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2 questions for 30 Sent PVP player


1 Best Spec { I have been doing combact, but guildies said Focus is best}


2. Please share your talent trees



I want to own WZ's and do good for the team


Which spec strikes fear in the Imps?

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2 questions for 30 Sent PVP player


1 Best Spec { I have been doing combact, but guildies said Focus is best}


2. Please share your talent trees



I want to own WZ's and do good for the team


Which spec strikes fear in the Imps?


1. Take it to the Sent forums, you'll get much more info there for players who focus primarily on playing Sents.


2. You're level 30, spec how you want and go for it. Until you hit 50, it's not a big deal (ok, you could blindly assign points and make something terrible, but it's not likely). Use pre-50 as a time to play with different builds and find what you enjoy. Experiment a bit, and if you're not happy with what you're doing, then look at some suggested builds from other Sents.

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1. Take it to the Sent forums, you'll get much more info there for players who focus primarily on playing Sents.


2. You're level 30, spec how you want and go for it. Until you hit 50, it's not a big deal (ok, you could blindly assign points and make something terrible, but it's not likely). Use pre-50 as a time to play with different builds and find what you enjoy. Experiment a bit, and if you're not happy with what you're doing, then look at some suggested builds from other Sents.




Though I might also add that Focus doesn't shine till you hit around 40ish and can hit the full tree. Without the Force Exhaustion (final tier skill) skill you're effectively halving (if not more) your dps. The only way you can build singularity for your force sweeps is through force stasis and Zen, compared to a frequent 18sec CD on FE which will give you all the Singularity stacks you need.


Comparatively speaking, Combat at your level will have Precision Slash which is great for its 100% armour pen. Watchman is pretty decent too though it also shines when you hit late 30s/40 but it's still quite effective (comparatively speaking of course) at 20+.

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I don't have a sent but I do have a 50 marauder.


I leveled carnage (combat) all the way to 50 and did just flat out horrible in pvp.


The problem is that combat requires the player to be able to hit forcescream and ravage (something and master strike for the sentinel) while you have the massacre and 100% armor penetration buff up. That almost NEVER happens in pvp, and, even if you do get those attacks off with the buff up, the spec over all still has far less utility than watchman (annihilation).


Im going to assume that focus is the rage mirror. A lot of people say that its great but its really just eye candy for players who need to see big crits on their screen. The aoe damage will allow players in this spec to pull some massive damage numbers but 1v1 its just terrible. Ive solo'd players in this spec and taken less than 5k damage (which i attribute to the 30% aoe mitigation that its in the carnage tree, defensive cooldowns, and obfuscate).


The best mara's/sents in my server are specced annihilation/watchman. Self heals add up, but the dot damage plus annihilate (merciless slash) is just insane.

Edited by DarthPunitor
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I second watchman, best utility and best single target damage spec imo. When your all alone and nobody is helping you this is the best spec for surviving and burning down. When your with a group its even better. It is also the spec, from what I have seen, that has the most short cooldown management though. In order to do great damage and use your utility you have to watch your cooldowns. Not hard, but you cant just press buttons (well you can but then your not really getting the most out of the spec). The synergy in this tree is just amazing, everything seems to compliment something else.
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If you aren't using watchman you are gimping yourself. Focus and combat can still put of nice numbers, and a good player can make all 3 specs work, but the role of a sent in PVP is to kill healers and watchman does that best.


Focus / COmbat interrupts over 60 seconds:

60 / 8 second kick = 7.5


Force stasis


Equals 9.5 interrupts


Watchman interrupts over 60 seconds"

60 / 6 seconds kick = 10

60 / 12 seconds melee range leap = 5




Equals 17 interrupts.

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2 questions for 30 Sent PVP player


1 Best Spec { I have been doing combact, but guildies said Focus is best}


2. Please share your talent trees


I want to own WZ's and do good for the team


Which spec strikes fear in the Imps?



Each serves a purpose.


1.Watchman-- Survivability and good uptime on damage for classes that can't cleanse


2.Combat-- Best anti-kite spec and very good burst damage


3.Focus-- Best AOE damage





1.Watchman-- Smart/good use of dot cleanses can wipe out a lot of your damage.


2.Combat-- Very reliant on getting your damage in during that short window of 100% armor penetration from precision slash, get rooted/cc'd/etc. right after precision slash and your burst takes a major hit


3.Focus-- Single target damage is fairly mediocre meaning you can put up great filler numbers in a warzone and it can be nice for a tank guarding a healer in close proximity to burst the tank, but otherwise your contributions to objective-based play over just getting damage board filler are much smaller then the other two.



At the end of the day if you asked 20 sentinels you'd probably get about 15 preferring watchman, 4 combat, and 1 focus.



Personal taste falls with the crowd here with watchman. There are certain key items to hit for watchman spec in pvp


watchman tree- most of it is quite self-evident with the only real 'room for personal taste' tend to come from about two points that you can allocate into tier2 or tier4


Secondary talents-- dual wield mastery is a must and defensive forms is taken by most as well



After that I've seen people put those final 5 points together in several different permutations, though I highly recommend defensive roll (30% less aoe damage) as you take a lot of splash aoe in warzones as a melee class.

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Each serves a purpose.


1.Watchman-- Survivability and good uptime on damage for classes that can't cleanse


2.Combat-- Best anti-kite spec and very good burst damage


3.Focus-- Best AOE damage





1.Watchman-- Smart/good use of dot cleanses can wipe out a lot of your damage.


2.Combat-- Very reliant on getting your damage in during that short window of 100% armor penetration from precision slash, get rooted/cc'd/etc. right after precision slash and your burst takes a major hit


3.Focus-- Single target damage is fairly mediocre meaning you can put up great filler numbers in a warzone and it can be nice for a tank guarding a healer in close proximity to burst the tank, but otherwise your contributions to objective-based play over just getting damage board filler are much smaller then the other two.



At the end of the day if you asked 20 sentinels you'd probably get about 15 preferring watchman, 4 combat, and 1 focus.



Personal taste falls with the crowd here with watchman. There are certain key items to hit for watchman spec in pvp


watchman tree- most of it is quite self-evident with the only real 'room for personal taste' tend to come from about two points that you can allocate into tier2 or tier4


Secondary talents-- dual wield mastery is a must and defensive forms is taken by most as well



After that I've seen people put those final 5 points together in several different permutations, though I highly recommend defensive roll (30% less aoe damage) as you take a lot of splash aoe in warzones as a melee class.


My thoughts more or less. The con of people scrubbing dots is hardly relevant on my server, I've seen very few do it and I've never seen anyone do it against my mara. However, the con for carnage is a lot more steep. The ability to hit ravage and force scream under the buff is very uncommon, and almost not even worth it. I've seen more mara's go for the rage tree than carnage, but this is due to misguided advice from juggernauts imo

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My thoughts more or less. The con of people scrubbing dots is hardly relevant on my server, I've seen very few do it and I've never seen anyone do it against my mara. However, the con for carnage is a lot more steep. The ability to hit ravage and force scream under the buff is very uncommon, and almost not even worth it. I've seen more mara's go for the rage tree than carnage, but this is due to misguided advice from juggernauts imo


Yeah since you've mentioned this I have started paying a little more attention to how often those dots are allowed to tick full duration and the number of times they stay up even though healers and dps sages are usually first on my priority list (i.e. those who should at least know to cleanse dots from themselves even if they don't from others).


On another note for spec differences-- I will say there is one situation where I've really seen carnage/combat put to great use and that's huttball. The transcendence boost, anti kiting, and more bursty nature of the class can really shine here-- not enough to make me want to drop watchman but it can make for a nice specialty (sort of like being a tank-spec guard/jugg).

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