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A Friendly Warning (Creating Alts on High-Pop Servers)


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Was this thread really necessary? I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to think they're going to get a free transfer to Fatman.


Off Fatman? Sure. To Fatman? Not a chance in hell. Transfers to Fatman will be paid only. Bank on it.


For what it's worth, I rerolled on Fatman and am loving it. Depending on how the server transfers actually shake down and what server(s) end up full or empty, I'll either transfer my other 50(s) to Fatman (and pay for it) or transfer my reroll off Fatman to somewhere else that ends up being full for free.


Jury's still out, no reason to make a decision now. That said, there's no reason not to reroll and actually get to play until Bioware gives details and a date. To all the people that refuse to reroll on Fatman, have fun sitting on an empty Fleet staring at your toon's full war hero gear while you wait 5 hours for a PvP queue. By the time transfers actually happen, my reroll will be just as geared, just as rich, and I'll have had a good time while waiting for it.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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I can't see any reason why they would not let you go to high population server with your other characters ,after all you have 8 slots to fill and you can only play one at a time ,so what could the possible reason be ?

Especially since I presume players already rolled at least one on the server already .


If you are already active on that server you are not going to add any load at all to it even if you fill up the 8 slots.

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So. You're concerned that people wont have fun if they level characters on a high pop server?


You'd rather they not have fun by leveling more characters on a dead server then?


Your logic seems as if it's head is eating it's tail, so to speak. My third question would be, why do you care? This seems like a plea for people to stop leaving your server more than a warning that they may be endangering their fun.


And why would you assume any of these comments? The OP is simply throwing something out there and he/she is 100% correct.


I myself have realized this which is why I refuse to level an alt until I know for sure how things are going to shape up with these server transfers.


His post was completely positive and you for some reason decide to put a negative spin on it.

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I can't see any reason why they would not let you go to high population server with your other characters ,after all you have 8 slots to fill and you can only play one at a time ,so what could the possible reason be ?

Especially since I presume players already rolled at least one on the server already .


If you are already active on that server you are not going to add any load at all to it even if you fill up the 8 slots.



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This is why I'm not re-rolling a new toon on a populated server and instead am downloading and trying a free trial to Star Trek Online...


Its F2P... so you don't even have to worry about trail periods. ;) lol

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As an Ajunta Pall player, I sincerely hope they don't merge other servers with AP.



It is quite ok the way it is, not heavy, not light, just standard.


I can queue for Warzones in less than 3 minutes usually but can avoid crossing paths with other players while questing.


I thought it'd be cool if they merged Jung Ma with you, making just one server for RP-PvP.

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Agree with OP. After leveling my first 50 on a dead server I got the hell out of there before investing anymore time to that Legacy. Currently on Lord Adrass and I'm fully expecting that I'll have to pay for my first 50 to come over.
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I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!


Yeah… that totally made my night. I loved that movie.


His post was completely positive and you for some reason decide to put a negative spin on it.


Thank you! You hit the nail on the head. I didn’t intend for any of this to be taken negatively unless, of course, your motivation fit into the finite description I mentioned.


A few of you know I’ve been working on this Q&A thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=467392 where I am compiling a list of questions the community wants answered regarding the upcoming transfers. I have been reading hundreds of threads and responses from the community over the past few days, finding questions related to that topic. As I do so, I have also noticed a trend where people indicate they are just going to create a character on Fatman (or a few other of the high population servers) and transfer their characters over once the free transfers started. Seeing several new ones today prompted me to stop and think, “Wow, they are going to be really pissed off when they realize the server transfers are going to be limited and probably will not be free to Fatman.” (Edit: Note this is just an educated guess based on 14 or so years of playing in and being a part of this industry. I'm not necessarily right... just probably.) That is what prompted me to write this post. I’m glad most of you understand that.


Personally, I don’t care what the haters think of me. If I did, I would never post. In fact, I’d probably just kill myself because my life would have to be pretty sad if I based my self-worth on what internet people think of me. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t have to care about anyone else. I feel the pain of many on this forum because I am in a similar situation with my server. Some may think it’s awful I felt a desire to help mitigate future frustration in some way. Oh well.


Everything in the OP was from a plethora of other threads and responses so I drew directly from the misconceptions others are spreading around about what has or hasn’t been said. If you spent a couple of days reading the hundreds of posts I’ve read, you would know that. I encourage you not to do that, however. It’s a nightmare and I am sure there are better ways to spend your time. Of course, some of you take the time out to trash me for caring so I doubt your time is that important to you anyway. ;)


I will address one thing, however, just to prove a point:


What those people are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment if consolidating their characters to and from these high population servers is either not allowed or ends up costing them $25 a pop.

Yet you know that transfers to high population servers are going to cost 25 bux a pop or just wont be allowed at all? PLEASE show me where BioWare has officially announced this on their site..


The fact that you conveniently left out the next sentence:


Even the amount non-free transfers cost is a pure guess based on what some other MMOs currently charge.


…just proves what you were trying to do.



Just like most advice people receive in life, if it doesn’t pertain to you, leave it alone. It probably pertains to someone. I figured if one person had the intent described in the OP and I helped save them from some future frustration, then it was worth posting.


Have fun all!



Edit: Oh, and since the word “warning” is so "harsh" (even though that’s exactly what it is), I changed the OP to, “…some friendly advice.” ;)

Edited by InnerPieces
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And why would you assume any of these comments? The OP is simply throwing something out there and he/she is 100% correct.


I myself have realized this which is why I refuse to level an alt until I know for sure how things are going to shape up with these server transfers.


His post was completely positive and you for some reason decide to put a negative spin on it.


I didn't refuse to level an alt because I'm afraid I wont be able to transfer the rest of my character's to the high pop server I level the alt on. I refused to level an alt on a high pop because I wont need to. In 3-4 months we'll all be clustered on the same 20 servers anyhow, it wouldn't really be a waste of time, but it certainly wouldn't be getting me anywhere faster. And when 5 of those servers die, we'll all be on the same 15, and so on and so on. Such is the way of life with dying games.

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it was either reroll on a pop or leave no choice in the matter and if i dont get to move where i want because of bio crappy decisions then i am gone plain and simple. stupid decisions by dev not my fault.
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At this point it's criminal that there are no official warnings when creating characters on servers.


"This server is lightly populated, it may be hard finding players to do content with on this server"

"This server is heavily populated, you may experience queues during prime time and may not be able to transfer characfters from other servers into this one in the future"

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Alot of people I know who have rerolled, including myself, have done it to have fun at the moment regardless of what destination servers our 'mains' will have. And since 80% of the PvP games happening on the server I have rerolled to are under 50's I think the majority of people are doing the same :p
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People are rerolling to Fatman because they want to enjoy the game now, not 3 months from now. Whether they can transfer to or from Fatman is irrelevant if they are not having fun playing the game.


Alot of people I know who have rerolled, including myself, have done it to have fun at the moment regardless of what destination servers our 'mains' will have.


That's great! That's wonderful! I am glad you are not people with the specific motivation I described in the top post! Game on!

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fatman an jedi cov will most likely be locked , there will be a server pool list so lets say the server ool list is 10 servers with the amount of ppl wanting to transfer its safe to say other servers will get a high pop at times fatman is full and jedi cov is very high i have a toon on there. Its better to give other servers the chance to get a pop.

if you want to go to a server that will not be on the server pool list then it will be $$$ fatman is full enough id does not need any more players that server does not neeed to be hogging up any more players.. i have 8 toons on a dead server thats why i rerolled on jedi cov when server transfers go live i will wait a day or so to see what servers from the pool are filling up and move there. at peak times there already is sometimes a 10 min q to log onto fatman so if ppl pay to go there then they will log on an scream the q is to long. my advice is look to see what servers are getting filled on transfers and use your free one to go there

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I can't seem to find the direct quote now, but i'm almost positive I read that they were making new super servers and targeting the transfers there. Anyone else remember that? I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking quotes from BW employees. I may be wrong, but that's what I'm remembering.
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I rerolled an inquisitor on The Harbinger, simply because I am not quite ready to give up on this game yet, I still enjoy playing a Sith. I do not know if I will be able to transfer my warrior to The Harbinger or not (it's not as heavy as the Fatman, but still one of the most populated North American servers), but perhaps I will be able to use free transfers to get both my toons onto another server together. At this point I don't really care, I am enjoying slinging lightning around on a populated server, instead of sitting around staring at my lightsabers on Zaalbar.
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I can't seem to find the direct quote now, but i'm almost positive I read that they were making new super servers and targeting the transfers there. Anyone else remember that? I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking quotes from BW employees. I may be wrong, but that's what I'm remembering.


Don't know where the quote is either, but "superservers" were mentioned in passing. There are no plans in the works for them...at this point, they are little more than vaporware, or an idea on the "Wall of Crazy" at Bioware.


If you expect them soon, prepare for disappointment.

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I can't seem to find the direct quote now, but i'm almost positive I read that they were making new super servers and targeting the transfers there. Anyone else remember that? I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking quotes from BW employees. I may be wrong, but that's what I'm remembering.


Well, yes, if you read the semantics very closely... but we still don't know for sure.





PC Gamer: Will they [the group finders] be cross-server at launch? Is that planned for the future?

SWTOR Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.





Mallorik (person from the forums): What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?


SWTOR Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content.



We'll know what there is to know when they tell us, and not before. In the mean time, either cautiously check out the larger servers of the type/area that makes you happy, or solo along if you're on an underpopulated server, or go play Diablo 3 for a couple of weeks and be pleasantly surprised when you come back...



Edited by Scorpienne
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we have a massive influx in jedi covenant. we were busy from day 1 but darn if we don't have huge amounts of people on every planet and fleet. belsavis had 50 people on it belsavis mind you! 70 on tat 120 on tyhon 200+ on fleet even. it's gettting to were I'm lagging a bit and I think BW needs to start allocating server loads for JC server.


I hope we get a lock on character creation soon sorry to say. not sure how many more we can handle before the server becomes unplayable.


I admit it's fun seeing all the new peeps.

I would like to add the idea of super servers was a passing thought that they may have been toying with. don't get all hyped for them until they say yay or nay. best to take a grain of salt with the whole super server idea.


Common sense tell me that they will have transfers first and start closing dead servers very later. it wont happen overnight but once we see how they distribute people on other servers we wont know until then. it's going to be a mess but we have to many right now on JC unless BW has a better plan.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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