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Losing Interest


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So here i am Queing it up with my premade, Izola , Swidgen, Kiilei and Malkanesh. We do very good in regards to win ratio. But i have a problem. Out of 10 games we play 8 or so against some of the worst pvpers imaginable. These are rerollers or star wars die hards. Now were on the Fatman so its expected to see a bunch of rerollers not geared. Understandable. The problem however is one of skill. I see backpeddlers, keyboard turners, PvE rotation bots, Look at the Chart lol players, and just all around people that will never improve their game beyond getting a class buff. Then come the other 2 games out of 10. Full Seal Team Sith Premades with 3-4 players from other good guilds. I am so imbetted in the idea that i can do anything and still win from playing bads all day that were just not up to snuff when the time comes to actually PvP. i know this sounds weird, but im completely serious. How can i take this game serious with so many bads floating around.


What point is there in waiting for rateds and a leaderboard if 97% of said leaderboard are terribads at PvP?


What point is there in playing one decent game every 3 hours?


What point is there in trying to keep a gear pace with the .002% playerbase that actual is hardcore.


Please insult me, call me out, challenge me, anything to get me motivated to actually want to PvP in this game. Because as is i believe a SWTOR Leaderboard would probably be the biggest joke around. And thats all i really care about, stiff competition. We've resorted to karaoke in skype to stafe off the boredom, PLEASE HELP!!

Edited by Izola
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So here i am Queing it up with my premade, Izola , Swidgen, Kiilei and Malkanesh. We do very good in regards to win ratio. But i have a problem. Out of 10 games we play 8 or so against some of the worst pvpers imaginable. These are rerollers or star wars die hards. Now were on the Fatman so its expected to see a bunch of rerollers not geared. Understandable. The problem however is one of skill. I see backpeddlers, keyboard turners, PvE rotation bots, Look at the Chart lol players, and just all around people that will never improve their game beyond getting a class buff. Then come the other 2 games out of 10. Full Seal Team Sith Premades with 3-4 players from other good guilds. I am so imbetted in the idea that i can do anything and still win from playing bads all day that were just not up to snuff when the time comes to actually PvP. i know this sounds weird, but im completely serious. How can i take this game serious with so many bads floating around.


What point is there in waiting for rateds and a leaderboard if 97% of said leaderboard are terribads at PvP?


What point is there in playing one decent game every 3 hours?


What point is there in trying to keep a gear pace with the .002% playerbase that actual is hardcore.


Please insult me, call me out, challenge me, anything to get me motivated to actually want to PvP in this game. Because as is i believe a SWTOR Leaderboard would probably be the biggest joke around. And thats all i really care about, stiff competition. We've resorted to karaoke in skype to stafe off the boredom, PLEASE HELP!!


Check private messages. That or my bro and I can reroll IMP if you want ;)

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Yup, this is definitely an issue for me as well. Even among the maybe 5% of players with a knowledge of classes and the combat system, most of those don't really understand the objectives. Edited by Lymain
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So here i am Queing it up with my premade, Izola , Swidgen, Kiilei and Malkanesh. We do very good in regards to win ratio. But i have a problem. Out of 10 games we play 8 or so against some of the worst pvpers imaginable. These are rerollers or star wars die hards. Now were on the Fatman so its expected to see a bunch of rerollers not geared. Understandable. The problem however is one of skill. I see backpeddlers, keyboard turners, PvE rotation bots, Look at the Chart lol players, and just all around people that will never improve their game beyond getting a class buff. Then come the other 2 games out of 10. Full Seal Team Sith Premades with 3-4 players from other good guilds. I am so imbetted in the idea that i can do anything and still win from playing bads all day that were just not up to snuff when the time comes to actually PvP. i know this sounds weird, but im completely serious. How can i take this game serious with so many bads floating around.


What point is there in waiting for rateds and a leaderboard if 97% of said leaderboard are terribads at PvP?


What point is there in playing one decent game every 3 hours?


What point is there in trying to keep a gear pace with the .002% playerbase that actual is hardcore.


Please insult me, call me out, challenge me, anything to get me motivated to actually want to PvP in this game. Because as is i believe a SWTOR Leaderboard would probably be the biggest joke around. And thats all i really care about, stiff competition. We've resorted to karaoke in skype to stafe off the boredom, PLEASE HELP!!


All I read was "Im too sexy. I beat SWTOR. Everyone else is a gimp noob and playing with them makes me a noob too."


Did you really just blame others for your in game failures here on the forums? I could just say L2P, but really what you need to do is L2Concentrate or maybe L2TakeResponsibility.


"Sorry your honor, I got so used to simple appendectomy's that I just couldn't complete that heart transplant like I was supposed to".

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So here, queing it up with my premade, am I, izola, swidgen, kiilei and malkanesh. Very good in regards to win ratio, we do. But problem, have I. Of 10 games we play 8 or so against some of the worst pvpers imaginable out. Rerollers or star wars die hards, these are. Geared now were on the fatman so its expected to see a bunch of rerollers not. Understandable. One of skill, the problem however is. Backpeddlers, I see backpeddlers, keyboard turners, pve rotation bots, look at the chart lol players, and never improve their game beyond getting a class buff, just all around people that will. Then of 10 come the other 2 games out. With 3-4 players from other good guilds full seal team sith premades. I am so imbetted in the idea that I can do anything and still win from playing bads all day that were just up to snuff not when the time comes to actually pvp. This sounds weird I know, but im completely serious. I take this game serious with so many bads floating around, how can.


There in waiting for rateds and a leaderboard if 97% of said leaderboard are terribads at pvp, what point is, hmm?


There in playing one decent game every 3 hours, what point is, hmm?


Hardcore, what point is there in trying to keep a gear pace with the .002% playerbase that actual is.


Insult me, me out call, challenge me, anything to get me motivated to actually pvp in this game want to. Because I believe a swtor leaderboard would probably be the biggest joke around, as is. And thats all I really care about, stiff competition. Resorted to karaoke in skype to stafe off the boredom, we have, help!!

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Absolutely we should all be fuming mad at the fact that this game isn't perfect and neither are it's players!!! RAVING MAD!!!!


I mean how hard could it be to perfectly balance 16 classes, make new content, WZ maps, events and gear on a regular basis, keep casual and hardcore players happy with gear and content for both AND most importantly of all... why can't they separate WZ's into 2 groups... noobs and hardcore PvP'ers! I mean seriously!!!! This game has been out for 6 months now!!! In nerd rage time that's like 17 1/2 years!!! Or even better yet they should just have a PvP war zone test before you're even allowed to install the game. All players should be required to put up a minimum of 250k in stats for 3 games in a row or they have to return the game to a local gamestop. As the game is returned I also recommend they should get a good ol fashion azz whooping to deter them from playing an MMO ever again.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Absolutely we should all be fuming mad at the fact that this game isn't perfect and neither are it's players!!! RAVING MAD!!!!


I mean how hard could it be to perfectly balance 16 classes, make new content, WZ maps, events and gear on a regular basis, keep casual and hardcore players happy with gear and content for both AND most importantly of all... why can't they separate WZ's into 2 groups... noobs and hardcore PvP'ers! I mean seriously!!!! This game has been out for 6 months now!!! In nerd rage time that's like 17 1/2 years!!! Or even better yet they should just have a PvP war zone test before you're even allowed to install the game. All players should be required to put up a minimum of 250k in stats for 3 games in a row or they have to return the game to a local gamestop. As the game is returned I also recommend they should get a good ol fashion azz whooping to deter them from playing an MMO ever again.


What the hell does 250k in heals or damage have to do with winning, See this is what im talking about, LOLCHART players.

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where did they go, what are they playing?


I have no idea, but I don't see the guys who are truly undefeated anymore, even in premades. It's hard to imagine the game being interesting if you never lose.


I personally just solo queue so you'll never have to worry about never losing and there's a neverending supply of surprises in PUGs.

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What the hell does 250k in heals or damage have to do with winning, See this is what im talking about, LOLCHART players.


LOL, I'm an objective based player more than most. There's nothing more irritating than looking for someone to pass to in huttball and looking around only to find my entire team farming kills in the center.... :rolleyes:


It was just an example that people could relate to... :D

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I'll answer you in all seriousness, even though my instinct is to mock you. Play at your best all the time regardless of the situation. Letting yourself become spoiled to winning versus bad players is your own problem, and only you can help it. If it's that prevalent the "Seal Team Sith" team you fight against must be facing the same thing, so if they can avoid losing their edge, so can you.
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I'll answer you in all seriousness, even though my instinct is to mock you. Play at your best all the time regardless of the situation. Letting yourself become spoiled to winning versus bad players is your own problem, and only you can help it. If it's that prevalent the "Seal Team Sith" team you fight against must be facing the same thing, so if they can avoid losing their edge, so can you.


well said.


Theres also a phenomenon of mediocre players who think they are "goods" who are in reality only mediocre players, and each time they run into a really good premade, it rattles them greatly.

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well said.


Theres also a phenomenon of mediocre players who think they are "goods" who are in reality only mediocre players, and each time they run into a really good premade, it rattles them greatly.


As a mediocre player I like to think I learn a bit more about classes and pvp in general when I play good players. I think that is more of the point Izola was trying to make. Not so much loosing your edge but not truely having to test yourself.

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Letting yourself become spoiled to winning versus bad players is your own problem, and only you can help it.


Eh, going 30+ blowout matches between challenging, fun matches is a problem for the whole game. The game is supposed to be fun, and constant blowouts aren't really fun (for either side, at least after a while). More people quit as a result, queues get longer, ect, ect.

Edited by Lymain
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As a mediocre player I like to think I learn a bit more about classes and pvp in general when I play good players. I think that is more of the point Izola was trying to make. Not so much loosing your edge but not truely having to test yourself.


much shorter than my post and so much more percise. i find myself making Xtra drinks just to stay entertained, and thats kinda sad.

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I am the last remaining hardcore PvPer in my guild. The entire guild ( 20+ players ) basically quit this game due to ranked being pulled at the 11th hour in 1.2 patch. They are all playing Tera/D3/whatever biding their time until GW2 comes out (which, btw, WILL release with ranked).


Slaughtering terribads all day is indeed not fun. We so needed a ladder/matchmaker to create balanced matches where the game was more about skill than simply pre-made vs pug. There are occasionally good matches that occur, however, they are few and far between.


XServer would have saved this game. We don't want a community on one server - we want competition from anyone and everyone regardless of server.

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As a mediocre player I like to think I learn a bit more about classes and pvp in general when I play good players. I think that is more of the point Izola was trying to make. Not so much loosing your edge but not truely having to test yourself.


fair enough.


my comment wasnt directly aimed at Izola either btw- more of a general statement of how many people think they are good at things in life until they see someone who is truly skilled and then have to re-assess their own ability.


But if you arent being tested in the first place, its certainly a good indicator that you are better than most players, and it is boring to club seals all day then finally be presented with a challenge and not be ready to compete.

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fair enough.


my comment wasnt directly aimed at Izola either btw- more of a general statement of how many people think they are good at things in life until they see someone who is truly skilled and then have to re-assess their own ability.


But if you arent being tested in the first place, its certainly a good indicator that you are better than most players, and it is boring to club seals all day then finally be presented with a challenge and not be ready to compete.


Yea we literally will go 8-12 games of just really mundane and effortless matches till we finally commence KAROKE MODE, which of course is fueled by alcohol and a lot of tomfoolery.


Thing is i really enjoy the community, i think we have a ton of awesome people aspiring to do great and fun things,, my whole gripe is not being supported by Bioware to create some fun and challenging PvP.

Edited by Izola
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As a mediocre player I like to think I learn a bit more about classes and pvp in general when I play good players. I think that is more of the point Izola was trying to make. Not so much loosing your edge but not truely having to test yourself.


If this actually what he's trying to say, then I retract my "instinct to mock" comment, though I feel the rest of my post is still relevant. The OP just really struck me as a passive aggressive "I am so awesome but I need to preemptively make excuses for my losses to better players" post, and those annoy me greatly.

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I am highly passive aggressive, however i will never excuse a loss. If i lost, i lost, and the enemy deserves a /highfive for a game well played.


Now lets get back to what bioware can do for us PvPers that is progressively challenging and fun. Because at current state, im ZZZZZing after my second wazone.

Edited by Izola
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