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The fps problem


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TBH, the game doesn't stutter much, and I don't notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS (bearing in mind that the eye takes in much less fps than 30) That and including the game is quite blurry with AA off which makes it quite fluid. Post your DXdiag for any real help.


Also in regards to serious players need 60FPS? This just isn't true dude. I certainly can cope as information is what I need to game effectively, and 30 FPS is adequate enough to give this information of what is happening on my screen and how I should react. I mean it takes 0.5 seconds for your brain to action response time to take part so an extra 0.016666 seconds added onto that half a second shouldn't degrade your performing gameplay.


That whole post shows you never really gamed at a high level.


Just did another test in a warzone (huttbal) fps was between 30 and 40fps with AA off and shadows off and character detail on low.

Basicly the sucky graphics we had at the start.

The strange thing is the drop in CPU+GPU usage during the game where at 110fps in imperial fleet the gpu+cpu are just working fine at around 80 and 50%.

So something is basicly causing a bottleneck.

I already tried a install on a different HD that didnt work so thats not causing a bottleneck either.

The cpu and gpu arent bottlenecking either so then there is only memory left, however at 1333mhz i doubt this is causing a bottleneck.


So then there is notning else left then to come to the conclusion that the engine of the game isnt optimized enough for the nvidia drivers.

Probably because the game is dead and nvidia isnt really going to change much about their drivers for a dead game.

Edited by Daisai
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I agree that fps is terrible in this game... Sometimes when you enter a certain room to do something even though it is only inhabbited by quest items, the fps will drop to 5fps for no reason. Perfect example is in some of the sith starter zones in the heroics. Not to mention just general poor performance.


On the bright side i did read somewhere that 1.3 should be addressing some performance issues so hopefully fps is a big on. My system meets recommended specs but i sit on average between 25 to 30 fps with all graphics set on low... That is just terrible. If you are over recommended specs then everything should be on high with no performance issues. I use to see 60 fps in games like wow... The graphics on swtor aren't any better then wows.


Problem is everything is indoors so there is 100 times more things to render. Not to mention i saw the floors clip a couple of times and there were pipes and stuff underneath... I thought wth? That is not even needed as we shouldnt be able to see under the ground.

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That whole post shows you never really gamed at a high level.


Just did another test in a warzone (huttbal) fps was between 30 and 40fps with AA off and shadows off and character detail on low.

Basicly the sucky graphics we had at the start.

The strange thing is the drop in CPU+GPU usage during the game where at 110fps in imperial fleet the gpu+cpu are just working fine at around 80 and 50%.

So something is basicly causing a bottleneck.

I already tried a install on a different HD that didnt work so thats not causing a bottleneck either.

The cpu and gpu arent bottlenecking either so then there is only memory left, however at 1333mhz i doubt this is causing a bottleneck.


So then there is notning else left then to come to the conclusion that the engine of the game isnt optimized enough for the nvidia drivers.

Probably because the game is dead and nvidia isnt really going to change much about their drivers for a dead game.




(WARNING: Incoming old man "uphill both ways" post)


I've gamed at a high level back when Quake 2 was popular in the 90's, on a 486 with dialup. The screen pretty much refreshed once per second, and I was still in the top 10 on the Quake boards, even though pretty much everyone else had a better PC and a better connection than me.


You're spoiled. :p

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yeah suppose if you are used to gaming with 486 then indeed gaming with current computers is a bit different :p

Same thing applies to RTS gamers in the 90's and compare them to RTS gamers now.


Just to be clear though , i dont have any of those 5fps issues only got those in Ilum.

However due to obvious reasons i cant test my fps there anymore ....

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Love all the chat on "pro" gaming and "my dad can beat up your dad" talk. If you do not have an offical sponcer and/or enter regular offical tournaments and/or on a backed league of players, you are not a "pro" gamer. A list a mile long of games, even if mostly in PvP, dose not make a person "Pro". I am not a "Pro-Driver" because I use to commute 3hr+ a day to work. It just dosen't work that way.


All that nonsense aside...


My computer is very old (P4 Wolfdale 3.2Ghz, 2GB Memory, GF260*, and a 1TB WD Drive, XP Pro) Shadows off, Bloom off and framerate between 40 and 70 most of the time. It will drop to <10FPS under extremely heavy (20v20+) PvP but that's an engine issue.


It could be an OS bottleneck.. I've heard of less people having issues using XP Pro over Vista/Win 7 or 8. Might be worth it to snag XP-Lite and do another isolated install as a test.

Edited by Ironcleaver
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Love all the chat on "pro" gaming and "my dad can beat up your dad" talk. If you do not have an offical sponcer and/or enter regular offical tournaments and/or on a backed league of players, you are not a "pro" gamer. A list a mile long of games, even if mostly in PvP, dose not make a person "Pro". I am not a "Pro-Driver" because I use to commute 3hr+ a day to work. It just dosen't work that way.


All that nonsense aside...


My computer is very old (P4 Wolfdale 3.2Ghz, 2GB Memory, GF260*, and a 1TB WD Drive, XP Pro) Shadows off, Bloom off and framerate between 40 and 70 most of the time. It will drop to <10FPS under extremely heavy (20v20+) PvP but that's an engine issue.


It could be an OS bottleneck.. I've heard of less people having issues using XP Pro over Vista/Win 7 or 8. Might be worth it to snag XP-Lite and do another isolated install as a test.


Who said anything about pro gaming?

And how do you know if im not sponsored in a other game?

Edited by Daisai
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I haven't read every reply but I do want to make a response to the general "LOL get a new computer" responses that invariably make their way into threads about SWTOR's poor graphic optimization.


I can run games like Battlefield 3, Witcher 2, and Shogun 2 at the highest possible settings, and I do not experience graphic lag with those games, all of which look way better than SWTOR. Yet, I encounter way too much FPS issues with SWTOR that I have to tuned down the settings.


Although people can go ahead and say "get a better computer," this is not helpful. In fact, it's detrimental to the SWTOR community. People will stop subscribing when they become frustrated with all the graphic problems. FPS issues do not make fun gameplay. The fact BioWare has done little to solve the problem only gives more reason for people to unsubscribe. When someone is being told their only option is to spend money to solve a problem that could be addressed by BW, you'll end up with dissatisfied customers. How BW does not take this seriously is absolutely crazy.

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the game engine its really terrible

i have a top PC and i have done ALL what they have suggest on the customer forums for improve the performance

an still never got more that 40 fps


the engine its not optimize they do NEED to work on this, already pass 6 months and this issues should not be present now by any means

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I don't argue that the game engine can use some work, but I am inclined to go with the statement about hardware not playing nice together. That's they I have an EVGA MB and an EVGA Geforce.

Given that my computer is weaker than the OP's It to me indicates that Hardware isn't playing nice or that the OP has other software, like that of antivirus (but not limited to) that bogging down the performance of the machine.


Best I can remember from when I last checked was 80fps avg 100fps top. using the frame rate meeter in game. I didn't catch your OS. What was it? I too had bogging issues but someone here suggested going to a 64bit win 7. that was the key for me.


EVGA p55le MB

EVGA gtx460sc 1g

i5 760 quad core O/C'd to 4ghz all the time turbo disabled.

coolermaster v8 cpu cooler to keep it cool

4 gigs ripjaw ddr3

Segate Barracuda 500gig 16mb cache 7200rpm HD.

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Gigabyte 990FXA-UMD Motherboard

AMD FX 8120 overclocked to 4.0ghz per core

16g 1866 speed G Skill DDR3 ram

2x EVGA 550GTX-TI (Fermi) in SLI

H100 Corsair water cooler on the processor.


I have a pretty middle-ground PC, nothing very fancy. Mostly middle of the road type of gear. I have never dipped below 50 FPS with everything maxed in any warzone, 16 man ops, or on Fleet. Your problem is indeed a random setting or something. I don't have anywhere near even a $2,000 computer, so your (supposed) 10k euro computer is failing you somewhere.

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Gigabyte 990FXA-UMD Motherboard

AMD FX 8120 overclocked to 4.0ghz per core

16g 1866 speed G Skill DDR3 ram

2x EVGA 550GTX-TI (Fermi) in SLI

H100 Corsair water cooler on the processor.


I have a pretty middle-ground PC, nothing very fancy. Mostly middle of the road type of gear. I have never dipped below 50 FPS with everything maxed in any warzone, 16 man ops, or on Fleet. Your problem is indeed a random setting or something. I don't have anywhere near even a $2,000 computer, so your (supposed) 10k euro computer is failing you somewhere.


Lets see some screenies to show us how your never dipping below 50FPS on places like Alderaan, fleet popular hubs, or a Voidstar maybe... as I have said before there are just way too many people posting on here and complaining in game to suggest its just down to poor hardware or peoples rigs... across sucha wide spectrum.

The fact the many of us can pretty much go play any MMO or SP game and get far better performnce suggests to me there is some serious underlying issues with SWTOR.. some of which boil down to just how crowded a server you actually play on.. a dead server for me plays out far better than the one I rerolled on that has 3x-4x more players onbard areas like fleet etc.. but if 150 players on fleet is clased as a heavy pop then that in itself is an issue for another thread discussion.

I find it hard to believe that you are seeing 50+FPS everywhere and anywhere.. so screenies please then I will bow to your superior setup and on all thos nice high settings you say your on...


Same for the others posting they never drop below such and such on highest settings.. poretty much anyone on any setup that meets spec can hit 50FPS when they are sat on there ship or on the character generation screen.. heck I can hit 110 FPS constantly in that sense...but lets see some screenies of real action in busy areas and lots of nice effects going on like smike, particles, etc etc.. cos frankly I say its a myth for the majority... a myth I would love to see dispelled so that I can take a good look ay my own rig.. considering my crappy old laptop runs it just as well but is nothing to write home about.

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That whole post shows you never really gamed at a high level.


Just did another test in a warzone (huttbal) fps was between 30 and 40fps with AA off and shadows off and character detail on low.

Basicly the sucky graphics we had at the start.

The strange thing is the drop in CPU+GPU usage during the game where at 110fps in imperial fleet the gpu+cpu are just working fine at around 80 and 50%.

So something is basicly causing a bottleneck.

I already tried a install on a different HD that didnt work so thats not causing a bottleneck either.

The cpu and gpu arent bottlenecking either so then there is only memory left, however at 1333mhz i doubt this is causing a bottleneck.


So then there is notning else left then to come to the conclusion that the engine of the game isnt optimized enough for the nvidia drivers.

Probably because the game is dead and nvidia isnt really going to change much about their drivers for a dead game.

However at 1333MHz? thought that you had a 10k machine? Anyway RAM FSB will not cause a bottleneck on any game's FPS whether it's 800 single or 2400 dual respectively, especially if you have the latency timings right for even lower FSB (well it would just bsod anyway if they are wrong), higher fsb don't need tight timings.


Anyway, high level gamer? If the difference between a high level gamer and a person who's played games online since the year 2000, is the super human ability to notice the difference between 0.0166666666666667 seconds and 0.0333333333333333 seconds then I of course concede.


Strange, seeming as this dead game is still the 3rd most popular game in the West.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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However at 1333MHz? thought that you had a 10k machine? Anyway RAM FSB will not cause a bottleneck on any game's FPS whether it's 800 single or 2400 dual respectively, especially if you have the latency timings right for even lower FSB (well it would just bsod anyway if they are wrong), higher fsb don't need tight timings.


Anyway, high level gamer? If the difference between a high level gamer and a person who's played games online since the year 2000, is the super human ability to notice the difference between 0.0166666666666667 seconds and 0.0333333333333333 seconds then I of course concede.


Strange, seeming as this dead game is still the 3rd most popular game in the West.


Where did i post i had a 10k machine? seriously...

Is reading really that *********** difficult ?

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Where did i post i had a 10k machine? seriously...

Is reading really that *********** difficult ?

I took the initiative and rounded it off lol, but judging by the premises one would easily infer that it's not far off 10k. What, do you have an 9k?, 8k? What? lol ...

Time to upgrade your computer bro!

So that would be a 10.000 euro's computer then ?

I can read perfectly, it's you that has trouble writing without ambiguity. Learn to express before swearing at people that they can't read.


Anyway, I assumed that you don't have anywhere near that spent on a PC, I was taking a dig.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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