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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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I have an issue with Gamebreaker in general because they have NO new information about the game that hasn't already been talked to death in the forums.... If they had some inside information or FACTS about what they were talking about then it might be a interesting show, but it's just 4 guys gossiping about a MMO and giving their opinions, well some of them seem reluctant to even do that...


It's like they do all their research in the forums and just run with the most popular topic people are talking about at that given time.... How about they actually do some investigating reporting and getting some quotes from Bioware employees or some anonymous inside information... Something that would make their show legit...


I about died laughing when the host wanted to know how many people got fired so he tells someone on his staff to google it..... yeah thats some serious investigating there...


When Bioware doesn't talk, guess who fills in the blanks .. everybody and his brother.

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Pretty nice to have candid conversations about the state of the game's subbers. Some of these guys are avid fans and even they sound a bit reluctant to say the game is going to be OK.

They kept trying to trouble shoot for BW/EA and then moved to laughing at how within 6months the largest sci fi IP, a great gaming co BW, and a huge money backer like EA could drop the ball here.

Fun to listen to, but not if you love the game.

Edited by Evironrage
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Anyone remember this guy? Looks like he wasn't too far off the mark.



Here's a quote: “Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too."


And how about this; sound familiar?


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Yeah, because heaven forbid you leave the blanks blank. Because, trust me, if you try to fill them in yourself, you will be wrong.

Will be wrong? Might be wrong. Will be partially wrong. Rarely do absolutes apply.

Edited by Evironrage
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Don't worry, Star Wars: 1313 is coming out, and that has Star Wars and realistic graphics in it.


SWTOR is kinda all wrong... bad graphic style, poor engine, bad design, poor space, no end game, Lore-breaking, niche, disappointing. Bioware have destroyed what little integrity Star Wars gaming had left TBH.

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Oh FFS why don't you people make a list what YOU believe is wrong with the game and post suggestions how to fix it.

Attacking fanbois or this crew is not going to work either way.


Don't worry, Star Wars: 1313 is coming out, and that has Star Wars and realistic graphics in it.


SWTOR is kinda all wrong... bad graphic style, poor engine, bad design, poor space, no end game, Lore-breaking, niche, disappointing. Bioware have destroyed what little integrity Star Wars gaming had left TBH.


Yeah if you don't have anything useful to ad then don't post. Give examples because i'm content with all the things you named above.

Edited by Jaigen
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Pretty nice to have candid conversations about the state of the game's subbers. Some of these guys are avid fans and even they sound a bit reluctant to say the game is going to be OK.

They kept trying to trouble shoot for BW/EA and then moved to laughing at how within 6months the largest sci fi IP, a great gaming co BW, and a huge money backer like EA could drop the ball here.

Fun to listen to, but not if you love the game.


They are reluctant because no one knows what the number of subs could actually br

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Then stop playing this game and get out of this forum. In my opinion only idiots play something they don't like


What you fail miserably to understand is for alot of us its not even a question of likeing the game. As many of us do like the game. But just because we like it dosnt mean we have to set back and take anything they want to throw at us or neglect to give us .


While yes we like it ,We also pay for it therefor we have every right to voice any negatives we have with it. You cant gripe about a free product hell its free. But this is not free therefor we have the right.


And it seems that the only way bioware will even remotely recognize a problem at least to any exstent of correction is if enough people let them know they are fed up with the BS and want results.

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Then stop playing this game and get out of this forum. In my opinion only idiots play something they don't like


I don't play at the moment, I do however have 32 years investment in Star Wars, and 15 years investment in Star Wars gaming, ESPECIALLY the Old Republic era (Comics, games, novels). I think Bioware have taken the wrong route on a lot of their decisions. and I fear if this fails, that will be the end of Star Wars gaming.

Edited by Rzacron
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The better question is...


Why do you all WANT the game to fail?


I have been asking that since early access when everyone started moaning and groaning simply because this game did not have each and every minor implementation that they were used to from WoW. Too bad people are too lazy to learn how to play a new game and only want exact replicas.

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Don't worry, Star Wars: 1313 is coming out, and that has Star Wars and realistic graphics in it.


Yep, most FPSs do. It's a well-known fact that MMOs can't have FPS-level graphics. It's a technical issue. ;)


On a side note, it looks like 1313 is going to be the first rated "M" Star Wars game.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yep, most FPSs do. It's a well-known fact that MMOs can't have FPS-level graphics. It's a technical issue. ;)


On a side note, it looks like 1313 is going to be the first rated "M" Star Wars game.


Not so sure I totally agree with that. Lets look at Rift. Which has better graphics, such as AA, texture details, shadows and lighting than TOR does. Actually..part from the upclose facial features, even WOW has better armor detail, shadows and higher AA. :p

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Not so sure I totally agree with that. Lets look at Rift. Which has better graphics, such as AA, texture details, shadows and lighting than TOR does. Actually..part from the upclose facial features, even WOW has better armor detail, shadows and higher AA. :p


It doesn't have better graphics, though. It has different art style. But engine mechanic for engine mechanic, they're practically the same. Aside from texture loading.


Now, if he stated that he didn't like the art style (which realism falls under, not graphics) then I see his point, and that's completely subjective.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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It doesn't have better graphics, though. It has different art style. But engine mechanic for engine mechanic, they're practically the same. Aside from texture loading.


Now, if he stated that he didn't like the art style (which realism falls under, not graphics) then I see his point, and that's completely subjective.


No matter. Rift looks a lot better than TOR does and there are many who would agree for the reasons stated...better shadows...textures...lighting..etc.etc. When your chars armor looks washed out in TOR.....and the armor on your char's in Rift have a lot of detail in them....:p

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What you fail miserably to understand is for alot of us its not even a question of likeing the game. As many of us do like the game. But just because we like it dosnt mean we have to set back and take anything they want to throw at us or neglect to give us .


While yes we like it ,We also pay for it therefor we have every right to voice any negatives we have with it. You cant gripe about a free product hell its free. But this is not free therefor we have the right.


And it seems that the only way bioware will even remotely recognize a problem at least to any exstent of correction is if enough people let them know they are fed up with the BS and want results.


That guy is an obvious troll so i will not get into it. But what do you think your doing? You say you want improvement but the only thing you can come up with for said improvement is to ***** about the game on the forums? That's pretty sad mate. If you want improvement then post valid criticism and suggestions to improve it. And that's the problem with this community 85% cannot get beyond then : omg this game suxxorz.

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No matter. Rift looks a lot better than TOR does and there are many who would agree for the reasons stated...better shadows...textures...lighting..etc.etc. When your chars armor looks washed out in TOR.....and the armor on your char's in Rift have a lot of detail in them....:p


Not to me, I like SWTORs graphics better than Rift or WoW (I still play WoW btw).


One reason is that SWTOR graphics seem to translate better to a larger screen. I have 3 monitors I use, a 30" 2560x1600 Cinema Display, 27" LED Monitor 1920x1080 and a 42" LED TV 1920x1080.


I usually play FPS type games on the 42" TV. Of the MMOs I've played/play on the 42" TV SWTOR graphics look the best. I've tried LoTR, Rift, Tera, WoW, and now SWTOR on the 42" screen.


Some things like shadows and water are a bit better in WoW or Tera, but overall the picture seems to translate better with SWTOR.

Edited by Erasimus
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No matter. Rift looks a lot better than TOR does and there are many who would agree for the reasons stated...better shadows...textures...lighting..etc.etc. When your chars armor looks washed out in TOR.....and the armor on your char's in Rift have a lot of detail in them....:p


Yeah, but how many people can play RIFT on their computers compared to how many people can play TOR on their computers? RIFT can look as good as it wants, but if only a few people can play it due to hardware limitations then it's not going to be able to grow as an MMO. Whereas Bioware set their bar too low, and the game didn't even have all of the graphical options enabled at the start. You gotta be careful going both ways.

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That guy is an obvious troll so i will not get into it. But what do you think your doing? You say you want improvement but the only thing you can come up with for said improvement is to ***** about the game on the forums? That's pretty sad mate. If you want improvement then post valid criticism and suggestions to improve it. And that's the problem with this community 85% cannot get beyond then : omg this game suxxorz.


One of the reasons is that Bioware has themselves painted well in to a corner. There is no way to make long lasting positive changes without drastically altering the core structure of the game, and as anyone that played SWG will tell you that is the worst idea that someone can do. Things like sandbox elements, improving community interaction, adding in more activities. None are easy to do and impossible to really do effectively without a massive overhaul.

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No matter. Rift looks a lot better than TOR does and there are many who would agree for the reasons stated...better shadows...textures...lighting..etc.etc. When your chars armor looks washed out in TOR.....and the armor on your char's in Rift have a lot of detail in them....:p


I think Rift looks awesome for its art style. I think TOR looks great for its art style (not awesome yet, but it's getting there).


And Minecraft is proof that graphics/art have very little to do with the success of a game, anyway. ;)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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