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Remake the Marauder Class


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Yet Sentinels who essentially a lightside Marauder style class gets Force Stasis and Lift. I don't know how many times that has prevented me from claiming victory over another opponent.


Maybe a little of topic but: Sentinels have the same abilities as a marauder.

Force Stasis = Force Choke

And I've never seen another sentinel or marauder use Lift


At OP: you can start by removing the 2 pve only skills from your bar, sure they're fun to hit big numbers on normal mobs, but I don't use them. Ever.


Tbh from a raid perspective; I think marauder might be one of the most boring classes to play. I'm annihilation spec and there is just 1 rotation you have to practice a little bit on a dummy, once that is done it's just look around and be aware of what's happening.


Yes I've played in raids, hell I'm our usual raidleader. I'm calling out the stuff for the lazy ranged dps with 10-20 keybinds 25M behind me.


In PvP I can understand some of the frustration but we all have to deal with that. I wasn't good at playing mara when i started pvping but through dying & dueling I learned the class and how to use my keybinds effectively

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If there is anything truly wrong with the Marauder class its that we don't have an actual CC like Jedi Sentinels or majority of other classes do. I would say all but I wouldn't be able to say for sure. Sure we can stun with Smash, Force Scream, and Intimidating Roar but they all don't ever work in PvP (except roar) but intimidating roar only stuns a group for 6 seconds and is broken upon damage which is virtually useless in a group tussle and especially 1 on 1 and we can truly only CC droids which are never in PvP. Yet Sentinels who essentially a lightside Marauder style class gets Force Stasis and Lift. I don't know how many times that has prevented me from claiming victory over another opponent.


Sent stasis is mara force choke and we dont have lift. Mirror classes are mirrored. Thanks for posting.

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I don't mind all the skills much at all, but I use a Naga. Oddly enough, I find my Marauder a lot easier to play than my Shadow. Seems like my Shadow uses a lot more during a fight even though they are similar in keybind count.


OP did spark a thought though about the future of these classes. Not just Marauder, but all (I play a Scrapper and Sniper too). Where is class development going to go from this point, say, in the next expansion? My 4 quickbars are full on all of my toons except my Sniper who is a nub. It would seem that skill consolidation, or some sort of revamp for all classes, are in store for the future. There really isn't any other way to go.


Will be interesting to see how BW tackles the future of these classes.

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Naw. I'd rather you re-roll than change the class for other people just because you want it a certain way.


Many of the changes you're suggesting cater to only your playstyle, btw. PVE and Annihilation. Seriously? Auto-Berserk? Combine Assault and Vicious Slash? Look...you're only opening yourself up to massive flaming with those kind of suggestions...lol


1.2 already lowered the entry barrier for playing a Marauder. We don't need any more dumbing down of the class.


This X 1000000

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I have:


1. force charge

2. smash

3. assault

4. vivious slash

5. battering assault

6. deadly saber

7. rupture

8. annihilate

9. ravage

10. vicious throw


now this wouldnt be that bad if it would be everything we use but there is also


11. berserk or

12. predation or

13. bloodthirst


next we could use


14. frenzy to use the 3 skills above


but there is more


15. obfuscate

16. deadly throw

17. unleash

18. disruption


or even


19. crippling slash in pvp


but what about


20. disable droid ?


and dont forget our def skills


21. cloak of pain

22. saber ward

23. undying rage

24. force cloak


oh but wait we still have ...


25. retaliation

26. force scream

27. force choke

28. pommel strike

29. savage kick

30. intimidating roar


Now... wait we have 30 buttons to press? and as a good marauder you use 98% of them all the time. I admit 3 of them I rarely use if I use them at all (retaliation, pommel strike and savage kick) but imo there are situations in pvp etc. a stunned target where some of them are very handy. But my point is even with hardware like a razer naga you still have to many buttons to press and I still only have 10 fingers, but again maybe I should really learn to play with my toes aswell. Seriously Bioware... 30 different buttons to press? Its a way to complex now take in account we have to watch the screen for debuffs on targets, we have to see when most of those skills are ready again, we have to check on special attacks on boss encounters etc. and as a marauder we even have the pain to get knocked back all the time...


Marauder is by far the toughest class to play. Its easy to play a marauder but its hard to master it and I do have other level 50 chars (other classes) and its always fun to see people complaining about marauders beeing so op when you think of how hard it is to play a marauder and how easy it is to play a different class. Now those "2-3 bottonpress classes" complain about marauders doing more damage or beeing marauder unkillable etc...


In my opionion the marauder class needs to be changed.


I would be fine with having 10-15 different buttons to press. But 30? thats insane!


Give us:


1. 50% Class-Ability to resist knockbacks.

2. Force Charge

3. Smash (on 2 min CD with higher damage and a bit more AOE range)

4. Assault

5. Rupture

6. Annihilate

7. Saber Ward

8. Cloak of Pain

9. Force Cloak

10. Disruption

11. Vicious Throw

12. Obsfuscate

13. Force Push

14. Berserk

15. Predation

16. Bloodthirst

17. Unleash

18. Disable Droid

19. Intimidating Roar



Ok, I narrowed the book you wrote here so I can respond to the important pieces of your issues. Marauders are perfectly fine the way they are. This is a problem you are having as well as other Marauders who just aren't as prepared to play a class like this. I am going to list the same list you did and then comment on them 1 by 1. Also I will be speaking from either pvP or Boss encounters only since trash should never be considered when choosing a spec or talents.


1. force charge - Simple, use this anytime you are knocked back, start a fight or need additional rage. This is not spammed simply because it is on a cooldown.(This is what rotations are for. Lots of things to do but in an order.)

2. smash - Unless you are Rage(if you are, quit playing the class) this is a waste of rage. Plenty of other Rage dumps.

3. assault - Building Rage when other rage builders are on CD ie. Force Leap, Battering Assault, again not spammed.

4. vivious slash - Used very very seldom. The ONLY time I use it is if Annihilate doesn't finish the cooldown of Rupture. Otherwise, plenty of other ways to spend Rage more effectively.

5. battering assault - Used only when Rage is extremely low, Force Charge is on CD or at the beginning of your rotation, otherwise seldom used considering there is a CD.

6. deadly saber - Used whenever it's up, is on a CD so again a good Marauder has this worked into his rotation. If you find yourself "forgetting" to use this? Bad player, not class. This is also NOT on the Global Cooldown so it can be used at the same time as anything else. For instance I use it with Force Leap and Rupture most of the time, but it can be used at the exact same time as anything else you hit, so no excuse for this one.

7. rupture - On a CD, part of the rotation. Lasts 6 seconds. As a Marauder(a Good one) you should be working on finishing the CD on this during any filler situations ie Annihilate didn't finish it, DS is on the target, Rupture is on the target, Annihilate is on CD as well as Ravage. This is when you use Vicious Slash. This should be the ONLY time you use Vicsious Slash.

8. annihilate - On a CD that changes, should be used the second its available, with 1 exception. If Rupture is off cooldown, or will be in a very very shot period, use Rupture first, then Annihlate. Otherwise if it's ready, use it.

9. ravage - On a very long CD, but is used once DoTs are rolling and on CD and Annihilate is also on CD.

10. vicious throw - Used only on enemies under 30% HP. This one is easy. Use it when its ready over anything else. Marauders have a rotation until 30% then it's FCFS(First come first serve) because of this ability being on such a short cooldown.


now this wouldnt be that bad if it would be everything we use but there is also


11. berserk - Berserk is what I would call the Fury dump for Annihilation. 6% of all party member's HP every 15-20 seconds is unbelievable and a HUGE help to the healers in PvE, and if used properly in PvP can make people think your cheating(Use immediatly after applying Deadly Saber and Rupture to heal yourself for an insane amount)

12. predation - Predation is what I would call the Fury dump for Carnage. 10% Defense to all party members and an incredible run speed boost during combat make for an extremely tough crew to handle in Huttball mostly, but in all WZ's really since it can be used very often. For Annihilation, using this outside of at the beginning of a match or while carrying the ball, Berserk takes priority.

13. bloodthirst - This is on a 5 minute CD, and since you can use Frenzy I dont see this as another choice that needs to be made. If you have 30 stacks of Fury? Pop this if its up, always. If you dont have 30 stacks of Fury and you would like to use this? Pop Frenzy and use it. Pretty simple.


next we could use


14. frenzy to use the 3 skills above - Marauders build Fury at an incredible rate. Frenzy is not something that is constantly watched so it can be used. This is good to use at the beginning of a WZ to have a speed advantage or to pop Bloodthirst to have a DPS and Healing increase, otherwise use it when its available and you have no Fury.


but there is more


15. obfuscate - Not used in PvE as it won't work on Bosses, and this is also not on the Global Cooldown so it can be used at the exact same time as any other ability. Easy mode.

16. deadly throw - This is used for PvP mostly, since Bosses are not affected by the 20% Healing Debuff. There are better fillers for dumping Rage in PvE. PvP it's used 2 different ways. As Annihilation I use it on CD since 20% less healing is 20% less work I have to do to kill someone, and Carnage as a root.

17. unleash - Used more in PvP then PvE however I find myself using it in PvE when ive just popped all my CD's and time is a wasting if im stunned so ill pop it to take advantage of the CD's I just popped. In PvP, simple, use it if you are stunned and will die if you don't use it. We only have 1 get out of jail free card for stuns which is why I use it wisely.

18. disruption - Used primarily in PvP since this will not work on bosses. Again, not a part of the Global Cool Down, so can be used at any time. This does not require a choice of either use this or that.


or even


19. crippling slash in pvp - As Annihilation I have removed this from my bars since Rupture does the same thing. As Carnage you have several roots at your fingertips, with Deadly Throw and Ravage as well as Force Choke that it's not needed as much, plus with being able to use Predation quite often you are extremely difficult to kite.


but what about


20. disable droid - Rarely used, never used in PvP.


and dont forget our def skills


21. cloak of pain - Long CD, only used when being double teamed.(I personally hardly ever use this in a 1v1 fight unless I know the person im facing is very skilled.)

22. saber ward - Long CD, basically an oh crap button. Again, not something you have to keep an eye on at all times. A good Marauder knows when he uses things like this and you will know when its ready again, even without taking a look.

23. undying rage - Fairly long Cooldown, made shorter by the 2 set PvP bonus but very situational. Useful when being teamed up on, or close to dying while running the Huttball, or close to dying period. A good Marauder can use this sparingly if they know how to survive by using their other abilities. Very many times I will use Force Camo and get to a health pot or LoS someone before im force to use Undying Rage.

24. force cloak - I'm assuming you mean Force Camoflauge here, and again, this is on a long CD. Also this is situational and should be ready whenever you need it. Using the excuse of having to watch everything on your bar is just screaming that you are basically a button masher. Knowing what your skills are and when the correct time to use them is what makes you good. Not the amount of abilities you have and how often you use them. Using an ability when you shouldn't be can make you feel like you're doing SO much all the time when in reality if you use them correctly and only when needed you will find yourself using only core abilities 95% of the time.


oh but wait we still have ...


25. retaliation - Never use it, useless.

26. force scream - I use this as a filler for Rage since it does good damage and has a range. Better filler than Vicious Slash, Retaliate or Smash by a longshot.

27. force choke - This is not used on Bosses because it wont work, so PvP is the only use here. I use this situationally as well. It has a decently long CD so you wont be watching for it constantly. I use this on primarily on people who have just used their biggest defensive ability, ie Undying Rage for Marauders basically just to outlast it while not wasting Rage when it won't hurt them anyway. I also use this on Operatives or other classes that can cleanse my bleeds immediately after applying them so the Bleeds tic for quite a bit before they can work on cleansing them. If they use their ability to pop out of Force Choke it's still a win because they have used their get out of jail free card.

28. pommel strike - Don't use it, useless against bosses since you can't stun them and cannot be used on other players.

29. savage kick - Don't use it, useless against bosses since you can't stun them and cannot be used on other players.

30. intimidating roar - Situational again and on a long CD. Used most effectively in Huttball when either you or someone else is running the ball and a crowd of enemies are closing in on you/them. Also effective to use when you are about to score to eliminate a possible last second stun or knockback. Useless on Bosses.


Long story short, since I refuse to actually go back to see what is actually used all the time, you don't use 30 abilites ALL the time. You use a couple abilities ALL the time and the rest are very situational. I find that Marauder is an absolute blast to play and I never have the feeling of "this is just too complicated, I feel like i'm missing out on the fullness of this class because I don't use every ability all the time". Relax. Use your rotation, and fillers properly and you won't feel like this.


I have said this before and i'll say it again:


Marauder: Either people get it, and are unstoppable rage monsters or they don't get it and feel like the class needs overhauled in order for them to be played properly.


I will leave you with a quote that sums up how well I play this class and forgive me for not screenshotting this, but you can whisper Black'Betty on Canderous Ordo anytime for them to confirm they said this.


"Whisper from Black'Betty: OMG I'm so glad im on your team this time...you are impossible to kite and you hit like a drunk step-father".


If anyone has a logical question or wants to be a better Marauder feel free to pick my brain. I'm not saying im the best, but I feel extremely comfortable with the class, how it works and what makes it work the best.

Edited by Ballfro
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i think other people are understanding u just fine, it's you that isn't understanding things. yeah we have a lot of abilities but in a boss fight u don't use a lot of those. u just have to figure out how to streamline the amount of moves u use down to a manageable number. i love marauders and i don't think they need to be changed at all, i'm always top dps on my guild runs and i like it that way lol. so don't change a good class, just change the way u play it :p
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