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Guardian DPS comparable with a Sentinel?


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I want to make a JK, but I can't figure out which class I want to roll. I leveled a guardian to level 30 on a now dead server and I prefer the single saber animations much more than the dual saber ones, but I want this character to primarily DPS. Is Guardian DPS comparable to Sentinel DPS in PVE and PVP, or should I just go Sentinel?
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I can't see it being comparable.


I have three level 50s, and my sentinel is the only one that can pull the aggro from the bosses during hard mode Ops.


I am always using camouflage to lower threat.

Edited by Kesica
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Unless you are focus specced the guardian will generally lose out to the sent.


However, guardians have incredible control in pvp. Forc. push with leap reset, spammable aoe slow, i tired so i cant think of anything else.


The two ACs are very close to each other in terms of pvp effectiveness .


I cant comment on pve

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I have a war hero guardian and a war hero sentinel. I like the guardian's looks more - most of the gear looks better than a sentinel's - except when he runs with a drawn saber. But otherwise I can't recommend a dps guardian over a dps sentinel.


Focus guardians have a little more pvp burst thanks to Combat Focus (which grants instant singularities and plenty of focus) but not by much. The sentinel has more sustained damage thanks to burns and zealous strike which is a better focus generating tool. Sentinels also have some of the best survival/utility in the game including a 10-second speed burst, a 4-6 second vanish, 5 seconds of virtual damage immunity and rebuke (which can be a 30-sec damage reducer).


The nice thing about guardians over sentinels is that they have taunts.


But at this point, unless you want to be a tank, you should choose sentinel. If you want to be a tank you should go with shadow or vanguard.

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I use a vigilance guardian for ops and flashpoints, and I do among the top 3 dps in my guild. It is neck and neck with a sentinel, the difference is not even noticeable with equal gear, we were both using full rakata at the time. Guardian is definatly viable for pve.
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The gunslinger, Sentinel and my Vig guardian are all within 150 DPS of each other. This fluctuates with gear, of course. However despite this having those buffs the Sentinel brings is more useful. As they can do that damage AND throw out a buff to other people's damage. I'd like to see Vig get something along those lines in a way to make the playing field more even, and honestly Gunslingers could use a CC that works on human targets so we can stop looking at utility when forming Denova, and start looking at the best person for the slots available.
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Guardian dps is really good(at least for me) in PVE, course I have pretty much a fully modded out gear set of battlelord and both strength and endurance are over 1k. My strength is at 1.4k right now, and I still need to do some more tweaking with my armor since some mods are only place holders. But dps Guardian is a barrel of fun! Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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If we were to break it down into tiers, I would say that guards are low 1st tier dps. Sents will beat us, but not by a whole lot. Being 2nd-3rd in a 16man is par for the course. Definitely viable and honestly I believe we're the most balanced class in this regard compared to our brother AC. Unlike those poor scoundrels...
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I can't see it being comparable.


I have three level 50s, and my sentinel is the only one that can pull the aggro from the bosses during hard mode Ops.


I am always using camouflage to lower threat.


threat generation and dps output are 2 different things

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As a deep Vigilance Guardian who has a Sentinel running Hard Mode Denova with him, I can say a Sentinel edges a bit ahead of the Guardian, but only just. On average, it is about 100 more DPS per fight.


To support my argument:




interesting, takes away basically the whole point of being a sentinel

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interesting, takes away basically the whole point of being a sentinel


why? sentinel still does more damage, has better defensive cool downs and unique group buffs.


for balance in pve in general every class NEEDs to be able to do comparable dps when dps specced or their dps spec becomes useless (obviously those with a lot of aoe damage can do a little less single target and still be balanced). of course pve you can generally free cast and already know what to expect in the fights so being able to use abilities with cast times is far more viable than in pvp. dps guardian satisfies this and is certainly viable in pve.


balance in pvp is a bit more complicated, as classes have lots of different aspects, a glass cannon is far weaker in pvp where they will be focused than in pve where they can just perfect their rotations. also being able to taunt is a huge advantage as a dps in pvp where you can use it to help lower the damage your team mates take. while its rarely used in pve where there are generally dedicated tanks.


my view on dps guardian in pvp is they are viable and actually very nice in huttball I would generally rather have a sentinel or even better a tank shadow, I guess thats why they are the fotm.

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