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Daniel Erickson thinks X-Server LFG is last resort


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I agree with the OP making it last resort is just silly alot of games haven't flourished until the had a x server LFG tool.


I would have it built just in case I ever needed it. Not worry about it when people start leaving and droves and the pulling all nighters to get it ready.

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And look what happened to the people playing World Of Warcraft when the LFG cross server was implemented. Instead of actual decent players, they became wordless, mindless idiots who cared for nothing but themselves. People who would need on loot they didnt actually need just to sell, or leave a group if a boss they fought didnt drop the loot they wanted, even when it was only the first boss. Why should they care about other people? It is not like they would ever see them again, and even if they did, they can just leave the group and LFG using the tool again.


Yes THAT is what you are promoting, the lack of moral fortitude, or willingness to be patient. So I vow here and now, the day cross server LFG is added, I am GONE!!!!!


If you ever had a problem with a player quitting during an instance just put them on ignore. The WoW LFG tool won't match you up with players on ignore.


Honestly, I'd much rather deal with having players occasionally quit a run than to spam general chat for hours looking for a group to complete the Rakghoul Conflicts weekly. I've only completed it once in the last three weeks!!!!

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I remember in BC I established myself as one of the best damn pug pally tank in the server (Amoro, Zuiljin Server) to group with. I'd join groups and everyone would be excited to see me and knew with a 100% certainty that I'd complete that run fast and smooth. To tell the truth that made me really proud making friends none stop who would love to group again.


But all that changed with cross server LFG.


At first I thought it be great I mean instead of making a name for myself on 1 server I can do the same on multiple and I can get groups as fast as I can click the button. Then, first couple of runs no one talked or interacted with each other...your basically just a place holder there to do a job then get out. But, that's not even the worst you got holy paladins rolling need on tank gear people quick to /gquit on 1 wipe, or if not done a certain way said person would flip out.


You see mister/miss OP when there is no accountability for your actions in the community it will bring out the worst of people. You character you created just becomes a placeholder someone that is forgotten when used up. The day I started playing wow as a pally I wanted to be the best tank and known for it by all in my community and once I had that feeling during BC I joined groups just for the fun of grouping and meeting new people even if I didn't need any gear pieces, then when cross server LFG came having it all taken away by cross server LFG destroyed most reason for me to play group in WoW instead of grouping for fun and getting to know my community I grouped and got my gear as soon as possible and tried to use LFG as little as possible, because who wants to group with mute nerd raging jerkish players.


One of many reasons i have stopped playing. Cross server LFG is just not worth it it kills the soul of any MMO it is introduced to, please BW don't do this.


Just because you can queue cross server doesn't mean you have to! You could queue up with a full group and complete the instance. Forming groups requires more effort, so the only thing the LFG tool did was kill your desire to form groups.

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There is no point debating X-Server. It will come and it will come before the year is out.


They won't really be given much of a choice. WoW wouldn't have done it if they had the choice, they had no choice. Rift wouldn't have done it if they had a choice, they didn't have a choice either. SWTOR won't and your deluding yourself if you think any differently.

Edited by Temad
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Almost all of you are missing the point.


Swtor needs cross-server LFG tool. Why? Because it's population is too small now. If the LFG tool came out during launch, then it wouldn't need to be cross-server. Bioware dropped the ball on this one. The LFG tool should have been out from the beginning, and only for same servers.


What BW failed to do was correctly manage their server populations at the time of release. Adding all the new servers due to log in queues was an extremely bad move.


Also, it appears that the population caps on the initial servers needed to be higher. Judging from all the posts I've read there's server side lag on higher population servers. More time spent on server side optimizations with higher population limits, resulting in fewer servers, would have dramatically improved the gaming experience for everyone.

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The guy is pretty much clueless. So clueless it's actually scary.


He says he cares about "server community", yet:


- there are no server forums

- there is no global chat


So his "reasoning" behind the idea makes absolutely no sense, when you consider the above.

LFG, needs to be cross-server - no questions about it.


I thought it strange we don't have server specific forums. Come on BW, at least organize them by server type and time zone!

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There is no point debating X-Server. It will come and it will come before the year is out.


They won't really be given much of a choice. WoW wouldn't have done it if they had the choice, they had no choice. Rift wouldn't have done it if they had a choice, they didn't have a choice either. SWTOR won't and your deluding yourself if you think any differently.


I kind of agree with this, if the game's subscription rates continue to fall like they have been there will be no choice but to do it. Also, TERA came out with x server LFG at launch, and this game is finally coming out with a same server one 7 months after launch.


I played WoW before cross server LFG and it wasn't *too* difficult to find groups as long as you could CC, heal or tank. If you couldn't CC (mage) or heal ( certain priest/paladin/shaman/druid specs) or tank (certain druid/paladin/warrior specs) you were SoL. I played a mage so it wasn't so bad, but I started playing a Ret paladin and it would take hours to find a group sometimes.


A game without cross server LFG is ignoring its casual playerbase that doesn't have hours to dedicate to finding groups.


Also I'd like to know where all this supposed dbaggery in WoW since cross server is? People were dbags BEFORE cross server, even with the precious community, and they are dbags after cross server, too. Same with Rift.

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I have come to the conclusion that this game can really only be played as intended if you can play during the peak times. The population caps are so low compared to other MMOs, and this makes it so that during the non peak times, there are very very few people on. This makes it extremely hard to find groups, more so any other MMO have played during off peak times.


We need Xserver LFG tool because of the horrible populations during the off peak times. There are at least 4x the people who do not play in the peak times as there are who play in the peak time, yet it is the off peak people who seem to be forgotten about.

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There is no point debating X-Server. It will come and it will come before the year is out.


They won't really be given much of a choice. WoW wouldn't have done it if they had the choice, they had no choice. Rift wouldn't have done it if they had a choice, they didn't have a choice either. SWTOR won't and your deluding yourself if you think any differently.


Actually Blizzard added thier's because they knew it was a smart thing to do. They added it before any big decline of subs. And yeah..they have lost subs sence then, but the majority of those who quit did so because of other reasons. Cata was one. TOR was another. Plus the gaming industry as a whole has declined due to the poor world wide economy. But the last two quarters thier sub base has stabilized. I think BioWare needs to add one now...it really should have been added months ago......later is going to be a bit like closing the barn door after the horses got out. :p

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One of the two main reasons I left WoW was the negative impact of the cross server tool on community and quality of play in groups. The other reason was my refusal to pay to repeat dailies.


Paying a sub for a MMO means you should expect a community as well as added content for the cost of your sub. Just my two cents.

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If you think cross server will make queues shorter for most people then are wrong. There will still be about the same ratio of tanks/healers to DPS no matter how many people you count. Also if you add cross realm a lot more will only group with guildies to avoid playing with random idiots as well (I know I would do), so more time added to queues.


All that cross server does is screw up the community of the individual servers. Just like it did on wow. BW are smart not to want it.


You are flat out wrong and dont know what youre talking about. No its not an opinion its just a lack of an education, you are just wrong. A larger player pool spread out across all servers will make que times faster.


then you go on to the same old anti lfg tool rant. Swtor servers right now have a horrible disgusting community, havent you seen fleet? Mmo communities werent ruined by cross server lfg tools, they were ruined by more people playing mmos. MMOS now attract the A-hole crowd it has nothing to do with lfg tools and everything to do with more and more of the call of duty crowd likeing to play mmos.

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Don't forget that all X-server adds is a bigger pool of people. If the same server pool of people in TOR is as big as say, the pool of people in a WoW battlegroup, why would you add X-server anyway? And it seems this is the direction Bioware is going.



Sorry have to correct anti cross server ignorance. LOL, but it is funny.


#1) Tor servers still have smaller population caps than wow or rift.


#2) Wow cross server lfg pools include 18 to 20 servers each, so like between 18-60 thousand people. Tor servers right now are great, lol but not even as big as one server in wow much lesss an entire battlegroup.

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There is no point debating X-Server. It will come and it will come before the year is out.


They won't really be given much of a choice. WoW wouldn't have done it if they had the choice, they had no choice. Rift wouldn't have done it if they had a choice, they didn't have a choice either. SWTOR won't and your deluding yourself if you think any differently.


!00% true, but it is worth arguing, the idiots that are ignorantly spamming the forums agaisnt cross server lfg are the some idiots that spammed the beta forums against an lfg tool.


So now we have learned what happens when you let ignorant people spout their beliefs unchallenged to the devs. We get a AAA mmo with no lfg tool 6 months after release and a dev who says x-server is a last resort.

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I played on the pts over the weekend and the longest I waited for a queue for lfg was 10 mins. With the new mega-servers now being created, I imagine that time will go down.:p


That is good for you. But what about the thousands left on the low pop servers? :cool:

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If you think cross server will make queues shorter for most people then are wrong. There will still be about the same ratio of tanks/healers to DPS no matter how many people you count. Also if you add cross realm a lot more will only group with guildies to avoid playing with random idiots as well (I know I would do), so more time added to queues.


All that cross server does is screw up the community of the individual servers. Just like it did on wow. BW are smart not to want it.



Is that why I went from running 1 instance per day during the off peak hours in WoW prior to the cross server LFG to running 5 per day in off peak hours after the Cross server was implemented? Wait, what? That doesn't compute to what you just said.


To put it short, you are dead wrong.

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!00% true, but it is worth arguing, the idiots that are ignorantly spamming the forums agaisnt cross server lfg are the some idiots that spammed the beta forums against an lfg tool.


So now we have learned what happens when you let ignorant people spout their beliefs unchallenged to the devs. We get a AAA mmo with no lfg tool 6 months after release and a dev who says x-server is a last resort.


Those who disagree are idiots? Very helpful.


So there is no negative impact to communities with a cross server tool? A server specific lfg tool is bad how?


I will be impressed with any answer that cannot be paraphrased as me, me, me - it's all about me!

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I for one would gladly wait twice as long for each run if it means I can avoid the same kind of group quality I got from WOW's cross server LFG.


People can argue all they want about communities and there always being a-holes in mmo's and what not, but the flashpoints I've done in TOR have been far and away better than almost any run I've done in wow since the cross server tool came out. Aside from one group falling apart due to a couple wipes, all of them have been great despite how fast or slow the runs went. I've yet to come across a single loot ninja. I certainly wouldn't want to lose all that just because some people claim to know how well this'll work before it's even deployed live.

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Those who disagree are idiots? Very helpful.


So there is no negative impact to communities with a cross server tool? A server specific lfg tool is bad how?


I will be impressed with any answer that cannot be paraphrased as me, me, me - it's all about me!


I think the point was proven on why it shouldn't happen with his remark on calling people idiots. That would be the exact player you would run into.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Those who disagree are idiots? Very helpful.


So there is no negative impact to communities with a cross server tool? A server specific lfg tool is bad how?


I will be impressed with any answer that cannot be paraphrased as me, me, me - it's all about me!


Cross server is needed more then anything for Off peak hours players, which is 70%-80% of the player base. Maybe not needed as much for a very heavy server in the peak times.

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I for one would gladly wait twice as long for each run if it means I can avoid the same kind of group quality I got from WOW's cross server LFG.


People can argue all they want about communities and there always being a-holes in mmo's and what not, but the flashpoints I've done in TOR have been far and away better than almost any run I've done in wow since the cross server tool came out. Aside from one group falling apart due to a couple wipes, all of them have been great despite how fast or slow the runs went. I've yet to come across a single loot ninja. I certainly wouldn't want to lose all that just because some people claim to know how well this'll work before it's even deployed live.


My experience in WoW with the cross server was the same exact I got prior to the cross server, only difference is I got to run 5 instances in a day instead of the 1. Both way have been generally good experiences.

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Those who disagree are idiots? Very helpful.


People who ranted against an lfg tool in the beta forums are idiots. Just like the people ranting against cross server lfg tools are. If youre posting bs unfounded arguements to stop something that would help this game retain subs, then yes you are an idiot.


So there is no negative impact to communities with a cross server tool? A server specific lfg tool is bad how?


How could a server community get worse than they are right now? If you want a good community join a guild, make your own groups within the guild, fill them out with the lfg tool and /kick the person out if hes an a-hole, just like you would with a same server tool.


And ive never said a same server tool is just automaticaly bad, if it doesnt get people groups fast enough, and they get frustrated and leave, then yes it is bad.


I will be impressed with any answer that cannot be paraphrased as me, me, me - it's all about me!


I think you have me confused with the anti cross server crowd, im not arguing because i need a cross server tool, i dont need an lfg tool at all. I raid and ive always been in competant progression raiding guilds.


Im posting here because i dont want to see this game die, unlike the anti cross server people i dont feel the need to force people to play the game the way i think they should play it even if it means hundreds of thousands of people leave the game.

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People who ranted against an lfg tool in the beta forums are idiots. Just like the people ranting against cross server lfg tools are. If youre posting bs unfounded arguements to stop something that would help this game retain subs, then yes you are an idiot.




How could a server community get worse than they are right now? If you want a good community join a guild, make your own groups within the guild, fill them out with the lfg tool and /kick the person out if hes an a-hole, just like you would with a same server tool.


And ive never said a same server tool is just automaticaly bad, if it doesnt get people groups fast enough, and they get frustrated and leave, then yes it is bad.




I think you have me confused with the anti cross server crowd, im not arguing because i need a cross server tool, i dont need an lfg tool at all. I raid and ive always been in competant progression raiding guilds.


Im posting here because i dont want to see this game die, unlike the anti cross server people i dont feel the need to force people to play the game the way i think they should play it even if it means hundreds of thousands of people leave the game.


More name calling with assumptions that your argument is correct because you say it is. You argue like a liberal - lump people together and call them names to refute their points. :-)


I agree that I don't want the game to die. Give the transfers a chance with a server specific queue.


These developers do nothing for far too long then blame their metrics after they overreact. For once I will support them with a plea for patience. Give us time to create communities before using the nuclear option please.

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