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BioWare discourages PvP. Threatens account bans.


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Ok. This thread will probably be closed since its a thread linking to another thread thats currently open. If you really want answers to all these questions go read the thread. To sum it up quick for you...


1) We were not camping a medcenter. The medcenter is outside the Hoth base.

2) Players cannot make names such as this. This was a real dev/gm/tos team member.

3) This is the first known account of a GM intervening world pvp. Even when 100s were being camped in repub bases on ilum not one single GM came to their aid.

4)lvl 50s on both sides of the faction were involved.

5)the GM used a droid skin that is the exact same skin as the CS droid picture you see in CS posts.

6)stop reading duplicate threads and read the real thread. k thanks.


I'm not familiar with the layout of camp aurek. How far outside the base is the medcenter? Were any imps near the medcenter? Could it have appeared that you were camping the medcenter due to players' proximity. How many 50's from each side were there? Even numbers would be reasonable, but if there were 20 pubs and 50 imps, claiming that there were 50's from both sides involved is meaningless.


The information we are getting is only from one side, and as we all should know, there are three sides to every story--your side, my side, and the truth.

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for those that are debating the existence of the GM. 11 guild members other republic there can vouche for it. so your disbelief means nothing to me. if you feel that its all a lie go ahead and make a character and try to use a name with numbers and dashes in it. good luck.


Its FAKE buddy! Why the hell would you post a pic of just the words and not the GM that supposedly followed you and your buddies.


Oh and to let you know I had a friend that used to play who had a character named TK-42!

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Whatever the case may be, a PvP server is a PvP server and the only thing a GM should be able to when it comes to PvP in a PvP server is to watch the action. This is not even a question.

That GM should have been fired in instant.

Swtor should have apologized for the inconvenience.

And the case would have been solved.

Spawn camping is not an offend. Put some guards there and it is not even a case. You cannot blame players/customers as a result of a game developers' lack of vision.

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I gotta say, this looks fake to me. A person probably just had a friend come over and pretend to be a GM. I mean, why would a GM use /say ? That doesn't strike me as the most efficient way to get 50 players' attention.
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Whatever the case may be, a PvP server is a PvP server and the only thing a GM should be able to when it comes to PvP in a PvP server is to watch the action. This is not even a question.

That GM should have been fired in instant.

Swtor should have apologized for the inconvenience.

And the case would have been solved.

Spawn camping is not an offend. Put some guards there and it is not even a case. You cannot blame players/customers as a result of a game developers' lack of vision.


I disagree. I think the OP's account should be banned because this is clearly fake and is only slanderous Bull**** that is posted to further unsettle a fairly angry community.

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I like how a bunch of general carebears are reading the post of a post and not the actual post. Go over to the pvp forums and type your thoughts since clearly none of you even bothered to read the thread lol. Think what you will. Its not a lie. Its not fake. Bioware would be closing the thread and calling it fake if it was. C'est La Vie.
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I like how a bunch of general carebears are reading the post of a post and not the actual post. Go over to the pvp forums and type your thoughts since clearly none of you even bothered to read the thread lol. Think what you will. Its not a lie. Its not fake. Bioware would be closing the thread and calling it fake if it was. C'est La Vie.


EvE online much? I was trashing carebears on EvE before SWTOR was a twinkle in EA's eye boy!!:p

Edited by Karabal
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I like how a bunch of general carebears are reading the post of a post and not the actual post. Go over to the pvp forums and type your thoughts since clearly none of you even bothered to read the thread lol. Think what you will. Its not a lie. Its not fake. Bioware would be closing the thread and calling it fake if it was. C'est La Vie.


In your own language...


"Cry MOAR!"

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I like how a bunch of general carebears are reading the post of a post and not the actual post. Go over to the pvp forums and type your thoughts since clearly none of you even bothered to read the thread lol. Think what you will. Its not a lie. Its not fake. Bioware would be closing the thread and calling it fake if it was. C'est La Vie.


It's the exact same post. The only difference is that someone else posted it and added that the GM needed to be fired. Why would I do I need to go to another forum to read it twice?

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Say something Bioware, Anything. We actually have a healthy population on The Fatman and get open pvp events going frequently. Do we have to worry about some power tripping TOS member scolding us for trying to have fun in the game?
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This is what open world PvP is about!

This is the reason I would choose a PvP server!

I certainly don't choose it to be ganked by 4 level 50's while leveling!


Shame Shame Shame on you Care Bears at BioWare!



You owe this community a response on this!

Edited by Kourage
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EvE online much? I was trashing carebears on EvE before SWTOR was a twinkle in EA's eye boy!!:p


+10 for this post reply, I can't stop laughing.


Hell if your a EvE online PvP killer than I must be ancient because I go all the way back to EQ1 Tallon Zek PvP server and been hunting Noobs since the 90s =)

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Sounds like a GM was playing his normal character, joined in on the fight, got owned by you and went on a nerdrage.


This is truly unacceptable behaviour, and if you cannot even PvP on a PvP server then what's the point in playing?

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Our internal fraud team has confirmed that this is fake and we are closing this thread. Kiroshei has been actioned against accordingly. As per our forum rules, fake reports of this kind will not be tolerated.


LOLOLOLOLOL...You suck at in game and forum pvp!

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Hello everyone,


We'd like to draw your attention to a post from Associate Online Community Manager Joveth regarding this matter.


Our internal fraud team has confirmed that this is fake and we are closing this thread. Kiroshei has been actioned against accordingly. As per our forum rules, fake reports of this kind will not be tolerated.


This thread is also being closed, have a great weekend!

Edited by Averran
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