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Are you developing full 3D space?


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Even if they do it... I bet you $10 your ship runs into an 'exaustion zone' in space.


And I bet you $20 that people will whine because their load times are outrageous. Taking away exaustion zones because all of a sudden planets even bigger.

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No. I'm just sick of seeing 3D used. The current space game is already "3D". The object move in 3 axis. Just because one direction is on rails doesn't change that fact.


Then you have you have hte problems that "3D" isn't what they are doing. Were not going to stick 3D glasses on and stare at the screen.


Its called "Free Roam" or "Free Roaming Space".


Stop saying 3D.


People know what you mean when you say 3D, which as you know, means three-dimensional--a definition completely suited to defining the type of control people are calling for.


As you know, the current space game only allows you to move along two axises--X and Y (height and width) or sideways and up-down. Giving us complete control of space flight could be appropriately called 3D space combat, translated to three-dimensional space combat.


If that isn't enough to convince you, here's wiki...



Edited by Dezzi
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Lol whatever you say guys. Go ahead and keep trying to shoot it down. I'll be sure to send you a private message smiley when they announce it.


I don't think anyone would complain if you were right. We're simply arguing that you are making false assumptions based off what they have said.

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Lol whatever you say guys. Go ahead and keep trying to shoot it down. I'll be sure to send you a private message smiley when they announce it.


Wonder how many will be around to wait for your PM those years from now.

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No one doubts that they want to do it, but wanting to do it and actively developing it are two different things. I will celebrate the announcement tied to full off-the-rails space combat--should that announcement ever come. But I remain skeptical based on the very vague statements made so far.


In the end, the developers have NOT said they are developing 3D space combat. Though they very well could be, they have said nothing to date that should lead you to the conclusion that they are.


The difference between you and I seems to be that I have read between the lines long enough during their development of this game and have been correct on nearly everything (with the exception of trinity roles) to be fairly confident. If you don't want to look at it the way I am that's perfectly fine and lord knows I won't blame you for tempering yourself. Enough disappointment has surrounded this game that people are guarded when it comes to expectations. Bioware has almost always made vague statements regarding their plans.


I look at it this way. Players have been asking for full 3D space combat since the early days of development and became even more adamant about it when they found out what space combat was going to be like initially. Then within the span of a month or so they ask if players would like it in the game (which was a very lopsided poll in favor of 3D space combat), make mentions of expanding the space experience, Ohlen saying that he has tested an apparently expanded form, and Schubert saying that they have BIG plans for the space experience. To me, all of these add up to the very likely scenario that Bioware wants to give players one of the most requested additions to the game. An addition that many have said would make them either resub or stick with the game when everything else fails them. That, to me, seems like a no-brainer to do.

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The difference between you and I seems to be that I have read between the lines long enough during their development of this game and have been correct on nearly everything (with the exception of trinity roles) to be fairly confident. If you don't want to look at it the way I am that's perfectly fine and lord knows I won't blame you for tempering yourself. Enough disappointment has surrounded this game that people are guarded when it comes to expectations. Bioware has almost always made vague statements regarding their plans.


I look at it this way. Players have been asking for full 3D space combat since the early days of development and became even more adamant about it when they found out what space combat was going to be like initially. Then within the span of a month or so they ask if players would like it in the game (which was a very lopsided poll in favor of 3D space combat), make mentions of expanding the space experience, Ohlen saying that he has tested an apparently expanded form, and Schubert saying that they have BIG plans for the space experience. To me, all of these add up to the very likely scenario that Bioware wants to give players one of the most requested additions to the game. An addition that many have said would make them either resub or stick with the game when everything else fails them. That, to me, seems like a no-brainer to do.




But you know what else is a no-brainer? A family tree that allows for more than 2 relationships per person...



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The difference between you and I seems to be that I have read between the lines long enough during their development of this game and have been correct on nearly everything (with the exception of trinity roles) to be fairly confident. If you don't want to look at it the way I am that's perfectly fine and lord knows I won't blame you for tempering yourself. Enough disappointment has surrounded this game that people are guarded when it comes to expectations. Bioware has almost always made vague statements regarding their plans.


I look at it this way. Players have been asking for full 3D space combat since the early days of development and became even more adamant about it when they found out what space combat was going to be like initially. Then within the span of a month or so they ask if players would like it in the game (which was a very lopsided poll in favor of 3D space combat), make mentions of expanding the space experience, Ohlen saying that he has tested an apparently expanded form, and Schubert saying that they have BIG plans for the space experience. To me, all of these add up to the very likely scenario that Bioware wants to give players one of the most requested additions to the game. An addition that many have said would make them either resub or stick with the game when everything else fails them. That, to me, seems like a no-brainer to do.


You're not unique in that aspect - however the fact that (many/some) people want something does not by any means indicate Bioware making it (now).

With the amounts of layoffs the game have seen, the very imminent problems with this game that needs to be fixed - then thinking your space desires will come true any time soon seems rather naive in my book.

Will it come eventually? Possible. Is it 'between the lines' for any time soon? Doubtful.

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You're not unique in that aspect - however the fact that (many/some) people want something does not by any means indicate Bioware making it (now).

With the amounts of layoffs the game have seen, the very imminent problems with this game that needs to be fixed - then thinking your space desires will come true any time soon seems rather naive in my book.

Will it come eventually? Possible. Is it 'between the lines' for any time soon? Doubtful.


You're confusing me with the people who say it's coming soon. I have not said that. Not once to my recollection. What I have been saying is that, to me, indications are strong that they are working on it. They could announce tomorrow that it is coming this year or they could say it won't be coming until a paid expansion in a year or two years from now. That won't bother me a bit either way nor will it shake my stance on whether or not they have been working on it.

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Have some hope people. I tend to not have much with humans, but I know from experience playing these games, that IF they are working on the systems for free space then we will see some of that system added soon. They will do it like legacy and add over time so they can refine the systems until the first expansion.


Common sense tells me we will have some of that type of new space systems before the first xpac.



If they're serious they have to add it in slowly before they go all out.


At least thats my hope :p

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Couple of quotes to add to the speculation:


TTH: Will there be additional space combat missions in 1.3 or will there be new space combat model overall (such as free-form space combat)? How will multiplayer space combat be handled?


Daniel: New space missions are on their way but not for 1.3 and new space combat models are something we’re deep in the prototype stages on but nothing we can talk about yet.


Daniel: Guild ships are definitely in the works but far down the line.


TTH: Will guilds get their own space station/ships in 1.3?


Daniel: Guild Ships are still fairly far out. They will not be in 1.3.



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People know what you mean when you say 3D, which as you know, means three-dimensional--a definition completely suited to defining the type of control people are calling for.


As you know, the current space game only allows you to move along two axises--X and Y (height and width) or sideways and up-down. Giving us complete control of space flight could be appropriately called 3D space combat, translated to three-dimensional space combat.


If that isn't enough to convince you, here's wiki...




The game is already in 3D space. The term we are using makes the community look foolish.

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The game is already in 3D space. The term we are using makes the community look foolish.


Yes, the game takes place in 3D space, but you do not have full control in said 3D space. So people want three-dimensional control.

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Thanks for the info today. Now if you could let us know if you're working on full 3D space that'd be even better. Just a simple statement that you are will make me resub.


Tragically , all they ever said was they were working on "improving" the space combat system.


Technically , a couple of new space missions is an improvement.


and yes, I too was kind of hoping for more. Maybe not a full out fly anywhere system like in swg , but at least get us off the rails even if the space combat maps still have edges that dump us back into our ships cockpit if we cross them.



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Tragically , all they ever said was they were working on "improving" the space combat system.


Technically , a couple of new space missions is an improvement.


and yes, I too was kind of hoping for more. Maybe not a full out fly anywhere system like in swg , but at least get us off the rails even if the space combat maps still have edges that dump us back into our ships cockpit if we cross them.




TTH: Will there be additional space combat missions in 1.3 or will there be new space combat model overall (such as free-form space combat)? How will multiplayer space combat be handled?


Daniel: New space missions are on their way but not for 1.3 and new space combat models are something we’re deep in the prototype stages on but nothing we can talk about yet.

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Personally, I just want them to take the gameplay from X-Wing vs TIE fighter and stick that in game. I miss fighter dogfights. Really though, I just want to fly one of those sweet starfighters.


That would actually be a cool addition to space missions, 3D, off the rails, starfighter dogfights.


Red 3 Standing by!

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I actually wish we could fly from planet to planet- If they got rid of all the running to the spaceports they could make travel last the same amount of time. Star wars is about the journey often- Lots of stuff happens in space ok!
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They do? :confused:


What indications, so far they've promised 2 new mission in 6 months (about 2 months to go in that) and we've seen 1 new mission in the video.


There's been nothing about off the rails space at all. :( (vague "secret projects" aside - which could suggest and mean anything or nothing)


I agree there is nothing to suggest a 'proper' space game is being developed. I would be more inclined to think that the big space project was some kind of 2 or 4 player rails shooting.

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There have been indications. There are sources out there. You have just chosen to look at them in a way that supports your own idea that they haven't been worked on.


Like I said twice now, please link them.


I've been following space developement very closely, I know what they've said and it is quite simply NOT what a few here seem to have wanted them to have said.


I desperately want better space combat and a space expansion, but equally I've not seen anything from the Devs other than that they'd like for space to be better too.

Edited by Goretzu
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Like I said twice now, please link them.


I've been following space developement very closely, I know what they've said and it is quite simply NOT what a few here seem to have wanted them to have said.


I desperately want better space combat and a space expansion, but equally I've not seen anything from the Devs other than that they'd like for space to be better too.


gore, read the bottom part of this article http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/06/06/e3-2012-expanding-the-old-republic

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Here is the biggest hint at full 3d space.


There was a poll about what people wanted and full 3d space won by a huge margin. Why would BW bother making such a poll (not the players, it was Erickson I believe who made the poll) and then ignore the result? If you ask your customers if they want something to be red or blue, they say blue and then making it red is madness.


It's not a yes or no, obviously, but it's the logically sound conclusion.

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I actually wish we could fly from planet to planet- If they got rid of all the running to the spaceports they could make travel last the same amount of time. Star wars is about the journey often- Lots of stuff happens in space ok!



I want to leave the hangar manually when sitting in the cockpit, then out of the planet´s atmosphere right into space. :cool:

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Nice. :)


More interesting were Ohlen’s hints about what might be happening with space combat. Though we know more standalone space missions are on the way, including one meant to mimic the Millenium Falcon escaping through the Death Star. BioWare has a full team working on the space game portion of The Old Republic. “They’re also working on other cool stuff that I can say that players have been waiting for. An announcement on space mode, that’ll be coming pretty soon.” Ohlen then confirmed that the teased content would be much different from the space game content currently in the game, but wouldn’t say much else.


That's the biggest hint so far, although still not definate info yet.


(plus the on the rails system will be better with an "inside" Death Starish mission too, on the rails always works better in enclosed environments like that as it largely hides the rails to start with)

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Nice. :)




That's the biggest hint so far, although still not definate info yet.


(plus the on the rails system will be better with an "inside" Death Starish mission too, on the rails always works better in enclosed environments like that as it largely hides the rails to start with)


Well as we stated on the HUGE space thread we created thats in my sig that we all realised that even with a full 3d space game evolved into a gameplay all its own that the on rails system would strill be a good game to go along side it and the land game as a good mini game.

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