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+1 for this, sick and tired of playing huttball - since I started playing live i've literally never played another warfront except Huttball thats 1-50 of constant queueing and its just huttball huttball huttball - the games just come out and i'm already sick to death fo huttball. Edited by crazybrandonian
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But another downside to PvP is the face that both low levels and high levels play together. I actually like that point that everyone is equal to some degree in PvP but the fact level 50's have more abilities then the low level therefore making it really unfair to the lower levels plz try and do somthing about this issue

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I am all for giving you a choice to exclude hutball. However when you exclude huttball your ability to post on the forums should be revoked so you cant come back here crying about long que times, demanding that they do cross server, which wouldn't solve any problems anyway.
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ITT are Imperial players who have no idea that most Republic players go an entire night of warzones playing 1-2 matches of Huttball.


Faction inbalance. You're playing on the wrong side of it.


DFR is Republic?!!? OMG!!!! Does Temper know? lol... jk!

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Ok, I know I'll tire of it soon, but for now I really LOVE Huttball... the reason for it is because it's almost like an easy win - depending who's on your team of course. Losing at Huttball really sucks tho.


I can see a filter coming, but that will KILL any chance at playing Huttball (for anybody) so I'm guessing new warzones are the priority over a filter system.

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Hutball sucks, but its only symptomatic of the real WZ problem that there are only 3 Maps. Would we mind Hutball so much if there were ten maps and consequently a much smaller chance of getting it? WZs need filters, but it’s easy to see why BW would be hesitant with only two other map options. It seriously could not be that difficult to drop in several more WZs.
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I don't really find it a problem, but I guess if y'all want to remove Huttball from your queue, and sit in queue without ANY warzone for an hour or so, why should the rest of us tell you no? Personally I'd rather Huttball all night than sit and do nothing all night, but hey, what do I know. Give them the option to Opt out of warzones!!
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At first I didn't understand the hate towards huttball, it was new and different to me. After almost an entire day of nothing but huttball I never want to play it again. I can't bring myself to queue up of pvp because of how often it comes up. Now on the off chance that I do queue up and get it, I just quit out.
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I think you play huttball so much, because you rolled imp. There's at least 3 times as many imps on my server and when I made my alt an imp, all i got was huttball. Huttball pops the most because you can fight other imps in it, and this happens because i think there are more imps on every server than the republic.
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Reroll republic if you hate huttball. It's due to there being too many Imps and being forced to be pitted against each other.


Also, everyone having short queues >>>>>>>>>> you being able to pick your warzone. Sorry, but it's true.

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I do not support Voidstar or Aldaraan being same faction warzones... that would make no sense at all story wise and would be a horrid for true RP'ers...


HOWEVER I would support the addition of same faction warzones other than huttball. These could be "training areas" perhaps?

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