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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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Yeah and then i lost nearly all respect for taugrim as a pvp critic at that point. Let me give a you a reminder how pvp was in 1.1: the first 5 weeks in the WZ (and im talking 24 hours grinding here) you will get owned because of gear imbalances. And while their is a difference between WH and BM its nowhere near as huge as 1.1. BM is easy to get. So now WZ are more determined by skill then gear and that's a very good thing.



iagree with u before 1.2 any fresh 50s had to face a long gauntlet of getting owned every time simply cause they had to fight in there pve gear now at least they can get requit gear which i noticed once i baught it that it did make a difference (yes its worse than BM WH gear but its supposed to be)

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Rofl you fanboys kill me. Last November when GBTV was buying into they hype and proclaiming SWTOR might be one of the best MMOs ever this very forum sang the praises of the enlightened and fair hosts on GB.TV. I distinctly remember a thread claiming that a "respected MMO news site finally realized how revolutionary SWTOR is". It was that very thread that lead me to GB.TV for the first time.


Fast forward to now and all I see is ad hominem attacks against the hosts with little to no debate about the content of the show. You fanboys have run out of ways to defend the games serious flaws and instead throw out childish insults in a vain attempt to masks the fact that SWTOR is in trouble.


Will you do us all a favor and leave this forum then.

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Rofl you fanboys kill me. Last November when GBTV was buying into they hype and proclaiming SWTOR might be one of the best MMOs ever this very forum sang the praises of the enlightened and fair hosts on GB.TV. I distinctly remember a thread claiming that a "respected MMO news site finally realized how revolutionary SWTOR is". It was that very thread that lead me to GB.TV for the first time.


Fast forward to now and all I see is ad hominem attacks against the hosts with little to no debate about the content of the show. You fanboys have run out of ways to defend the games serious flaws and instead throw out childish insults in a vain attempt to masks the fact that SWTOR is in trouble.




I agree 100%

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Will you do us all a favor and leave this forum then.


Why because I'm not a fanboy? Or is it that I'm not content to watch SWTOR go the way of so many "WoW killers" before it with out trying my hardest to help it by giving my feedback? Or is it because I call BS on a bunch of fanboys that drag a decent MMO news sites name through the mud, while slinging ad hominen attacks at the hosts when they start asking difficult questions?


. . . or do you just not like my avatar. I know, the old wise Jedi look isn't for everyone.

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Why because I'm not a fanboy? Or is it that I'm not content to watch SWTOR go the way of so many "WoW killers" before it with out trying my hardest to help it by giving my feedback? Or is it because I call BS on a bunch of fanboys that drag a decent MMO news sites name through the mud, while slinging ad hominen attacks at the hosts when they start asking difficult questions?


. . . or do you just not like my avatar. I know, the old wise Jedi look isn't for everyone.

Just ignore the ignorants... these fanboys are so ignorant they don't see that critique is better for a game than ignorance about all the issues.

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Why because I'm not a fanboy? Or is it that I'm not content to watch SWTOR go the way of so many "WoW killers" before it with out trying my hardest to help it by giving my feedback? Or is it because I call BS on a bunch of fanboys that drag a decent MMO news sites name through the mud, while slinging ad hominen attacks at the hosts when they start asking difficult questions?


. . . or do you just not like my avatar. I know, the old wise Jedi look isn't for everyone.


I approve what you are trying to do but not the way your trying to do it. The way you go on about it is likely going to create a flame war. Also i do not agree with most of the critic this game receives in this movie. Can this game be improved? oh yes. But its being improved as we speak. The LFG and server transfer is coming out soon. We only need to convince BW to merge servers and ad a cross server WZ and it will be near perfect.

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I approve what you are trying to do but not the way your trying to do it. The way you go on about it is likely going to create a flame war. Also i do not agree with most of the critic this game receives in this movie. Can this game be improved? oh yes. But its being improved as we speak. The LFG and server transfer is coming out soon. We only need to convince BW to merge servers and ad a cross server WZ and it will be near perfect.


...and Daniel Erickson has already stated that Cross Server anything is going to be a last resort.


Personally, I thought the panel in that Stream was right on the pulse of the majority of this MMO's community. Just because you do not agree with them, doesn't mean your not part of the community, it just means your not in the majority.

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I approve what you are trying to do but not the way your trying to do it. The way you go on about it is likely going to create a flame war. Also i do not agree with most of the critic this game receives in this movie. Can this game be improved? oh yes. But its being improved as we speak. The LFG and server transfer is coming out soon. We only need to convince BW to merge servers and ad a cross server WZ and it will be near perfect.


You are missing the point. The point is...this stuff is happening far too late. Oh yes, you acknowledge that the improvements are coming. Dude, we've been acknowledging that since DECEMBER. Since then, some of the best, most active players in the MMO genre have left this game for good. All we are left with now are "casuals". Nothing wrong with "casuals," but certainly an MMO is better off having at least a core group of "hardcore" players who can show us "casuals" the ropes?


Everything is coming out "soon." All the while, players are leaving this game in droves "yesterday" or "last month."

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You are missing the point. The point is...this stuff is happening far too late. Oh yes, you acknowledge that the improvements are coming. Dude, we've been acknowledging that since DECEMBER. Since then, some of the best, most active players in the MMO genre have left this game for good. All we are left with now are "casuals". Nothing wrong with "casuals," but certainly an MMO is better off having at least a core group of "hardcore" players who can show us "casuals" the ropes?


Everything is coming out "soon." All the while, players are leaving this game in droves "yesterday" or "last month."


What?!?! Aren't I hard core enough for you?

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What?!?! Aren't I hard core enough for you?


For a while...some of the hardcore players used to sign on at least once a week just to get their Weeklies/Raids done, and sometimes to do their Dailies. Even those players don't come on anymore. Sure, there are a few still who are lingering...but the competitive gamer base has largely died down.

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You are missing the point. The point is...this stuff is happening far too late. Oh yes, you acknowledge that the improvements are coming. Dude, we've been acknowledging that since DECEMBER. Since then, some of the best, most active players in the MMO genre have left this game for good. All we are left with now are "casuals". Nothing wrong with "casuals," but certainly an MMO is better off having at least a core group of "hardcore" players who can show us "casuals" the ropes?


Everything is coming out "soon." All the while, players are leaving this game in droves "yesterday" or "last month."


And if you ad more end game content they come back. This has repeated itself through all of mmo history. If they dont come back they dont like the game and should not have played it in the first place. And what is this nonsense about casuals? I find this game to be pretty casual unfriendly. And its this group you need to create a healthy community because 95% of players are casual. But casuals do not want to wait for a hour to enter a WZ or FP. Thats why they need to get that LFG system out fast and i hope they indeed are creating megaservers.

Casual players do not want to wait for a hour to enter a WZ or FP.

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Casual players DON'T DO fp's or wz's. Trust me, my guild is a relatively good mix. Somehow, I'm one of 3 (out of 20+) who checks the forums and knew about the layoffs. There are about half of us who are forming our own groups for fp/op's, and the other half still log in, but either haven't hit 50 once, or did and started an alt without doing any Ilum/Belsavis/(or now) Corellia dailies. Based off this purely anecdotal evidence, I'd say there's a decent chance the casuals will keep paying until they learn that they don't have to and the game has gone f2p.


For hard cores, they need to add (two d's) something besides daily repeatable quests designed only for gear/credit grinds to have an easier place to start besides hm fp's. Something besides an op that drops campaign gear and requires campaign gear to do. Mostly, cross server ranked wz, or mega servers (no specific your definition) will give them time to add things like open world pvp, per server and overall leader boards, casual time killers (pazaak, swoop racing), or an actual space game worth playing.

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They make some good valid points.Also a giood talk on end game PvP at around 50-55m.

As us they get it,question is does BioWare get it ?





Do you guys get paid to post this stuff over and over again? Would it not be just as nauseating to slog through post after post with people writing, "best game evah?". I mean really, it got old about 4 months ago.

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Gamebreaker is about as amateur as you can get. They stink of desperation for views. The guy that looks like a cross between a wookiee and a targ called himself a journalist one day, true story.


Which is exactly why all the hyperbolists on this board seem to love it. Honestly, never seen so many experts on game design in my life. LOL

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I'm not really sure why people are attacking that Gamebreaker episode. What they said is generally true.


I have an issue with Gamebreaker in general because they have NO new information about the game that hasn't already been talked to death in the forums.... If they had some inside information or FACTS about what they were talking about then it might be a interesting show, but it's just 4 guys gossiping about a MMO and giving their opinions, well some of them seem reluctant to even do that...


It's like they do all their research in the forums and just run with the most popular topic people are talking about at that given time.... How about they actually do some investigating reporting and getting some quotes from Bioware employees or some anonymous inside information... Something that would make their show legit...


I about died laughing when the host wanted to know how many people got fired so he tells someone on his staff to google it..... yeah thats some serious investigating there...

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And the fact that they're giving their opinion so bluntly can be quite annoying. But it gets attention, so it works.


It's a nice way to get up to speed with various things though, without having to scourge through all the different threads/articles/...



Our guild is also having less activity due to other games, summer, content, ...

The thing that hurts the most is due to the thin spreading of the servers is that the suction effect is more present.

I hope their information about GIANT servers is true, and hope the community can help in steer ppl to the right transfers:


For example per server legible for transfer to another server to gather information about which guilds move =

Avoids the doubt ppl might have in their minds thinking to move from a 'medium' server.

(I know for a fact that I would have doubts if Legions of Lettow is legible for transfers)

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