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not being the same <> huge disparities


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I understand the desire to not have classes be the same, including the rate they gain companions and the type of those companions. However, is it really necessary for sith warriors to not have stealth, heals, and cc, AND not get their first tank companion until taris, by which time you're to the point to where you probably don't really need one any more?


Seriously, leveling a sith warrior is ****PAINFUL**** compared to every other class in the game (including Jedi Knight). Could you possibly swap Vette with Pierce?


I'm not asking for anything that would help in pvp (though it is kind of odd that sw & jk's do not get cc, stealth, or heals), just something that would make the leveling process not make me want to punch a kitten in the head.


Before anyone brings up the healer companion (who also isn't first) - my experience is that until you hit near 40, healer companions are almost worthless. They don't have the tools they need to keep you alive (honestly, even after then the healer ai is kind of dumb - 'yay i'm at 15% health but rather than heal me, my companion would rather add his 8 dps to mine).

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A few days ago someone was complaining about how the Jedi Knight didn't get their Healing Companion til later in the game compared to the Sith Warrior. Now we have a thread that is a QQ about the Warrior not getting a Tank companion til later in the game.


I've also used Mako up to level 35 so far with a Bounty Hunter.

Edited by monkgryphon
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I have to disagree because SW (both Jugg and Marauders) are almost certainly the easiest and fastest class to level in the game. After levelling a Mercenary and Commando, the supposed "kings of AoE" my jaw dropped at how insanely powerful my Jug's Smash was in Rage spec (since the tree is shared with Marauders as well I can only imagine it being even better for them) and it can pretty much kill most weak mobs in one hit.


What's so important about having a tank companion? Every spec can kill much easier and efficiently with either a dps companion or a healer companion. And with a few presence buffs from Legacy, Vette was gunning things down faster than I could even get to them sometimes.

Edited by Jenzali
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Last time I checked, Force choke was a CC.


Also, if your using a tanking companion, your doing it wrong. You want Malavai out, not Pierce.


...and before you start complaining about healing companions casting DPS instead of healing you, perhaps you should take control of the situation and turn your healing companions DPS powers OFF.


When I leveled up my Merc, the only companion I used was Mako. When I leveled up my Sorcerer, I used Khem until I got Talos. When I leveled up my Concealment Op, I used Kaliyo until I got Dr Lokin... and you guessed it, when I leveled up my Juggernaut, I used Vette til i got Quinn.


This games solo PvE content from 1-49 is not hard at all, no matter what class (or advanced class for that matter) your playing.

Edited by Ignicity
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Force choke is also a DoT. And in the tanking tree can be applied instantly without you having to channel it.


Now to my experience. I have leveled as a Marauder with Vette and she does exceptional damage, I have kept her up to date, and she piles damage out of herself onto mine enemies! She is great. But I can see arguments for many different ways of playing and using different companions based on what you wanna do. I use Kira for my Jedi Knight, who is a tank. I use Kira as my damage machine kinda like I do with Vette.


But I can see many ways to go.


You can be a tank with a healer and whittle your way through fights, if that's your play style, cool!


You can go dps with healer, to be all damaging and have a little heal to help you get through.


You can play a healer and heal your tank companion through the fights, slower again, but definitely doable.


You can be like me and go two dps, and try to get them down quick, and get through them by killing them faster.


You can be a dps and have a tank companion hold your aggro, and bring them down like that.


There are a few more, but you get the idea. Nothing is just "do it this way and only this way" there are many possibilities. Well that's how I play anyway. :)


Hope some of this helps.

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I didn't want to come off sounding like I was stating that there's only one way to play. Your right, there are different ways to use companions. I was just stating the optimal way to play. Edited by Ignicity
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Sorry, son. You are doing it wrong. Healing companions are the most efficient companions. It doesn't mean that you don't need to sometimes use some defensive cooldowns or use your "Channel Hatred" ability. But they offer the safest way to quest with the less downtime between pulls.


I found that tank companions don't do enough damage and die too quickly.

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Sorry, son. You are doing it wrong. Healing companions are the most efficient companions. It doesn't mean that you don't need to sometimes use some defensive cooldowns or use your "Channel Hatred" ability. But they offer the safest way to quest with the less downtime between pulls.


I found that tank companions don't do enough damage and die too quickly.


I hear ya! When my tanking companion has less HPs than me, and I'm a healer..... Houston, we have a problem.

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I didn't have a problem with my mar, my first character, except for heroic quests. But at that time I just assumed it was because heroic quests are meant to be done in a group. I believed I leveled from 1 to 50 without difficulty and without even using Quinn the medic except for heroics. Both Vette and Jaesa worked well with me and my Annihilation skill line. But that was months ago, so the gameplay may have changed.


My main point is please don't change Pierce and Vette. I am a guy who doesn't play female characters, so I rely on female NPC to make my gameplay bearable.


That said, I do agree that the classes are quite unfair in PvE. I can even do many Heroic 4 on my own with my Operative by combining Sleeping Dart, Slice Droid, a few level advantage, and focused fire followed by Cloaking Screen, something unthinkable on my Marauder.

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I like having different modes of playing the game.


With my main JK-sentinel, she and T7 plow through stuff in no time. If I want to play it a little more relaxed then I bring pixel-hubby Doc. Playing with her is a completely different experience from playing with my healer-smuggler who sneaks through the game with her tank-bf Corso.

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I have to disagree because SW (both Jugg and Marauders) are almost certainly the easiest and fastest class to level in the game. After levelling a Mercenary and Commando, the supposed "kings of AoE" my jaw dropped at how insanely powerful my Jug's Smash was in Rage spec (since the tree is shared with Marauders as well I can only imagine it being even better for them) and it can pretty much kill most weak mobs in one hit.


What's so important about having a tank companion? Every spec can kill much easier and efficiently with either a dps companion or a healer companion. And with a few presence buffs from Legacy, Vette was gunning things down faster than I could even get to them sometimes.


Jugg smashes are NOT powerful until a LONG ways in, you have to have a ton of skill points spent before your smash is ANY better than any other spec.


To the previous poster, healers at low level are kind of trashy, taniks aren't. Particularly the flying trashcan who is INSANELY easy to gear up to a ridiculous amount (yes, i have a cybermech0.


Look, I have to think you guys have selective memory. I remember BARELY being able to take on *STRONG* mobs my level when I was leveling, forget elites, Now, you can say I'm just bad, but that doesn't explain how my other 7 characters have NO trouble taking on an elite their level (and in the case of 2 of my toons *2* elites their level - and in 1 case *3* elites my level (though at least one has to be a driod and one has to NOT be a driod)).


Jeez, you act like I'm saying sw's need pvp buffs. I'm asking ONLY to swap the order in which sw's get their companions, that's all. It WON'T have any effect at all on pvp, or on raiding, or even in flashpoints.

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Last time I checked, Force choke was a CC.


You're INCREDIBLY wrong. Stuns are not actual cc's. You are NOT going to kill an elite your level in the time it takes a stun to run out. Not to mention that unless you're tank spec'd that "cc" ALSO cc's YOU.


Also, if your using a tanking companion, your doing it wrong. You want Malavai out, not Pierce.


Early in the game, Quinn is beyond useless. He will NOT keep you up. Not to mention that, good god, why don't you guys get this - if your pet is tanking then they have to go through his healthbar, THEN yours before you lose. If YOU'RE tanking, once your health hits 0, you're done.


...and before you start complaining about healing companions casting DPS instead of healing you, perhaps you should take control of the situation and turn your healing companions DPS powers OFF.


I turned off EVERYTHING that wasn't a heal. I even turned off carbonize because it's actually a HUGE hps loss since he has to channel carbonize (and yes, I tried it WITH and without carbonize, carbonize is horrible). I understand how the game mechanics work, again, I have *8* toons. My sith warrior was THE ONLY TOON I had ANY trouble getting to 40. The rest could actually do h2's, whereas my sw couldn't even solo an elite his level.


When I leveled up my Merc, the only companion I used was Mako. When I leveled up my Sorcerer, I used Khem until I got Talos. When I leveled up my Concealment Op, I used Kaliyo until I got Dr Lokin... and you guessed it, when I leveled up my Juggernaut, I used Vette til i got Quinn.


And what do both mercs and sorc's have that sw's don't? CC AND heals. They are VASTLY more powerful at low levels. Actually mercs are CRAZY powerful as they can take down *3* elites their level so long as 1 is a droid and 1 is not a droid - AND YOU KNOW THAT. A sw has *******NOTHING******* that will knock a single mob, droid or otherwise, out of a fight for more than a few seconds, and in that situation a few seconds is nearly as bad as nothing at all. Not to mention that light armor + good heals > heavy armor + incompetent heals.


This games solo PvE content from 1-49 is not hard at all, no matter what class (or advanced class for that matter) your playing.


Sure it's not. As long as you never fight an elite your level (which the game is set up to allow). But why can a merc easily do h2's and sw's aren't allowed to fight elites their level?

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It seems you like to play the game the same way through all of your characters. Maybe you need to just change up your play style when you're on your Warrior. Just because you're having a problem, doesn't mean the game is imbalanced or even broken. Change up your tactics, and you can make it work. My level 44 Juggernaut has been using Vette or Jaesa. Never used the healing companion, or either of the tanks.
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It seems you like to play the game the same way through all of your characters. Maybe you need to just change up your play style when you're on your Warrior. Just because you're having a problem, doesn't mean the game is imbalanced or even broken. Change up your tactics, and you can make it work. My level 44 Juggernaut has been using Vette or Jaesa. Never used the healing companion, or either of the tanks.


I don't know what to say. I've tried rage, veng and immortal, I've tried mixes thereof. I've tried kiting, blowing all OFFENSIVE cds immediatelly, all defensive cd's, I've used every single pet. And while I could sometimes take out elites my level, it was always a "if they got one more hit on me, I'd die." As opposed to pretty much every other class which found a single elite their level to be truly yawn worthy (so much so my merc would sometimes solo stuff w/ no pet at all).


I'm not asking for the SAME experience. I'm simply asking that sw's not feel like the ragged edge of disaster when they have to fight elites their level. while leveling.


I'll put it like this - there's the occasional h2 where you end up having to fight a champion. My merc and my socr had no problem doing so. My sw never got past the first pull of those h2's.

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I hear ya! When my tanking companion has less HPs than me, and I'm a healer..... Houston, we have a problem.


Oh, you're a healer. You don't like questing efficiency anyways. Go nuts and play whatever you want then, but I'd suggest using a damage companion (ranged damage is very good).

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I'm honestly not sure why your having such a hard time. My knight uses Keira for her DPS and he's fine. We plow straight through elites just as quickly as my commando and Op do. All I can say is maybe post a video of you in a typical fight and we can try and help you by giving advice?
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You're INCREDIBLY wrong. Stuns are not actual cc's. You are NOT going to kill an elite your level in the time it takes a stun to run out. Not to mention that unless you're tank spec'd that "cc" ALSO cc's YOU.




Early in the game, Quinn is beyond useless. He will NOT keep you up. Not to mention that, good god, why don't you guys get this - if your pet is tanking then they have to go through his healthbar, THEN yours before you lose. If YOU'RE tanking, once your health hits 0, you're done.




I turned off EVERYTHING that wasn't a heal. I even turned off carbonize because it's actually a HUGE hps loss since he has to channel carbonize (and yes, I tried it WITH and without carbonize, carbonize is horrible). I understand how the game mechanics work, again, I have *8* toons. My sith warrior was THE ONLY TOON I had ANY trouble getting to 40. The rest could actually do h2's, whereas my sw couldn't even solo an elite his level.




And what do both mercs and sorc's have that sw's don't? CC AND heals. They are VASTLY more powerful at low levels. Actually mercs are CRAZY powerful as they can take down *3* elites their level so long as 1 is a droid and 1 is not a droid - AND YOU KNOW THAT. A sw has *******NOTHING******* that will knock a single mob, droid or otherwise, out of a fight for more than a few seconds, and in that situation a few seconds is nearly as bad as nothing at all. Not to mention that light armor + good heals > heavy armor + incompetent heals.




Sure it's not. As long as you never fight an elite your level (which the game is set up to allow). But why can a merc easily do h2's and sw's aren't allowed to fight elites their level?


Leveled a JK from 1-50.Havent had half the issues you have ghad

I did struggle abit before i got Doc,, but ti was smooth sailing after that.

At the end of the day tank companions don't last long enough to make a difference., if you're struggling after you ahve your healer you are doing it wrong.

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If you want to play the Sith Warrior (both AC's) optimally post-Balmorra, your best companions are:


Vette, and Quinn. Regardless of AC, content, or spec. Vette is the best dps, and Quinn is the best all-around.


Guess what? Vette and Quinn are the first two companions that you get, respectively, so I am not sure where the compaint lies. Jedi Knights have a legitimate complaint that their healer comes so late, but Sith Warriors have absolutely no basis for complaint regarding when they get their optimal companions.


Quinn's Carbon Freeze (as well as Holliday's Dance, Mako's E-stun, etc.) are some of the best companion abilities in the game, and they use them intelligently, most of the time.


The only time these abilities are bad, is if the companion is more intelligent than the player.


Someone mentioned that you should post a video of your play, Veeius...I wouldn't. I would, however, film yourself if you can, and watch the footage several times, until you start to realize that you really don't know how to play this class. At that point, you can *armchair quarterback* yourself, and see what you are doing wrong that is causing you to have problems that most of us who have responded here don't have.


Regarding some other AC's soloing Heroics - take away their long CC's (thus, putting them on even ground), and they can't do any more (or less) than the Sith Warrior. Those CC's are the *only* reason they can do more in the first place, and should not be confused as being *more powerful.*



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OP: i assumed you were leveling a marauder, then i saw you say you're a Juggernaut -- you're doing it wrong. Jugg leveling is incredibly easy and you should be rocking pretty much anything at your level (including fights with elites unless you're trying to solo Heroics). You said "CC" but you really meant a 1-minute CC, which is why people are responding about Force Choke, etc... "CC" simply means Crowd Control, which Juggernauts have in abundance (especially Immortal spec) -- not just the one-minute abilities that some other classes have. No, Juggernauts don't have those, but they have multiple defensive cooldowns, heavy armor, a tank spec, and access to a healer before almost every other class in the game.


For normal mobs, roll Vette and you should always be fine. For a harder target, get out Quinn and again, you should be fine. If you really find leveling so hard, respec as Immortal and gear up with a decent shield, etc. and easy mode your way to 50.


PS. My main is a level 50 Jugg.

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Sith warrior is EASY to level. You don't even need a tank or heals...I leveled a jugg and marauder both very easily using Vette. I don't get what the problem is.


So far I don't think there are any hard classes to level, but I would put warriors somewhere near the easiest if I had to. To the poster that said Quinn can't keep you up at low levels, what? He does just fine.

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My first 50 was a Juggernaut, Immortal spec. I will be honest I hated using Quinn. I used Vette until I got Jaesa. I got her early on as my girlfriend helped me to complete Chapter 1 by level 25. I used her exclusively from that point on. I never used anyone else and my tank companions didn't see the light of day other than the companion conversations. I have never had any issues until the final fight on my Jugg and then I had to switch to Quinn. Other than that if I had issues I would just make sure I had my stims and hit my interrupts. I will freely admit that I had to hit my defensive cd's but thats what they are there for. It was never hard though. I did all my quests when they were yellow excpet for Chapter 1 which I mentioned above as most of those were red to me. The tank companions are actually a fairly big waste for a Juggernaut as you effectively cut your DPS down to uselessness. Having two health bars doesn't matter as much when you can not carve half of the opponent's health bar before you are both dead. If you are playing a Juggernaut DPSer then its a bit different. Depending on the DPS of the mob you are fighting your tank companion might not last that long anyways.


Now as to disparities, I do not see them like you do. I have levelled a Merc to 50 and while I could do decent DPS I was surprised at how immobile the Arsenal spec is. I used Mako throughout the entire run 1 - 50. SHe kept me alive for the most part and there were multiple times that H2's that I ended up having to heal myself up as well to make it through, whereas my Jugg could just beat his way through fairly easily. I have several other AC's north of 30 and none of them were as easy as my Jugg except my Guardian Jedi though I went DPS with him.


Anyway you look at it, to me its more a matter of personal play style than a class disparity. But then thats just my perception.

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Well obviously, sith warriors can be Juggs or Maurauders, and a Jug and Tank comp is plain silly.


I used Vette, then Jaessa and by Belsavis was starting to get through fights pretty beaten up in fights with elites since dps comps don't hold aggro, and I switched to Quinn, got him some decent gear and cruised through barely pausing since I came out of fights at full health.


Honestly, SWs get 3 comps relatively early - it's pretty easy going for them.

Edited by Chemic_al
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