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Who else doesn't care about the new space mission?


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I really couldn't care less for the space missions. I don't care about an XP-boost or commendations to buy gear for my ship when I cannot stand the space missions in this game. It took only a small handful of run throughs to come to this conclusion.


If I wanted to play Starfox, I would blow the dust off of one of my consoles and play Starfox. When I am looking to play a Star Wars game, I do not want to play Starfox. It's pretty much that simple and seems that way for a lot of people. It seems the Devs missed that point, though.


As for their super-secret-secret-space-project. Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it. Otherwise its a vaporware feature like Blizzard's promised dance studio that was supposed to have been in place in Wrath and is still "being worked on". To the devs, all I can really say about this project is "Put up or shut up."

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Spaces missions are a gimmick. I haven't even bothered with most of them and I've been 50 for months, no multiplayer is just balls for an MMO. Starfox lite pretty much sums them up.(they don't even have boost/brake.)



They would be better diverting the resources elsewhere in my opinion. Cantina fights/Pazaak/Racing/anything else would be more fun.

Edited by Nyoro
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Space missions are an easy way to get credits solo, so I run them sometimes when my friends are not playing.


Looking forward to the new mission. Still working on gearing up enough to complete the missions surrounding Ilum, so it will be a while before I get to the new one.


I get the apathy, though. It's the same way I feel when they announce new warzones. ;)

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I still care for the space missions. Less than at launch but still. I care about the XP-boost, the credits, the space commendations and the spacesuit. It took me a couple of dozens of run throughs to come to this conclusion.


If I wanted to play Starfox, I would... wait nvm I don't have that console anymore. When I am looking to play a Star Wars game, I do want to play a Star Wars game.


I'm looking forward to that super-secret^2-space-project. To the devs, all I can really say about this project is "I need more infos about it... plzzzzz!!!". :p

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Don't get your hopes up for what the "super secret project" is, they are adding multi-player support and that's all it is. If your going to ask for a source, its long gone (it was hinted at on the old boards).

I would love free roam space (like SWG), but lets face it PVE is on rails and PvP is confined to arenas. Free roam space would only fit with free roam everything else.


If you are right, I´ll be done with this game. Seriously. If a 10 year older game, SWG with a much lower budget, can kick TOR´s railshooter in the **** in every regard, and the "secret space project" will not AT LEAST include every feature from Jump to Lightspeed and MORE, in 2012, then Í´ll never resub after my gametime runs out in 4 days.

Because I promised to myself not to resub before they revamp the space aspect completely.

Wallet voting, simple as that.

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If you are right, I´ll be done with this game. Seriously. If a 10 year older game, SWG with a much lower budget, can kick TOR´s railshooter in the **** in every regard, and the "secret space project" will not AT LEAST include every feature from Jump to Lightspeed and MORE, in 2012, then Í´ll never resub after my gametime runs out in 4 days.

Because I promised to myself not to resub before they revamp the space aspect completely.

Wallet voting, simple as that.

Loose all hopes if you expects something better than JTL, it won't be even near what it was JTL. It'll be more of the same and the supersecret project will be pvp on rails or even worse (my guess, i repeat: MY GUESS). And the reason why they'll keep it on rails is that they won't admit they were wrong from start, and because they can't admit that SWG was better than SWTOR in everything, and it was more STAR WARS inmersive than SWTOR with all its lightsaber swingings. Bring to SWTOR something that SWG had is out of question, literally unthinkable. No matter what we, the players, want, they WON'T bring 3D space ever (well, maybe they will 10 minutes before the game is closed in a last attempt to save it but it'll be too late).

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Loose all hopes if you expects something better than JTL, it won't be even near what it was JTL. It'll be more of the same and the supersecret project will be pvp on rails or even worse (my guess, i repeat: MY GUESS). And the reason why they'll keep it on rails is that they won't admit they were wrong from start, and because they can't admit that SWG was better than SWTOR in everything, and it was more STAR WARS inmersive than SWTOR with all its lightsaber swingings. Bring to SWTOR something that SWG had is out of question, literally unthinkable. No matter what we, the players, want, they WON'T bring 3D space ever (well, maybe they will 10 minutes before the game is closed in a last attempt to save it but it'll be too late).


Right....and you know this because you can see into the future? Also how do you have pvp on rails? Lol, were just gonna need to wait and see what they do cause no one knows.

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Right....and you know this because you can see into the future? Also how do you have pvp on rails? Lol, were just gonna need to wait and see what they do cause no one knows.
Is not my fault if you are not smart enough to read between lines.


Best regards :)

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The current space game was a waste of development resources; adding new missions is akin to throwing money in a furnace. I would prefer a space game that doesn't insult my intelligence and is at least on par with previous "epic" space games in the Star Wars franchise (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, JTL). That is to say that a space game as part of a Star Wars MMO in 2012 should be much more involved.


As a side note, I can't recall where the developers said the current space game was a mini-game. Is that the only way people can defend this mediocre experience--by calling it a mini-game?

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There's nothing wrong with mini-games. And for a mini-game it's pretty awesome. I'm hoping that some new space-combat rewards will be in that same patch as well though.


It's actually a lot of fun and a great way to kill some when needed which was it's goal and it has a lot more depth than GW2's mini-games.


And you know what... I don't often do Operations. Is that wasted dev time? Not everything revolves around just one playstyle. I find it refreshing that Bioware spends time on things like space combat and the legacy system that support other playstyles.


A narrow focus and vision is why I grew so frustrated with Blizzard.


um...this is STAR WARS...space combat should NOT be a "mini game"....I thought it was "ok" until I realized they were lazy as usual and just cycle the same damn 4 missions over again....they said they would work on it..and they need too.







what we have now is "ok" for a temp kinda thing...but they NEED to re-do it completely and take it off rails...






what we have now is just insulting

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The last time I did a space mission, probably before I hit lvl 45 on my character, so a good 6 months ago, new space missions = no interest, they have no fun element to them after you've done them a few times in levelling.
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um...this is STAR WARS...space combat should NOT be a "mini game"....I thought it was "ok" until I realized they were lazy as usual and just cycle the same damn 4 missions over again....they said they would work on it..and they need too.







what we have now is "ok" for a temp kinda thing...but they NEED to re-do it completely and take it off rails...






what we have now is just insulting




There's nothing really wrong with having a space mini game. This is a much narrower and more efficient use of art assets than a full blown space sim, and given the problems they have everywhere else I can see needing some time to get it all together. SWG didn't have JTL for a couple of years after all.


But you're right in that BioWare was told the moment they announced an on rails shooter that people wanted a proper space game. Whether they have one coming or not is hard to say, but they should be up front about what the plan is for space. Adding another space mission to the existing system doesn't really hurt anyone or do any harm. It's not like the programmer time to make an actual space game is being used on the mini game missions, and the art assets may as well get used somewhere.

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I don't mind the space on rails combat.. What do you expect? 3D universe with unlimited boundaries? That requires too much coding.. My only issue with space combat are the few missions that I'm unable to do because of lag.. Secondly is the lack of real purpose.. Even the perks you buy are pretty lame.. I wouldn't mind a speeder version of combat on rails either.. But oh well.. I won't be here much longer..
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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


Its funny seeing you people go "OP youre wrong because you said "no one" well I like it so that means you are wrong"


Look up the word "exaggeration"


Look up the word "hubris." :rolleyes:

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i like the space combat as it is, sure it's not really much fun but it servers it's purpose right, to burn away your time when you got nothing else to do (done all dailies\waiting for the wz queue) i dont think they should improve this much further, only tweak it a bit.

this is a mmorpg not a space fight simulator game, as much as i love freelancer i cant expect them to transfer space missions into something like that, for now it's just another way to get exp\money and some titles

and it should stay that way.

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Space is currently terrible... Rail shooters are fail. So no of course the new ones wont interest me. The fact rail shooters are in this game at all in the 21st century is pathetic... Did we go back to the late 80s early 90s? I must have missed that.
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You won't see full 3D space combat in 2012, if the hopes of that is the only reason you're subbing, do us all a favour and quit now.


If they even are working on it, expect it to be nearing beta about this time next year.

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Right....and you know this because you can see into the future? Also how do you have pvp on rails? Lol, were just gonna need to wait and see what they do cause no one knows.


No one can fully know the future but we can all see the past. BiowEAr's given little to no consideration towards space combat. Pre-launch no dev would touch the subject except through obscure, 3rd party websites and interviews. Same as post launch. At launch, they provided the fail rails. now, 7 or so months into it, they double down with another fail rail and the same old, vague hints of "secret space" mentioned only in obscure interviews accessible through the same, friendly 3rd party fansites that agreed not to trash the rails the 1st go-round.


If they were going to expand space combat to become a meaningful game aspect, they would've assigned a community rep to it whewn they were assigning reps to other game features.

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You won't see full 3D space combat in 2012, if the hopes of that is the only reason you're subbing, do us all a favour and quit now.


If they even are working on it, expect it to be nearing beta about this time next year.




Yeah I can't see how anything like that could appear before 2013 now, at the very earliest. :(

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Yeah I can't see how anything like that could appear before 2013 now, at the very earliest. :(


Isn´t there a slight change they already worked on the secret space project way before release ?


At least I´d like to see a first iteration in fall or at Christmas.

Perhaps some sectors to explore free roaming and some planets possible to enter the atmosphere...

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Isn´t there a slight change they already worked on the secret space project way before release ?


At least I´d like to see a first iteration in fall or at Christmas.

Perhaps some sectors to explore free roaming and some planets possible to enter the atmosphere...


Yeah, maybe, but I wouldn't be pinning any hopes on it I guess.


I suppose as well I'd rather the took till 2013 and produced something execellent rather than trying to rush something half-baked out (Ilum RvR was basically this problem I think).


If they did it incrementally (1 planet + 1 space sector around it) then yeah I guess they maybe could produce quality relatively quickely. :)

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