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Watchman spec, level 49, not doing it right?


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I've learned how to achieve the highest amount of damage possible, I'm running on the level 40 pvp gear, but I find it difficult to hit 200K damage, or to even really destroy like how I apparently should be.


I've been harassed multiple times in-game for not achieving as much damage as I should be, but I don't get it. I'm sure I'm using the best rotations optimally, and I'm level 49 in 1-49 queue.


Everyone says Sent/Mar wreck things harder than anything in the game, but I can easily hit MUCH more damage on my Madness spec'd Sorceror and Pyrotech spec'd Powertech. What could I be doing wrong?

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Well, I'm combat spec, so I can't offer exact advice on what to do, but I can tell you what two things you need to know:


Rotations and Gear.


Be certain you've got your rotations right. Putting one ability before another can make all the difference, so make sure you get it right.


If that's not the problem, then chances are your gear isn't right. There are only so many points you can get for secondary stats, so I highly recommend you figure out which ones need to be focused on.


One more point: You are only level 49. Perhaps those people are comparing you against level 50 sentinels, who can get all that raiding gear. Of course you wouldn't do the same damage.

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If your using the right rotation you should AND your goal is doing as much damage as you can, then you should do 200k easy... Im only level 42 in the level 40 pvp gear and i do betwee 200k-240k in WZ's without damage being my main goal. When i do go for top damage i can hit 300k+


So you have to ask yourself a couple of questions:


- am i realy using the right rotation?

- did i spec all the important talents?

- do i die alot and spend most of my time behinde the force field trying to get back to the game?

- wich classes do i fight the most?

- how long do these WZ's im in last?

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I'm running on the level 40 pvp gear,... and I'm level 49 in 1-49 queue.


Did you happen to have upgraded any of your gear in while you were leveling 41-49?


No? You might as well be running in quest greens from level 43.


The way the bolster system works is that your gear is upgraded as a ratio of your level to max level in the warzone; a level 40 in level 40 gear ends up with much higher stats than a level 49 with the same exact gear.


If this is your position at 49, I'd just get to 50, and buy recruit/BM gear and forget about the kiddie pool PVP.

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Did you happen to have upgraded any of your gear in while you were leveling 41-49?


No? You might as well be running in quest greens from level 43.


The way the bolster system works is that your gear is upgraded as a ratio of your level to max level in the warzone; a level 40 in level 40 gear ends up with much higher stats than a level 49 with the same exact gear.


If this is your position at 49, I'd just get to 50, and buy recruit/BM gear and forget about the kiddie pool PVP.


I see, I understand now!


I was using /inspect on many allies in warzones, and noticed their primary stat were significantly higher than me, and couldn't figure out why. haha

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I have a level 50 sentinel watchmen spec and i do a pretty good amount of damage in pvp (more than 200k). A good rotation i find is open with leap and zealous strike (depending on the target, as i sometimes save leap in anticipation of a knockback). Then i throw cauterize on them, merciless slash, then slash or possibly sweep if in a group. you can also use storm if they have some distance between you. also if you are specced into cauterize slowing the target you dont have to worry about leg slash. once they are down to 30%, hit them with dispatch which usually finishes them off. if not use merciless slash if its up or zealous strike to keep your focus up for the next encounter.

edit: i usually hit overload while in the air still from leaping and keep hitting it everytime it comes up and i use zen mode whenever it comes up for the cauterize crits and self heals unless i have the huttball or am escaping then i use transcendence

Edited by duelsaberman
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As watchmen you won't need legslash as someone stated.


leap >Overload saber > zealous > cauterize > merciless


Master strike when a target gets stunned or when you have a leap and want your target to waste their knockback.




We don't do crazy high burst damage. We do sick damage bc we stay alive long enough to eat away at our targets health. In any fight that you are gonna take prolonged damage rebuke should be used. Zen is used when you have enough burns on the target. and saberward as a last resort. With guarded by the force to defend a node/door for just a tad longer or to win that 1v1.


EDIT: Also use force stasis when you have applied lots of burns to really see them lose health fast!

Edited by Lightzzoutt
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As watchmen you won't need legslash as someone stated.



You should, as a rule snare everyone you are fighting especially in watchman.


Inflammation is great and all, but it only lasts 6 seconds and the snare can be dispelled. Leg slash is a physical effect so it can't be cleansed.

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You should, as a rule snare everyone you are fighting especially in watchman.


Inflammation is great and all, but it only lasts 6 seconds and the snare can be dispelled. Leg slash is a physical effect so it can't be cleansed.


Physical effect can be cleansed, love my scoundrel healer whilst fighting watchman sentinels

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You should, as a rule snare everyone you are fighting especially in watchman.


Inflammation is great and all, but it only lasts 6 seconds and the snare can be dispelled. Leg slash is a physical effect so it can't be cleansed.


I'm pretty sure it can be cleansed. WIth the procs on burns with merciless and slash you should constantly be able to keep the cauterize slow on.


Don't get me wrong I keep leg slash on my bar. to mass slow everyone around me. But I don't use it my rotation.

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just wanted to comment that after reading this, I respec'd my sentinel from Focus to Watchman and...


WOW. AMAZINGLY BETTER. It was taking me FOREVER to kill even lowbie mobs when I was using Focus. I was Focus from 10-38. Now, at 39 I am Watchman and LOVE THE CLASS. I have honestly hated it up until now. Watchman is the way being a jedi knight should feel. WOnderful.


Thanks so much to those of you who take the time to comment constructively.

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I've learned how to achieve the highest amount of damage possible, I'm running on the level 40 pvp gear, but I find it difficult to hit 200K damage, or to even really destroy like how I apparently should be.


I've been harassed multiple times in-game for not achieving as much damage as I should be, but I don't get it. I'm sure I'm using the best rotations optimally, and I'm level 49 in 1-49 queue.


Everyone says Sent/Mar wreck things harder than anything in the game, but I can easily hit MUCH more damage on my Madness spec'd Sorceror and Pyrotech spec'd Powertech. What could I be doing wrong?


Certain things to look at here--


The first is how well you blow up that target in front of you. If you can take down the character you want to without too much trouble final damage tallies mean nothing. Smash bomb focus specs, sorc/sage aoe, etc. all pad damage totals without a huge impact on the game. Likewise needing 20-25k damage to kill that healer because her could keep getting heals off is quite different from locking down 90% of his healing so he's dead in 15-18kish damage.



Are you worried about the final damage tally, in which case don't worry about it because as long as you are effective the actual damage numbers tells very little.



If you are actually feeling your effectiveness suffering some there's a few ways to examine it


1.Approach-- Do you leap in and go to town on a player? If so you make yourself kite-vulnerable. Consider alternative approaches. In a crowded warzone you can often just run up to your target with no extra effort (even if its taking a bit of a wide circle to approach from behind), then you have your leap for when he uses a knockback or tries to stun'n'run.


Alternately if you are eating too much damage just running up to them, try using force camo as an offensive rather then escape tool. This is especially useful to help you wade through the front line damage to get at those in back (healers, dps sages, mercs/troopers).


Pop camo and tif possible position yourself to where a knockback will be blocked by the environment, your opener can depend a lot on the target at hand (master strike on someone who is distracted/slow to respond, overload saber/merciless slash/cauterize if you have the focus, etc.



2.Rotation-- How efficient is your rotation? Are you using overload saber to add dots whenever its available, merciless slash whenever its off CD, properly using all available focus builders so you are not focus-starved? How about adding zen to your overload saber whenever your centering is maxed out (as well as timing inspiration for maximum self and group up-time).


Things like blade storm and slash can go down the list into the rarely used pile at your level because they aren't as focus-efficient as other options. Individual rotations are hard to peg down in pvp because you have to somewhat base it around the situation (what class you are fighting, the awareness level of that class, if he has support, how much focus you have upon initiating, etc.)



3.Survivability-- Are you having problems staying alive? Once defensive cooldowns run out sentinels are quite squishy and tend to drop the under focus in an instant. Certain aspects are compounded in 10-49 (harder to time guarded by the force at sub 20% when you have 12-13k health for example) but overall timing and usage of your entire battery of defensive cds is vital.


a.Don't waste rebuke-- under heavy attention its a 30 second mitigation boost- with a 1 minute cooldown for essentially a 50% uptime, but if you knee-jerk activate it when charging into the fight then you run the risk of it being a 6 second ability with you waiting 54 seconds for it to return.


b.Don't jump the fun on guarded by the force-- If you are at 50% and gettiing hit panicking and popping this early, especially in a limited-heals situation, wastes much of the benefit (since you'd be coughing up 3k health which is 1 1/2 - 2 hits by most in the 10-49 bracket, or 2-3 seconds or your 5 seconds of mitigation).


c.Don't forget pacify-- This is an underrated little skills that it seems people don't often mention but can really make a big difference. When fighting an accuracy-based class (i.e. don't waste it on that dot spamming sage) timing this for when they hit the heart of there rotation can be nearly as effective 1v1 as guarded by the force without the pesky health loss.


d.Interrupt-- This can be in an offensive or defensive context but keep in mind that your overt interrupt is not your only interrupt. Force stasis, awe, and leap all also contribute to the interrupt pool such that you can make life hell for any cast-time class. If you can get cauterize and a couple of overload saber dots on an un-entrenched sniper/gunslinger force stasis can be especially handy, knock enough health on and they may try and run once they put their knockback/root on you, at which point they loose the one advantageous moment they had.


e.spec-- taking things like that 30% reduction in aoe damage may not seem as glamorous as dumping all your non primary tree talent points into the first tier of the focus tree for maximum damage, but survivability = uptime, uptime = damage.


Likewise the extra centering built from defensive forms will increase the number of centering stacks you get to pop in a warzone, which can improve things considerably over the course of a full game.



4.Pick your target-- Attacking the first mob you see is never good. Dealing with a ranged cross-fire less so. slipping by the opposing front lines to give a healer hell can wreck things for the opposition. If if they are expert kiters that are guarded so you can't quite get them down, they are spending all their time kiting and self-healing, with little contribution to the rest of the warzone (and a tank that's getting grumpy at watching his health seep away without getting healed himself).

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