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14 people on fleet on a Saturday

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When exactly does "Summer Start"


and can anyone explain why they are making us pay to go to a server of our choice. Can they really afford do this?


You have 14??? That's not too bad compared to some.

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14 huh? Its still early ya know.


At six am there's like no one on. I sometimes have to wait hours for a PVP pop.


It's discouraging. They have the little switch they can flip or work overtime and merge servers. But no, they rather wait till our free month runs out.

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It's British summer time and for a change the sun is actually shinging in parts of the UK.


I could have a wild guess and say that instead of playing people might be outside having BBQ's and enjoying the whether for change. Then add to the obvious that some might be away on the vacations it all adds up to low day time populations.


I have played in MMOs where guilds have not been able to raid in the summer due to holidays etc.


Obviosuly there is population issues but factor in the likes of the above and it's hardly a suprise really.

Edited by EzoEo
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7 on Uthar Wynn.

Pointless even trying now. I log on for 20mins here and there to play a bit on my alts. This Monday will see the start of the 4th week with zero pvp. I have almost given up on the game.


My one lesson I have learnt - NEVER buy a 6month sub! :D

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I gave up and re-rolled on The Fatman; I simply can't wait and stand around hoping for PvP que to pop for 30 minutes and then only starting with 3-4 players on my team. The starting planets on The Fatman had four times the number of players than on my original server's fleet. Fleet easily reaches 200 people on The Fatman.
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Hello everyone!


We're going to close this thread as a number of others are being used by the community to discuss the topic of server population at the moment.


Server Population is GROWING!

Server population is dropping...

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


Feel free to continue this discussion in one of the threads listed above!

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