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Fear the Jugg power - rage spec and link for the build


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good match yesterday. no one cap the mid turret. we won because we cap snow 10 seconds early.


more then 600k dps and 382k protection.

Rage spec, full War hero gear.


My build: http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/juggernaut/10/?build=020200000000000000000000000001220001000000000000000000002320201021200322122003000100


very intense match. of course, I dont make all that dps and protection every fight, but more then 400k dps and 50k protection is very easy. also, I switch from offensive/defensive stances and shield/focus offhand alot, depends on situation.


I just love this class...

Edited by Eommer
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Hey M8,

Great post. Couple of questions.

1. What is your expertise at? Do you use the pvp relics or is it the shard?

2. Did you swap out any mods on the WH gear? Also, what augmentations did you use. Fortitude or the overkill?


Thanks for the info and gratz on the high damage.

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Nice dude! With so much protection done i guess u used guard on a healer or a melee dps that took alot of hits? Or was it just as simple as u used ur taunts like crazy?:D Im curious...since u are in warhero gear and im not. Whats ur biggest hit since the patch 1.2? and like the person above asked....have u done any remodding on your gear?


Keep it up! =)

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Hey M8,

Great post. Couple of questions.

1. What is your expertise at? Do you use the pvp relics or is it the shard?

2. Did you swap out any mods on the WH gear? Also, what augmentations did you use. Fortitude or the overkill?


Thanks for the info and gratz on the high damage.


(sorry about my bad english)


1- Im at work now and Im really bad to remember numbers names etc. I dont recall but its more then 1230 for sure. I use one pvp relic with power buff i dont recall the name too. LOL. the other its the shard one Green, Green, Green= 58 Strength, 50 Endurance, 24 Critical .


2 - yes, im using craft gear armor with augment slots. you can swap mods from WH and still keep the armor set bonus. Im using overkill.


Basically, with this build you are trying to build x4 Shockwave and Dominate buffs and them Smash.

Thats how I do. Of course, its not plain like this on real fights since people hit and cc me back. just to give you some idea.


1rd rotation: saber throw (read the note h bellow), Enrage(will build x4 shockwave), charge (gain Dominate buff and the extra buff from the set armor bonus), chilling scream, relic power, smash


2rd rotation: choke (build x4 schockwave), Force Push, charge(gain dominate and the extra buff from the set armor bonus), relic power, smash


3rd rotation: Force Crush (build x4), while you wait the shockwave build x4 buff use Chilling Scream, Ravage, Obliterate or Charge (gain Dominate), relic power and smash.



a) dont rush too much to press Smash after the charge. people ALWAYS knockback or do some CC after you charge them...its like a panic button. if they get charge they use some knockback skill. so most of times I walk to them after the knockback and land my Smash. If i have to hurry, I use Obliterate to get close sooner, but that depends. you have like 20 seconds to land smash. take your time to land perfectly. Also, try not chase single targets if they are not vital. ALWAYS look very careful to your enemies to try find people close. usually healers stand close to snipers and other people. Try hit group, not single target unless he is vital for some reason.


b) use Vicious Throw and Force Scream between the rotations. special vicious throw. I crit for 4k alot with that skill. with my build force scream does not spend rage so used every time you can too.


c) always remember to use chilling scream before ravage so they dont run away


d) if you are solo, and the enemy is already close to you, like marauders, its good open with Force Crush to start build your x4 buff on smash and them use Intimidating Roar right after and just wait, serious, dont break by yourself. If they are bad they will spend they CC break on that. use Obliterate and Smash to not waste your x4 buff and them you are free to use your Choke.


f) try to use your Unleash only when your Resolve bar is full.


g) Endure Pain is your friend, learn to use. also Disruption learn to interrupt the others players main skill.


h) dont charge at begin. you are NOT a tank and you are going to get CC after the charge since you dont have Unstoppable. while you wait to others open the charges use saber throw, single taunt and keep paying attention. you will notice that people waste they CC after your friends charge. when you see people flying away after the charge its the perfect time to you open with my 1 rotation.


(sorry about my bad english again)


VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT USE BLUE OR GREEN lightsaber colors on your Sith. Sith Warrior must be Dark Sides and use Red Crystal!!!! hhahahahahaah

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Nice dude! With so much protection done i guess u used guard on a healer or a melee dps that took alot of hits? Or was it just as simple as u used ur taunts like crazy?:D Im curious...since u are in warhero gear and im not. Whats ur biggest hit since the patch 1.2? and like the person above asked....have u done any remodding on your gear?


Keep it up! =)


hey, how are you doing? most of your questions are answer above. please read.

my biggest hit was 7k but the guy was very very very squish prolly with pve gear and I had the warzone buff and my relic was up. normal, you will hit notank classes for 3800-5200.


I had one healer guard on that fight but I was using taunts alot too. but be careful, with my build you are squish too. Aoe taunt can kill you easy...choose well before taunt.

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How much damage and protection you do in a game is directly proportional to how many other classes capable of guarding and taunting there are on your team, how much damage the other team does and how much healing they can put out. When you factor that in it's not very impressive.


Congrats on the big numbers, but anyone with half a brain can pull these numbers off if they run into idiots that group up and try to spam damage on a node.


Aoe taunt can kill you easy...choose well before taunt.


AoE taunt's won't kill you... Guarding someone that's taking a lot of damage while in range of AoE will murder you. Taunted damage is prevented damage, guarded damage is transferred and mitigated with your stats.

Edited by Dracosz
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Congrats on the big numbers, but anyone with half a brain can pull these numbers off if they run into idiots that group up and try to spam damage on a node.



Im not saying Im good or not for the numbers....Numbers does not prove anything. Was just a good match where no side cap the mid turret at all. very very intense. or enemies on that fight are a decent players, they are not stupid at all. I love games like that, very balance and intense.


I made more then 700k dmg and never post here because the big number was just about bad players like you said.


Still, I decide to post to help some new Jugg figure out some rotation quickly. Theres many Jugg on my server and they dont get even close to my dps so I guess they are having problems to figure out a good rotation so I decide to help. Just that....

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AoE taunt's won't kill you... Guarding someone that's taking a lot of damage while in range of AoE will murder you. Taunted damage is prevented damage, guarded damage is transferred and mitigated with your stats.


true...he is right.

do you know if taunts debuff stack? like if you use the single taunt and then the aoe taunt, the debuff will stack?

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Im not saying Im good or not for the numbers....Numbers does not prove anything. Was just a good match where no side cap the mid turret at all. very very intense. or enemies on that fight are a decent players, they are not stupid at all. I love games like that, very balance and intense.


I made more then 700k dmg and never post here because the big number was just about bad players like you said.


Still, I decide to post to help some new Jugg figure out some rotation quickly. Theres many Jugg on my server and they dont get even close to my dps so I guess they are having problems to figure out a good rotation so I decide to help. Just that....


Right, the point is that flaunting how well you do and offering a link is something anyone can do. If you post something like schwarzoid or Morsexy did (offering constructive ideas etc) that would be much better and far more useful for the community. As is, anyone can post the numbers, but it doesn't help the community if you treat things like a Q&A. If you can offer facts,builds and tips right there in the front post and it's much more substantiative.

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true...he is right.

do you know if taunts debuff stack? like if you use the single taunt and then the aoe taunt, the debuff will stack?


No, guard and taunt stack multiplicatively (as far as I've seen). However, you can only ever have one functioning taunt debuff on a person at a time (from other tanks in the group as well).

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Right, the point is that flaunting how well you do and offering a link is something anyone can do. If you post something like schwarzoid or Morsexy did (offering constructive ideas etc) that would be much better and far more useful for the community. As is, anyone can post the numbers, but it doesn't help the community if you treat things like a Q&A. If you can offer facts,builds and tips right there in the front post and it's much more substantiative.


what are you talking about it? I post the build, rotation and some tips that its working for me. just scroll down a little...

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Holy crap, that's an impressive score. You must be really diligent with guarding to get a protection score like that, especially in Rage spec. And to get 600k damage as well....i thought i did alright at PvP but that puts most of my scores to shame. I really hope i never play against you.
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Holy crap, that's an impressive score. You must be really diligent with guarding to get a protection score like that, especially in Rage spec. And to get 600k damage as well....i thought i did alright at PvP but that puts most of my scores to shame. I really hope i never play against you.


its not hard do that. keep your taunts on cooldowns and Guard some good healer. about the dps, did you read my rotation? scroll down a little at main page.

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Oh the damage isn't a problem. Maybe pre-L50 i won't get scores like that, but at L50 600k isn't out of the question. It's the protection i can't fathom. 300k+ protection...wow! The most protection i've ever done at L50 was about 150k-200k. Before L50 there's no chance of protection like that, obviously. Next time i play my L50 Rage Jugg i'm going to guard the crap out of all healers and see how much protection i can do :)
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Oh the damage isn't a problem. Maybe pre-L50 i won't get scores like that, but at L50 600k isn't out of the question. It's the protection i can't fathom. 300k+ protection...wow! The most protection i've ever done at L50 was about 150k-200k. Before L50 there's no chance of protection like that, obviously. Next time i play my L50 Rage Jugg i'm going to guard the crap out of all healers and see how much protection i can do :)


Protection is easy if there are high damage dealers on the other team. Its one of the more skill dependent metrics you can see a player perform with though and it shows when a player is correctly singling out the right damage dealers at the right time. Protection via guard is the same deal, figuring out which players are taking the brunt of the damage and swapping guard to them is crucial. Truth be told, protection isn't really even a guardian thing, any player with the right mindset can pull it off.

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I play rage juggernaut in PvP


Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MZf0RZGrRbdfRbcz.1 (2/8/31) and I'm loving it. full BM gear, remodded for maximum power (3 X gloves mod rip out) + WH ear and implants. I must say, I really love the 5-6K shockwave hits (fully powered smash). Especially if I hit lots of targets. I gotta tell you, I wouldn't want to be a group healer at that point if I suddenly bring everyone down by 4-5K hp at once, including them.


gathering power should always be your priority when gearing. Power > everything (within reasonable limits).


the only down side is that Rage is a 2 trick pony. you have smash and scream. If another juggernaut or a guardian pushes you away while you're in the air, your smash doesn't land wheree you want and you wasted a shockwave. I know it says, Smash is instant, but that it a lie. It has a "cast time" (the time it takes you to jump up and down) and between that, which isn't much, it can be interrupted.


rotation 1: Charge - power trinket while in the air - force choke (build up shockwave) - smash (this, if target has little to no resolve)


rotation 2: enrage (full shockwave) - charge - power trinket in the air - smash (this, if target has full resolve)


here is an alternative spec I tried out that isn't bad imo: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101zZfzr0MZGrRbdfMoM.1


the last point should either be placed in battle cry, so you get 100% free force scream or dark resonance for an extra 10% damage to all force abilities (20% to 30%) or in Shii-choo mastery for an extra 10% armor penetration (from 10% to 20%). The choice is yours. Personally, I like Dark resonance, since smash is what I use most and 50% free is alot, 100% is better, but 50% is enough imo (we are discussing 1/2 or 2/2 battle cry here). but to each his own.


so why 12 points in Vengeance? for unstoppable of course :) this way, you cannot be interrupted when you charge to a person and smash them. Pop enrage first in this rotation (for full shockwave) or unstoppable would have worn off by the time your choke finished channeling since it only lasts 4 seconds.

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Protection is easy if there are high damage dealers on the other team. Its one of the more skill dependent metrics you can see a player perform with though and it shows when a player is correctly singling out the right damage dealers at the right time. Protection via guard is the same deal, figuring out which players are taking the brunt of the damage and swapping guard to them is crucial. Truth be told, protection isn't really even a guardian thing, any player with the right mindset can pull it off.


There's always a negative nancy in every thread bumm-hurt whenever some player achieves something good. :rolleyes:


To the OP, those are fantastic protection numbers considering you're Rage-spec. You can play on my team any day. :D

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There's always a negative nancy in every thread bumm-hurt whenever some player achieves something good. :rolleyes:


To the OP, those are fantastic protection numbers considering you're Rage-spec. You can play on my team any day. :D


No he is right. It's cake to throw guard on a healer as a rage jugg and throw taunts like you already should and get protection like that in warzones.

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No he is right. It's cake to throw guard on a healer as a rage jugg and throw taunts like you already should and get protection like that in warzones.


No, it really isn't. Though I'm sure you'll astound us with all your screenshots of 600k+ damage and 300k+ prot. Because, it's cake, right? Le'ts just make it 400k prot, because 300k prot when he did 380k is lame, and again...it's cake, right?

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