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Thanks for the apology


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Your tones on your emails changed 180 degrees and I dont think a phonecall did it.

Nah, here is a general psychological timeline for you:


11PM - Shortly before incident

Not very satisfied with Bioware's progress on RWZ, but still having fun and reasonably happy with the game other than the fact that lots of pvpers are less patient and are quitting.


11:30PM - shortly after incident

Hmm...that was lame. We weren't doing anything wrong. Why were our accounts threatened? This is shady.


4:31PM - the next day

***, Bioware is denying that the incident even happened and is calling us liars? Unsub.


1PM - next day

O.K., Bioware has admitted the mistake publicly and I've received a considerate apology over the phone from the company. I'm still reasonably happy with the game. *shrugs* It's an "above and beyond" response compared with the other mmo companies with whom I've had the displeasure to interact. Credit where credit is due.

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I dont think you can speak for anyone else but you received no other compensation other then a phone call ... is that correct then ?


Just want to make sure everything is correct and accurate:] and that swtor did not compensate you in any other way.

Edited by nonoffensivename
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So my analysis was assumptions, but yours is spot on? I'm sure BW would of liked to handle this "behind closed doors" which is why they ended up closing all the threads opened about it. However, they should of made absolutely sure they were in the right before doing so and calling customers frauds.


I made this thread prior to getting a personal apology from BW, and the reason I made it is so that others are aware of what happened, sorry it threatens the game you seem to want to protect.


Considering it is their policy and it's a policy that's common among businesses in general, presenting the idea that they had nefarious motivations is kinda silly. Obviously the one GM in question did, but while he was acting in Bioware's name, he was clearly acting against their wishes whatever his personal reasons were. Again, I never stated they couldn't have done things differently or they didn't make mistakes.


Either way, my motivations are twofold, entertainment and curiosity. It's not any more complicated than that. You made the thread to make people aware of the issue. There are numerous posts that are tracked in the developer tracker that link to the originating thread. Do you feel that a thread here is going to garner more attention than the posts that are in the developer tracker? Even as such, what do you expect to come out of more people being aware of the issue? Do you feel that the fact that Bioware is made up of fallible human beings is something that's news to everyone else? I guess I just don't understand what you could possibly get out of recreating threads on the subject that would improve the situation for you. Aside from simply being spiteful and wanting to create negative attention, but I'm going to presume that's not the intent.


I don't feel the need to protect anything. They don't need me to do that. Honestly this situation means very little to me. It doesn't impact my view of Bioware as a company. It doesn't change my view of the game in general. They had a GM go off the deep end, and this is far from the first game I've read about that type of event happening. Hell in Everquest a GM decided to go out with a bang and he chain summoned people to a boss over and over where they were instagibbed. People lost xp in that game when they died. Those that didn't quit out lost many levels as he did it endlessly until he was caught and shut down. That's something to freak out about =p This situation is mild in comparison.

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What stands beyond the bounds of the actual incident to me is the sheer familiarity the after effect responses hold for me. The incidents change from mmo to mmo however the fire a brimstone some feel they should unleash upon said companies seems remarkably consistent. I have seen enough final straw posts and 'worst company/product in mmo history' postings to make me wonder, for those who feel the mistakes made both incident specific and game-wide are so unforgiveable what company/game in the mmo industry is so much more worthy as to be able to draw this 'worst ever' comparison being given? And if there is such an available answer, why is it worthwhile to remain here railing against this current game/company instead of returning to them your patronage.
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What stands beyond the bounds of the actual incident to me is the sheer familiarity the after effect responses hold for me. The incidents change from mmo to mmo however the fire a brimstone some feel they should unleash upon said companies seems remarkably consistent. I have seen enough final straw posts and 'worst company/product in mmo history' postings to make me wonder, for those who feel the mistakes made both incident specific and game-wide are so unforgiveable what company/game in the mmo industry is so much more worthy as to be able to draw this 'worst ever' comparison being given? And if there is such an available answer, why is it worthwhile to remain here railing against this current game/company instead of returning to them your patronage.


Well said.


Can't believe you're still going on and on Niil lol.


Going on and on? I find the conversation interesting. It's taken me all of maybe 15 minutes total of time to write these posts up while I've been working on other things, tabbing back to check occasionally. I find it humorous that you guys are trying to turn this into a world shattering event. It's been mildly entertaining and for the most part reinforced my assessment of the people bashing Bioware here. They fail to respond in any constructive way and drop one line responses akin to yours. I believed the thread to simply be a cry for attention. I dug to see if it could possibly be anything other than. The responses have shown my initial impression to be true.


Edit: Though I do agree with your post above as quoted below. However not all your posts, nor the posts of others in this thread seem to indicate that the following quote is all that was necessary to resolve the situation.


The only compensation that mattered was acknowledgment and settling the debate of PVP Server vs ToS. Which technically they did by saying the GM was in the wrong.
Edited by Niil
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Going on and on? I find the conversation interesting. It's taken me all of maybe 15 minutes total of time to write these posts up while I've been working on other things, tabbing back to check occasionally. I find it humorous that you guys are trying to turn this into a world shattering event. It's been mildly entertaining and for the most part reinforced my assessment of the people bashing Bioware here. They fail to respond in any constructive way and drop one line responses akin to yours. I believed the thread to simply be a cry for attention. I dug to see if it could possibly be anything other than. The responses have shown my initial impression to be true.


Actually we have responded to you multiple times. You just keep going and going like the forum energizer bunny. We have responded to you in the original thread. All the closed threads you jumped in with your 2 cents. This thread as well. You simply ignore anything and everything that doesn't agree with your assessment of the situation. If you continue to ignore what the original thread was created for then that is your pure ignorance. Saying this is a cry for attention? I believe you are the one giving us the free bumps with your novels of what is only and will only be your opinion. Why add to any "attention" at all and just let the thread die out? I think its you wanting all the attention which is why you debate anything and everything thats said to you.


In summary here is every post you have ever said on the matter

US "We say this"

YOU "Well I know better and this is how it really is regardless of what you say"




All the while filling your need to get attention off the attention others have received.

Edited by kiroshei
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It's been mildly entertaining and for the most part reinforced my assessment of the people bashing Bioware here.


Who is bashing Bioware? The people involved complained about being called liars on an open forum (which no fair-minded person could take serious issue with), and then praised as fair and honest Bioware's response to the mistake.


You seem to possess a weird over-sensitivity regarding measured criticism of the company, while you are also mostly deaf to the fact that the people involved have balanced that criticism by giving the company credit where it's due. This just makes you seem unreasonable.

Edited by blackdots
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Actually we have responded to you multiple times. You just keep going and going like the forum energizer bunny. We have responded to you in the original thread. All the closed threads you jumped in with your 2 cents. This thread as well. You simply ignore anything and everything that doesn't agree with your assessment of the situation. If you continue to ignore what the original thread was created for then that is your pure ignorance. Saying this is a cry for attention? I believe you are the one giving us the free bumps with your novels of what is only and will only be your opinion. Why add to any "attention" at all and just let the thread die out? I think its you wanting all the attention which is why you debate anything and everything thats said to you.


In summary here is every post you have ever said on the matter

US "We say this"

YOU "Well I know better and this is how it really is regardless of what you say"




All the while filling your need to get attention off the attention others have received.


I've responded with opinion, sure, but I've also responded with simple facts. There was no conspiracy going on that you can prove, nor was there anything implied in any posts by Bioware employees in the originating thread that support the idea that they were trying to be deceitful, malicious, sneaky, etc. There's nothing unusual or uncommon about the way they dealt with the threads on the subject. You may not like it, but that's an entirely different subject altogether. The claim was made that they broke their own policy, when in fact they did not. They didn't tell anyone publicly what they were doing to either party involved at any point. Nothing you or anyone else has provided implies or demonstrates this conniving attitude that you keep trying to describe Bioware as having. I say all the previous in reference to the forum posts made by Bioware and not the GM who erred by removing people from the area and threatening action on accounts involved, as he wasn't acting in accordance with Bioware policy in the first place.


I'm not ignoring things that don't agree with my assessment. I'm pointing out things that aren't consistent with claims regarding the Bioware posts on the subject. It's like you guys want to present the situation as if this was some personal attack conducted by a myriad of Bioware employees, when the reality is someone made a judgement call without all the information and when they got all the information they acted to remedy the situation. Sure, they made mistakes, but that's not synonymous with having malicious intentions or motivations. People aren't perfect.


I debate a lot of things on these forums. I'm not interested in how many people see my posts. It's just a form of written sparring to me. I shared my assessment of this thread as people seeking attention (because I asked for a more in depth reason for the thread than "we want to tell people" and get nothing in return) and then you tell me that I'm the one seeking attention? I didn't start this thread, you guys did. I'm responding to posts directed at me. If you want the thread to die you could simply not respond to me.


Ultimately there wasn't anything constructive about this thread, serving only to tell as many people as possible about how Bioware made a mistake. To what end? As far as has been acknowledged in this thread...nothing. It wasn't resolved when you received an acknowledgement that they made a mistake and apologized or you wouldn't be bashing Bioware in here now. And when I say that I mean detailing the situation with a negative spin on it as I referenced above. That doesn't mean that Bioware couldn't have handled the situation better, but arguing that is futile as it doesn't matter how they handled it you wouldn't be happy anyways. Either way, as I mentioned above feel free not to respond to me. I won't take it personally and I'm sure you wouldn't care if I did. Though expect if you do, I'll respond at some point if I feel I have something to add to the conversation.

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They were, then EA bought them.


Amazing how a one line post can basically sums up the entirety of the issues with the current bioware, isn't it?


R,I,P Bioware.


You will be missed.


Hello there, EA.

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Lesson 1: Don't trust everything you read from anyone working on SWTOR


That is about as much as you can obtain from all of this, they have let the community down on many things and do we think it will end there? unlikely.


I was going to say it was a good gesture to admit the mistake, but frankly with the number of witnesses to the event they had to do that, just to not look like they were purposely trying to cover something up.

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Hello everyone.


We appreciate those of you who have given us constructive feedback on this topic. Unfortunately, the discussion has again become disruptive and not constructive even after we've posted a reminder so we are going to go ahead and close this thread.


Again, please ensure your posts and threads in the forums are constructive, civil and respectful. If you feel another member is intentionally being disruptive or is being rude to you, please report the post by clicking the "report" button and do not respond or reply to the user. Replying just continues the disruption in the thread.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding moderation on the forums, please do not hesitate to send your feedback, questions or concerns to communitysupport@swtor.com. We welcome your feedback.


Thank you for understanding why we've had to close this thread.

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