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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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Or maybe its because there are more Imperial players than Republic players and people posting automatically assume people playing this game know that classes are mirrored. Sorry that people dont want to list 2 classes that are exactly the same anytime they mention or make a post about them because its redundant.


They aren't very mirrored. PT is still better than VG. I will let you play them to figure out why, since you don't play one.


Everyone has suggested some tactics to use and you refuse to use them. I believe it is more of your inability to execute proven tactics that needs to be buffed. Because you are a liability in warzones.

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Guard only absorbs 5%. Taunts only last 6 seconds.


Meh, I should know better than to post on forums, and play the damn game instead.


BTW: Running away on a node in Novare Coast seems like an awesome strategy, I'll try it next time.


well since a pyro can does alot of dmg within 6 seconds a taunt is 100% viable way to shut him down

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Powertech specced as Pyrotech currently do an unbalanced amount of damage in warzones being above all other classes by a big margin. This is only one class has all its main attacks completly ignore target armor. This is only one class with all instant casts ranged attacks. Playstyle is rediculius, you run pressing few button and do crazy damage on the move slowing enemies at the same time. This class ruins PvP completly and it should be stopped.

PvP is about skills and tactics, with powertech you don't need this, just spam flame burst and railshot and see everyone dead.


The nerf powertech needs:

1. railshot should not ignore armor, for instant cast skill 30 meters range completly ignore armor is too OP.

2. Something should be done with flame burst. It is way too much having 10 meter range instant cast ability with no CD which do high damage, place dot, slow target and ignore armore at the same time. It shoul be placed on 10 seconds CD or have 1.5 sec cast time and it should not ignore armor.


Generally overall powertech damage ignoring target armor and spammable slow should be precisely reconsidered.


Powertech burns any class in seconds especially sages and operatives with no option to survive. many classes cannot play at all if powertech on them. I have powertech and burned other classes in seconds using very easy rotation. Usually good powertechs are on the top of every warzone damage with a gap about 100k - 200k to any othe class.

Love how imperial biased players are. I had to google which tree Pyrotech is for the vanguard, now I'm "assault specialist" speced just because of this post.

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bragging about your pvp stats in WoW is like winning a gold medal in jacking off to seeing your sister in the shower, no one is going to praise you for it and you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place.


1. Im not bragging. He said i knew nothing about PvP so im calling him out on that.


2. Typical response from someone who was obviously terrible at WoW and is bitter about it and or never played it and is a WoW hater.


3. Its a fact that over half the abilities in this game are 100% mirrors of abilities from WoW. Its also a fact that almost all the combat mechanics in this game are the exactly same as WoW. Combat in SWTOR is extremely close to combat in WoW. Therefore if you are good at WoW you are good at SWTOR. I know its pretty hard for someone who was terrible at WoW to swallow because SWTOR offers you a safe haven in the sense that you have no rating for someone to point to in order to say you're bad but rest assured it is the case.

Edited by Gidoru
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Pyro PT would be the worst class in PvP, but their saving grace are the objectives where everyone crowd around so the PT can get close to someone to unlease his burst.


I wrote it here before, Pyro will be one of the worst spec in high level rated WZs, if it ever goes live.

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1. Im not bragging. He said i knew nothing about PvP so im calling him out on that.


2. Typical response from someone who was obviously terrible at WoW and is bitter about it and or never played it and is a WoW hater.


3. Its a fact that over half the abilities in this game are 100% mirrors of abilities from WoW. Its also a fact that almost all the combat mechanics in this game are the exactly same as WoW. Combat in SWTOR is extremely close to combat in WoW. Therefore if you are good at WoW you are good at SWTOR. I know its pretty hard for someone who was terrible at WoW to swallow because SWTOR offers you a safe haven in the sense that you have no rating for someone to point to in order to say you're bad but rest assured it is the case.


Well if they were 100% mirrors to wow, then how come you are a warzone liability here, mr gladiator. Oh yah, because you got carried/paid for your glad.


Good players adapt. Bad players cry on the forums and make hyperbole accusations with nothing to back them up.

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Well if they were 100% mirrors to wow, then how come you are a warzone liability here, mr gladiator. Oh yah, because you got carried/paid for your glad.


Good players adapt. Bad players cry on the forums and make hyperbole accusations with nothing to back them up.


You have never played with me nor have you see me playing and you know im a 'warzone liability'. I guess this is just another one of you baseless and unsupported claims you have consistently thrown around in this thread and never seem to address after one of them is questioned. Just like my PvE groups that dont exist.


Keep making stuff up kid.

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Powertechs are OP. I made one just to enjoy that fact after 1.2 and so did my hubby :)


Everyone who disagrees is either trying to keep their own OP Powertech or does not know, what they are talking about. Powertechs do top dmg in every single warzone 500k being normal each match with everyone else getting to maybe 300k with dpsing their butts off. One on one they are impossible to kill when they have their cds up, simply due to the fact that they out dps everyone :) They can be kited of course, just like everybody else...but compared to all other classes they are still wayyyy too easy to play and yes, very op after 1.2. Don't kid yourself into thinking you are just a good player with you powertech XD Everyone can play them and even at lvl 14 they get number one on the list in a team with lvl 49s simply to their ridiculous dps. Nerf. Please. Balance this stuff Bioware...even though I will enjoy mine until the nerf hits :3)

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You have never played with me nor have you see me playing and you know im a 'warzone liability'. I guess this is just another one of you baseless and unsupported claims you have consistently thrown around in this thread and never seem to address after one of them is questioned. Just like my PvE groups that dont exist.


Keep making stuff up kid.


What ever you say warzone liability...

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Powertechs are OP. I made one just to enjoy that fact after 1.2 and so did my hubby :)


Everyone who disagrees is either trying to keep their own OP Powertech or does not know, what they are talking about. Powertechs do top dmg in every single warzone 500k being normal each match with everyone else getting to maybe 300k with dpsing their butts off. One on one they are impossible to kill when they have their cds up, simply due to the fact that they out dps everyone :) They can be kited of course, just like everybody else...but compared to all other classes they are still wayyyy too easy to play and yes, very op after 1.2. Don't kid yourself into thinking you are just a good player with you powertech XD Everyone can play them and even at lvl 14 they get number one on the list in a team with lvl 49s simply to their ridiculous dps. Nerf. Please. Balance this stuff Bioware...even though I will enjoy mine until the nerf hits :3)


Top damage doesn't mean much... You have to understand that you need your opposition to live in order to do insane damage numbers. But you don't and you still haven't provided any information with your "presumably level 14 toons"

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Powertechs are OP. I made one just to enjoy that fact after 1.2 and so did my hubby :)


Everyone who disagrees is either trying to keep their own OP Powertech or does not know, what they are talking about. Powertechs do top dmg in every single warzone 500k being normal each match with everyone else getting to maybe 300k with dpsing their butts off. One on one they are impossible to kill when they have their cds up, simply due to the fact that they out dps everyone :) They can be kited of course, just like everybody else...but compared to all other classes they are still wayyyy too easy to play and yes, very op after 1.2. Don't kid yourself into thinking you are just a good player with you powertech XD Everyone can play them and even at lvl 14 they get number one on the list in a team with lvl 49s simply to their ridiculous dps. Nerf. Please. Balance this stuff Bioware...even though I will enjoy mine until the nerf hits :3)


you obviously dont know much if you think powertechs didnt get a huge burst dmg nerf with patch 1.2 lol

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They need 1.5 second cast time on railshot and remove armor penetration from railshot. If PT wants to do ranged 30 meter damage let them stay and cast like other ranged, they also need 1,5 sec cast time on incenedary missile and termal detonator. Edited by Roiz
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They need 1.5 second cast time on railshot and remove armor penetration from railshot. If PT wants to do ranged 30 meter damage let them stay and cast like other ranged, they also need 1,5 sec cast time on incenedary missile and termal detonator.


Lol thats way overkill. Reducing the armor pen on railshot from talents or moving the one in the adv prototype tree higher and increasing the lockout time until railshot can reset on the proc to 8 seconds would probably put them in line.

Edited by Gidoru
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sticky grenade, pulse cannon, mortar volley, explosive surge.


a assault/pyro has just as many aoe attacks as single target attacks



Sticky grenade isn't used: replaced by assault plastique because of shared cooldown.


Explosive surge isn't used because it has very high ammo cost and little damage return, it is only used to prevent people from capping doors / points etc.

(Same with explosive round btw)


But yeah, all by all, troopers in general have pretty good aoe, mortar volley deals good damage, so does pulse cannon.

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They aren't getting top damage every match, I see none of these supposed pros who get 500k damage every match posting any proof.


It is even practically impossible if your team or the opposition is any good, there is only so much damage you can do in a match before the match is done. If everyone is using their brain, it is unlikely that anyone is gonna hit 500k before you win / lose, no matter how good they are.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Lol thats way overkill. Reducing the armor pen on railshot from talents or moving the one in the adv prototype tree higher and increasing the lockout time until railshot can reset on the proc to 8 seconds would probably put them in line.


Sniper stay in cover to do 30 meters attacks, merc stay also 1.5 sec for tracers and powershots, sages have to stay on throw and turbulence, why powertech is an exception?


To be balanced in line PT needs serious reduction in armor penetration and 1.5 sec cast times at least on half of its 30 meters ranged abilities. If 4 meters abilities is instant it is ok, 10 meters instant is probably ok, but all 30 meters is instant is way OP. The same with armor penetration, if you look at marauder or dps guardian they have some armor penetration on close 4 meters abilities, but 100% armor penetration from 30 meters is also OP.


Let's look at dps guard it has 100% armor penetration on plasma brand with 9 sec cd and 4 meters range, but bladestorms with 10 meters range doesn't have armor penetration - this is balanced. But PT has 100% armor penetration on all abilities from 10 to 30 meters range.

Edited by Roiz
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Sniper stay in cover to do 30 meters attacks, merc stay also 1.5 sec for tracers and powershots, sages have to stay on throw and turbulence, why powertech is an exception?


To be balanced in line PT needs serious reduction in armor penetration and 1.5 sec cast times at least on half of its 30 meters ranged abilities. If 4 meters abilities is instant it is ok, 10 meters instant is probably ok, but all 30 meters is instant is way OP. The same with armor penetration, if you look at marauder or dps guardian they have some armor penetration on close 4 meters abilities, but 100% armor penetration from 30 meters is also OP.


Let's look at dps guard it has 100% armor penetration on plasma brand with 9 sec cd and 4 meters range, but bladestorms with 10 meters range doesn't have armor penetration - this is balanced. But PT has 100% armor penetration on all abilities from 10 to 30 meters range.


Why don't you read the posts some people make instead of posting wrong things again and again and again?


Than you would learn about things like armor penetratiuon, differenet classes having different abilities and playstyles...


As for you complains about guardian take a look at this and learn:


Edited by Twor
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Sniper stay in cover to do 30 meters attacks, merc stay also 1.5 sec for tracers and powershots, sages have to stay on throw and turbulence, why powertech is an exception?


Because powertech is not a caster class and not a ranged dps class.

Powertech is a mobile class that switches between medium range and melee range to be effective, as they need to be on the move 100% of the time (like a melee class), they do not cast.


I suggest you gain some experience with the different specs and the playstyle of the class before you continue to advertise your ridiculous solutions.

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Because powertech is not a caster class and not a ranged dps class.

Powertech is a mobile class that switches between medium range and melee range to be effective, as they need to be on the move 100% of the time (like a melee class), they do not cast.


I suggest you gain some experience with the different specs and the playstyle of the class before you continue to advertise your ridiculous solutions.


I think stealth should get a cast time. Force Speed as well as Force Leap. Maybe Roiz uznderstands now what it would do to add a cast time to the Pyro.

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Because powertech is not a caster class and not a ranged dps class.

Powertech is a mobile class that switches between medium range and melee range to be effective, as they need to be on the move 100% of the time (like a melee class), they do not cast.


I suggest you gain some experience with the different specs and the playstyle of the class before you continue to advertise your ridiculous solutions.


Great, let's decrease all powertech 30 meters abilities to 10 meters, if it is not a ranged class then PT should not be able to use 30 meter dps abilities.


railshot, rapid shosts, termal detonator, incedary missile and explosive dart should be decreased to 10 meter,

flame busrts should be decreased from 10 meters to 4.

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Great, let's decrease all powertech 30 meters abilities to 10 meters, if it is not a ranged class then PT should not be able to use 30 meter dps abilities.


railshot, rapid shosts, termal detonator, incedary missile and explosive dart should be decreased to 10 meter,

flame busrts should be decreased from 10 meters to 4.


You seem to have trouble wrapping your mind around a relatively simple little mechanic in MMO's:

Class A =\= Class B


Your argument in general seems to be: "Because Class A is a ranged caster, Class B that is not a ranged caster can not have ranged attacks."

That is not how classes work; every class has a variety of different mechanics and attacks that combine to form that class' play-style.


Your argument is the same as saying a ranged class like a mage in WoW should not have a melee range aoe, or a Guardian / Sentinel should not have a ranged saberthrow, or a smuggler shouldn't have dirty kick, or a commando shouldn't have stockstrike (which even conveniently knocks people back for them).

I've even seen your argument about cast time on railshot, so I guess commandos should just sit down and take that to the face as well...


So next, let me educate you on this little thing in TOR called "advanced classes": when we troopers have successfully routed out and destabilized the despicable separatists on Ord Mantell, we're off to the fleet.

Here we meet a nice chap called an "advanced class trainer", where we can then make the choice to become a Vanguard / Commando.

If we pick the former, from then on, we will only get attacks that work within 10m located within the "Vanguard" tab off the trainer. However, like our good smuggler bros who took the scoundrel AC, we keep getting higher ranks of the base class abilities, that happen to work within 30m.

Even more so, we have this cool thing in our talent trees called "the shared tree", which is called Assault, and which provides us with interesting abilities that work for both us and our ranged caster bros, the commandos.

The same thing goes for BH's when they finish decapitating innocent Evocii on Hutta...



What your little crusade suggests, isn't even primarily aimed at the shared tree that is the target of this whole thread, instead you want to merrily change the play-style of a whole class even though you don't really understand what it means to play that class.


As I said, a Vanguard is a class that works from medium range to close range, even though they might have a number of 30m attacks, you will always see a Vanguard closing in on you immediately while they are casting said attacks, if you can link me a video of a Vanguard / Powertech who successfully plays as a ranged 30m class, please, share it.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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You seem to have trouble wrapping your mind around a relatively simple little mechanic in MMO's:

Class A =\= Class B


Your argument in general seems to be: "Because Class A is a ranged caster, Class B that is not a ranged caster can not have ranged attacks."

That is not how classes work; every class has a variety of different mechanics and attacks that combine to form that class' play-style.


Your argument is the same as saying a ranged class like a mage in WoW should not have a melee range aoe, or a Guardian / Sentinel should not have a ranged saberthrow, or a smuggler shouldn't have dirty kick, or a commando shouldn't have stockstrike (which even conveniently knocks people back for them).

I've even seen your argument about cast time on railshot, so I guess commandos should just take sit and take that to the face as well...


So next, let me educate you on this little thing in TOR called "advanced classes": when we troopers have successfully routed out and destabilized the despicable separatists on Ord Mantell, we're off to the fleet.

Here we meet a nice chap called an "advanced class trainer", where we can then make the choice to become a Vanguard / Commando.

If we pick the former, from then on, we will only get attacks that work within 10m located within the "Vanguard" tab off the trainer. However, like our good smuggler bros who took the scoundrel AC, we keep getting higher ranks of the base class abilities, that happen to work within 30m.

Even more so, we have this cool thing in our talent trees called "the shared tree", which is called Assault, and which provides us with interesting abilities that work for both us and our ranged caster bros, the commandos.

The same thing goes for BH's when they finish decapitating innocent Evocii on Hutta...



What your little crusade suggests, isn't even primarily aimed at the shared tree that is the target of this whole thread, instead you want to merrily change the play-style of a whole class even though you don't really understand what it means to play that class.


As I said, a Vanguard is a class that works from medium range to close range, even though they might have a number of 30m attacks, you will always see a Vanguard closing in on you immediately while they are casting said attacks, if you can link me a video of a Vanguard / Powertech who successfully plays as a ranged 30m class, please, share it.


Agree with everything you say. Playing PT from 30m only = 15s railshots which will never kill anything fast.

I bet many whiners don't even know what a ranged attack like railshot is and how to defend acordingly.

How many of them for example know that you can use accuracy debuffs against PT to make him miss his railshot

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Great, let's decrease all powertech 30 meters abilities to 10 meters, if it is not a ranged class then PT should not be able to use 30 meter dps abilities.


railshot, rapid shosts, termal detonator, incedary missile and explosive dart should be decreased to 10 meter,

flame busrts should be decreased from 10 meters to 4.


That would be an interesting way to go with Powertech. Keeping the damage output the same, but toning down the range would solve the problem.

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Yeah if like an idiot you stand still trying to heal thru then yes.

But if you're clever and cleanse yourself/los/shield etc etc a pt cant do much to you as they cant use RS or HiB


So stupid sage healer die from PTS

Clever Sage healers > Pts


Im guessing your the former tho.


Sage can't cleanse the fire dot, only the scoundrel and commando can.

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