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1.3 will make or break this game


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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums,




I really like this game. It's been fun ran a couple chars to 50 got 4 others mid 20' to mid 30's. My sub runs out June 8th I will not be renewing it. If I want to play with 3 other people I will go buy Diablo or stay on my server both of which I have no intenion of doing.


there is nothing to buy for the chars let alone gearing the campanions. I had to make other chars just so I can gear them nothing is for sale no earpieces no implants weapons and to make if even more fun no mats to craft anyway. This is a joke and I'm done laughing.....

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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


What about those roughly 800k people that just left? You believe them?

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What we really need in 1.3 is that people without an active sub aren't able to post on the forums anymore. That would cut out at least half of the completely moronic moaning and groaning.



Edited by Limedust
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What we really need in 1.3 is that people without an active sub aren't able to post on the forums anymore. That would cut out at least half of the completely moronic moaning and groaning.


Yeah, and then the 26 people left would be allowed to congratulate yourselves constantly on how great the game is while you fail to play because even you're bored by it.

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Yeah, and then the 26 people left would be allowed to congratulate yourselves constantly on how great the game while you fail to play because even you're bored by it.

I'm most certainly not bored with the game! The only reason I'm browsing the forums right now instead of playing the game, is that I'm waiting for my pizza in the oven ;)

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Such as....DAOC, Star Trek Online or Lotro?

These games are still there but you know, they kinda suck and not many people play them.

That's why they are f2p, and you buy stuff online with real money.

Certainly not worth being called massively multiplayer online games.


How about you stop pulling 'facts' from your behind, and actually LOG IN to one of those games ?


Say Star Trek online. There are TONS of people playing. You can see about 20x more people than you will ever see in SWTOR (on one server that is).


Just saying.

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I'm most certainly not bored with the game! The only reason I'm browsing the forums right now instead of playing the game, is that I'm waiting for my pizza in the oven ;)


just to correct you, nobody can post without a active sub here, so if you read this, you can be sure a could also login.

now look, where i am.

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just to correct you, nobody can post without a active sub here, so if you read this, you can be sure a could also login.

now look, where i am.

You sure about that? The other day I read that you only need a forum account to post, not an active sub...

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Deja vu? Now 1.3 is the Jesus patch? ... Time stil running ... D3 Easy Mode done, ... checks swtor ... still the same .. next level .... see ya.


hmm, no, for you its more:


Time stil running ... D3 Easy Mode done, ... checks swtor ... still the same .. next level .... unemployed for spending too much time playing.. lol :p

Edited by chaosmadness
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yes i am sure, my sub ran out 4 days ago and i resubbed another month.

So you weren't able to post in those 4 days between subs? Sorry, I don't mean to question you, but slap the one who said you only needed a forum account ;)

Edited by Sauska
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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


wow.. really?

i guess you dont know about they lose last quarter, lol when this next quarter come and they lose another

400k i hope you stop being naive about what is happening in this game, but then maybe will be to late for it anyway

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So you weren't able to post in those 4 days between subs? Sorry, I don't mean to question you, but slap the one who said you only needed a forum account ;)


Yes, i could nót post on the forums the moment the sub went down.

When i resubbed, i had to logoff from forums and login again to be able to post again.

It is not possible to post without a sub, at least here.


Maybe it was possible some months ago, i dont know, i was playing the game then ..

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Yes, i could nót post on the forums the moment the sub went down.

When i resubbed, i had to logoff from forums and login again to be able to post again.

It is not possible to post without a sub, at least here.


Maybe it was possible some months ago, i dont know, i was playing the game then ..


/hug :)

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Yes, i could nót post on the forums the moment the sub went down.

When i resubbed, i had to logoff from forums and login again to be able to post again.

It is not possible to post without a sub, at least here.


Maybe it was possible some months ago, i dont know, i was playing the game then ..


I'm not doubting your individual case, though it's not true for me. My sub has expired, I'm debating paying again (trying to figure out when server x-fers will land) and I can post in this thread right now.

Edited by Dosvidaniya
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If you don't like this game now, 1.3 isn't going to change that. Does everyone PUG that much that they need an instance finder? Whatever happened to being in a guild with like-minded people that love the game as much as all of you do? I am assuming you love the game because you are on the forums talking about it. I play with friends and we all love this game. 1.3 will enhance our love for the game, but it isn't a make or break patch by any stretch of the imagination.
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The same thing was said about 1.2. The population on our server increased considerably when it released and stabilized at a higher level until D3 came out. Then it dropped and is now slowly recovering. I am sure the same thing will happen with 1.3 ... then 1.4 ... because that's just how MMOs roll. Releasing fresh content with more alacrity would lessen the Δs I think. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Can we stop with the "make or break" topics now? They have been out from the start, and swtor is still alive.



The trend started, maybe even before, 1.2, and now its 1.3.

What are the chances that it's going to be 1.4 next?


(And a troll comes and says, "It wont last until 1.4!")

Yeah...we'll see.

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A lot of people joined this game from other well-developed MMO games (albeit not as RPG oriented) and expect to have the same experience. I find it weird.


All classes have complicated story lines that could be modified via choices, gender, and alignment, and that alone makes the game far more repayable than other MMORPG I know. WoW is leagues behind on the RPG department. The only thing ToR lacks is late-game PvE contents that could only be established in time, not sooner. I am a RPer and I like this game for its story-centric style.


But I agree that server transfer and server merge will allow players to have a more enjoyable game. ToR nailed the RPG part of this game, now they just need to make MMO more viable. Server transfer will help on that matter and I encourage people to be patient. That, and having extra character slots will allow Legacy to bloom further.

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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.


So so true. I can't tell you how many MMOs that still exist that players say failed, despite being financially profitable and still in production and releasing content. Some didn't do as well, and some were forced to go Free to Play, and at least one went Free 2 Play after they saw it was more profitable then their play to play model, but how many MMOs released in the last 10 years have actually closed and never came back? Tabula Rasa and SWG?

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So so true. I can't tell you how many MMOs that still exist that players say failed, despite being financially profitable and still in production and releasing content. Some didn't do as well, and some were forced to go Free to Play, and at least one went Free 2 Play after they saw it was more profitable then their play to play model, but how many MMOs released in the last 10 years have actually closed and never came back? Tabula Rasa and SWG?


Exactly. There might be a few others, but none that sold two million boxes or ever had over a million subs. I really don't get people who say the game is failing. Have they only played WoW? There are hundreds of MMOs. Many get regular content updates with a tenth of the subs of this game.


This game might not appeal to everyone. Some folks might have burned themselves out prematurely. But the game is just a game. A fun one for me. When I get bored, I go do something else. I just played SWTOR again after a week in another game. I really enjoyed it. But if I ever stop enjoying this game, I'll drop my sub and look happily on the times I played, not whine and moan because the game couldn't hold my attention continuously for ten years straight.

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Does everyone PUG that much that they need an instance finder? Whatever happened to being in a guild with like-minded people that love the game as much as all of you do?


The guild started when Starwars Galaxies started (around '04 I think), made it through vanilla, CU and NGE together and then all rerolled on the same server here..few months later and they've all quit due to boredom, I'm out in 9 days myself.


Due to my ghost town of a server there isn't much choice but PUGs, if you can even scrape together enough for one.

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Didn't an exact thread like this one come out before 1.2 went live? I guess I can expect to see an exact replica of this thread to come out when we are expecting 1.4 to go live also.
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