 notes made me re-sub today, and the announcement of the transfers made me not regret it, so I'd call it a good day for the game.

Edited by Laurreth
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  • Dev Post
Am i mistaken are are you saying that the server transfer ratio is one to one where no other origin server will transfer to the destination sever or another origin server?


To quote directly from the blog:


In some cases, a large number of origin servers will be eligible to move to a single destination server. In others, very few origin servers will be transferring to existing high population destination servers.


So, in some cases, multiple origin servers will be assigned the same destination server. The end goal is to have destination servers with higher populations, and that may require sourcing from several origin servers.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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no what they are saying is server A,B and C only have 1 destination server, but it may be the same for all


i was just confused as they said an origin sever will have one destination server, and not that an origin server group will have a shared destination server

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I feel that since I'm better then the person that already has my name on the new server I am moving to should change their name and not me I am special and more of a value to the community so make this happen now.

good day sir :d_rolls_eyes:

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To quote directly from the blog:




So, in some cases, multiple origin servers will be assigned the same destination server. The end goal is to have destination servers with higher populations, and that may require sourcing from several origin servers.


thanks for clarification i must have missed that part :)

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i was just confused as they said an origin sever will have one destination server, and not that an origin server group will have a shared destination server


it explains it quite simply in the original blog...see the post above yours

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Can't wait for the gnashing of teeth, wailing and lamenting that will go on when all of the guilds with "clever", punny names (usually involving Sith) collide.


I mean, is there a server out there without a "Sith Happens"? Will we see "Sith Happens 2: Electric Boogaloo"?

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Is it ALL of our characters on an origin server... or just one? Even though I haven't played in over a month, I'd like to know that if I see enough improvements (which I am hoping for) that I come back to a new server with all of the level 50's that I've dinged and not just one specific one.


Also, wow @ not retaining the legacy name. /adds to disappointment list

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So basically if we're stuck on an server type or a time zone region we dont want to be on for whatever various reasons we can just kiss off and pay you guys money later? I'd like some clarification so I know what to do with my account.


Its completely unequal treatment of customers. Everyone should get a fair shot to move for free atleast once and we shouldnt' be pigeoned holed by region or type.

Edited by Kindara
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I mean, is there a server out there without a "Sith Happens"? Will we see "Sith Happens 2: Electric Boogaloo"?


There are also only so many ways to misspell "Han Solo" without resorting to really exotic areas of the Unicode standard.

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Can't wait for the gnashing of teeth, wailing and lamenting that will go on when all of the guilds with "clever", punny names (usually involving Sith) collide.


I mean, is there a server out there without a "Sith Happens"? Will we see "Sith Happens 2: Electric Boogaloo"?


LOL, I <3 it! Just posting in to say how happy I am to hear about this. I am very pleased they are funneling folks to specific servers as well. I was worried they were going to let it be a free for all so people wouldnt cry, then we'd end up with a bigger mess. Looks like someone finally put their foot down. Yay!

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Is it ALL of our characters on an origin server... or just one? Even though I haven't played in over a month, I'd like to know that if I see enough improvements (which I am hoping for) that I come back to a new server with all of the level 50's that I've dinged and not just one specific one.


Also, wow @ not retaining the legacy name. /adds to disappointment list


I believe they said you can transfer them one at a time to the destination server

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The only thing i dont like.



As a person who has got almost 8 50's (last one is lvl 31)


Is the fact my names may change when I transfer if my server is a transferred from server.


I dont mind loosing my name to someone who is playing activly.


But i do mind loosing my legacey and names to players who dont play anymore or havn't touched a charr since lvl 1. Since I played from early access and stuck with the game and spent time on the game more than (maybe) than my counterparts shouldn't i be entitled to keep my name more and not be victimized for my commitment on a server?


other than that i think this is awsome and love infact. Although i dont think bw will change there minds and it is probably tough cookies. I do think it is something they should realy revise on.A better thing to do would be to maybe make it a roll on who keeps there name or help formulate a way to keep names in the back ground.


For Example:


Say if I am on Hadians Way and we are moving to Red Eclipse.


There is a guy who has a charr called Leo there my name can stay Leo to

only difference would be when people need to speak to me or invite me they add my origin initals first in block caps

so it would be [HW]Leo


This is only for whispers and invites there naem cane be shown as plain leo except instances where they are ont he same instance as a name sake?

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This is not correct. We'll be providing a list of origin servers and destination servers. Each origin server will have one destination server, and players can elect to transfer their characters from the origin server to the destination. Our goal is to have destination servers with a much higher active player population, so we'll be monitoring the process and adding new origin and destination pairs as necessary to reach that goal.


You are not required to move when transfers become available; it's your choice if you'd like to stay on your server.


So you really have the "choice" to stay on a server alone or to have your characters transfered to a server that is probably not the server you want to go to.


Many, if not most people have already rerolled on other servers that are more populated so that they can play the game with others instead of waiting for hours to do a warzone or flashpoint. They did this in the hopes that they would be able to bring their main characters along later on and be able to keep their higher legacy, plus add their new character on their new server to that legacy. Now you are saying that probably won't happen. Grats on another major patch causing the exodus of more players.

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I have a feeling they will stick to regions. I know when my original server, Darth Bandon, began to die, a number of us re-rolled on Lord Adraas and I'm hoping Lord Adraas (a fairly decent pop server) will be a destination server for all the east coast non pvpers. Will have to wait for the list to see :)


Frankly, I'm also hoping that my server is a destination, and I think it's a semi-decent possibility, since it was one of the last to go into perpetual "light", so it's probably got one of the better populations of the lights.


I don't much appreciate that they're doing transfers first and the destinations automatically get priority on names. There should be a period during the initial transfer where some method of prioritization is made based on a "seniority" of sorts, after which, then destination gets automatic priority. Just because you rolled a lucky choice, your 1 month old character with 2 hours of playtime gets priority over my character rolled day T-4 with 400 hours played?

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Although the transfers are indeed good news, it is disappointing that many players will lose their character and legacy names. I had hoped that BW would find a way around this fiasco, but it seems that they are just like any other MMO company when it comes handling server merge issues. Edited by Tomb-Stone
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Frankly, I'm also hoping that my server is a destination, and I think it's a semi-decent possibility, since it was one of the last to go into perpetual "light", so it's probably got one of the better populations of the lights.


I don't much appreciate that they're doing transfers first and the destinations automatically get priority on names. There should be a period during the initial transfer where some method of prioritization is made based on a "seniority" of sorts, after which, then destination gets automatic priority. Just because you rolled a lucky choice, your 1 month old character with 2 hours of playtime gets priority over my character rolled day T-4 with 400 hours played?


No game has ever put senority in place when it comes to names. It'd be an extremely huge PR nightmare...the rage alone from those screwed over because some people moved onto their servers would be massive. JUst plan on changes to your names to something that'd make you happy. That is if your Destination server is one you are happy to go to...I hav ea feeling i'm about to get F'd in the A.

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Just because you rolled a lucky choice, your 1 month old character with 2 hours of playtime gets priority over my character rolled day T-4 with 400 hours played?


I don't like it much either, but I'm pretty sure they are paying the same kind of money you are :p

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