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The reason people make premades


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People who think back pedaling is bad are teenagers with no breadth in thinking.


Back-pedaling is an excellent baiting scheme for ranged classes. Full out run away? Your going to make a competent melee player give up because he has better things to kill. Use the back pedal, bait away the teenage kid on the forum bashing back pedaling, and have your team mate cap the door or node.

Edited by Yeochins
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So they don't have to spam PASS THE BALL to you, the dps merc running the ball with 6 people beating on him with tankasins jumping up and down in your cone of vision past the first flames 15m away.


So they don't have to find out enemy team is inc by seeing a node change possession, because you didn't bother to call inc before getting steamrolled.


So they don't have to ask you, the full tank spec PT in tank gear, to use guard.


So they don't have to tell you, the DPS PT to attack the marked healers.


So they don't have to lose possession of the ball in huttball after you get stunned on the flames trying to slowly walk it across without having a CC break up.


So they know at least a few people on their team will try to cap in novare coast mid battle, while you fruitlessly continue trying to clear the area by whittling down an enemy tank 50m from the node.


And most importantly: So they know there's a lesser chance of you actually being on their team.


+10 so true i miss my premade runs on my old server but we got no ppl anymore to start wzs and rerolling on new server 10-49 wz are just a pain


yesterday i was standing on the ramp to the enemy goal and our team had the ball i call out 4 times to pass to me so i could score it i had free line noone from the enemy team spotted me yet


and what does our ball carrier do run to OUR goal line so i say again im on the left ramp to there goal pass up to me


needless to say he didnt pass we lost the ball and the enemy team finaly spotted me and nuked me down

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So they don't have to spam PASS THE BALL to you, the dps merc running the ball with 6 people beating on him with tankasins jumping up and down in your cone of vision past the first flames 15m away.


So they don't have to find out enemy team is inc by seeing a node change possession, because you didn't bother to call inc before getting steamrolled.


So they don't have to ask you, the full tank spec PT in tank gear, to use guard.


So they don't have to tell you, the DPS PT to attack the marked healers.


So they don't have to lose possession of the ball in huttball after you get stunned on the flames trying to slowly walk it across without having a CC break up.


So they know at least a few people on their team will try to cap in novare coast mid battle, while you fruitlessly continue trying to clear the area by whittling down an enemy tank 50m from the node.


And most importantly: So they know there's a lesser chance of you actually being on their team.


Everything you said is wrong and full of prejudice. Could it be that you are one of those who are carried by their premade all the time?


I always have to laugh if people expect "incs" and cant do anything unless their leader tells them to, to have map control and awareness is something good players have - there is no need for pointless chat spam with inc´s.

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It doesnt matter unbind or not.

I suggest most of my newbie friends learn to PvP to unbind it to shake the habit of ever using it.


I left mind there to be able to micro positioning myself in some PvE encounters and to avoid backstab type of move while getting some instants off in melee range.

And in this game backstab and hidden strike is usable from 90 degree to the sides for some reason, could be graphical synch issue but I know for a fact side strafing away (as in strafing away towards where your opponent is facing) enables back stab and hidden strike move because I play an operative.


What's really bad tho that I saw yesterday in WZ.... a sorc did backpedaling with FORCE SPEED... it looks really funny.


But wait isnt this suppose to be a thread about why people premades?


I premade so I dont have to deal with all the "headaches".

I do however solo queue if I know the pugs are "not terrible" at the time period to get in more actions.

Edited by warultima
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Everything you said is wrong and full of prejudice. Could it be that you are one of those who are carried by their premade all the time?


I always have to laugh if people expect "incs" and cant do anything unless their leader tells them to, to have map control and awareness is something good players have - there is no need for pointless chat spam with inc´s.


If he can get in a premade and get carried, more power to him.

If the player called inc but isn't getting the reinforcement he requested, can you blame him for spamming? No.

Can you honestly expect every random to keep an eye on their mini map and learn to read the flow of the battle? No. Most pugs on my server already have a hard time keeping an eye on the node for cry out loud. They wear full green mix - matching orange or full pve gears to warzone and when people tell them to buy recruit gear they made rude gestures and call the others elitist.


They only call incs when they're at 10% hp or when the enemy have already started capping, and when people question why they didn't call earlier they tell them to shut up and relax because 'it is just a game". Honestly, trusting pug with an objective is like trusting a burglar with all your jewelry.

This is the reason why people like pre-making.

This is the reason why premades tend to have more of a clue as to what's going on in wzs.


Thank god for premades.

Edited by hyuplee
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backpaddeling is NEVER effective.


the only xception i ever seen in it is to be in the "dead zone" of a warrior charge...other then that..terrible


It is when you snare them with server tendon and you run back a few metres while putting a DoT on them then turning around to run faster...if you need to

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Everything you said is wrong and full of prejudice. Could it be that you are one of those who are carried by their premade all the time?


I always have to laugh if people expect "incs" and cant do anything unless their leader tells them to, to have map control and awareness is something good players have - there is no need for pointless chat spam with inc´s.


Well, he may have been a little harsh, but it's a good caricature of the noobish (as oposed to newbish) mistakes people make.


Also, do you honestly think it's enough to watch a minimap and run to a node when your teammate's healthbar starts dropping? Don't you want to know how many enemies are there or how many of your teammates are going to respond? Warzone chat is vital and I am always annoyed by folks in game who respond to "Why didn't you call inc" with "Look at your minimap"

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People who think back pedaling is bad are teenagers with no breadth in thinking.


Back-pedaling is an excellent baiting scheme for ranged classes. Full out run away? Your going to make a competent melee player give up because he has better things to kill. Use the back pedal, bait away the teenage kid on the forum bashing back pedaling, and have your team mate cap the door or node.



I utilize this baiting scheme in Voidstar all the time, by exercising to backpedal at opportune moment it adds an element of "panic" so they will get all excited. I love it, the whole time I will be watching the door and pulling them away.

Also moving back 1 step is fastest adjustment for things like went in to far while positioning yourself in Huttball on edge of pit ( hoping that marauders leap to u )


As for the topic itself, right now the reason I personally run with premade (s) is to match up against the premades on other side and get a feel of what needs to improve & best comps. Winning in this gear grind period is nice but gauging strengths and weakness of major adversaries is more important for ranked.

These days, sometimes the last few games before i log i pug and get to experience all the great boneheaded stuff listed above. Stark difference from few months back when I used to pug frequently but back then many of those guys knew what best to do & were strong at their class. Going up against premades with those kinda randoms was not a disadvantage.

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It really is not that hard to know that you are in the wrong spot on maps like Voidstar (D), Alderaaln/Novare Coast (2 cap).


If you are on an objective point and there are more friendlies there than enemies, than chances are the other point has more enemies than friendlies there. And should, as such, be reinforced, or at the very least looked at.


It baffles me every time when 7 of my teammates beat on 2 tanks and a healer on west door, while I have to solo 5 DPS on east. That's right I didn't call inc, I was too busy targeting and stopping 3 guys on the door, while at the same time CCing the 2 that were DPSing into me, while at the same time pressing defensive cooldowns and medpacks.

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because some classes can still do stuff while walking away, and it needs them facing the target to do that stuff?

strafing + backpedalling is not 50% speed, simple trigonometry.


Anything that you need LoS on your target for, you can do while strafing. Better, actually.


Also, strafing+backpedaling IS 50% speed, as I just tested it in game. Please stop spreading misinformation.

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It really is not that hard to know that you are in the wrong spot on maps like Voidstar (D), Alderaaln/Novare Coast (2 cap).


If you are on an objective point and there are more friendlies there than enemies, than chances are the other point has more enemies than friendlies there. And should, as such, be reinforced, or at the very least looked at.


It baffles me every time when 7 of my teammates beat on 2 tanks and a healer on west door, while I have to solo 5 DPS on east. That's right I didn't call inc, I was too busy targeting and stopping 3 guys on the door, while at the same time CCing the 2 that were DPSing into me, while at the same time pressing defensive cooldowns and medpacks.


So those 5 guys all popped out of stealth at you? Or did you see them coming? And not one of those 5 guys stunned you? You can still type when you're stunned.


I completely agree about being aware of attackers vs defenders, and rotating early instead of finishing off that one last guy. But it can be hard to tell at a glance if you're defending against 5 or 6 enemies (the difference between 1 or 2 attackers at the other node). And even if you have a low count, are they respawning? Are they circling around? Are they stealthed?


Just call inc. Call it early, when you see them approaching. Call it as soon as they pop out of stealth at you, especially since they usually open with stun. Call inc and your puggers will thank you.

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It's funny how this thread changed to talking about backpedaling. I'm a dirty fighting gunslinger and backpedaling is extremely helpful to me because sometimes side strafing put's me at an angle where I can't see target while I'm kiting. Also, for any kind of precision moving it is necessary to have ALL your movement options available, not only some of them because you're too arrogant to think you need it. For example mid-air falling (you can still adjust your fall in the air while falling) or simply for positioning yourself on small ledges (happens frequently when you're a sniper). There is no way in hell I would ever unbind my back-pedal. That's just stupid. Edited by DimeStax
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I'm that DPS merc (commando actually). Every once in a while someone is stupid enough to throw the ball to me, but more often than not since I'm sweeping the rafters and owning the ball pit, I'll hop down immediately after a score to snag the ball and advance it.


The part that pisses me off the most though - if I have the ball, GET IN FRONT OF ME. I want to be moving TOWARD the goal, and I DON'T want to have to turn around and find a suitable target to toss to when stuff gets hairy.


Besides, if my team JUST SCORED, shouldn't they already be in proper position to have me come up and throw the ball to an impending scorer anyway?



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It really is not that hard to know that you are in the wrong spot on maps like Voidstar (D), Alderaaln/Novare Coast (2 cap).


If you are on an objective point and there are more friendlies there than enemies, than chances are the other point has more enemies than friendlies there. And should, as such, be reinforced, or at the very least looked at.


It baffles me every time when 7 of my teammates beat on 2 tanks and a healer on west door, while I have to solo 5 DPS on east. That's right I didn't call inc, I was too busy targeting and stopping 3 guys on the door, while at the same time CCing the 2 that were DPSing into me, while at the same time pressing defensive cooldowns and medpacks.


I always find it funny people cite communication in reinforcing weak spots as a strength of premade. I pretty much always check the node I'm not currently at if I see an obvious numerical advantage at where I am, since they obviously are not in danger of losing the node. The only time I don't do that is if I'm not sure if the current node can hold, and in that case I really can't be bothered with the state of the other node no matter how dire the situation they face might be.


Another good one is when you go solo to a turret in Alderran, 2 guys from enemy attack you, and your team complained that you didn't call inc even though:


1. You didn't have anyone who could've helped you to begin with (everyone else is at middle, turret isn't capped).

2. The guys in the middle will always see the two guys veer off to the right as they jump down and should've realized what's happening.

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If you need someone to tell you which node needs help you have very little situational awareness. A lot of the players that run in premades are pretty bad when they are on their own.


Premades can definitely be fun and they can make many things easier, but if you need a full group to pvp, chances are you aren't as good as you think you are.

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Everything you said is wrong and full of prejudice. Could it be that you are one of those who are carried by their premade all the time?


I always have to laugh if people expect "incs" and cant do anything unless their leader tells them to, to have map control and awareness is something good players have - there is no need for pointless chat spam with inc´s.


You can't have eyes all over the map at once without communication. The person calling out inc's isn't necessarily a leader that everyone has to listen to, but rather a teammate communicating with the rest of his team. If my team just clears out the enemy at snow and there is 7 of us on the node, and then someone at mid says "3 inc to Mid", we know we can appropriately send about 4-5 people to help him out, whereas if they only say "1 inc to mid" maybe only 1 or 2 goes. Communication is absolutely necessary to have map control and awareness as you so put it, so in the event that everyone isn't in a voice communication channel, chat spam with inc's is the next best thing.


I'd like for you to show me a professional sport that doesn't use communication as part of their teamwork, and only uses their "awareness" of the game and I'll show you a team who isn't going to win any games.

Edited by DimeStax
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There's always time to call inc even if you waited until late and are already engaged in battle.


You can type "3e" in between GCDs. There's no payoff to not doing so.


This guy gets it.


And I'm not saying calling incs is a substitute for awareness, but it clearly helps. There's plenty of examples but here's one: Let's say you are fighting for mid on Alderaan, each team has their natural turret capped. Then you notice mid is 7v5 and your defender's health bar is fine. Do you just drop everything and run over there? No. Because those stealthers might be lurking at mid. You wait until he calls.


Another example is any melee who gets drawn into a hut on Novare Coast. Pretty much zero awareness in there. Bioware hates melee :(

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One way I keep an eye on other nodes is watching the HPs of the character that is over there and greyed out. It's not perfect since they could be mezzed at full hps, but if I see their HPs start to drop, you know that there is at least one at the other node. As a healer, I am checking Health levels all the time anyway.
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I'd like for you to show me a professional sport that doesn't use communication as part of their teamwork, and only uses their "awareness" of the game and I'll show you a team who isn't going to win any games.


Professional football is pretty much all about awareness and no communication because it'd be literally impossible to hear anything anyone is saying in a football stadium once the play started.


In fact, just given the general noise level at a professional sports stadium, communication is often impossible. You run a basketball play, but the play is never going to work exactly like how you draw it up on the board so you hope all your guys know how to get open based on their experience/talent/etc, not because the point guard is saying "SG to left center to right gogogo!"

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