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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... who's actually happy with the game?


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This game is awesome, I love being able to play with lightsabers, story lines are great and interesting, classes work well together and are pretty balanced, graphics and scenery are quite good for an MMO, WZ are a fun little time consumer, and FP's are immensely fun.


Oh wait I forgot that I'm a WOW noob and that I expect new games to start in with a competitive comparison amount of content and features as a game that has been out for almost a decade.


The don't have to start with the same amount of content, But they should be better if they want to successful when you are paying 15 bucks a month.


WoW has much less content then EQ at launch but they made changes to make the game more enjoyable overall so the lack of content when compared to the older EQ did not hold them back

Edited by Lt_Latency
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This game is awesome, I love being able to play with lightsabers, story lines are great and interesting, classes work well together and are pretty balanced, graphics and scenery are quite good for an MMO, WZ are a fun little time consumer, and FP's are immensely fun.


Oh wait I forgot that I'm a WOW noob and that I expect new games to start in with a competitive comparison amount of content and features as a game that has been out for almost a decade.


You would figure that BW would understand that the core of their subscribers have played MMO's before.


To not include "industry standards" is a travesty. I really dont understand as I am assuming that people that develop games and chart the path of a game in a board room somewhere have played an MMO before. Features that MMO gamers are used to and expect SHOULD be there. The fact that they are not disturbs me.


They call them INDUSTRY STANDARDS for a purpose. Features should already be implemented that would make subscribers feel like they are listened to and not like they are just a number on a powerpoint presentation.

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Here is my take.


At first I was very pleased with the game overall.


I was impressed by the very smooth launch (probably the smoothest I have experienced of the 5 MMOs I was around for at launch)


The fully voiced questing was impressive all the way up until I realized the direction content appeared to be going with voice acting.Ilum daylies all use canned alien language or droidspeak sound bites,Same for Belsavis daylies and Blackhole quests, well we only get a text spewing terminal for those.Doesn't bode well for the future of voice acting.


At first I was impressed with the scenery and enviorments up until I realized that you as a player are just an observer in this enviorment essentially railroaded from quest to quest.The overall feeling is a detachment from the enviorment walking through but not belonging.Guess I'm not a pure themepark sort of player I like a little sandboxyness.


Space combat looks really cool,however it plays like a flashy Iphone ap.Space on rails is just not hitting the mark for me as an old school X-wing vs Tie fighter,SWG JTL PvPer and all around flyer of things that go zoom and shoot SWTOR space missions are very Meh.


Class story arcs were very cool.Each class got their own story...well sort of what we got was every class gets 3-4 exclusive class quests per planet.The rest of the questing is shared so it gets very tired very fast when leveling alts.We need more alteratives to leveling alts other than doing those same planet quests over and over.


I am a full experience MMO player.If there are raids I will raid,if there is PvP I will PvP,if there is RP I will RP,Crafting available I will craft.Now about that..


The first flashpoint we go on is Black Talon or Esseles (depending on faction) These two flashpoints are amazingly full with story,choices and consequences.I was very impressed up until I played my second flashpoint (hammer station) This second Flashpoint had next to nothing for story,conversation or social points.Overall I felt like a bait and switch was being played on me.


Now Role Playing or RP...some people seem to think this is something only socialy awkward sweaty guys who live in Mom's basement do.I am not socialy awkward (I just hate facebook that's my story and sticking to it) I am employed,I live with my wife (yes RPers can in fact have relationships with real live people).

With that all said SWTOR is aweful for RP.No chat bubbles,static envirments that remind me of grandma's house all covered in protective plastic.You can look a the furniture just don't touch it.Even on RP servers people don't seem to get how to do it and/or tease and deride RPers who RP on an RP server!


PvP was um...sily at first. With level 10 - 50 all together and 50s weilding godlike might and everyone else paying to supply 50s with content in PvP as the 50s layed all to waste.Then they seperated 50s from the little fish and it was fun.

Then comes the point where you hit level 50 and need to get out of the kiddie pool.Overall the first week or two of getting your but handed to you is not for everyone.Once you have some decent gear you can compete especially if you are one of the blessed classes (looking at you shadowtanks and Tankssassins).

Overall PvP is almost there for me almost...there are alpha classes there is Huttball.Where let's face it class composition = victory more often than not.

Personally I'm not a fan of gear oriented PvP it just seems silly to me that "special PvP pajamas" = skill?


And speaking of the outfits...I play a gunslinger as my republic main and honestly I'm not digging the "sci-fi bullfighter" look.Overall the armor sets don't really capture Star Wars.My opinion but hey maybe I have a right to it I'm old,saw A New Hope when it was released (sure I was only 4 but I was there :p )


The Crafting in SWTOR is obviously an afterthought.It lacks depth of purpose and function.The game it's self competes with crafters with the glut of vendors offering similar or superior products.Any crafting profession is as good as any other of the same profession. The only means of competition or differentialting crafters is how much you charge. An economy based almost entirely on undercutting the next guy to get sales is um...lame.


Well I've rambled on long enough.To summerize...


SWTOR is a decent game,not a great game.My honest opinion is if SWTOR took it's story,voice acting and art department and melded it with it's predicessor SWG's sandbox worlds and robust crafting it would be a great game.


I may stick around a few more months but as it stands now I will not be renewing my sub this fall.SWTOR just isn't holding my attention.


Thats exactly how I feel about the game too.

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I'm still happy with it, and will continue subbing as long as the game runs.


I wish the Republic side would be a little more interesting, but that's such a large problem that it can't realistically be fixed. So, Empire until the end! :csw_vader:

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The only negative slanted posts I see get "squashed" is if it's yet another repeat of another thread, or if it's just straight up non-constructive hyperbole. I've seen negative opinion posts stay open quite a bit. Hell, just look through the first page, plenty still there.


And I've seen pretty much equal handling. Even repeat positive posts get closed down and referred to a previously existing thread.


Of course threads from 'little snowflakes' have to be stopped and the OP pointed at existing threads but (honestly not wearing my tinfoil hat) the ... its really actually difficult to say what my issue is because if I do, you wont be able to read it anyway unless you are very quick:(

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The don't have to start with the same amount of content, But they should be better if they want to successful when you are paying 15 bucks a month.


WoW has much less content then EQ at launch but they made changes to make the game more enjoyable overall so the lack of content when compared to the older EQ did not hold them back


15 bucks is nothing dude, I was paying this 12 years ago for games which back then due to inflation is more like 40 buck, and games back then had nothing compared to what's being offered these days.


Also you said it yourself WOW started with less content, and progressed over 8 years to what they have today, SWTOR would still be in development for another 5 years if they were to have everything WOW has today, and by then WOW will have even more content, you're looking at a vicious cycle, they have to release at some point, then start adding content as the years go by. Anyway, I hope they take the next few years to add something original and divert off the path of the WOW cookie cutter route.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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My wife and I are very happy with the game. Have been playing for two months, nearly every day.


Quit complaining and re-roll on a higher pop server. We're on Jung Ma and love it.


You miss the whole point of EGA guys then dont you? Before this game was even a gleam in your little wallet most guys from EGA had already got to 50 (most of them repeatedly). So from your happy place of ignorance you are telling people that have potentially got multiple 50's at various states of pve/pvp gear progress to suck it up and reroll to level yet another toon on a different server that at this stage they do not even know if they will be able to transfer to/from.


Apologies for the above 'super sentence' but my grammatical construction is suffering today:(

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15 bucks is nothing dude, I was paying this 12 years ago for games which back then due to inflation is more like 40 buck, and games back then had nothing compared to what's being offered these days.


Also you said it yourself WOW started with less content, and progressed over 8 years to what they have today, SWTOR would still be in development for another 5 years if they were to have everything WOW has today, and by then WOW will have even more content, you're looking at a vicious cycle, they have to release at some point, then start adding content as the years go by. Anyway, I hope they take the next few years to add something original and divert off the path of the WOW cookie cutter route.


Just because you can afford it doesn't make it worth it. Just because I can afford to go out and pay 20 dollars for a single apple doesn't make it a good idea for most people. Why pay 15 bucks a month when i can spend the same amount some where else and get alot more for my money


WoW had game play mechanic improvements over EQ which is way it over came the content disadvantage. Sw:ToR does have improvements but most of them fade why you hit max level. The main improvements are during the levelling processes. And now they are shooting themselves in the foot by making the PvP grind so long most players don't have time to re-roll and see those impoundments because they are grinding 4 warzones for WH

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Just because you can afford it doesn't make it worth it. Just because I can afford to go out and pay 20 dollars for a single apple doesn't make it a good idea for most people. Why pay 15 bucks a month when i can spend the same amount some where else and get alot more for my money


WoW had game play mechanic improvements over EQ which is way it over came the content disadvantage. Sw:ToR does have improvements but most of them fade why you hit max level. The main improvements are during the levelling processes. And now they are shooting themselves in the foot by making the PvP grind so long most players don't have time to re-roll and see those impoundments because they are grinding 4 warzones for WH


Another "One-Year MMOer" here? Sounds like it...

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15 bucks is nothing dude, I was paying this 12 years ago for games which back then due to inflation is more like 40 buck, and games back then had nothing compared to what's being offered these days.


Also you said it yourself WOW started with less content, and progressed over 8 years to what they have today, SWTOR would still be in development for another 5 years if they were to have everything WOW has today, and by then WOW will have even more content, you're looking at a vicious cycle, they have to release at some point, then start adding content as the years go by. Anyway, I hope they take the next few years to add something original and divert off the path of the WOW cookie cutter route.


The overwhelming majority of complaints by those that are still playing the game is directly related to or because of the server population issues. Most people (that are still playing) dont have issues regarding content but, a lot of people (myself included) feel quite insulted at being told features that should have been ingame at launch are new content and we should be happy that we are receiving them. I can accept that those features were not there in the beginning (kindof) but dont go saying how great you are for giving me stuff that it would not have been unreasonable to expect to be there in the first place. The disgruntled mentality that this creates is compounded by the server pop issues.

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The overwhelming majority of complaints by those that are still playing the game is directly related to or because of the server population issues. Most people (that are still playing) dont have issues regarding content but, a lot of people (myself included) feel quite insulted at being told features that should have been ingame at launch are new content and we should be happy that we are receiving them. I can accept that those features were not there in the beginning (kindof) but dont go saying how great you are for giving me stuff that it would not have been unreasonable to expect to be there in the first place. The disgruntled mentality that this creates is compounded by the server pop issues.


this ^ and loading screens.

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4.5 million US subs.


"Pay-per-hour" is a lame way to count subs because the time can be on there indefinitely if the player quits, yet still be counted.


Precisely. WoW isn't as "big" as many think, excluding the Chinese accounts, and their failure to reverse the decline the past three years is simply a sign of a naturally maturing game going through its life cycle.


I disagree. . . . Etc Etc . . . WoW.


I respect your right to your point of view, I simply don't agree with it, just to be respectful of things.


WoW is big. You can find forums where lots of people crow about Blizz not listening to their players. You can find folks that can find bugs all over the place if you nit-pick. And after this many years, I'd otherwise expect a game to have most other bugs squished.


...And I'm talking about Blizzard's history of making games. Starcraft was one of the most successful games of all time. It did almost nothing innovative. Same with Diablo 2. And Warcraft 3. And Starcraft 2. Somehow, WoW is just a fluke, right?


WoW's numbers dipped slightly (About 10% drop) after Cata, but reports I've seen have it holding steady. In fact, many of the players I knew who left WoW have now returned, so I don't think I'd be off in saying by MoP comes out, it'll go right back to 11-12 million. Considering you think a 10% drop after 6 years is significant but don't take into account TOR's 50% drop after 6 months (2.4 million copies sold, 1.3 mil subs though many consider this to be much lower due to free subs) shows that you refuse to look at things with reason.


You are free to compare unrelated titles, they just don't have any bearing on the debate as such. WoW is a fluke among MMORPGs.


And as noted by others, 10% might not seem like much, until you relate those numbers being among core players with more options, which the Chinese market doesn't face. Most of that drop is from North American and European players, with lesser percentages from the Chinese markets. They lost a lot after Cata, because the old formula is worn-out. They are tossing the widely and publicly mocked Pandas as simply part of the same formula: more of the same, rinse, repeat. In all likelihood, the game will continue to decline to more normal numbers, now that the marketplace has grown and changed.


That actually isn't a knock on WoW as such, simply an observation some of it's fanbois don't like hearing about.


And get, that I'm not holding this game over that. This is like religion and politics, nasty thing to debate regardless, and nobody tends to be happy.

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Of course there are people happy with the game. The question is if there are enough to continue investing resources into development.


I don't think 500k will do it, either.




I like the game, I am very unhappy with it. The only thing that would make me happy with this game that I like is if it were free 2 play...because it isnt worth a sub as an MMO...there are free games with more depth and variety of gameplay.

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Oh, that's what I call MMOers who should stay away from MMOs until they're a year old. They're the types who can't handle the state of MMOs at launch.


That is probably true, I waited 4 months until I got a e-mail for a free trial to start playing. I started to playing to give WoW some competition but the new PvP grind to War Hero killed me.


I can't grind like that anymore. I need a system that lets me get reward based on my rank not the amount of time I log into the game.

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Oh, that's what I call MMOers who should stay away from MMOs until they're a year old. They're the types who can't handle the state of MMOs at launch.


You have high expectations of toddlers mate, personally I dont think kids should play MMO's until they are 16:p

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