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Is bioware doing enough to earn you ~$15 a month?


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My friends are doing a great job of earning my $15 subscription fee. As long as they keep logging in and we keep enjoying each other's company, I'll keep paying to play SWTOR.


Most of us come to SWTOR for the great shared experience. For us, in this game, that means running PvP together. The problem is that we're not getting many opportunities for PvP. Aside from one or two die-hards, most of my friends check in, queue up for a warzone and chat for a half an hour. Then, if the queue doesn't pop, they log out again. After a couple nights like last night, where we had 1 good 8v8 war zone and two uneven ones (6v8 and 8v4) in the course of 3 hours, they disappear for a week.


We keep in touch via our guild's website, but we don't really need SWTOR for that. It won't be long until we end up on another game, one where we can do more than chat and wait for nearly abandoned PvP scenarios that rarely arrive and almost never satisfy.

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My friends are doing a great job of earning my $15 subscription fee. As long as they keep logging in and we keep enjoying each other's company, I'll keep paying to play SWTOR.




TBH, Bioware failed this game in in beta. they failed to monitor the previous MMO to launch (RIFT) and made almost exactly the same mistakes, specificaly regarding pvp, but were far less responsive in addressing those mistakes.


the game was fun for the first month or so...while leveling for the first time.

after that the source of my enjoyment of the game has come more from those i play with than from the game itself.

many of those friends have slowly fallen away from SWTOR. the remainder...well...we're simply waiting to leave. we're not waiting on anything from Bioware, long since given up on that. we're waiting for a long planned real world event that happens to make it easier for all concerned to switch to something else.


value entertainment for $15? maybe....but there are other options that look like they provide more value than swtor at this point.

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This is how I compare "is it worth it?" I pay on average $15 dollars to go see a new release. That goes for 2 hours, how much do I play Star Wars?


Excuse me... can you leave with all that sense and logic? The kid is trying to throw a tantrum here and quite frankly... you're ruining it for him. :D

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This is how I compare "is it worth it?" I pay on average $15 dollars to go see a new release. That goes for 2 hours, how much do I play Star Wars?


Netfix was a good example except for the fact that Netfix isn't worth it, you can get those shows and more for free

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If you think of everything that has to go into it, 15 bucks is nothing. We spend more than that on MUCH less entertaining things.


Hell my ventrilo server is 2x as much.

Edited by Khoraji
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what i think would be very cool is if they let us do what valve did with TF2:


Give us the tools to make maps on hero engine


let us make maps,


maps get turned in to a database,


quick overview by low payed interns who just play the map looking for exploits,


put into game if it works


millions of crap maops wouldbe uploaded, but for every 100,000 crap mapps, there would probavbly be a good one


then, if your map gets put into game, 1 year free game time


:) see, perfect

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Nope. Advertising potentially buggy future content insults me when there is already plenty if tings in the game that require attention. PvP, and all the horrible buggy landscape to start. I have no choice but to cancel and I don't know if I can give another company under the EA umbrella another chance.


I'm let down as a fan, as a gamer, and as a paying customer with BioWare. I see no sincere attempts at saving face. That's what bothers me the most.

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Nope. Advertising potentially buggy future content insults me when there is already plenty if tings in the game that require attention. PvP, and all the horrible buggy landscape to start. I have no choice but to cancel and I don't know if I can give another company under the EA umbrella another chance.


I'm let down as a fan, as a gamer, and as a paying customer with BioWare. I see no sincere attempts at saving face. That's what bothers me the most.


QQing about "potentially" buggy content annoys me.


Look at everything else we pay for in our lives. 10 dollars at taco bell, is it always fresh, good, and exactly how you ordered it? No.


How about cable? Is every show great and worth watching? no.

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10 dollars at taco bell, is it always fresh, good, and exactly how you ordered it? No.



10 dollars at taco bell? isn't a taco like 79 cents?


I expect more. you don't? good for you. I'm happy you are used to settling for less. I'm not. PvP is a mess that's what I am here for. you don't like it to bad. Till i stop giving them my 15 dollars a month I'll share my constructive opinion while you feed off the bottom, punk.

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what i think would be very cool is if they let us do what valve did with TF2:


Give us the tools to make maps on hero engine


let us make maps,


maps get turned in to a database,


quick overview by low payed interns who just play the map looking for exploits,


put into game if it works


millions of crap maops wouldbe uploaded, but for every 100,000 crap mapps, there would probavbly be a good one


then, if your map gets put into game, 1 year free game time


:) see, perfect


i think this is what you are looking for

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Last few weeks pvp has almost totally disappeared on my server. Lucky if I can get into 4-5 matches a night. Nothing before 7 pm. Nothing after 9 pm (est).


And yet, we hear nothing from Bioware about cross server pvp or merging servers. Paying 15 dollara a month to sit around fleet hoping a WZ pops.


Love pvp in this game, but if Bioware dosent do something quick, I'm gone.

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