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Interrupt on Force Charge/Leap should be removed


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It's almost silly that this acts as an additional interrupt for warriors (and, of course, tank PT builds). This one move grants the warrior what would otherwise require a decision between two to three moves. With the push of one button, the warrior does damage; builds rage; roots target; interrupts casts and abilities; closes gaps. That's just too much for one button.


In my opinion, it's the interrupt that puts the ability over the top. With all of the CC, knockbacks, pulls and normal interrupts flying around a WZ, it's little gratuitous additions like this that can make the game frustrating.

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It's almost silly that this acts as an additional interrupt for warriors (and, of course, tank PT builds). This one move grants the warrior what would otherwise require a decision between two to three moves. With the push of one button, the warrior does damage; builds rage; roots target; interrupts casts and abilities; closes gaps. That's just too much for one button.


In my opinion, it's the interrupt that puts the ability over the top. With all of the CC, knockbacks, pulls and normal interrupts flying around a WZ, it's little gratuitous additions like this that can make the game frustrating.


You can't say that for all warriors. Only Watchman Sent and their empire counterpart can interrupt with Leap in melee range. The others have to be at least 10 meters away. Can't say for tank PT/Vang. From 10 meters away, you can't use this as a reliable interrupt. It's usually only a gap closer. Damage is negligible (much like, say, force slow or force stun), the root is mandatory, because if not, lag will let a moving target get away before you can even connect and building focus on an ability with a range req and a 15 second cooldown isn't the end of the world.


So yeah, unless you're playing watchman sentinel, it's only a gap closer (and force sweep crit enabler if focus spec). I guess they could add a drawback to the range reduction talent. I must say with 6 second free (no ressources, off GCD) kick, force stasis, Awe and leap in melee range, that's too many ways to interrupt.

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None of which locks you from recasting


Yah, but sometimes (often) a soft interrupt is enough for force kick cooldown to reset, then you get locked out of that spell for X seconds. That's a lot of time spent doing nothing. I still think it shouldn't be removed, unless you have the talent which also removes the min range req.

Edited by lpsmash
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I think guards are well balanced they are not overly strong they have a good tool set And you will survive long enough through their damage to handle a interrupt Also most ranged Classes have atleast 2 trees to cast from and you can juke cast Making them waste a interrupt Edited by denpic
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It's almost silly that this acts as an additional interrupt for warriors (and, of course, tank PT builds). This one move grants the warrior what would otherwise require a decision between two to three moves. With the push of one button, the warrior does damage; builds rage; roots target; interrupts casts and abilities; closes gaps. That's just too much for one button.


In my opinion, it's the interrupt that puts the ability over the top. With all of the CC, knockbacks, pulls and normal interrupts flying around a WZ, it's little gratuitous additions like this that can make the game frustrating.


You do realize that the leap interrupt lasts only as long as the GCD which is 1.5s right? Big whoop.


The one thing I do feel that needs to change about leap is the root should be dispellable.

Edited by Smashbrother
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(no ressources, off GCD) kick, force stasis, Awe and leap in melee range, that's too many ways to interrupt.


All of those abilities except force kick abide to the GCD...


The one thing I do feel that needs to change about leap is the root should be dispellable.


It's a two second root...

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All of those abilities except force kick abide to the GCD...


With knockback from damage (in the cast bar, not knocking back players), it doesn't really matter all that much. Maybe you won't stop a well timed 1.5 sec cast. Boo-woo. That means your kick is on cooldown anyways, otherwise why interrupt with these abilities?


I can't tell you how many casts I interrupted in WoW with a kidney shot, gouge, garrote, charge, strangulate, hammer of justice, etc. (different game, I know, but just to mention that interrupts on the GCD can still be done). In swtor, I interrupted plenty with stasis and force push. Obviously, knockbacks such as force wave aren't so good because of animations delay, but I digress.

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You do realize that the leap interrupt lasts only as long as the GCD which is 1.5s right? Big whoop.


Suppose I'm an Op healer, and my tank is at 40% health. Well, sure would be nice to get a Kolto Infusion (2 second cast) on him or her. Of course, in a thick fight, losing even one second of time can be a serious setback, so it's a risky cast. But no one is near me at the moment, so I go for it. 1.5 seconds into the cast, I'm charged by the warrior.


Breathing room for healers is hard to come by in WZ. The fact that force charge/leap acts as an interrupt therefore just does have a considerable impact on games, and on how a healer must approach his or her cast time heals. In short, it makes these heals considerably more risky.


O.K. then, so what's the problem? The problem is that this powerful game-changing ability happens to also pack in almost every other goodie one could want: it's a gap closer, a root, a damager; and not only is it free to cast, it actually builds rage. This all adds up to an ability that just isn't balanced.

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Suppose I'm an Op healer, and my tank is at 40% health. Well, sure would be nice to get a Kolto Infusion (2 second cast) on him or her. Of course, in a thick fight, losing even one second of time can be a serious setback, so it's a risky cast. But no one is near me at the moment, so I go for it. 1.5 seconds into the cast, I'm charged by the warrior.


Breathing room for healers is hard to come by in WZ. The fact that force charge/leap acts as an interrupt therefore just does have a considerable impact on games, and on how a healer must approach his or her cast time heals. In short, it makes these heals considerably more risky.


O.K. then, so what's the problem? The problem is that this powerful game-changing ability happens to also pack in almost every other goodie one could want: it's a gap closer, a root, a damager; and not only is it free to cast, it actually builds rage. This all adds up to an ability that just isn't balanced.


Well I don't like it when I leap to someone, and they knock me away and run away so I can't hit them. Nerf knockbacks.


In all seriousness, you remind me of this one guy complaining about getting sprint at level 1.


There are far better things to complain about dude. Leap interrupting is fine.

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Suppose I'm an Op healer, and my tank is at 40% health. Well, sure would be nice to get a Kolto Infusion (2 second cast) on him or her. Of course, in a thick fight, losing even one second of time can be a serious setback, so it's a risky cast. But no one is near me at the moment, so I go for it. 1.5 seconds into the cast, I'm charged by the warrior.


Breathing room for healers is hard to come by in WZ. The fact that force charge/leap acts as an interrupt therefore just does have a considerable impact on games, and on how a healer must approach his or her cast time heals. In short, it makes these heals considerably more risky.


O.K. then, so what's the problem? The problem is that this powerful game-changing ability happens to also pack in almost every other goodie one could want: it's a gap closer, a root, a damager; and not only is it free to cast, it actually builds rage. This all adds up to an ability that just isn't balanced.


Not so different from getting interrupted with a jolt from 30 meters by a sorc. Or from being stunned from 30 meters while casting. Force leap is fine as is, except for Watchmen Sent where it basically becomes yet another interrupt (and they already have a 6 sec kick).


Healers (and "casters" such as merc/sorc) need to learn about positioning in PvP, it's one of the most important aspect of the game. Remember, you can't be leaped on behind a pillar and you can't be CC'd (except with flashbang) while not in sight.


I see healers in wide open areas way too often, just spamming heals and waiting (begging) to be switched on.

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Not so different from getting interrupted with a jolt from 30 meters by a sorc. Or from being stunned from 30 meters while casting.


It's quite a bit different, actually. A more analogous sorc ability would be a 30 meter two-second root on a 15 second cooldown that is free to cast, restores 10% of the sorc's force pool, interrupts casts, all while doing 1.5k damage. And even this wouldn't capture the full power or usefulness of force charge, given that force charge is one of the quickest movement abilities in the game (something useful on every map, not least of which the pit).

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With knockback from damage (in the cast bar, not knocking back players), it doesn't really matter all that much. Maybe you won't stop a well timed 1.5 sec cast. Boo-woo. That means your kick is on cooldown anyways, otherwise why interrupt with these abilities?


I can't tell you how many casts I interrupted in WoW with a kidney shot, gouge, garrote, charge, strangulate, hammer of justice, etc. (different game, I know, but just to mention that interrupts on the GCD can still be done). In swtor, I interrupted plenty with stasis and force push. Obviously, knockbacks such as force wave aren't so good because of animations delay, but I digress.


I wasn't arguing with you, I was simply correcting your claims of those abilities not abiding by the GCD when they are actually part of the GCD. I could really care less about your other QQ's in a pvp system designed around teamwork and not 1v1.


If you want to continue to QQ then at least know what you are talking about.

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It's quite a bit different, actually. A more analogous sorc ability would be a 30 meter two-second root on a 15 second cooldown that is free to cast, restores 10% of the sorc's force pool, interrupts casts, all while doing 1.5k damage. And even this wouldn't capture the full power or usefulness of force charge, given that force charge is one of the quickest movement abilities in the game (something useful on every map, not least of which the pit).


Consulars, troopers, and smugglers start at full resource. Knights start at 0. Oh and sages have sever force which is almost close to your ridiculous imagined ability.


QQ more.

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sages have sever force which is almost close to your ridiculous imagined ability.


Not quite. In order for it to be "almost close," creeping terror would have to be granted free to all sorcs (as opposed to the 31pt ability in the madness tree), and it would also need to be free to cast, restore force, and also interrupt spells and other abilities.

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It's almost silly that this acts as an additional interrupt for warriors (and, of course, tank PT builds). This one move grants the warrior what would otherwise require a decision between two to three moves. With the push of one button, the warrior does damage; builds rage; roots target; interrupts casts and abilities; closes gaps. That's just too much for one button.


In my opinion, it's the interrupt that puts the ability over the top. With all of the CC, knockbacks, pulls and normal interrupts flying around a WZ, it's little gratuitous additions like this that can make the game frustrating.[/quote



Is PvP hard? Peeps keep moving and jumping and don't stay still when you try to hit them?

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Is PvP hard? Peeps keep moving and jumping and don't stay still when you try to hit them?


Actually, I rather sympathize with Izola's post about how the game is too easy, and the competition too watered down.

I play Kazu (Operative) and Metagame (Assassin) in Seal Team Sith on The Fatman. I would very much like to see the skill cap of PvP increased. To that end, one way to do this is to tone down imbalanced abilities that grant too many powers for the click of only one button, and for the cost of only one GCD.

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