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1 Medal Requirement for Warzone credit


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Which is why you should get 1 medal for coming in after the game starts. Been in a few games that ended before I could get out of the starting gate and others where I load in to see the ending scoarboard.


Aye, i completly agree with that.


I just think it's a bit annoying to try and play objectives, smart and strategically - and end up with less rewards then ppl who are more excited to see their name at the top of the dmg scoreboard, thereby making my efforts worth zero =P


Dont know how many times i've:


-Stood at the enemy goalside, telling ppl to run below and pass up - only to see them run on catwalks and die in the fire.

-Positioned myself ahead of the ballcarrier on the catwalks, for easy passing through the fire - only to see the carrier slowly start a firewalk with 10% health

-Been the only one attacking/CC'ing the carrier, while the rest of the team is somewhere else on the map, 3-4 vs 1'ing some decoy who was hoping for just that

-Been positioned strategically on the catwalks, only to see our carrier jump into a pile of opponents trying to 1vs3 them instead of passing ahead.

-Propsed 2 east, rest mid in alderaan with no objections - only too see 3 run east and 2 west, leaving the 3 of us at mid to die allmost instantly.



(And ppl wonder why players prefer to play in premades lol?)


In most such examples, the ppl failing at teamwork can get rewarded with medals, while i am not rewarded at all for trying to work as a team, focusing on objectives. And that sucks =)


This ofc has less to do with getting zero medals, and more to do with the way how medals are not awarded to those who try and try, but dont have a supportive team. I think i got zero medals maybe 1 or 2 times ever, and i can get over that - But it's annoying to get less rewards for being among the few in a team who actually tries to have some kind of teamwork =P


This is mostly a problem 10-49 though, since 50's seem to generally know their roles better -Or i might have been lucky with teams in the 50's so far =)



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I like the game and I want it to succeed, but the amount of blind attack posts in this thread is insane.


I've had days where I had 3-4 games in a row that I entered while in progress and had about 90 seconds to get a medal.


To any non-elitist it's obvious that a premade with tanks and healers can very easily stun/kill you before you can do anything useful, and you end up with no medals and several deaths.


On most servers, that means you spend 10-15 minutes in queue, short loading time, 3-5 minutes getting farmed. 15-20 minutes total, and you get NO REWARD AT ALL for this frustration.


I know there are plenty of people who will try to spin this into "baddie scrub casual wants welfare medals." Reality is that not everyone has 3-5 hours a night to play and fight through this muck to get any reward for their time.

Edited by Vasagi
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True, getting 1 medal is doable in most WZ's, unless you join a failing team very late.




If you face a good premade, and do your best to play objectives meanwhile most of your team is failing to do the same - you can end up without medals, or very few. Specially in huttball, where a few times, I have been the only one playing strategically. CC'ing key opponents, thinking about position etc -but ended up with least rewards in my team becuase the rest just ran around 2vs1'ing ppl in the pits and couldn't care less about actual teamwork or objectives.


Imo thats not how it should be. Those who continue to try and play objectives strategically, even though they're getting rolled -Those are the ppl that deserve rewards at the end of a match tbh. (And the winners ofc)


Atm those players can easily get less rewards against a premade, compared to teammates who ignores objectives and instead mindlessly just DPS on everything that moves. It should be the other way around...


I know it's not a "winning" strategy, but once we fall significantly behind I take a moment to watch my teammates. If I'm the only one playing the objectives, then I switch to deathmatch mode myself. When all is lost, jumping into the fray is a lot more fun than guarding the last friendly objective all by myself. In those cases I'd rater be entertained than right.

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The only way to gauge active participation in a WZ is by medals and there are so many activities that provide medals I don't know how medals are an issue to begin with.


Whenever a PUG comes across a premade that's pretty much what happens. Nothing to get disheartened about. That same group would of stomped so many other groups that night. They're probably tweaking their group for rateds in 1.3.


As far as that particular case, it sucks but there are other cases that it works.

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You did 45k damage, didn't kill anyone and died 6 times while losing 6-0 in Huttball, you don't deserve a medal.


Hahahaha, so true. How do you not get to 75k dmg in 7 minutes? Your DPS is 107 in that time frame. My proc relic does more damage than you.

Edited by revcrisis
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You're not looking at the whole picture. Let's say you join a wz to see the end result. Whether it's victory or defeat do you think you deserve a medal? There are so many scenarios that work with the current system. Don't focus on the one scenario that it doesn't.
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I'm saying that this game is an exception to typical PvP games you're going to see. "Heal someone for 2.5k!" "Protect for 2k!" (Doesn't apply, don't have guard?) and "Do 2.5k damage!" are irrelevant when your enemies are so well geared, and so well healed and protected, that all your attempts are ineffectual.



Pop relics and adrenals and spam rapid scan on teammates for a bit and you have just gotten 2 medals. One for 2.5K heal and 1 for 75k healing. Even if you are specced gunnery there is no reason you couldn't get the two healing medals.


I know matches like that are frustrating but you have no one but yourself to blame for zeroing out.

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You did 45k damage, didn't kill anyone and died 6 times while losing 6-0 in Huttball, you don't deserve a medal.


Perhaps not. On the other hand, I don't deserve no rewards at all. Apparently, by your logic, I ought to have joined with the people who quit the warzone rather than play it out. I'd have gotten as much, and saved time to boot.


Someone earlier laughed that it took the imperials 7 minutes to win in that situation. There's a reason for that, and it's because I and another person basically sat in our endzone spamming our knockbacks keeping them in the pit and out of our zone. They were ALWAYS in our endzone.


But apparently I should have stopped trying to, you know, play how you're supposed to and just try to farm medals.

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Will use huttball since that's the original posting-- If you can tell you are getting rolled (i.e. around the time its 3-0 with no mid control and your team chicken with its head cut-off-ing) go ahead peel off and try to net a couple medals, at that point I don't fault forgoing objective-based play


Sorc-- Bubble yourself and run through fire trap, insta 2.5k heal even if DPS specced, alternately reckless+ dark infusion


Sentinel-- valorous call + inspiration + warzone adrenal + merciless slash/master strike/slash if worst comes to worse -- should be able to get one of those to crit which should net you 2.5 on anyone without a damage reduction cooldown up


Commando- warzone adrenal grav, tech override, grav, demo, high impact bolt


Scoundrel-- Run through fire, warzone adrenal + underworld medicine-- should crit 2.5k even on a dps class


Jugg/Assassin-- Keep guard on someone at all times, trying to find who is taking damage


Gunslinger-- Camp top catwalks and rain fire down on whoever's in range, should have enough uptime to get a 2.5k crit on someone


Powertech-- Rail shot with warzone adrenal up

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I've never been one to advocate for "participation" trophies in rl, however, In a computer game, you simply have to give some reward to everyone who participates, or people who start late don't bother learning and getting better, and instead stop playing. That said, I've seen the type of situation the OP descibes, and it does suck. But others are right in that it's not difficult, even in a shut out game, to get enough medals to be rewarded. If you're DPS you should be able to manage a 2.5k crit at least once in a match, even in recruit. Same for a healer with a heal crit, or a tank with enough guard for the medal, and those would be totally uninfluenced by even a totally overwhelming opponent team. I'm pretty sure those medals are put there for that very reason. Only other thing they could do is give a "left the spawn zone" medal. Heck, when I first started PVP'ing on my arsenal merc, the first two medals I would get (sometimes the only) were the 2.5k hit and the 2.5k heal. Even not slightly heal specced, I would use my class heals on myself instead of the free heal during lulls, and would crit 2.5k on that. Free medal.
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This is just laughable. Some classes can farm a single medal the instant the gate drops and the rest can do so with just a few key presses. There's no excuse for not getting a single medal. If anything the req should be raised to 3 to force players to actually do something instead of expecting a reward simply for showing up.
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Perhaps not. On the other hand, I don't deserve no rewards at all. Apparently, by your logic, I ought to have joined with the people who quit the warzone rather than play it out. I'd have gotten as much, and saved time to boot.


How does my logic point you to quitting the warzone in any way, shape or form?


By my logic you don't deserve something you didn't earn. By my logic if you want the ends you gotta have the means. By my logic the medals are something you earn not something that is gifted to you. If participation medals is what you want, join a children's soccer league.

Edited by Squidkidz
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Alright, I play on the same server this Screenshot is taken of. Ive played against all of those Imps and can say, they can play. The thing is with our server and our Rep players, we do not play objectively. The Imps are most of the time objective players and as such, they leave little room for fighting, which is how Rep players tend to play. They ran through it real fast, passed the ball, healed and were all positioned. I would say in that match the Rep players were basically going in one by one after a well protected ball carrier, and of course you will not solo a Jug with 2 healers on him and maruaders that shred players apart. Take a look at some of my screenshots, against some of the same players, and see we can stomp them just as bad. The whole point of this really is to have fun, so if you know its over, have fun, get your medals, and say ok, it was a bad match, it happens.


As for everyone saying how can you not get one medal in a match..its possible, and it happens, some people have recruit gear, and just cannot do whats needed for some medals..it happens, some could say that it weeds out the weak, those that quit were weak, those that continued through *** kicking are stronger. It happens in every game. Behind every computer is a person just like you, so have fun.










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I think in every warzone there comes a point where you can fairly recognize this isn't going to go in your favor and you can abandon objective based play for being a little selfish and hunting down a medal or two to get something out of it.


This doesn't mean the second its 1-0 in huttball or the other team secures two nodes in alderaan/denova-- but there is a point where it does become reasonable.


If the time between that breaking point and the game ending is so short that you don't have time to get a medal... well at least it was over quickly.



It does beg a question for me-- when referencing credit is this only with regards to commendations/credits/valor, or does the match not count towards your 6 if you don't get at least a medal?

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In general I think it's fine (most games I get 7-14), but there are a occasional games where it's nuts.


Civil War in particular I see as an issue when the teams are imbalanced, and to make it worse the defender medals seem buggy every now and then.


Or maybe it just doesn't like me. But I've had a few games where I've defended our node for 200 points or so and gotten no defender points at all for it while other players are accruing around me.


There is some screwy things that happen with the Civil War and I think some of them are bugs caused by a conscious decision on Bioware's part.


I tend to defend nodes a lot since nobody else will and yet kept getting few (to no medals) for it. One match I captured the west turret and called for help as two enemies were almost on me. I got killed in short order and grabbed the speeder back to west to continue defending it (got one defense medal just before I died). Well I stood at that turret for the remainder of the match (for about 560ish resource points typical 2 turret win) and did not receive a single additional defense medal outside of the first one before I died.


So I figured it had to be a bug or something and opened a ticket explaining what had happened and how it was not the first time. A little while later a GM wanted to chat.


He basically told me working as intended. You see if you take a speeder directly to a node (like I did to west) the system will no longer allow you to earn defense medals at that node unless you run to another node to clear the invisible debuff and then back to the node you were defending. Apparently in the above situation I was supposed to take the Speeder directly to west to help finish clearing it of enemies and then run to one of the other two nodes to clear this no medal debuff and pray to god I could get back to the node I was defending before some stealther capped it while it was undefended.


It's a bit asinine if you ask me and just an example of a system to stop something that punishes more people for doing what they are supposed to than it punishes people doing what they're not supposed to be doing.


EDIT: And I think its this weird invisible debuff that causes some of the other bugs related to medal objectives not being tracked appropriately in Civil War.

Edited by dstossm
forgot to add something
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To be honest I feel that you may have had an idiot GM, be he uninformed or simply pulling something out of his rear to sound better then 'sorry you dealt with a bug'.


Reason being is that while yes, the bug does seem to occur more often by means of taking said side speeder, it is not absolute, nor even the majority of the time that I've seen-- so if that were the design intent then I'd say accruing defensive node points is actually far buggier the opposite manner (gaining when you shouldn't) then visa versa.



There has been many a time where I've gone to reinforce one side, and when that area's clear the other defender takes off (or I stay with to give two on a side knowing that it is open to attack) and in taking the side speeder have gained defensive medals just fine.


Likewise I've taken the middle speeder intending to hit mid and a side gets attacked before I've landed so I am running that direction from mid, and in defending that node I have failed to gain Defense points.


It is true it seems to happen far more often coming in from a side speeder, but given that I wouldn't even call it 50% of the time I doubt the GM knew for sure.

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To be honest I feel that you may have had an idiot GM, be he uninformed or simply pulling something out of his rear to sound better then 'sorry you dealt with a bug'.


Reason being is that while yes, the bug does seem to occur more often by means of taking said side speeder, it is not absolute, nor even the majority of the time that I've seen-- so if that were the design intent then I'd say accruing defensive node points is actually far buggier the opposite manner (gaining when you shouldn't) then visa versa.



There has been many a time where I've gone to reinforce one side, and when that area's clear the other defender takes off (or I stay with to give two on a side knowing that it is open to attack) and in taking the side speeder have gained defensive medals just fine.


Likewise I've taken the middle speeder intending to hit mid and a side gets attacked before I've landed so I am running that direction from mid, and in defending that node I have failed to gain Defense points.


It is true it seems to happen far more often coming in from a side speeder, but given that I wouldn't even call it 50% of the time I doubt the GM knew for sure.


Entirely Possible that it was just a misinformed or dishonest GM. Was just throwing out what I had experienced and been told by Bioware for what that's worth :rolleyes:

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Plenty of people have said it, but if you're not getting a single medal in seven minutes then you're doing it wrong. The only possible exception is a DPS-only AC fighting an EXTREMELY organised premade who focus him/her down before he can do anything, which happens. If you have access to guard or heals, there's no reason whatsoever for not getting at least one medal.
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Entirely Possible that it was just a misinformed or dishonest GM. Was just throwing out what I had experienced and been told by Bioware for what that's worth :rolleyes:
I was just told the exact same thing this morning. Not getting defender points in Civil War is "working as intended" after filing a bug report.


So that would be two "misinformed" GMs that had been "misinformed" the same misinformation. Kinda doubt that.


That has to be the stupidest implementation of PvP game mechanics to date.

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You're a vanguard. With as much damage you all were taking it would have taken a couple taunts to get you one medal. Probably just one aoe if they were zergin everyone down.


System is fine the way it is. Already rewards bad play enough as is.

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Is dumb:




This was a highly, incredibly one-sided match, with the best of the best of the Imperial's on our server against an average collection of Republic players. Normally it's reasonably even, but this game we got totally shut out.


6 of us spent most of, if not all of the game actively participating, some were late joiners because a few people left, but nevertheless, we got no credit, no credit at all.


There has got to be a better way to detect participation and activate Warzone rewards than medal detection, to deal with this sort of ****-fest. :C


I feel your pain, I usually dont have a problem with this (I tank in WZ and typically top 11+) but I have been in matches where a combo of the enemy being amazingly good and my team acting like retarded headless chickens causes me to get less than the 3 medal minimum which is hugely frustrating. I understand its to stop afk farming but sometimes you just get facerolled so bad you dont stand a chance. And before people start screaming L2P I almost always top the scoreboard and never have any issues with medals when doing guild premades.

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