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For the Sorc's who are tired of being ***** by Melee!


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Hello fellow Sorc's,


Just like many of you, I have been incredibly dismayed by the lack of CC this class currently contains (IMO). In the games current state, it's becoming increasingly difficult to withstand the astronomical amount of damage that melee classes are currently dishing out. Prior to my latest respec, I was the standard Madness spec 3/7/31. While the amount of damage I could put out was reasonable, the survivability it offers is almost non existent.


After I attained almost all of my War Hero gear (still grinding for chest, gloves, helmet) I was mystified by the fact that melee classes were putting me down even faster as they attained their WH gear. The only way I could do serious damage is when the WZ healers were being gracious enough to constisently apply heals(which is becoming tougher as groups and pugs are becoming more organized and focusing on the healers first and foremost).


So in the end, I just decided that going full DPS wasn't a viable choice since I didn't want to rely on a healer inorder to survive. So decided to roll a DPS/Healer hybrid (nothing new I know). 17/3/21.




With this build, I able to survive much better than I use to, with only about a 5 to 10% drop off in damage. Resurgance is an absolute must for any sorc who's intersted in becoming more resourceful and self sufficient. in most one on one encounters with melee classes, I'm actually able to win by attrition, by constantly keeping the resurgance dot on me, saving my electrocute and WW for times I need to heal. Combined with biochem this is a really powerful spec. Now the melee classes who constantly foucsed me in WZ''s (because sorc's are an easy kill) they tend to give up and go after someone else once they see they can't instantly melt my face. I would recommend everyone who is tired of getting pwned to give this spec a try, you certainly won't regret it.



Buff Sorc's!

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I don't think it's that tbh, it's the fact most of the better abilities that they meleers have would fit much more thematically with the light-armour caster class. But if anything if having to go deep into the healing tree is what you need to survive, it just reinforces the fact that sorcs are just not viable currently.


Force camo - quick escape mechanism.

Force shroud - short term immunity to avoid tech/force attacks and cleanse dots.

Undying Rage - short term damage immunity.


Those abilities should never have been given to meleers. It annoys me no end to whittle a sentinel down only for them to pop these ridiculous cooldowns, emerge with more health and then finish me off. At the very least camo should be stopped by damage, but no, lets make ravage uninterruptable. Yeah, all the proof you need balance is out of the window.


And as for sins, don't get me started how stupid the tank tree is. They should have tanking abilities not outrageous self healing and uber damage dealing. That whole tree fits more with a madness sorc than a TANK assassin. Imagine madness Sorcs with harnessed darkness instead of that pathetic parasitism. Yeah, I bet all those FoTM sin, mara and PT rollers would hop right back on to their sorcs....


At the very least, give sorcs force shroud and make their pull work on everyone. It would please me no end to watch a shadow unable to pull me as I pull them into a fire.

Lightning - needs thundering blast buffed in damage and made instant.

Madness - dots have to hit harder, or same damage in half the time.

And well both dps trees need a proper burst.

Healing - well, who knows how you sort that out.


Given sorcs also lost their level 46 ability, been nerfed to the ground and have no defensive cooldowns whatsoever, I have little hope BioWare will actually remedy the situation in any meaningful manner. But one can hope, hope springs eternal after all, eh BioWare?

Edited by Chemic_al
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We've got 2 CC's but they have a 50 second cooldown even if you put lots of talent points into them. Plus Whirlwind is useless in PvP unless you put 2 points into it - or unless some idiot doesn't see you channeling - I love it when that happens :), then I just sit back and enjoy a 8 vs 7 fight.
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If you really wish to play this, imo, weird hybrid, it could be something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GhrRMd0zZbZcMdRsMz.1


And you don't know what you're missing by not taking Sith Purity. It allows to clean some really nasty DoT's top melee's like so much. Speced, you should always have it on your bar on a handy enough button.

Edited by Shadenuat
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Just like many of you, I have been incredibly dismayed by the lack of CC this class currently contains (IMO).


Electrocute, Whirlwind, Overload, Backlash Bubble, Force Slow, Creeping Terror, Force Lightning. That may not be as much as Operatives, but it's still pretty good.

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Electrocute, Whirlwind, Overload, Backlash Bubble, Force Slow, Creeping Terror, Force Lightning. That may not be as much as Operatives, but it's still pretty good.


Backlash is mutually exclusive with Creeping Terror, and in a sane useful build mutually exclusive with spammable Force Lightning and instacast Whirlwind. Beyond that, I wouldn't even really consider Force Lightning in that list, as while it slows the target by 50%, it *roots* you to do so. Only really useful to hinder a melee attacking someone else, and it's so visible that all it's going to do is act as the PvP version of a taunt: that melee is coming directly for you instead.

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This is the "lolwutmelee?" Madness/Lightning hybrid spec I prefer in PvP. On my server, it's not uncommon to see 2-3 melee classes attempt to gang up on players. This spec practically makes you a walking melee booby trap. 3 second flash-bang as soon as Static Barrier is broken (make sure to /lol @ all maras and sents who open on you with ravage as you scamper away), 5 second root with Overload, insta-cast Whirlwind, and for those pesky healers, increased lockouts on spells interrupted with Jolt.


While you won't win any top DPS honors with this spec, the design around utility maximizes your ability to survive against a melee class player, or multiple melee class players, if you're somewhat skilled with sorcerer. Just remember that pillars, objects and distance are your friends, and you'll be just fine.

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Backlash is mutually exclusive with Creeping Terror, and in a sane useful build mutually exclusive with spammable Force Lightning and instacast Whirlwind. Beyond that, I wouldn't even really consider Force Lightning in that list, as while it slows the target by 50%, it *roots* you to do so. Only really useful to hinder a melee attacking someone else, and it's so visible that all it's going to do is act as the PvP version of a taunt: that melee is coming directly for you instead.


Is it really your contention that Sorcerers lack crowd control then?

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Is it really your contention that Sorcerers lack crowd control then?


Hardly, was just pointing out the flaws in the given list. Sorcs have a solid amount of CC. What they lack is defensive cooldowns. Their only real options are bubble (which is only about 20% additional HP) and running away with Force Speed. Sorcs (and to an extent Assassins) desperate need a true defensive cooldown to discourage focus-nuking them.

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As a Valor 85 Sorcerer I have little issues with CC I play Hybrid, my issue is burst, I need either more burst damage or more burst healing. If we don't get burst then lower the CD on knock back by 5 sec. Edited by Cempa
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