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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Sever Transfers


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So I read they are done with the server transfers and they just need to test it. If that is true I would think we would be able to receive the server transfer option before 1.3 comes out..


so i am asking will this be a possibility?


if this question is already somewhere else let me know. if not can ppl only post how much they want early server transfers before 1.3 if its ready. or post a reply on if its even possible.

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Transfers = 1.3


there'S not much else going in the patch, just transfers and things that should be in 1.2


Ranked warzones and a new companion as well. Those are both pretty big. And that's just off the top of my head.

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Ranked warzones and a new companion as well. Those are both pretty big. And that's just off the top of my head.


Ranked warzones were big feature for 1.2... and new companion? We'll see about that.

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Ranked warzones were big feature for 1.2... and new companion? We'll see about that.


Ranked WZs aren't coming out anytime soon. Not for 1.3 anyways. Devs have said it will NOT be a major content patch, so we can at the very soonest expect it to come in 1.4, although nothing much has been said about that yet...


As for the companion, the devs have been rather quiet lately on whether or not he'll be in 1.3. Personally, I doubt he'll be included, but if he is, it's not all that big a deal for me. Honestly, companions in this game are for A) Leveling solo (which doesn't take all that long tbh) or, at max level, B) looking cool while in the fleet looking for ops groups and/or pvp queues to pop. So, it really isn't high on my want-list for 1.3.

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1.3 is not the server transfer patch, I did read they will implement that prior to 1.3 going live.


I know they will never openly admit it but this game is losing subs faster than they can blink and we all know its a sinking ship unless they can consolidate servers. What is sad is they had no brain to think they would need to have a system in place prior to launch to deal with the issue immediately. with that said


There is no reason at all if they have server transfer system done and they have tested it internally that they don't immediately start to consolidate servers ASAP. this game is all but done if they cant do it with in the next week. Again there is no reason for them to wait. I know I wont speak for all servers but on my current server even when I would consider it prime to est for an est server there are less than 100 imperials online. I switch over to repub and its below 50. !50 ish players on a server is well just down right sad for Bioware and EA.


So BW start the mother loving server transfers immediately.


I will suggest you immediately contact guild masters with an email asking where you want your guild transferred giving them a choice of pvp, pve or rp pve / re pvp and START THE DARN SERVER TRANSFERS.

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1.3 is not the server transfer patch, I did read they will implement that prior to 1.3 going live.


I know they will never openly admit it but this game is losing subs faster than they can blink and we all know its a sinking ship unless they can consolidate servers. What is sad is they had no brain to think they would need to have a system in place prior to launch to deal with the issue immediately. with that said


There is no reason at all if they have server transfer system done and they have tested it internally that they don't immediately start to consolidate servers ASAP. this game is all but done if they cant do it with in the next week. Again there is no reason for them to wait. I know I wont speak for all servers but on my current server even when I would consider it prime to est for an est server there are less than 100 imperials online. I switch over to repub and its below 50. !50 ish players on a server is well just down right sad for Bioware and EA.


So BW start the mother loving server transfers immediately.


I will suggest you immediately contact guild masters with an email asking where you want your guild transferred giving them a choice of pvp, pve or rp pve / re pvp and START THE DARN SERVER TRANSFERS.


Yeah, from all what we can read about "super servers", free transfers and update 1.3, it appears that we'll have the transfers BEFORE 1.3. My guess? Transfers in 17 days! You read it here first! Alea jacta est! :eek:

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I think they should have something out in the next week, at least a preliminary thing for those of us that are going to un-subscribe due to their inability to manage their game anyway.

Why would I care if I lose my pants, or everything else for that matter? I've already lost everything I worked towards when I had to abandon my servers.


What's the downside? I might quit? I'm quitting anyway. I already told Bioware via their stellar customer service department that they would be guaranteed another month of my subscription if they at least tried to fix it; I would be glad to work through any bugs with them, and would forgive a fairly considerable amount of screw-ups on their part. All they need to do is put in a little effort towards fixing my game. On the other hand, telling me to be patient and thanking me for understanding will guarantee I cancel my subscription. They prefer I cancel my subscription.


I'm posting this in hopes someone at Bioware will read it and change course towards trying to save the game, at least for me, instead of ruining it. But deep down inside I know they won't and for whatever reason they really aren't that concerned about losing their existing customer base. It's going to be hard parting ways, but this is basically an abusive relationship and their negligence has become unforgivable (unless they put in some little bit of effort. then I would forgive them).

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I believe they did say at some point that if transfers were ready (this includes tested) that theres the chance that they will happen before 1.3 hits. So yes theres the possibility of "soon".
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Ranked WZs aren't coming out anytime soon. Not for 1.3 anyways. Devs have said it will NOT be a major content patch, so we can at the very soonest expect it to come in 1.4, although nothing much has been said about that yet...



In a Q&A they did say that ranked WZs (for 8-man-q-only) are on target for 1.3.

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Ranked WZs aren't coming out anytime soon. Not for 1.3 anyways. Devs have said it will NOT be a major content patch, so we can at the very soonest expect it to come in 1.4, although nothing much has been said about that yet...


As for the companion, the devs have been rather quiet lately on whether or not he'll be in 1.3. Personally, I doubt he'll be included, but if he is, it's not all that big a deal for me. Honestly, companions in this game are for A) Leveling solo (which doesn't take all that long tbh) or, at max level, B) looking cool while in the fleet looking for ops groups and/or pvp queues to pop. So, it really isn't high on my want-list for 1.3.


ranked warzones have already been confirmed for 1.3

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You probably don't want to transfer right now, lest you appear on a new server with no pants on (and for some inexplicable reason, the inability to wear pants ever)


I see no down side to the inexplicable inability to wear pants. Some of us gladly suffer this affliction already.

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I wish that was the case but I don't think that's going to happen. They're going to keep delay the transfers til 1.3 and let people try everything on TC first. I read in some post from the developers that they are going to make the transfer tests like this: Transfer will be from our normal servers to test center, we will be bale to transfer our characters to test center then try 1.3 there with that toon... So sorry mate... it's going to take awhile more.... It sucks to wait and i'm really tierd of it.... Today I made 5 warzone runs, that's really good for my server...Dont thnik I will be able to do anymore this week :( The server pop is really really low on my server so I'd wish the transfer would come soon... another question is, they said "early summer".... it's pretty much that now, and been along while.... They're loosing more customers everyday they delay this but doesn't seem to bother them.


Some of my guildies said that even on the "heavy" servers they can see a lower server pop... ppl cancel their subs more and more.... blizzard please act faster, I enjoy the game but its taking too long and the servers are empty as a desert... We're unable to do anything; instances, warzones.

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Some of my guildies said that even on the "heavy" servers they can see a lower server pop... ppl cancel their subs more and more.... blizzard please act faster, I enjoy the game but its taking too long and the servers are empty as a desert... We're unable to do anything; instances, warzones.



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So we still havnt got an answer on here from a DEV and that is what i want and im sure u all do too. so please keep posting for an answer if its possible to get early server transfers before 1.3. ( with or without pants)
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