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PvP weekly now gives...


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This +1 from 99 is whats really important... x.x


No, not at all.

But speaking to BW, you have to be VERY clear on what you HAVE understood, and what you HAVEN'T understood.

Or els, they will just reply with the same response again :p

Edited by DecanAndersen
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I completed the weekly yesterday so i only got the normal 99/99. I submitted a ticket to get reimbursed for the changes. They said they can not make an adjustment.


This is the straw that broke the back. Unsubbed. Tired of them thinking it is ok to deliver such a poor service for my hard earned money.


You're the guy that shows up to the store with a 3 week old newspaper demanding the sale price that ended a week ago aren't you?


Man-hours. If you grant an exception to one person, you have to be prepared to grant it for everyone. If they grant it for everyone that finished their weekly on Tuesday, then how about the people who completed in on Monday, Sunday, Saturday....? How many hours would they have to devote to giving 500k people 201 comms?


Get over it.

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You're the guy that shows up to the store with a 3 week old newspaper demanding the sale price that ended a week ago aren't you?


Man-hours. If you grant an exception to one person, you have to be prepared to grant it for everyone. If they grant it for everyone that finished their weekly on Tuesday, then how about the people who completed in on Monday, Sunday, Saturday....? How many hours would they have to devote to giving 500k people 201 comms?


Get over it.


Why are you making excuses for them? This is not the players fault he just played the game and turned in his quest like he always would.


The weekly PvP quest resets every Tuesday at the exact same time, the fact that they didn't tell the player base they planned to triple the rewards the very next day is just plain stupid, lazy or uncaring, or maybe a bit of all three. All they had to say was 'do not turn in your quests as we are patching it on Wednesday', but they simply could not be bothered.

Edited by Culdor
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if i could play 3 WZ a night be nice but queues are so long on Shadow Hand i am lucky to play once, i get the afk message at least 4 or 5 times and sometimes even ge the log out message. on the Rep side i see max 25 peeps on at night if i am lucky. hope 1.3 comes out with ranked and crossed so i can get new rewards and maybe finish my weekly.
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I never complained about the daily and weekly giving the same amount of comms. It made things more interesting. I got ninjad as well because I always finish mine on tuesday. Good for those who got 200 extra commendations.
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