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New level cap? What does that mean?


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Standard fare for an mmo. Level cap raised, new content released, old content trivialized at new cap. Nothing new.


A new level cap every 6 months without expansion level content (which in most MMORPG comes every 12-18 months) feel just too much like being a rat on a treadmill to me. :(


It sounds very much like 1.4 Warhammer Online in fact.

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This happens when a new xpansion is released. you have to level your toons again, and then there is a new endgame, and the old one(50 endgame) becomes irrelevent for ALL players.


Fixed it for you. Level cap increases just make everything they have done before useless. Like in WoW where the only content is in the new areas. My bet is with the new abilities and that that it will also make leveling trivial, therefore destroying everything but 51-??

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Within less than 1 year?


Hell, THAT IS new - such a disaster like SW:TOR has never been seen in the world of MMORPG's.


Someone already mentioned City of Heroes. Many MMO's have release up to level 40 and add 40-50 later.


But I recognize your trolling. And you fail hard.

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Reposting this from another thread that I originally stated it in:


Not sure why I'm not seeing more people raise the biggest concern about increasing the level cap.


Either it means they obsolete all currently attainable gear, all currently available operations and flashpoints, and all current end game content (other than warzones of course) and have to begin the development of more content to replace the obsoleted stuff.




They simply rebalance it all for the new cap, rebalance the flashpoints, the operations, etc. With new gear and so on, and basically recycle content.


It seems to me that it's going to be *********** stupid, and mostly suck, either way. I'm personally not liking the idea of a level cap increase this early into the game's life. It's a bad sign imo.


It basically means the effective obsoletion and replacement of all content other than the new stuff they bring OR the complete recycling of everything we already have.


Which sounds better to you? Because they both seem ridiculous to me this early in the game's life. It seems like a desperation move to me.

Edited by Celebrus
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Reposting this from another thread that I originally stated it in:




It basically means the effective obsoletion and replacement of all content other than the new stuff they bring.....


I am of the opinion that this needs to be done anyway with itemization redone from the ground up and mechanics tweaked if the game is supposed to last more then a year anyway.

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The actual number of levels really means nothing, so to argue its low is pointless.

You could have a game that takes 9 months to get a level, and in another game you could do 90 levels


Its the time taken, and the meaning rather then the actual number

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A better question would be...


Are they expanding the talent trees or not...


If not... Then a whole lotta builds just got changed considerably.

Another reason why the cap increase sucks

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A new level cap every 6 months without expansion level content (which in most MMORPG comes every 12-18 months) feel just too much like being a rat on a treadmill to me. :(


It sounds very much like 1.4 Warhammer Online in fact.


yeah beouse the level raise is coming out tomorrow oh its not oh just sometime this year

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The new level cap means that you will be able to attain new levels. That is all. I would personally love it if they would allow me more points and new talents for my skill tree. Another HoT (a big one) would be super fun! They will probably have some new gear that will be fairly easy to attain and will make doing the current HM flashpoints much easier; which sounds great to me also. I think it will not make the current content useless. Anyone that thinks this game is about levels or getting gear or "winning" is crazy. Its about immersion in the Star Wars universe. So immerse yourselves in the new stuff people; it will be wicked fun :p
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they never said when they was going to release this new level cap etc...imo it wont be til the end of the year...as of right now they are only on 1.2 soon to be 1.3...i feel there will be alot more added into the new exp...why keep adding new content before fixing the stuff that is still broken..but the new level cap could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what all they plan on adding in...if it is just a grind to the new level cap and one new ops and recycled old content then the new level cap would be pointless:rak_03:
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they never said when they was going to release this new level cap etc...imo it wont be til the end of the year...as of right now they are only on 1.2 soon to be 1.3...i feel there will be alot more added into the new exp...why keep adding new content before fixing the stuff that is still broken..


E3 is a PR exercise they are going to show the new stuff in the pipeline, no doubt they plan to fix whats broken before most of the new stuff comes out eg. the ranked warzones and group finder. I personally think they need to overhaul the lvl 50 end game in general so that a player can more personally define what they want to do at lvl 50 without missing out on content or gear but I'm probably in a minority.

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if you ask me i hate level cap increases i kind of wish they'd go the way of EQ with a sort of AA system. That way all old content is still threatening and stuff your doing in later areas are just to get extra talents and such, i mean if you have gear from latest raid sure it'll be a joke but i still feel the old raids should always be there to progress through.
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So, apparently there is now zero point in wasting time doing the fresh 50 gear up grind, since I'll be able to walk up to an NPC in a few weeks, plonk down 500K, and walk away with a level 55 "Recruit Set" that will be as good as Rakata, or better. So what exactly is the point of all this mega-epic level 50 requirement stuff like Campaign and Black Hole that they just introduced? It's all just trash drops now, and a complete waste of time to get, since you'll spend more time getting it than you will ever spend using it, and then you just turn around and trash it all when the new level cap hits.
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So, apparently there is now zero point in wasting time doing the fresh 50 gear up grind, since I'll be able to walk up to an NPC in a few weeks, plonk down 500K, and walk away with a level 55 "Recruit Set" that will be as good as Rakata, or better. So what exactly is the point of all this mega-epic level 50 requirement stuff like Campaign and Black Hole that they just introduced? It's all just trash drops now, and a complete waste of time to get, since you'll spend more time getting it than you will ever spend using it, and then you just turn around and trash it all when the new level cap hits.


The level increases aren't coming in a few weeks....that's still a ways off. Besides, people are assuming that the gear scales will be going up dramatically. Black Hole gear is level 61 gear but the content only goes up to 50. So there's already room for level increases with the existing gear. Plus, the augment system gives them a way to allow players to make gear more powerful without destroying the general usefulness of the gear. Maybe it would be more appropriate to freak out about it when we have more details about when and how the system will be implemented.

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So, apparently there is now zero point in wasting time doing the fresh 50 gear up grind, since I'll be able to walk up to an NPC in a few weeks, plonk down 500K, and walk away with a level 55 "Recruit Set" that will be as good as Rakata, or better. So what exactly is the point of all this mega-epic level 50 requirement stuff like Campaign and Black Hole that they just introduced? It's all just trash drops now, and a complete waste of time to get, since you'll spend more time getting it than you will ever spend using it, and then you just turn around and trash it all when the new level cap hits.




Anyone grinding out PvP or PvE gear now is basically being silly. :(


Better to wait for the level cap raise and then start to grind.

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Anyone grinding out PvP or PvE gear now is basically being silly. :(


Better to wait for the level cap raise and then start to grind.


What a sad answer.


I don't know why you would start to grind after the level cap raise as there will probably be another cap raise the next year too.:confused:


Are you really playing only to get new gear ?


Even if it's the case, we have no idea when the level cap raise will occur or how they will handle it. It could come in 6 months, they could make it so you need the current endgame gear to get some new ones, we don't know if the current gear or content will be obsolete or not....


Dunno, why you don't try to have fun with the game as it is now, whether or not you like gear grinding and start to think about the future when we will have timeframes and more knowledge on what will come.

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