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instead of transfering to fatman for pvp


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Started with The Swiftsure and enjoying it. Ive seen pops decrease, but according to Torstatus and the server status on SWTOR, we have the second largest US pvp population. Compared to other servers, faction balance is pretty good, in fact I've played more huttball against pubs than imps in the past week. Most lvl 50 players are competent, and we have some pretty good pvp guilds. Plus the pvp community is actually pretty courteous for a pvp crowd, lots of grace offered to recruits and most people are willing to strategize before a match.


Still takes around 5-10 minutes to pop warzones during non prime time (I play 2-4 AM EST) and I hope it will be one of the free transfer servers, but currently population is stable enough for me to have a full MMO experience.

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Fatman is a beacon for just about everyone right now. One of the main reasons I rerolled Fatman (besides pvp) was for a GTN with stuff in it. It's nice to log in with a mailbox full of sold items instead of expired listings.


That's one thing I really like about my Imp on Ajunta Pall. He's not even 50 yet, but he has twice the cash of my Pub main simply because he can actually sell a ton of the stuff he crafts on the GTN. I even outfitted his companion in blues because there are peeps that actually make and post that stuff there.



I'm fairly certain they went back on that. I believe the plan is massive servers and Xserver.


The tech for XServers does not exist for BW at this time. They would like to implement it in the future. It definitely won't be available in 1.3. They are, however, planning "super server" merges and transfers. DH mentioned that those would likely occur prior to 1.3 release.

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I started out on Fatman and have two max level characters on repub side there. With all the reroll's to Fatman the lag is almost unplayable now. It is your money and your game time, so you guys do what ever will make you happy but I would ask all of you to think about it for a little while before you all over load the server so much that none of us can play....I mean I understand...it is not fair that your server died and you should not have to play on a dead server but at the same time what about all of us who picked a good server to start with (or got lucky on the pick) Do we just get the shaft from X-fers and rerolls to the point that we have to quit?
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I started out on Fatman and have two max level characters on repub side there. With all the reroll's to Fatman the lag is almost unplayable now. It is your money and your game time, so you guys do what ever will make you happy but I would ask all of you to think about it for a little while before you all over load the server so much that none of us can play....I mean I understand...it is not fair that your server died and you should not have to play on a dead server but at the same time what about all of us who picked a good server to start with (or got lucky on the pick) Do we just get the shaft from X-fers and rerolls to the point that we have to quit?


Fatman will have the same fate as Illidan. Server will start crashing and long queues cause there are too many people playing or trying to log in. Might as well start calling Fatman as Fatmandown.

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Me and my friends are heading to Harbinger, ya it's a PvE server. But it's not like you can't run warzones on PvE servers either, plus I just don't ever see ToR coming out with open world PvP. Which killed the whole reason I rolled on a PvP server in the first place.


You should roll on habringer cousin server switfsure. The pvp scene is better.

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Come to shadow hand. I need faster pvp queues and im tired of skinning the same people every night.


Have any of those you skin regularly gotten any good. I used to get own by the good dot sorcerer players, but then I wised up.

Edited by Knockerz
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if bioware are half smart they will tightly regulate which servers any other server can transfer to, and once a server meets a certain cap they will stop allowing transfers to that server for a period of time. if they dont do this, then we will just see the same **** happening, some servers will be overpopluated and some will be dead.
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I started out on Fatman and have two max level characters on repub side there. With all the reroll's to Fatman the lag is almost unplayable now. It is your money and your game time, so you guys do what ever will make you happy but I would ask all of you to think about it for a little while before you all over load the server so much that none of us can play....I mean I understand...it is not fair that your server died and you should not have to play on a dead server but at the same time what about all of us who picked a good server to start with (or got lucky on the pick) Do we just get the shaft from X-fers and rerolls to the point that we have to quit?


Been on the Fatman since Day 1, and other than the Ilum PvP failure, I don't experience lag due to population.


I've never heard anyone make this claim, ever, until this post lol.

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I think everyone SHOULD role a toon on fatman.


Bioware needs to realize we will NOT accept 1990 MMO tech.


One server should be there goal... not 10 not 8... ONE.


Other companies have the tech to make it work properly. Biowares engine is already instanced. Myself I don't see the tech being the issue... it is more then possible and if they don't have the bank role to make it happen then I vote we force them to do it.


I will not be loggin into my toons not on fatman anymore. When transfers come I will move to fatman if I can... if not my toons will sit in limbo. I vote we all ABANDON every other server... and force them to realize there paycheck has voted and will not accept the multiple server cop out.


Spoken by someone who truly has no idea how networking functions. Bravo! Keep navigating that series of tubes ; ]

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