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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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I really think Bioware made something good here I used to play KOTOR 1-2 thought they were going to make a part three at some point but I will settle for the online version me and my bro play it all the time with the selection of MMOs out there I would rather play this one.. I used to play WoW but when this came out I switched havent even thought about the other MMOs i used to play this one keeps me busy. My girlfriend gets mad at me cause I play it to much but she will come around cause she plays WoW still trying to get her over to Starwars. All in all SWTOR is a exellent game!!
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On an empty server [i refuse to call it dead, as it's literally empty, like 10-20 players online at prime times (this is imp/rep combined), lol], there's not much reason to resub.


I have to say that I'm very sad that BW didn't get the transfers before the free month expires. I think it's going to hurt the game a lot, maybe even kill it [hurt it real bad, some people will play SW MMO to the bitter end tho (Galaxies)].

Very few are prepared to sub, just so see if BW screwed up another thing (transfers, ranked pvp, 1.3 as a whole).


I think the only realistic way of getting people to resub, is to give a couple of days of free playtime to see the transfers unfold a little and see their effect. If BW would do a good job, people would (maybe) sub back.

Edited by SneiK
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Free time ends June 18. When I unsubbed I had 51 days of time left to go, since then I have logged in two days. Sadly I'm not playing because I just hate the way the game is made, I just dont have any desire to play it. When you aren't being entertained there isn't much reason to keep giving an entertainment company your money :) Edited by Armourboy
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No. My free 30 days ends on June 9 and I don't plan to resub. The only way I will consider coming back is if I will still get a free character transfer and some free game time to see if the game is worth coming back to.


I've looked forward to this game coming out for a number of years and regularly checked the website for any little update on the game. With this post, I realize that I'm truely over this game and will be moving on (haven't logged on in some time). I was really looking forward to getting addicted to this game, but it just never happened.

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Unless something miraculous happens with 1.3 I'm done. Sub has been cancelled for 3 weeks and playtime expires the end of June.


Ive finally found a way to make all the b*t*hing and complaining entertaining. Try saying this stuff in a redneck voice. Its awsome.

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IDK yet.


I am still hoping to hear something concrete on transfers before I decide. If I unsub, I doubt I am coming back. I love Star Wars and I used to adore Bioware games, but when I combined Bioware's recent glut of DLC micro-transactions with their total denial of the population situation until it entirely blew up in their face, I find myself more interested in PSO2's release.


The dead server is just killing it for me, and the lack of information other than soonTM makes it worst.


Trouble is PSO2 has only been announced for Japan and it will also be on separate servers , so all your English speaking friends if they leave will leave you on your own again. Still its FTP and ill be there but ill also stay subbed here for a very long time , at least we have the same interest in games sci-fi mmorpg's for ever.





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Ive finally found a way to make all the b*t*hing and complaining entertaining. Try saying this stuff in a redneck voice. Its awsome.


Considering I'm southern, I read it that way naturally....


It honestly cracks me up that people think the " redneck" voice is the one that sounds funny, down hear everyone else is who sounds funny :p

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


Yes I am.

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Considering I'm southern, I read it that way naturally....


It honestly cracks me up that people think the " redneck" voice is the one that sounds funny, down hear everyone else is who sounds funny :p


I remember a buddy of mine moved down south and was picked on for having a yankee accent and not a "southren" accent. heh.

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After two months on a dead server. I haven't logged in over a week. Already unsubd...heartbroken :(


My interest started to wane about 2 weeks after 1.2 went live. Since then, it's just been a constant, albeit slow, downhill ride. I haven't logged in for 2 weeks now. And for reasons stated by many all over the forums... I just don't have the urge to log in anymore.


I love Star Wars & SciFi. It is the #1 & #2 reasons I'm here to begin with. I've said it before... like it, hate it... Star Wars Galaxies kept me subbed for 5+ years (and off/on for couple after that). SWTOR is having a tough time keeping me after 6mths.

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I wont be re-subbing. This game isnt what i expected & i dont think it ever will be. Just because "its star wars" isnt enough for me anymore. And i LOVE star wars. Kudos to those that are going to keep supporting it. Ill keep checking back to see whats been changed/added. If i see something that gets my interest , maybe ill toss another 15bucks. Until then id rather throw 15bucks out the window every month than to keep playing on a dead server in a single player mmo.
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*looks around* Yup.. seems I am still here. Still got an active month to month sub. Still enjoying the game. Gosh... have fun with your next new shiny. In a month or so you will feel the same way about it as you do about SW:TOR.


Human Crows. LOL.



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Can we have one of these with a poll instead of written answers? and yes I'm resubbing


I wouldn't leave a Bioware or a Star Wars game for failcraft EVER

Edited by -Sev
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after being completely ignored about crafting issues (getting the "it's random" response only works unitl you get 0 in 45 tries at 20%, several time)...


after having a help ticket up for a long time about how the may 30th patch has CREATED severe graphics lag in-game....


even with serious server population failure...


I still want to play.


but bioware can't get anyone to pay money, monthly, if they continue to have these issues both in software bugs and in storyline continuity... seriously, why on earth do evil sith sorcerors have a companion that MUST be lightside?


amongst other things, I agree that just because it's Star Wars doesn't make it fantastic - the outdated crappy graphics of the original star wars saga is what got every one of us interested! It looked real!


Now I can't get over how there's just paper-layering graphics with no collision but they want us to play super mario


Not resubbing until they fix their bs

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I'm staying I am really enjoying this game and I rather like my server community I just wish there were more people on. It won't be the content that kills my enjoyment of this game it'll be the lack of other people to play with. I really hope they do something to fix this.
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