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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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Ill continue to subscribe untill GW2 hits. That is unless the game does a 180 by then. I do realize this game was released unfinished. Taking that into account I'm willing to give it a little more time. Edited by Zergnaut
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Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


You're right- nothing new in GW2 (and definitely nothing new here in TOR), Rift has done it all before, is doing it now, and will be handling all innovation in the future. GW2 has that whole "no subscription" thing that makes me drool a little. So even if it can't hold a candle to Rift (no MMO can at this point), I'll still be playing it.

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I have no intention of unsubing. I find most of the complaints to either be: unrealistic/dumb or tied to a computer issue on their end.


I've been playing since August's closed beta non-stop and I intend to be here for years to come. I'm very happy with the game, getting my alts to 50 and working on my main's endgame. Some games aren't for everyone, SWTOR is for me. :)

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Will still be subbing.


Rather than splitting up my legacy with characters that were eligible / not eligible for the APAC transfers, and really not interested in rerolling, I bought a second account to start a full list of Republic characters on the APAC servers. Just waiting to transfer the first account full of Empire characters to the same server.


Still very happy to pay to play, but i'm not on as often as I was due to other new releases taking up my time.


More variety of games for me = less chance of burnout on just one title.

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Never even considered unsubbing.


There are a tonne of things that I'm waiting for in this game, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying what is there at present.


If I stop enjoying myself or having time for the time, only then will I unsub.

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Nope, no intention of unsubbing. I'm sticking for the long run.


I quit for about a month a while back, and went back on games like WoW and RIFT.


It was then that I realised that TOR just brings something more special to the MMO Table that I'm completely hooked on. I can't say what it is, just seems that other games don't give me the enjoyment that TOR does.

Edited by Lauriet
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I have no intention of unsubing. I find most of the complaints to either be: unrealistic/dumb or tied to a computer issue on their end.


I've been playing since August's closed beta non-stop and I intend to be here for years to come. I'm very happy with the game, getting my alts to 50 and working on my main's endgame. Some games aren't for everyone, SWTOR is for me. :)


Yeah enjoy, bro.


Games are not all for everyone and we all prefer to play, what we like and what entertains us most.

I wont resub more, im gonna go with another game release in some weeks.

I am propably back in some months due to the really funny PvP, i hope they gonna make a dozend new WZs and fix their turf ...

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Unsubbed, mainly for seeing only 7 people on fleet at 8pm one night on my server. I am going to a different mmo, I may come back later once they get stuff right with the game, mainly the server population. Edited by Soullessone
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I'm just sad I missed to change my billing frequency so that it only debited me one month. I'd like to change it to 6 (or 12 if there's such a thing) to show Bioware my support and to let them know how long they have me around - since I'm not going to unsub.


This game has an infinite amount of issues that needs to be resolved. But the gameplay feel and the PvP is atm unique + star wars universe. Here's to hoping "the end" isn't anytime soon with this game...

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And do what with my money, give it to Blizzard/Activision? No thanks, I'm having more fun playing this game with the miniscule population on my server than I did playing WoW. With transfers incoming, there is really no reason for me to leave.
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I am staying because nothing else out there to play, but old and tired sword and board games.. This is stil a new game I am not instant gratification generation, I have some patients, I will it give the time to see how things go.
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I have not used one full day of the free 30. With the game engine, no cross server LFG tools, server transfers instead of mergers, and no level 50 content, the game is in bad shape. I was the ultimate fanboy of this game until I got hands on. The chutes and ladders style of exploring is really bad for me since exploring is a big part of my play style. Crafting is also a big part of my gaming. SWTOR has a poor crafting system.


This game will never hold the attention of explorers and crafters.

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I will stay and play. I finished only 1 storyline until now, there is plenty to see. I don't like the item progression, especially with PvP from level 50 on, so I bought GW2 on top and will play both :D


I always wonder why people complain about having to do the same quests with alts. You can leave all but the class quests aside if you do some pvp and / or ship combat and visit a FP here and there. With the upcoming server merges / transfers and the FP finder I guess there will be plenty of other players to help out having fun if you do not have friends to play with already :)

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With the upcoming server merges / transfers and the FP finder I guess there will be plenty of other players to help out having fun if you do not have friends to play with already :)


This is why it won't work:


1. The same server LFG tool will not help since spamming chat for LFG didn't help on full servers. With a cross server LFG you pull from a much larger pool and it increases your chance of finding a group.


2. Server transfers will do nothing except juggles people around to complicate the server population problem. Server mergers help to consolidate the population on destination servers. They can mothball the closed servers until they are needed again.

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Absolutely, I'm on a six month renewal schedule and don't have any inclination to change it. I've enjoyed every aspect of this game. I play days, so never expected to be able to do much grouping, though I've really had fun when I have been able to group up for FPs and heroics. Once the server transfer hoopla settles, I'll roll toons here and there and see if I can find a server with a larger daytime player base, if so I'll transfer my toons.
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I am not sure if I will resub or not.


There seems to be not much for me to do lately. I have one 50 on each side and had alts but I deleted the alts because I couldn't get motivated to redo the side quests again. When I first started playing (on day 1 when the game went live), I was planning on satisfying my alt urges but it is just so linear, like replaying DA more than once for achievements etc. I am not a pvper nor do I want to level an alt via spaceship game or doing the same FP over and over again etc.


I actually love the concept of this game and am really trying to decide. I read what is coming in 1.3 and it isn't helping me at all in my decision. :( I want more storyline or different choices/planets/quests in side quests to play and level alts and that doesn't look like its coming anytime soon.


So for now I'll spend my time finishing off Oblivion or playing some other Xbox 360 games with the grandkids till I decide.



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I am not sure if I will resub or not.


There seems to be not much for me to do lately. I have one 50 on each side and had alts but I deleted the alts because I couldn't get motivated to redo the side quests again. When I first started playing (on day 1 when the game went live), I was planning on satisfying my alt urges but it is just so linear, like replaying DA more than once for achievements etc. I am not a pvper nor do I want to level an alt via spaceship game or doing the same FP over and over again etc.


I actually love the concept of this game and am really trying to decide. I read what is coming in 1.3 and it isn't helping me at all in my decision. :( I want more storyline or different choices/planets/quests in side quests to play and level alts and that doesn't look like its coming anytime soon.


So for now I'll spend my time finishing off Oblivion or playing some other Xbox 360 games with the grandkids till I decide.




That is a wise decision.

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