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My Problem With SWTOR.


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The game world feels VOID of life. The graphics are fine, but the worlds feel dead. You should be able to explore outside of a maze or tunnel. Open up the game, get rid of the soulless fleets that are nearly identical. I know people are going to whine about wow. But what wow did well IMO was make a world that they felt apart of. Were humans and want to feel somewhat connected to the world . The long load times for planets doesn't help.


For whatever reason wow made you feel like the character was part of that world, same with UO. SWTOR feels too conspired. I can deal with theme park but this game escorts you to the ride buckles you up and then sits with you.


For me, Bugs, and other imperfections are something I can live with. The mechanics are nice, the story is great and all and all the SW feel is there. You just made a game in space, and it doesn't feel alive. I don't know how you can fix this, and im not sure how other games managed it. But once you make people feel at home in the world you will give yourself time to polish the rest.

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The game world feels VOID of life. The graphics are fine, but the worlds feel dead. You should be able to explore outside of a maze or tunnel. Open up the game, get rid of the soulless fleets that are nearly identical. I know people are going to whine about wow. But what wow did well IMO was make a world that they felt apart of. Were humans and want to feel somewhat connected to the world . The long load times for planets doesn't help.


For whatever reason wow made you feel like the character was part of that world, same with UO. SWTOR feels too conspired. I can deal with theme park but this game escorts you to the ride buckles you up and then sits with you.


For me, Bugs, and other imperfections are something I can live with. The mechanics are nice, the story is great and all and all the SW feel is there. You just made a game in space, and it doesn't feel alive. I don't know how you can fix this, and im not sure how other games managed it. But once you make people feel at home in the world you will give yourself time to polish the rest.



transfers are coming..im pretty sure the million other threads all say the same thing.. someone says game is dead..other people say transfers are coming.. either you choose to wait it out, or unsub and return when transfers are in place.


but in all honesty this thread really wasnt needed if you took the time to go read the million other threads on the issue

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I don't mean dead in that there are no people. I mean bland, scripted... there is not much freewill.

My server is fine.


Its 15 bucks a month, If I get 5 hours a month in its worth my money, its the best bargain going. I just want it to succeed.

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What do you want them to do, redesign the whole game? In my opinion I think it's fine, when I played ona dead server with 20 people online I never felt alone, maybe the difference is for WOW was because it was cartoony, and UO well that was due to the community.
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The game does lead us from place to the next for the stories, but I feel like my character is part of the world. The majority of people I played WoW with had no idea why we were fighting Arthas other than for the loot. When they got a quest they just clicked accept and followed the map pointers until it was complete. In TOR, most people I play with actually watch the voice overs.


Sure, the loading takes a bit for me. But there was still loading in WoW whenever you changed continents or planets.

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I don't mean dead in that there are no people. I mean bland, scripted... there is not much freewill.

My server is fine.


Its 15 bucks a month, If I get 5 hours a month in its worth my money, its the best bargain going. I just want it to succeed.


I am with you bud. I feel the same way.


Many people will disagree, and i have not been able to understand those people for the last 6 months.


You have to approach this game with a different view than you are seeing it now.


There is no virtual world here to explore, the planets are there for 1 purpose; leveling.


End game is Warzones for gear progression or Flashpoints also for gear progression.


This game is not designed for RP (hence no chat bubbles, very little emotes, cant even sit in chairs)


If you view this game as a place to do flashpoints or warzones then you will have great time.

If you want to experience that "virtual world" then this game will is not going to do it for you.


We can all make suggestions here but its a waste: its been six months of the same stuff and the same complaints, but the direction here is more linear gameplay and ranked warzones.

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I don't mean dead in that there are no people. I mean bland, scripted... there is not much freewill.

My server is fine.


Its 15 bucks a month, If I get 5 hours a month in its worth my money, its the best bargain going. I just want it to succeed.


Static, empty, lifeless, artificial..that is how the game worlds feel and I don't expect an update with overall improvements anytime soon :(

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Reroll there are some good servers around

My server master darnala has virtually instant pvp queue


if i was going to re-roll it would have been months ago..my sub runs out in 16 days,and im on to bigger and better things. i may come back once bioware desides to fix this horribad game.

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What about people who couldn't give one poodoo about PvP? I tried running hm black talon, and when we lost to the droid on the engine deck of brentell star the rest of my party quit whining that we couldn't beat the Jedi an I spent the last hour or so derping around the friggin imperial fleet. After 50 if you don't like PvP and can't find anyone to run hm or ops you're basically paying 15/month to do nothing. Of course I'm on light server, but hopefully when we get server transfers/super servers, I can actualy find people to do sh*t I like to do rather then derp around my factions fleet.
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The game does lead us from place to the next for the stories, but I feel like my character is part of the world. The majority of people I played WoW with had no idea why we were fighting Arthas other than for the loot. When they got a quest they just clicked accept and followed the map pointers until it was complete. In TOR, most people I play with actually watch the voice overs.


Sure, the loading takes a bit for me. But there was still loading in WoW whenever you changed continents or planets.


So the art of reading is dead? lol

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if i was going to re-roll it would have been months ago..my sub runs out in 16 days,and im on to bigger and better things. i may come back once bioware desides to fix this horribad game.


Yeah just like every poster with the negative sig like yours

You won't help yourself so why wait for your subb to expire

Nothing's going to change between now and then

It seems Pointless to be here if your Not getting anything from the game

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