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A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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Didn't see that.


In that case it is far too early for an expansion. Certainly EA's hands on this, they must be desperate to attract more people to the game and hold the current subbers. But this game has too many small issues that must be fixed befor detaching part of the team to the creation of the expansions.



**** you EA, don't know why I still have the faith to buy anything with your hellish logo printed one.


It's not an expansion. And it's only a 5 level raise.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Didn't see that.


In that case it is far too early for an expansion. Certainly EA's hands on this, they must be desperate to attract more people to the game and hold the current subbers. But this game has too many small issues that must be fixed befor detaching part of the team to the creation of the expansions.



**** you EA, don't know why I still have the faith to buy anything with your hellish logo printed one.


About the "coming this year" part, it was written in big giant letters in the E3 video and it was confirmed on many SWTOR non-official websites.


I higly doubt the things we saw in the video will be included in an expansion. It will probably be implemented in updates 1.4+. We'll see.

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I think what the original OP is trying to say is there will be no reason to run the current end game content anymore. EV, KP And even EC so a certain extent will be outdated, gear will be outdated.


With all MMO's the whole point is to level and acquire the next best set of gear, but lets fast forward 1 year. what happens to new players that start playing this game, people will not want to run EV and KP anymore, both were fun IMHO when they were launched. the reason there is no point, the gear that drops is substandard to the latest content. In less Bio ware keeps updating the gear and items that drops from these and frankly i don't see that happening, they will use their resources to put out new encounters that have new mechanics that are harder to complete to justify the gear drops & Items that come from these. now the only way i see them revamping EV and KP is they would have to make it harder and lets face it it already has SM, HM, NM which are not that hard any more.


Take a look back at things in Anarchy Online, i remember raids that had to be completed with a lot people (raid was Pandemonium) the items that dropped there at one time were some of the best in the game. then they updated armor and skills and perks now that same raid can be completed with 6 people who are exceptionally geared and are some hard core players. I should know i have done it with 6 people. but that content is outdated by far ( i have not played Anarchy Online in sometime so they may have updated it since i last played it) and tho raids still happen, they are not as frequent anymore they even made it instanced so guilds can do it. It use to be a open world raid meaning if you did not join the Bot and raid with people from many different guilds you did not get to. we had 3 factions in the game each week would be a different factions time to raid. there is one example, there are a myriad of examples i could use in Anarchy online where older content is now pointless and not worth running.


TLDR: The whole point I'm trying to make is when you raise the level cap you make older content pointless.

Edited by Snakeyees
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This is a "story driven game". Expect a lot of minor level increases over time. And welcome it.


When you reach the level cap, and there is nothing new or fresh left to do you will appreciate further content to pursue. Im completely boggled by the people who claim its a slap in the face to them because they are all geared out and now they have to play the game more......


How could that not be welcome by someone who has reached end game and ran through all the content? It just gives you more to do, something to work for in game.


I hit level 50, and felt like there was nothing more of substance to do in game. Its not sandbox, so you follow the linear path until you hit the end of the maze. There are no mini games to keep you preoccupied. Until the game expands in a way that allows for more diverse gameplay, then hitting the level cap and gearing out is game over.


I welcome new content. It keeps the game fresh. None of the arguements against level cap increase make sense- Oh no, youre going to have to play the game more because there may be an armor piece added with slightly better stats? If you do like the game, I cannot see how them giving you incentive to play more is bad in any way.

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This is a "story driven game". Expect a lot of minor level increases over time. And welcome it.


When you reach the level cap, and there is nothing new or fresh left to do you will appreciate further content to pursue. Im completely boggled by the people who claim its a slap in the face to them because they are all geared out and now they have to play the game more......


How could that not be welcome by someone who has reached end game and ran through all the content? It just gives you more to do, something to work for in game.


I hit level 50, and felt like there was nothing more of substance to do in game. Its not sandbox, so you follow the linear path until you hit the end of the maze. There are no mini games to keep you preoccupied. Until the game expands in a way that allows for more diverse gameplay, then hitting the level cap and gearing out is game over.


I welcome new content. It keeps the game fresh. None of the arguements against level cap increase make sense- Oh no, youre going to have to play the game more because there may be an armor piece added with slightly better stats? If you do like the game, I cannot see how them giving you incentive to play more is bad in any way.


hey hey buddy... this is the internet... this is no place for your logical and well reasoned thoughts...

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TLDR: The whole point I'm trying to make is when you raise the level cap you make older content pointless.


Typically, maybe. In other MMOs.


TOR's gear curve is fairly flat, flatter than any other MMO, I dare say.. And we're only talking a 5-level increase here. At 55, I can see HM EC or even NM EV and KG still being quite a challenge, and they reward gear that's over level 55. I still think the progression will require Columi --> Black Hole/Campaign --> TfB.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Are you suggesting that a player would level to 55, then go back and do level 50 content in order to get the gear for the new level 55 end game?


That is what I am thinking. Some people (like me) will go back to old content to finish up any missing missions, side missions, bonus mission etc.


Who will want to do dailies for 50 to get gear when you can do dailies for level 55 gear?


I will be surprise if a bunch of people decides to run Ops (level 50) more than once.


If the gear continue to be "flat" then why even do it more than once to get gear? people would rather do easier stuff to get better gear than hard work ;)

Edited by Sasheria
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This is a "story driven game". Expect a lot of minor level increases over time. And welcome it.


When you reach the level cap, and there is nothing new or fresh left to do you will appreciate further content to pursue. Im completely boggled by the people who claim its a slap in the face to them because they are all geared out and now they have to play the game more......


How could that not be welcome by someone who has reached end game and ran through all the content? It just gives you more to do, something to work for in game.


I hit level 50, and felt like there was nothing more of substance to do in game. Its not sandbox, so you follow the linear path until you hit the end of the maze. There are no mini games to keep you preoccupied. Until the game expands in a way that allows for more diverse gameplay, then hitting the level cap and gearing out is game over.


I welcome new content. It keeps the game fresh. None of the arguements against level cap increase make sense- Oh no, youre going to have to play the game more because there may be an armor piece added with slightly better stats? If you do like the game, I cannot see how them giving you incentive to play more is bad in any way.


Its not about the people that have done the old stuff before, I think all those players welcome new content. Its the players that have not done the level 50 content in the game now, for whatever reason. BW is taking away part of the game from them.


You should be ashamed of yourself to think its ok to take content away from casuals just because they dont play the game 20 hours a day. Would like to hear from all the casuals that are happy that they now are going to lose the content of the current OPS/flashpoints just because some BW wants to add new content with a level cap increase.


Again they can add all the content that they are intending on add without raising the level cap.

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Its not about the people that have done the old stuff before, I think all those players welcome new content. Its the players that have not done the level 50 content in the game now, for whatever reason. BW might be taking away part of the game from them.


You should be ashamed of yourself to think its ok to possibly take content away from casuals just because they dont play the game 20 hours a day. Would like to hear from all the casuals that are happy that they now might be going to lose the content of the current OPS/flashpoints just because some BW wants to add new content with a level cap increase, even though all current content could likely still be perfectly viable for progression.


Again they can add all the content that they are intending on add without raising the level cap, maybe.


Fixed. :D

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Fixed. :D


So it's only a possibility that they can release new content without raising the level cap? Or you were you too lost in the joy of being a smarmy little **** to notice that your last edit made no sense?

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So it's only a possibility that they can release new content without raising the level cap? Or you were you too lost in the joy of being a smarmy little **** to notice that your last edit made no sense?


It's not smarmy when he's got a point, raising the level cap does not mean that level 50 raids and flashpoints are automatically pointless. Nothing is keeping the player, casual or hardcore, from getting to 50 and then beginning operations and endgame progression as you level, by the time you get to 55 you will have better gear to help make the next tier of endgame content easier to deal with.


Well OK, 1 thing could keep the player from doing this: Personal Motivation

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So it's only a possibility that they can release new content without raising the level cap? Or you were you too lost in the joy of being a smarmy little **** to notice that your last edit made no sense?


That's correct. Because nothing in the game exists in a vacuum, much as some of you would like to think it does.

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Level cap without a full expansions worth of content is fail. It's nothing more than a way to keep people on the treadmill.


Try and tell me im wrong but isnt releasing a new tier of operations also a way to keep people on the treadmill or releasing ranked warzones ?


Thats why we pay subscriptions, so the game keeps getting updated with new content and thus the treadmill going and thus no endgame screen saying you win.

Edited by Shingara
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Try and tell me im wrong but isnt releasing a new tier of operations also a way to keep people on the treadmill or releasing ranked warzones ?


Thats why we pay subscriptions, so the game keeps getting updated with new content and thus the treadmill going and thus no endgame screen saying you win.


Incidentally, the term "endgame" is actually player-derived. MMO developers actually call it the "elder game", because there is no "end", technically.

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Incidentally, the term "endgame" is actually player-derived. MMO developers actually call it the "elder game", because there is no "end", technically.


No i dont mean the term as in what you do at max level, i mean it in the old fashion term endgame where you litteraly finished a game and it went you win and rolled the credits and then went back to the screen that said press A to start.

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No i dont mean the term as in what you do at max level, i mean it in the old fashion term endgame where you litteraly finished a game and it went you win and rolled the credits and then went back to the screen that said press A to start.


Exactly, that's what I mean. That doesn't exist in MMOs.

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Exactly, that's what I mean. That doesn't exist in MMOs.


It does. It is a well understood term for the content which can be done at the end of a MMO progression curve. It may not be the technical correct term, but it still applies because you can mention it and the great majority of the players will know exactly what you mean. :)

Edited by Valkirus
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Level cap without a full expansions worth of content is fail. It's nothing more than a way to keep people on the treadmill.


New story content. New gear. New combat abilities. Raised level cap by 4 or 5 levels.


If you don't care about the story, WoW is over there. -------------------------------------->

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It does. It is a well understood term for the content which can be done at the end of a MMO progression curve. It may not be the technical correct term, but it still applies because you can mention it and the great majority of the players will know exactly what you mean. :)


There are a grand total of 2 MMOs in existence that haven't closed down yet where max level has been achieved. City of Heroes and Ultima Online. That's because CoH is an Alt-aholics Anonymous meeting, and UO is PvP Central, or was back in the day.

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It does. It is a well understood term for the content which can be done at the end of a MMO progression curve. It may not be the technical correct term, but it still applies because you can mention it and the great majority of the players will know exactly what you mean. :)


True, and most MMO veterans also understand it to mean that it doesn't stay at the same level all the time. A few MMOs do, most don't.


Neither way is "wrong", like some here are trying to assert. Besides the fact that we're dealing with mechanics and curves, as well as a smaller level hike. Thus, it's reasonable to conclude that it's impact will be much less profound than in other games were the gear curve is out of control. *cough*WoW*cough*

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Well they wont keep everyone online if there is no level cap raise. I'm always happy to Level cap on RPGs and just recently got this much into an MMORPG I may take time of for the Blade and Soul OBT though, but for the most part I like the game so far very much like KOTOR. I welcome new content, especially if it's 10+
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There are a grand total of 2 MMOs in existence that haven't closed down yet where max level has been achieved. City of Heroes and Ultima Online. That's because CoH is an Alt-aholics Anonymous meeting, and UO is PvP Central, or was back in the day.


Huh? If you down the lastest content highest Boss in a MMO.. that is accomplishing the end game content for that MMO in terms of beating the most current end game content. That is...if you down say Deathwing in WoW, that is the highest level boss you can beat at it's current game content level. Of course the game does not end because you have, there are still many reasons to keep playing...gear...achievements..etc. Plus because you still enjoy playing.


I know what you mean in UO..I played it from the day it released until a year and half later. I more than likely would still be playing it had the game leaders not ruined it with several stupid changes.

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True, and most MMO veterans also understand it to mean that it doesn't stay at the same level all the time. A few MMOs do, most don't.


Neither way is "wrong", like some here are trying to assert. Besides the fact that we're dealing with mechanics and curves, as well as a smaller level hike. Thus, it's reasonable to conclude that it's impact will be much less profound than in other games were the gear curve is out of control. *cough*WoW*cough*


I think it is waaay too soon to be raising the level cap in TOR. Most MMO's go two years before they do. I understand where the OP is coming from. Adding more content of course is a good thing. I really feel like they are dangling a carrot in front of the players with the increase of the levels basically in one move to slow the lost of subs. Of course many other MMO's do this also...even the giant one..lol. Only they do it with other types of incentives. Level raises are usually reserved as a BIG carrot for buying expansions.

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