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Tanks are pretty useless in pvp


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Ive been playing and granted im only level 17, but I have found that my dps is way sub par and it seems useless to guard people, when I could just heal people with a better class that has more dps. (operative, commando, etc.)


Im going to stick it out because I love being a tank, and I know we are not supposed to be dps machines, but it seems most classes are jack of all trades, but all have way more dps than a tank. Heck BH and Troopers can tank as well as my Jugg but have way more dps, AND can do it a range. Not to mention the ton of stuns, and heals they get.


PS: Tanks need to guard, even if its useless its still more helpful than not guarding.

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Tanks are just fine in pvp. I do good and have since I started in pvp. I'm a 29 Jug. Your job isn't always to dps. Your a tank. In hutball, guard the ball carrier. To prevent dps is much better then to have to heal it after it hits.


Taunt those with high dps to hinder them, usually they never know. Make yourself a target. Give the healers one person to heal rather then the whole team. Guard the healer so they have bit less to worry about.


And lastly I do pretty good dps for a tank. And I regularly finish warzones with the most medals, or at the top and often am voted mvp. It works even better if you find a healer to pair with when doing warzones, the combo is unstoppable for coordinated team.

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My TANK class isn't doing the best DPS! Must be underpowered...



A jugg + healer is one of the most unstoppable combos in the game.


Um thats not the point, Vanguard/BHequiv do exactly what jugg/guard does only they have more dps, more CC and ofc are ranged.


I spend more time stunned, snared, knockbacked than I do actually hitting someone, melee should do more damage than range, but right now its ranged do way more damage, and because they are ranged its more consistent, AND they can tank/guard just as good as us.


Pretty stupid people want to keep someone down because they like having the edge.

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Um thats not the point, Vanguard/BHequiv do exactly what jugg/guard does only they have more dps, more CC and ofc are ranged.



I just wanted to tell that a Tanky specced Jugg have (hoping not to forget anything)


1- Root (charge)

2- Stun on Charge (tank talent)

3- Spammable AoE Snare

4- Stun(Force choke, not channeled anymore if tank specced)

5- knockback

6- Aoe Fear


Now Lets look at Powertech


1- Stun

2- Aoe Stun

3- Root on charge

4- Root on pull

5- Pull, should we consider it a CC?

6- Unreliable crappy snare on proc chance



As you can see both have good CC, in my opinion Jugg have better options tough.


Also powertech arent "ranged", they have some 30m skills. But in order to be most effective they need to me in melee range-10meters.

Edited by atreyuz
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I absolutely love my Juggernaut in pvp. Tank stance, run in there and just lay waste to people. I don't die fast, I snare, charge, etc. I never have a problem making sure my target can't get away or I can get to him fast. Its a lot of fun but as with any melee class, you must be twitch and not a keyboard turner to do well.
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Any of the tank classes benefit exponentially with a healer. The longer you stay alive the longer you can apply your weaker damage and cc important people. Squishy damage classes do not have the staying power with a healer so you should be able to match their overall damage through a game with few deaths.


As a healer there are a few odd playstyle changes I've had to make compared to other MMOs due to range tanks. My Sorc has a awesome time pairing with ranged tanks. They can kite while applying damage allowing me to apply damage/cc. They can also remain mobile while still getting back into my LOS easily for big 2s heals. Melee tanks are a different story, I frequently have to be much closer to the fights and I have to stay very aware of LOS with him. Usually I get CC and focused down. My Operative healer has a much easier time healing melee tanks since I can HoT and LOS but with a BH I still feel my Sorc offers better synergy.


My BH friend frequently is top 2 kills/damage with 1ish deaths while I am around and he is tank spec. When I am not around he generally respecs damage to feel more useful.


My Jugg friend needs to play more defensibly to get the most of my Sorc. He stay with me, peels people off me and generally defends me. I heal the team. When I am on Op he plays a more offensive game. Obviously he enjoys that more but in all my MMOs I've never seen a class so good at defending me. Jugg defending my Sorc and BH being offensive/objectives makes a hell of a trio. Most melee give up attacking me since the Jugg can CC to a insane level and snare everything.

Edited by Zidaen
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Normally i would play dps in warzones, but since valor points is based on amount of medals im playing tank(dps+def medals). Being able to do guard and tons cc is not that bad afterall and quite funny, ofc if you have good healer to stick around, and yeah you get more tools once you lvl up atm im lvl 38 vanguard.


Also you can pretty much win huttball by yourself if you are good enough ^^

Edited by Xantros
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Ive been playing and granted im only level 17, but I have found that my dps is way sub par


What do you expect? To be unkillable and also have high DPS? Pick one or the other mate.


I'm a tank and I can assure you tanks have NO PROBLEMS racking up kills and contributing to the team.. I'm top 3 (in medals earned) most of the time in Alderaan by just defending turrets and guarding anyone who defends with me.


DPS is mostly irrelevant to winning Warzones.

Edited by Rade_Harkin
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DPS is mostly irrelevant to winning Warzones.


Marry me, please. If only the entire player base understand that concept.


God I hope all the *********** idiots from WoW who just fight in the middle of Warzone Gulch don't come play this game....

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Marry me, please. If only the entire player base understand that concept.


God I hope all the *********** idiots from WoW who just fight in the middle of Warzone Gulch don't come play this game....


Don't hope too hard. It's going to happen.


Guaranteed, every single warzone will have at least 2-3 dead weights that just sit there and try to kill the first target they see and forget there's actually an objective to complete. I'd rather they go AFK.


The only plus side to that is that the same is true for the enemy team.

Edited by Rade_Harkin
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tank damage is fine.


what does make the tank useless

is the fact that all classes have knockbacks, stuns, slows,

when that is the job of a tank. along with "guard" of course.


dps = dps.

tank = cc, guard.

healer = heal, buff.


simple stuff. tested and working in other games.

but i guess those supposed ex-mythic employes didnt bring their experience with them.


just take WAR, put TOR skins on it, and give it to us.

i'll pay double sub to play such a game.

Edited by Apollonel
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damage is fine.


what does make the tank useless

is the fact that all classes have knockbacks, stuns, slows,

when that is the job of a tank. along with "guard" of course.


dps = dps.

tank = cc, guard.

healer = heal, buff.


simple stuff. tested and working in other games.

but i guess those supposed ex-mythic employes didnt bring their experience with them.


You're wrong, sorry. Stop blaming Mythic (or anyone else) for your problems.

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