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The new content looks awesome


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Honestly, I really don't CARE if any and all these races make it into the mix of playable characters. Had the new race been Wookie, Rhodian or Bothan, I wouldn't have come to the boards crying how disappointed I was, anyway. Don't know why anyone else has to do so when it comes to Cathar, is all.


They are a race bereft of any creativity or originality. They're basically just humans with cat heads on them, which pretty much means they're the same as every other playable race in this game. They're also nowhere to be found in any of the SW movies. There is a wealth of variety in the SW universe that they could draw from, but instead they give us Cathar, the one race that looks like it was designed by my 6 year old if he was asked to draw a cat man.

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We have a lot of awesome stuff in store for everyone :)


Great! But at the moment it's really not the time to talk about new content that might be released in a few months. It's time to talk about the current problems and your proposed solutions. Who cares about new content when we are trapped on dying servers? What do you want to show your trial players in july? How great it is to play an MMO with maybe 300 other players?

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You're in a small group of people then. Wookies, Rhodians, Bothans and Trandoshans are all more popular as well as traditional Star Wars races that people would have rather seen. Cathar was probably just easier to code. Its not like they'll have any unique animations or voice acting.


Sorry, but I think you are in the minority, Rhodians, Bothans and Transdoshans have zero sex appeal, thats why making them is waste of money and time when there is handful of people going to play them. Wookiees can't talk basic so all you get is mongreling and you don't want to hear that to lvl 50.

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Level cap increase is bit meh. I guess it's a way to make people play on their new planet, do quest, see new story, but honestly, it's not needed.

Grind is not fun, and this is where doing quest when you don't want to falls into. Without new cap, people that like story will do those quests anyway once or twice, people that don't will just stick to pvp, gather comms before they can spend them again. Leveling experience in SWTOR is one of better features(at least for people that like story), but I doubt that people will be happy for day or two more of that when it also means invalidating all teir gear until now. And well, some gear like crystals is something people don't wanto to change because they have to get better stats.


Only reason why anyone would want increased level cap, is to level playing field( everyone is back to square one with quest rewards better than old epics), or make people shift to new content, making old content obviously too easy(it's already too easy for overgeared players).


Obviously, other players may feel that level cap increase is just waht we need, but you have mine opinion just here.

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Level cap increase is bit meh. I guess it's a way to make people play on their new planet, do quest, see new story, but honestly, it's not needed.

Grind is not fun, and this is where doing quest when you don't want to falls into. Without new cap, people that like story will do those quests anyway once or twice, people that don't will just stick to pvp, gather comms before they can spend them again. Leveling experience in SWTOR is one of better features(at least for people that like story), but I doubt that people will be happy for day or two more of that when it also means invalidating all teir gear until now. And well, some gear like crystals is something people don't wanto to change because they have to get better stats.


Only reason why anyone would want increased level cap, is to level playing field( everyone is back to square one with quest rewards better than old epics), or make people shift to new content, making old content obviously too easy(it's already too easy for overgeared players).


Obviously, other players may feel that level cap increase is just waht we need, but you have mine opinion just here.


I agree. It makes current content obsolete even faster. Really? You want to add another OP before most of the people who can't do an OP now because of your incompetent server pop management can do the current ones?

Edited by Gungan
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Not impressed at all. Instead of going back to the basics and make a fun game from the core of the gameplay, you're adding more "content" that will be run through quickly and we're back to square one. Look at the state of the game today, look what the game offers, then look at what was announced at E3. Nothing stands out as unique.


New planet? Same as the old ones? Digest the content, move on, never have a reason to go back? Players will leave.


New WZ? One new WZ, one - as in, PvP is still just a side attraction. Ok, players will leave.


New Op? Cool, farmed quickly and players will be wondering what's next and they will leave.


New level cap? Ok this one is always high on the list of player's requests!


New companion? Ok, now this is going to get people to stay rather than adding long lasting changes to an already waning population. This time around people will surely stay for a new companion!


New species? I hope it gets more appearance customization than the previous species.


New space mission? One?!? Are you joking? If you think the game is getting deserted you should see space...I WANT TO EXPLORE SPACE NOT RIDE A ROLLER-COASTER 1,000 TIMES. Caps for emphasis.


If you've read that far, you probably think I'm heavily bias against SWTOR, but that is farthest from the truth. I'm being critical because in order for the game to succeed, it needs to be special - not just Star Warsy. NOTHING announced is any deviation from what we've seen already - NOTHING. Yes, it will have new skins on it, but it sounds and looks like the same old stuff. They're doubling down their efforts on what has failed them in the past. We need SWTOR to distance itself from being a WoW clone, not embrace it further. Raids, WZs, gear grinding, mounts, pets, instances - what's exactly different again?


Where's the vision that makes the game truly a unique sci-fi experience with a hardcore Star Wars theme?


Where's PvP content, since the Ilum debacle?


What's the reason to continue paying for a game when another game that shall remain nameless is offering F2P with more innovation?

Edited by booshido
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Looks cool. Honestly don't understand raising the level cap, I didn't think the game was anywhere near the point it needed a gear reset. Also curious if there will be new class quests or if it is strictly a planetary arc. Details will be forthcoming.
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This is exacly what I have been hoping for, so thanks, BW. :) Does anyone else feel the same way?


Nope. Show me pls release patch notes and schedule for transfer and! - release date. Pls, do it, and i'll be happy.

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Why are some people assuming that it's an expansion (and complaining about it not having enough things compared to other MMOs expansions) and not some content on development for several upcoming content patches? Did 1.2 never happen? And what about 1.4, that has been confirmed to be similar to 1.2 content-wise?



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Not impressed at all. Instead of going back to the basics and make a fun game from the core of the gameplay, you're adding more "content" that will be run through quickly and we're back to square one. Look at the state of the game today, look what the game offers, then look at what was announced at E3. Nothing stands out as unique.


New planet? Same as the old ones? Digest the content, move on, never have a reason to go back? Players will leave.


New WZ? One new WZ, one - as in, PvP is still just a side attraction. Ok, players will leave.


New Op? Cool, farmed quickly and players will be wondering what's next and they will leave.


New level cap? Ok this one is always high on the list of player's requests!


New companion? Ok, now this is going to get people to stay rather than adding long lasting changes to an already waning population. This time around people will surely stay for a new companion!


New species? I hope it gets more appearance customization than the previous species.


New space mission? One?!? Are you joking? If you think the game is getting deserted you should see space...I WANT TO EXPLORE SPACE NOT RIDE A ROLLER-COASTER 1,000 TIMES. Caps for emphasis.


And ofcourse, this player speaks for the entire TOR community :rolleyes:

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They say "new level cap". What's the point? Most people haven't done all the level 50 content yet, or collected high-end gear and it's all going to be made obsolete already? Then you have all the re-balancing issues as well. This sounds a lot like it may screw the game up and is very risky when people are already leaving :/


Appart from that, the rest of it looks good.

Edited by NasherUK
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