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Step 1: Locate evidence that Tulak Hord was cheating on Khem Val

Step 2: Be right there with tissues and sympathetic words and stuff about how Khem was too good for Tulak anyway

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit!

Step 3: A romantic dinner with failed Sith acolytes for appetizers, the finest Jedi Masters for the main course, and innate force users like Miraluka for dessert. All for Khem though, you're watching your figure. :D



Oooh! While he's recovering from his heartbreak, you take him on a tour of the galaxy finding particularly delectable Force users...and every time he asks you exactly why you're hunting these random individuals, you can give him hilariously flimsy excuses...and then at the end you reveal it was all just for him, because you care that much! Bam, romance leadin good to go!

Edited by bright_ephemera
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Step 1: Locate evidence that Tulak Hord was cheating on Khem Val

Step 2: Be right there with tissues and sympathetic words and stuff about how Khem was too good for Tulak anyway

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit!


I laughed so hard at this. I get so sick of Khem talking about his stupid ex-boyfriend, but this would make it all worth it.

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They need to add more cross-companion interaction. It can be quite entertaining when it happens.


For instance, if you romance Elara, you get a short scene with Jorgan...



Elara invertedly plots to have everyone file reports outside meaning Mr. Trooper and her get some alone time on the ship. Apparently it takes Jorgan approximately 73 minutes to realise what's been going on (I presume, that's how I took it) and he marches back onto the ship not looking too happy:








More, more of this!

Edited by AelixVII
yeah, I can't spell
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They need to add more cross-companion interaction. It can be quite entertaining when it happens.


For instance, if you romance Elara, you get a short scene with Jorgan...



Elara invertedly plots to have everyone file reports outside meaning Mr. Trooper and her get some alone time on the ship. Apparently it takes Jorgan approximately 73 minutes to realise what's been going on (I presume, that's how I took it) and he marches back onto the ship not looking too happy:








More, more of this!



i personally loved the bromance vector and lokin had in lokin's story. it's good to see the little lovebug getting some social time with other people

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They need to add more cross-companion interaction. It can be quite entertaining when it happens.


For instance, if you romance Elara, you get a short scene with Jorgan...



Elara invertedly plots to have everyone file reports outside meaning Mr. Trooper and her get some alone time on the ship. Apparently it takes Jorgan approximately 73 minutes to realise what's been going on (I presume, that's how I took it) and he marches back onto the ship not looking too happy:








More, more of this!


Oh man, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this. I want to see Guss interact with...ok, everyone. I know that if you romance Akaavi, she sends you a letter saying he's been staring at her. I'd like to see him try and flirt with her. And Risha. Hell, and femsmug. He'll have to end up joining Mako in foreveralone.jpg.

Edited by elliotcat
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Oh man, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this. I want to see Guss interact with...ok, everyone. I know that if you romance Akaavi, she sends you a letter saying he's been staring at her. I'd like to see him try and flirt with her. And Risha. Hell, and femsmug. He'll have to end up joining Mako in foreveralone.jpg.


more inter crew relationships like mako x torian would be cool. like if you chose not to romance certain companions they start to click with each other..i mean its a cramped sip, with weeks in space travel while being around nobody else but other crew.

then theres one ecen in IA story that makes me laugh


i forget what planet, but your confronted in an orbital station by the cortess son. i had vector out, and a fight ensued. fight ended. at the EXACT same time, kaliyo and lokin come running out to see what the commotion was... BOTH IN THIER SKIVVIES. coincidental? i think not!


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more inter crew relationships like mako x torian would be cool. like if you chose not to romance certain companions they start to click with each other..i mean its a cramped sip, with weeks in space travel while being around nobody else but other crew.

then theres one ecen in IA story that makes me laugh


i forget what planet, but your confronted in an orbital station by the cortess son. i had vector out, and a fight ensued. fight ended. at the EXACT same time, kaliyo and lokin come running out to see what the commotion was... BOTH IN THIER SKIVVIES. coincidental? i think not!


That's because...

Kaliyo has already been established as the ship's ho.


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I'd like to see alot more interactions and options for interaction with your spouse after the story line is over and done. After marrying Vette my SW received a few cute and funny messages from her, but then nothing else. Would be nice to have random and unique conversations from your spouse that continue on despite the completion of the romance and overall storyline. And an example she could make random comments and statement similar to what that annoying droid does when you walk past him. Or address the fact that Vette never once mentions her concern for my characters welfare no matter how many times he's double-crossed and left for dead. Would also be nice to have your allies comment on your marital status. Maybe even have romance/spouse focused missions, or quests.


Specifically I'd like to see my spouse move from her spot on the ship to my characters personal quarters as a sign that she is now a unique part of his background. In that vein I think it would be a good idea to have the option to set your allies to "roam" on the ship, so they don't seem so static and "pinned". It's a small ship, I doubt you'd have trouble finding them.

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I want Lord Scourge as a romance option for the female Jedi knight. He just needs the love of a good woman to civilize him, lol.:D


Never feeling the love for Scourge over here...



He killed my beloved Jedi Exile and then the Emperor turned Revan into a force sippy cup. He needs to burn in an eternal inferno.



But that's just me.

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Never feeling the love for Scourge over here...



He killed my beloved Jedi Exile and then the Emperor turned Revan into a force sippy cup. He needs to burn in an eternal inferno.



But that's just me.


He had his reasons...but that's perfectly ok if you don't want him. I'll take two :D

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don;t make me roll a JK just to get my hands on yet ANOTHER vector... my cargo hold is getting crowded... and i love it


No butting in to my trade here Crez darling, I need more Vectors too! :p If someone wants to take my Scourge away and give me a Vector, I will not be complaining. :D



Good idea to roll on your server, I have run out of char. slots on mine!


Now to think of a name for my agent.....


You're rolling an agent on Giradda too? I made one just for Crez's Vector parties. :cool: (Now if I could be on at the same time as her that would be excellent. ;) )

Edited by Ellyria
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You're rolling an agent on Giradda too? I made one just for Crez's Vector parties. :cool: (Now if I could be on at the same time as her that would be excellent. ;) )


I am...I just need to think of a name. And I have no idea what timezone anyone plays in but I work shift work so I am on at all sorts of hours... though it will be hard to drag myself away from the kitty, I am going to feel bad if I have to kill any troopers you know!

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No butting in to my trade here Crez darling, I need more Vectors too! :p If someone wants to take my Scourge away and give me a Vector, I will not be complaining. :D





You're rolling an agent on Giradda too? I made one just for Crez's Vector parties. :cool: (Now if I could be on at the same time as her that would be excellent. ;) )


lol sorry..ive been on my pub a lot


and i started the man-trade buisness >:(

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Hmmm I think there are quite a few people who don't like Aric, maybe I could have all of theirs? No, maybe that would be too many.


Wait...you can never have too many.


i conquored mine... i'll trade him for a vector. i'll even put him in a spaceport approved cat carrier.

just be gentle... he didnt bring his armor like i told him to. he needs a little rest

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I always wondered how I could get access to...well anything...whilst he was wearing that damn armour.


i'm sure they have hatches for quick bios lol

im thinking it was more of a bluff

but seriously... at least give him time to regrow all the fur that got pulled out on his nape..

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lol sorry..ive been on my pub a lot


and i started the man-trade buisness >:(


Lol, it's cool, I'm still on Nar Shaddaa, so no Vector to bring as my date yet. ;)


And yes, yes you did. I suppose I can redirect all unwanted Vectors to you as long as you return the favor with unwanted Torians. :D


You can have Torian, he's barely been used! He's been a good boy, just needs the right home. Vector and Quinn, I'd like to try out before I decide.


Deal. *handshake*


My Torian is up for a new home as well, I don't use him either!


I also have a barely used Andronikos.


I also have a Skadge if anyone is interested...haha! :D No? Didn't think so.


I will take your Torian and give you a slightly used Aric. He's sweet enough, but I love my little Mando Power Ranger.



I will gladly take ALL the Torians, because I can never have enough of Johnny Yong Bosch's voice. :cool: I remember how bummed out I was when his character got a girlfriend in Power Rangers. (I was 11, gimme a break :D ).

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