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Daniel Erickson thinks X-Server LFG is last resort


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Maybe on your server you stand on the fleet spamming. I'll ask one or twice and when I don't get a bite. I jump in my ship and hit up the planets. Within 5 minutes, full group. Not my fault you are doing it wrong. Also, with the insta queues that people are lobbying for, you are not gonna get much datacron farming done are you?


You can collect every datacron in the game minus the fleet one in about 3 hours in game.

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Maybe on your server you stand on the fleet spamming. I'll ask one or twice and when I don't get a bite. I jump in my ship and hit up the planets. Within 5 minutes, full group. Not my fault you are doing it wrong. Also, with the insta queues that people are lobbying for, you are not gonna get much datacron farming done are you?



Good for you that you play on one of the 10 servers that goes over light. I guess the rest of us noobs are just doing it wrong.


Nobody expects "insta-queues" either. That only really happens for tanks. 15-30 minutes is entirely reasonable, especially since you can actually be productive while waiting instead of twiddling your thumbs on fleet.


I'm glad you are enjoying the game as is, but your arguments don't really make sense. Stick with the "it ruins mah communitee" BS, it plays better.

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Good for you that you play on one of the 10 servers that goes over light. I guess the rest of us noobs are just doing it wrong.


Nobody expects "insta-queues" either. That only really happens for tanks. 15-30 minutes is entirely reasonable, especially since you can actually be productive while waiting instead of twiddling your thumbs on fleet.


I'm glad you are enjoying the game as is, but your arguments don't really make sense. Stick with the "it ruins mah communitee" BS, it plays better.


I'm a tank. I've spent hours upon hours looking for groups in this game. Seven consecutive hours on a Saturday once. That's when I stopped trying.

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I'm a tank. I've spent hours upon hours looking for groups in this game. Seven consecutive hours on a Saturday once. That's when I stopped trying.


Oh, I meant people in the LFG queue. In most games, tanks usually get in immediately.

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You can collect every datacron in the game minus the fleet one in about 3 hours in game.


Tell ya what. I am going by what DE said and if it's a last resort so be it. The minute I see empty zones because of it, you can add another to the list of millions of unsubbers that your buddy Mallorik made up.

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Tell ya what. I am going by what DE said and if it's a last resort so be it. The minute I see empty zones because of it, you can add another to the list of millions of unsubbers that your buddy Mallorik made up.


Dude the zones are already empty....

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Maybe on your server. I play on a light to standard pop server.


So do I - it dropped from Standard to Light last week. Never more than 10 people per planet. Haven't physically seen another player anywhere except Black Hole dailies or fleet.


The only remaining Standard+ servers are Fatman, Harbinger, Swiftsure, and Drooga's Pleasure Barge (really?) which are the ones everyone is rerolling to.

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So do I - it dropped from Standard to Light last week. Never more than 10 people per planet. Haven't physically seen another player anywhere except Black Hole dailies or fleet.


The only remaining Standard+ servers are Fatman, Harbinger, Swiftsure, and Drooga's Pleasure Barge (really?) which are the ones everyone is rerolling to.


Don't know what to tell besides wait it out until transfers happen. I do agree that they should have happened a lot sooner. Even before I started they should have happened.


Oh and btw, I play on the Swiftsure but I'm hoping that the new trolls that have joined that server are only there until transfers, it's turning the community into a cesspool already.

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And you choose to complain instead of being proactive


Talking to you is like talking to my 4 year old nephew who sticks his fingers in his ears and says "Neener neener I can't hear you" and when I break down an issue into concise points you then trump it up to complaining and not being proactive.


I notice how you conveniently didn't reply to my post where I called you out... I am guessing that is because it's better for you to ignore replies when you know you don't have a leg to stand on. Let me refresh your memory:


Again, I have stated many times why I don't like it. Not that I don't want it. You call it the utopia of gaming, I call it the utter destruction of a genre. If they want this game just to be a run of the mill MMO like WoW, then they have all the power going for them but they are trying to create an MMORPG.


Their next big hurdle is they have to get people off the fleet, not put them on it. You know, the RPG part?


Lol.... because having a BG's for PvP is sooooo different... I know, I know... they should be really innovative and have like 3 advanced "Talent Trees" <rolls eyes>. For defending they didn't want this to be like some other "Run of the mill MMO" they sure pulled out all the stops.

You've stated it will ruin the community. Ok, I'll buy into your premise for half a second. So you are saying that people who you now group with will refuse to group with you if a cross server LFD tool is implemented? Perhaps that speaks more to you than to them.

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Well atleast you admit it solves some of the population issue. And if you want to deny something that helps this game keep and hold more players that you dont even have to use then thats more than selfish, youre just stupid or a jerk.


Sigh here we go again with the name calling.


As you know when we've crossed before I believe that we need to see if transfers/merger whatever plus single server LFG will work then if it doesn't I'll support your calls for x-server. Don't know why I waste my time even reading these threads.

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Sigh here we go again with the name calling.


As you know when we've crossed before I believe that we need to see if transfers/merger whatever plus single server LFG will work then if it doesn't I'll support your calls for x-server. Don't know why I waste my time even reading these threads.


Because it's their way or no way. They would rather have people trolled in chat trying to get a group the old fashioned way instead of hitting the insta win button.

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Talking to you is like talking to my 4 year old nephew who sticks his fingers in his ears and says "Neener neener I can't hear you" and when I break down an issue into concise points you then trump it up to complaining and not being proactive.


I notice how you conveniently didn't reply to my post where I called you out... I am guessing that is because it's better for you to ignore replies when you know you don't have a leg to stand on. Let me refresh your memory:


You have very poor reading comprehension eh? People will use the least path of resistance when it comes down to it. Plain and simple. That includes your insta win x-lfg button.

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I think you should go back to WoW if you want a x-server tool so badly. It just promotes having no community at all.


2.1 million boxes sold. 1.3 million subs as of 3 months ago, and some significant number of those were free month giveaways EA did to pad their EOY reporting.


Likely 700k-800k subs now. Plus a nice, big, juicy round of layoffs on the team.


Looks like they're doing just that - leaving in droves. And giving you that "no community thing at all" thing you seem to want to avoid.


Let's keep wishing for people to leave instead of for the game to improve and we'll see how low we can get the number to go! :(

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You have very poor reading comprehension eh? People will use the least path of resistance when it comes down to it. Plain and simple. That includes your insta win x-lfg button.


Not being able to find a group without spamming chat all day should be not be a "path of resistance" to playing the game.


It's neithr fun, challenging, or an effective use of time.


Your reasoning is completely flawed. It's clear you have absolutely no idea at all what type of gameplay and systems should be used if you want to promote a sense of community, or grouping in general.

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2.1 million boxes sold. 1.3 million subs as of 3 months ago, and some significant number of those were free month giveaways EA did to pad their EOY reporting.


Likely 700k-800k subs now. Plus a nice, big, juicy round of layoffs on the team.


Looks like they're doing just that - leaving in droves. And giving you that "no community thing at all" thing you seem to want to avoid.


Let's keep wishing for people to leave instead of for the game to improve and we'll see how low we can get the number to go! :(


And why are people leaving in droves? They come to these forums looking for information and see WoW all over.

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You have very poor reading comprehension eh? People will use the least path of resistance when it comes down to it. Plain and simple. That includes your insta win x-lfg button.


So you are saying that people who you now group with will refuse to group with you if a cross server LFD tool is implemented?


This discussion is so circular I can't help but laugh.


1) Me - My server pop is dead I really want a cross server LFG tool so I can do FP's

2) You - Cross server ruins the community!

3) Me - Me my server is already dead when I am on, there is no community

4) You - Mines not! Stop being a complainer and suggest something to fix your low pop issue

5) Me - My server pop is dead and I really want a cross server LFG tool so I can do FP's

6) GOTO 2


None of your arguments you are making have any sort of substance beyond name calling and "omg xserver is instawin community killer"

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And why are people leaving in droves? They come to these forums looking for information and see WoW all over.


That's a symptom. Not the cause. You think they would be coming here at all if they didn't have concerns they wanted to confirm?

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That's a symptom. Not the cause. You think they would be coming here at all if they didn't have concerns they wanted to confirm?


A concern is not stating, "Bioware, your game will fail if you don't give us X-server LFG trolololol"

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2.1 million boxes sold. 1.3 million subs as of 3 months ago, and some significant number of those were free month giveaways EA did to pad their EOY reporting.


Likely 700k-800k subs now. Plus a nice, big, juicy round of layoffs on the team.


Looks like they're doing just that - leaving in droves. And giving you that "no community thing at all" thing you seem to want to avoid.


Let's keep wishing for people to leave instead of for the game to improve and we'll see how low we can get the number to go! :(


And WoW has 8.6 million boxes sold in US but only 4.5 million US subs, and just laid off 600. Not as indicative as you're postulating.

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A concern is not stating, "Bioware, your game will fail if you don't give us X-server LFG trolololol"


And you saying trolololo doesn't make your premise true. So you are saying that people who you now group with will refuse to group with you if a cross server LFD tool is implemented?


Can't you answer such a simple question?

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And WoW has 8.6 million boxes sold in US but only 4.5 million US subs, and just laid off 600. Not as indicative as you're postulating.


I don't think retention would remain constant for the life of a game, if anything it would go down. So if SWTOR has the same retention at 6 months that WoW did at 5 years there might be a problem.

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